Spider-Man in dragon ball

By LilJ1122

4.4K 65 19

What if Peter Parker,the amazing Spider-Man,was in the world of dragon ball? More

Meeting new friends and new enemies
The battle for namek pt1
The battle for namek pt2
Knowledge and vengeance
Raditz's fight
More androids?!
Meeting new faces again
Training Pt.1
Training Pt.2
The Tournament
Question about the next suit
The next generation Pt.1
The next generation Pt.2
God of destruction
Bonds Pt.1
Bonds pt.2
Next tournament
Escape from hell
The tournament of power pt.1
The tournament of power pt.2
The tournament of power pt.3
Evil unleashed
Fate of the world pt.1
Fate of the world pt.2
Fate of the world pt.3
The last cerelian
The strongest
What's coming next?
The grand tour pt.1
The grand tour pt.2
Bittersweet aftermath
The last dragons
The true god of destruction
Ultimate battle
The finale


63 0 4
By LilJ1122

Goku went to nappa's house for training with Cabba.
Nappa:Sorry,can't come.
Goku:Is it Vegeta still?
Nappa:Yeah,he was really shaken up by that power up.
Goku:That's alright,give the little champ my best would you?
Nappa:Yep,see ya.
Whis:So Nappa and his son won't be joining us today?
Goku:Nope,just me.Goten's got a test for his school thing coming up so he's studying.
Whis:Shall we be on our way then?
Goku:Yep!Where's Spidey though?
Whis:He's already there.
Goku:What?!No fair!Hurry!
Whis laughs and teleports to two to universe 6.
They arrive in a wasteland,they hear noises of exertion.They look to see Spider-Man fighting a large muscular woman.

Spider-Man punches kale into the ground,she struggles and tries to get back up,Cabba and another girl hold her down.
Cabba:Calm down!
???:Listen to us sis!
Kale starts breathing slower as her muscles deflate.Her skins darkens as she immediately starts apologizing.
Kale:I'm so sorry!
Spider-Man:It's ok.We pushed too far.
Goku:What happened?
Spider-Man:We were trying to get Kale to go super saiyan.It worked a bit too well.
Goku:So does that mean?
Cabba is enveloped in a yellow aura.

Cabba:We're both super saiyans now!
Spider-Man:Turns out,their universes's saiyans unlock their super saiyan with stimulation instead of intense emotion.
Goku:Woah.Wait,who's we?
Cabba:Right,this is Caulifla.

Caulifla:So your goku huh?Let's have a spar!
Caulifla transforms into a super saiyan as well.

Goku:Sounds great!
Goku goes normal super saiyan.The three clash as Spider-Man consoles Kale.
Kale:I almost killed them.
Spider-Man:Don't worry about it.All you really need to do is understand that power,and before you know it you'll be able to use it.
A angel appears in front of Spider-Man.

Kusu:Greetings Kami.My name is kusu.My supreme Kai was wondering if you could assist him.
Spider-Man:Sure,talk later kale?
Spider-Man and Kusu leave to universe 10.
Spider-Man arrived at universe 10's realm of the Kai's.

Kusu:Gowasu,I have brought Kami as you asked.

Gowasu:Thank you Ms.Kusu.Greetings Kami,I am honored to make your acquaintance.
Spider-Man:Nice to meet ya.What do you need?
Gowasu:My student Zamasu,he is a gifted lad. But his strength and goals are misguided.I was hoping a guardian could give him a different perspective.
Spider-Man:Got it.
Gowasu:He is over there.
Spider-Man walks over to a green Kai.

Zamasu:Kami.I assume that my master sent you.
Spider-Man:Yes.Let's walk and talk shall we?
Zamasu:I could use a nice walk..
The two deities walk slowly in the beautiful landscape.
Spider-Man:What troubles you Zamasu?
Spider-Man:Could you be more specific?
Zamasu:This world is beautiful,filled with endless wonders and concepts.Yet it is constantly spat on and perverted by these horrid creatures.Follow me.
The two walk to a room with an orb.Zamasu touches it and it shows two orange creatures fighting.
Zamasu:These beasts do nothing but revolt against each other.
Spider-Man:Then go down there and do something about it.
Zamasu:I cannot,gods are "forbidden" to interfere with mortal matters.
Spider-Man:Says who?The gods who don't do anything?What gives them that authority?If those gods won't do it,why can't you?
Zamasu:Believe me,I feel the same.If I am not to cleanse this world,then why am I here?
Spider-Man:I get it now.
Spider-Man:The problem isn't your ambition, but your means of reaching it.
Zamasu:So I shouldn't wipe them out?But it would be so easy.
Spider-Man:And that's why you shouldn't do it. A criminal would take the easy way out.But a hero,a deity should go through the trouble of trying to show them the better way.Your angry that they fighting,but have you ever asked why they're fighting?
Zamasu:Because they're stupid.
Spider-Man:See,your thinking ends there and you want to take action.Think deeper,what brought this on?
Zamasu:I'm...I'm not sure.
Spider-Man:Let's take a look then.
Spider-Man taps his staff as the two are consumed in a pillar of light,the light fades to reveal their new surroundings.
Spider-Man:In the middle of the ongoing war.
The duo looks around and see countless bodies and fighters.The duo watches and see nothing but bodies falling and fighters roaring.By the time the fights over,one unscathed warrior emerges.

