Chapter 17

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"You knew he was here, didn't you?" I question Spencer when I'm the only one who seems surprised at our dad's reappearance. "He was at the game that night, that's why you were so distracted."

"Sam—" Spencer takes a step towards me.

"Just don't." I shake my head before turning my head back to Mom. "You also knew he was back."

"Yeah," Mom admits. "I just didn't know how to tell you or how you would react."

"I just didn't want him to hurt you or Dillon again." Spencer chimes in. "I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought I was protecting you."

"Then you tell me and let me decide what to do, you don't get to take away my choice." I tell him. "I'm going to talk to him."

"Before you do." Mom stops me. "There's something I need to tell the both of you. It's something I should have told you a long time ago. I wasn't completely honest as to why your father left."

Once Mom had told me and Spencer the real reason why he had left, Spencer and I head outside where Dad sits on the porch. When the door opens he jumps to his feet and starts to walk towards me. "Guys—" I hold my hand up and shake my head, telling him to keep his distance.

"The only reason I'm out here is cause out of all the people that's lied to me, you're the easiest conversation for me to have right now. I'm not here for a bonding moment." Spencer tells him.

He sighs, looking down at his feet. "So, the cat's out the bag, huh?"

"The way I see it, you came back for one of 3 reasons." I starts. "1: You legitimately want a chance at a real relationship with all of us. 2. You want back in our life cause we're all over the news and getting recognized."

"Or 3: You want to blow up my mom and Billy's life as payback for having an affair while they were married to you and Laura." Spencer says. "And that's the reason why you left all those years ago."


"So, which is it?" I ask. "Why are you back here?"

It's been weeks since I found out that Corey's back in town, since I found that the reason he left was because Mom cheated on him with Billy, who was married to Laura. I've been avoiding Jordan and Olivia because I don't know how to tell them, putting me in a situation that they were in when they found our parents had dated. They're not the only people I've been avoiding, Mom has tried countless of times to talk to me about everything but I just refuse to have a heart-to-heart with her.

She didn't want to relive the most painful moments of her life and she didn't owe me anymore than what I knew already, but when Corey come back and is willing to tell me everything — suddenly she wants to tell me everything. Yeah, I didn't want to hear anything she had to say. Mom was on the fence of telling Dillon, and not telling Dillon about Corey being back.

I wasn't too mad at Spencer, he only knew that Corey was back in town for a couple days but not the full extent. And he was trying to keep him away, not wanting to welcome him back into any of our lives. I understand. The only problem I had was him taking away my choice, even though I didn't want to see him originally. And because I had a problem taking away my choice, I couldn't do the same to Dillon so I told him about Corey being back.

And he hasn't stopped talking about him since.

"Hey!" Chris holds his soda up. "I'd actually like to make a toast to The Beverly Eagles. "Congratulations on doing something meaningful and my boys never could. . . Making it to the Championship with Spencer and Sammie-Sam."

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