My Deer Girlfriend

By noogame

1.4K 92 84

The deer fell first, but the human fell harder What happens when a huntress falls in love with a hybrid? More

End of Part 1


71 5 11
By noogame

Before the wave of sleep could fully claim Yuqi, nestled atop Soyeon in the comforting embrace of the twilight-filled room, Soyeon's curiosity found its way through the serene silence that had enveloped them. She gazed at Yuqi, her eyes reflecting a mix of wonder and concern as she broached a topic they hadn't yet explored. "Yuqi, how often do you shed your antlers?" Soyeon's voice was gentle, her question driven by a desire to understand more about Yuqi's unique nature.

Yuqi, slightly taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation but touched by Soyeon's interest, shifted to meet Soyeon's gaze more comfortably. A soft sigh escaped her, a precursor to a confession she had seldom had occasion to share. "Actually, I have a disorder where my antlers grow too fast. I end up shedding them every month," she revealed, her voice laced with a hint of self-consciousness.

"That sounds incredibly challenging," Soyeon responded, her voice full of compassion. "Does it hurt? How do you manage every month?" Her questions were not just born out of curiosity but from a genuine desire to offer support, to be there for Yuqi in ways she might not have had to consider before.

Yuqi smiled, a mixture of gratitude and melancholy in her expression. "It can be painful, both physically and emotionally. But I've learned to cope with it over time. It's just a part of who I am," she explained, finding comfort in Soyeon's attentive presence. "Not many people know about this, so... thank you for listening and caring."

Soyeon, moved by Yuqi's vulnerability, tightened her embrace, a silent promise of her unwavering support.

The quiet moments of the loft painted a serene picture, with the soft afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, casting gentle shadows across the room. Soyeon found herself in a contemplative silence, her gaze fixed on Yuqi, who lay napping peacefully atop her. The sight of Yuqi, so calm and unguarded in her sleep, stirred something deep within Soyeon—a tumult of emotions she hadn't fully acknowledged until now.

Soyeon's heart was a battlefield of confusion and clarity. The warmth of Yuqi's body against hers, the soft sound of her breathing, felt right, as if all the puzzle pieces of her life were falling into place with Yuqi at her side. Yet, the realization that their relationship had evolved far beyond the bounds of simple friendship was daunting. The affection she felt for Yuqi was undeniable, deeper and more profound than she had ever experienced.

As she lay there, Soyeon's mind replayed countless moments they had shared—laughs, touches, and looks that lingered a second too long. Each memory was a testament to the bond they had formed, a connection that went beyond words, beyond the physical world. Soyeon knew Yuqi felt it too; the way Yuqi looked at her, the softness in her voice when she spoke to Soyeon, the comfort they found in each other's presence—it was all there, unspoken but palpable.

But with this realization came a wave of uncertainty. How do you navigate the uncharted waters of love when it blooms in the space between friendship and something more? How do you confess feelings that might change everything? Fear of the unknown, of rejection, or worse, of ruining the beautiful connection they already had, weighed heavily on Soyeon's heart.

Despite the turmoil inside her, Soyeon couldn't help but smile as she watched Yuqi shift slightly in her sleep, a contented sigh escaping her lips. In that moment, Soyeon made a silent vow to herself and to Yuqi. No matter what the future held, she would cherish and protect this bond they shared. She would be patient, giving herself and Yuqi time to understand the depth of their feelings.

As the day began to fade into evening, and the loft filled with the soft glow of twilight, Soyeon's contemplation was gently interrupted by Yuqi stirring in her sleep. The deer hybrid's eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that held the depth of the night sky. For a moment, they just looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between them, a mixture of understanding, questions, and perhaps a hint of fear of the unknown.

Yuqi, sensing the shift in Soyeon's mood, whispered softly, "Is everything okay?" Her voice was like a soothing melody, calming the storm of emotions within Soyeon.

Soyeon, with a gentle smile, brushed a stray hair from Yuqi's face, her touch tender. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just thinking."

Yuqi propped herself up on one elbow, her gaze still locked with Soyeon's. "About us?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking the words louder might break the magic of the moment.

Soyeon's heart skipped a beat at the question. The directness of Yuqi's inquiry, the openness to explore the nature of their relationship, gave Soyeon the courage to be just as honest. "Yes, about us," she admitted, her voice steady, but her heart racing. "I've been thinking about what we are to each other, Yuqi. And I... I feel that there's something more between us. More than just friendship."

Yuqi's response was a soft smile, a mix of relief and joy. "I've felt it too," she confessed. "I was just scared to say it first, scared to assume, scared to ruin what we have."