Zamasu:Look at these primitive beasts!Fools who soil each others homes and take their own lives.
Spider-Man:Maybe not.
Spider-Man points to the barbarian walking over to its comrades.The beast puts his fist to his chest in a salute.
Zamasu:So he realizes the death of his allies,it doesn't change the fact he took countless lives.
And for what?
Spider-Man:Let's watch and find out.
The duo discreetly follows the beast as it goes to what seems to be its house.The duo looks through the window and see the beast looking down at eggs.
Zamasu:It was protecting its spawn?
Spider-Man:Over there.
They look to see a larger creature come into the house.It holds a large bag.

The creatures smile at each other.They shake hands as the smaller beast leaves the house with the bag.
Zamasu:An exchange,the large one supplied goods while the smaller one protected its spawn.Meaning what we saw...that wasn't a war.
Spider-Man:It was an assassination attempt. One that the smaller guy stopped.
They stood up and were walking the way the smaller monster.Zamasu sees some monsters hiding around the smaller beast.The beasts pounce on him and pin him down.
Spider-Man:You help him,I'll go check the other guy.
Zamasu:But I can't-
Spider-Man was already gone,Zamasu reluctantly jumped out and blasted the beasts off.The ambushed creature stood up and looked at his enemies.He grabbed his large wooden weapon and swung it around,revving his arm up.He swung it and without making contact,made shockwaves and whirlwinds that sweeped the assassins off the mountain.The beasts went flying would eventually fall to their deaths.The barbarian looked back at zamasu,it had an expressionless face and continued it's path.Zamasu saw Spider-Man walking back up to him.
Spider-Man:The parents good.So,how do you-
Zamasu:I...want to see more,I want to-to...
Spider-Man:To see this through?
Zamasu had a realization and was silent,he turned around with bright eyes.

Spider-Man:Then my work here is done.Your gonna have to go on without me.I believe in you.
Zamasu:But,how will I know who fight?Who to defend?
Spider-Man:You won't,defending people...it's a leap of faith Zamasu.
Spider-Man taps his staff and disappears,on his way back to the land of the Kai's.Zamasu looks across the land as he smiles.
Zamasu:Let us begin.

Meanwhile at universes 7
Piccolo was meditating,he sensed a familiar, but slightly altered energy.He looks to his left to see-

(Credits to Mrnegative04)
Broly black:...
The familiar saiyan lunged at piccolo with killing intent,piccolo barely dodged his grasp.
Piccolo:Your not Broly.Another saiyan?
Broly black:Trust me namekian.
The familiar man spoke in a much more disciplined tone.
Broly black:I am anything but a saiyan.
Piccolo:Why are you here?
Piccolo hears another familiar voice and looks behind him.

Goku black:We've come to deal out justice.
Piccolo:So there are even more saiyans?
Goku black:We'd rather not be called that.
Piccolo:Then what should I call you?
Broly black:Call us what we are...
Broly black and Goku black:Deity's,seeking divine justice.
The saiyans try to jump piccolo.
Piccolo:If your angels...
Piccolo manifests black shields and blocks them,the symbiote covers him and turns green.
Venom:Then that makes me the devil.
Venom kicks Broly black away and uppercuts Goku black.The duo smile and get serious,they charge again and clash with piccolo,but to their surprise,piccolo is overpowering them both.
Venom:It's a shame you guys came for me first.If it was spider-man or Goku,they would have fought nicely and been merciful.I...am not merciful.
Venom throws Goku black into the ground and starts piecing broly up.Broly black grabs venoms fist and powers up,punching him away.Goku black powers up follows up kicking venom into a mountain,destroying it.Venom uses his power awakened form,but looks the same in the symbiote.Goku yells and charges his aura,erupting into a pink and purple flame.The light diminishes to reveal-

Goku black:What do you think of this color?Is it not beautiful?
Venom:It feels like Goku's blue form.
Goku black:That is the form of a cheap pretender. This is a true god's power!
Goku black charges at venom,actually overpowering him.Broly black comes from above with a powerful punch.Parts of the symbiote start to rip away from piccolo.
Piccolo:They're inflicting that much damage!?
Goku black and broly black bombard piccolo with blows, but he quickly rebounds and sends out a multitude of tendrils,sending them away.
Piccolo(thinking):Symbiote,retreat and focus on healing.
The symbiote obeys and retracts into his gi.The duo recovers and smiles.
Broly black:Your lowering your power?
Goku black:He must be accepting his faith.
They charge again,only for piccolo to counter them one at a time.They charge again,but are dodged and countered at every turn.Piccolo puts his fingers to his head.Goku black and Broly black charge again,but tendrils erupt from piccolos body and start fighting the duo.The tendrils surround the duo and slam them together.
Piccolo:Special beam cannon!
The beam hits them dead on,creating an explosion.But the dust settles to show the duo is barely harmed.
Broly black:No more games...
Broly black lunges at a tired piccolo with full power,he throws a deadly punch,but it's blocked.Not by piccolo,but by-

(Credits to Sans_Sideswipe)
Metal cooler:Looks like I came just in time.
Cooler punched broly black in the jaw and sends him flying.
Piccolo:I'll take you on then.
Piccolo jumps and Goku black and the two clash.
Broly black punches cooler square but hurts his own hand.
Broly black:A machination?
Metal cooler:Something like that.
Cooler and broly black clash,but cooler's defense is just too much for Broly black.
Piccolo is slowly regaining his strength thanks to the symbiote and starts overpowering Goku black.
Goku black:How is he back to top condition?!
Piccolo kicks Goku black down and is about to punch his head but he is kicked away.Piccolo looks to see-

Piccolo:Who the hell are you?Wait a second... Gohan?
Gohan black:Hello Piccolo.
Metal cooler:There's more of-
Cooler is grabbed by his crown and is swung right into piccolo.They look to see portals opening.
Broly black:You did well against two of us.
Goku black:But how about...

Majestic six:All six of us?
Back to universe 10
Spider-Man was enjoying drinking tea with Gowasu.
Gowasu:I must thank you again for your efforts.
Spider-Man:It was nothing really.
Suddenly,Spider-Man sensed something happening on earth.
Spider-Man:See ya around.
Spider-Man teleports back to his universe,he senses about 8 different energies.He lands in a pillar of light between the majestic six and piccolo and cooler.
Metal cooler:Spider-Man?
Piccolo:Your back.
Spider-Man:Sorry if I'm late.Who might all these people be?
Broly black:You...who are you?
Spider-Man:I'm the guardian of this planet. You want it,you gotta come through me.
Goten black:Gladly.
Goten black runs full speed at Spider-Man and throws a kick.But suddenly,someone lands on the ground between the 2

Spider-Man:What's a nice lady like you doing here?
Golden Frieza:I didn't get my chance to show off the results of my training at the tournament,so this will have to do as a substitute.Return to your lookout Kami,and watch me dismantle this brat.
Spider-Man:There's no way in hell I'm-
Piccolo:Go.If anything happens,you're our best bet.
Metal cooler:We have this.
Spider-Man:...If you say so.
Spider-Man teleports to his lookout and watches the fight from afar.
Goten black:You shall be the first body to drop, reptile.
Goten black charges at full speed and throws a punch,it hits Frieza dead on,but barely fazes him.
Golden Frieza:Is that all?
Goten black:Wha-
Frieza gut punches Goten black,making him cough up blood.He launches a blast point blank into Goten black's chest,sending him flying. Golden Frieza flies above Goten black and drives him into the ground.He starts stepping on Goten black's wound.
Goten black:AAAAAAH!
Golden Frieza lifts Goten black by his neck and with one jerk of his arm...he snaps his neck. Goten black's lifeless body falls to the ground.
Gohan black:He's dead!
Goku black:You killed him!
Golden Frieza:Correct.I am no merry man like the ones you've fought before.

Golden Frieza:Now...who is next?
Cooler walks to Frieza's side.His metallic armor disappears and shrinks.
Cooler:So,you can control that power now.
Cooler suddenly started chuckling,surprising everyone.
Golden Frieza:What's so funny?
Cooler:I didn't think about your new color scheme much.But now that I realized it...we really are related.
Cooler yells as his aura surges,it fades from purple to gold.Cooler is consumed by a gold flame that is nearly blinding.The flames calm and diminish to reveal-

Golden cooler:You heard my brother,who's next?
Golden Frieza:...YOU BITCH!

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