The air around them was charged with a newfound energy, a mix of apprehension and excitement for the path they were about to embark on together. Soyeon reached out, taking Yuqi's hand in hers, their fingers intertwining naturally. "I don't know what this means for us, or where we go from here," Soyeon said, her voice laced with vulnerability. "But I do know that I don't want to face it without you."

Yuqi squeezed Soyeon's hand in response, a silent pledge of her own feelings and commitment. "Whatever this is, whatever we become, we'll figure it out together," she said, her voice firm with resolve. "I don't want to be without you either, Soyeon."

Caught in the quiet intensity of the moment, Soyeon found herself pondering deeper, more personal questions. The soft glow of twilight around them felt like a cocoon, separating them from the rest of the world. She took a deep breath, her voice soft, "Yuqi, have you ever been in love?"

The question seemed to linger in the air between them, charged with vulnerability and curiosity. Yuqi met Soyeon's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "No, not even..." her voice trailed off, suggesting a world of thoughts unspoken, paths not taken.

Soyeon's heart felt a pull of empathy and intrigue. She ventured further, her voice barely above a whisper, "Well, are you ready for love?"

Yuqi's response was thoughtful, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Maybe, depends on who is there to love me." Her words were a bridge, an invitation to explore what lay unspoken between them.

In that moment, something shifted. Soyeon found her gaze drawn to Yuqi's lips, noticing the way the light played across her features, casting her in an ethereal glow. The air around them seemed charged with potential, with the promise of what could be. Without thinking, Soyeon leaned in, closing the distance between them, drawn by a force she couldn't name but felt as real as the beat of her own heart.

Their lips met in a kiss that felt like a discovery, a question and an answer all at once. It was a gentle collision of worlds, of possibilities, a tender exploration of the space between friendship and something more. The kiss spoke of curiosity, of openness to the unknown paths their hearts might take them down. It was a moment of vulnerability, of choosing to step into the uncertainty of love with the hope of finding a connection that transcended words.

As they pulled away, the world seemed to pause, giving them a moment to breathe, to take in the enormity of what had just happened. There was a sense of wonder in their eyes, a silent acknowledgment that something profound had shifted between them.

As they parted from their initial kiss, a moment of silent communication passed between them, heavy with meaning and unvoiced questions. In the quiet of the room, illuminated by the fading light, Yuqi's deer tail began to wag slightly—a subtle, instinctive expression of her emotions. It was a sign, rare and beautiful, of comfort and emerging affection. Her eyes, deep and expressive, locked onto Soyeon's, conveying a mix of surprise, happiness, and an unspoken desire for more.

The air around them seemed to hum with anticipation. Yuqi, guided by a mix of instinct and the newfound courage that the moment inspired, leaned in to deepen the kiss. This time, there was an unmistakable intention behind her actions, a desire to explore the connection that was unfolding between them.

Soyeon, taken by surprise but moved by the sincerity and depth of Yuqi's response, reciprocated with equal fervor. The kiss evolved from a question into a conversation, one spoken in the silent language of touch, emotion, and a mutual exploration of feelings that were only just beginning to surface.

As their kiss gently broke, the connection between Soyeon and Yuqi remained unbroken, a tangible electricity lingering in the air. Soyeon, moved by an instinctive desire to explore and affirm the intimacy growing between them, allowed her hand to travel upwards, her fingers finding the unique softness of Yuqi's deer ears. The gesture was tender, filled with the curiosity and awe that Yuqi's hybrid nature inspired in her.

Yuqi, for her part, seemed to lean into the touch, her eyes closing briefly in contentment. The slight movement of her ears under Soyeon's fingers was a silent communication of trust and pleasure, an acknowledgment of the deepening bond between them.

With a reverence that spoke of her deepening feelings, Soyeon's touch then began a gentle descent, tracing the line of Yuqi's jaw before coming to rest at the nape of her neck. Her fingers brushed against Yuqi's skin, exploring the softness there, the gesture both soothing and laden with an unspoken promise of more to come.

Caught in the gravity of the moment, their surroundings a mere blur, Soyeon's voice was a whisper of raw emotion, "You've been driving me crazy lately, Yuqi." It was a confession, laden with the weight of unspoken feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface.

In a fluid motion, driven by the intensity of her emotions, Soyeon shifted her position, her movements deliberate yet gentle as she positioned herself atop Yuqi. The air between them was thick with anticipation, each breath shared a testament to the escalating desire that had been building.

As Soyeon leaned down, her lips found Yuqi's once more, initiating a series of kisses that were more insistent, a silent language that spoke of longing, discovery, and a deepening connection. Each kiss was a testament to the turmoil of emotions Soyeon had confessed, a mix of affection, desire, and the exhilaration of venturing into uncharted territory together.

Yuqi, responding with a passion that matched Soyeon's, welcomed the intensity of the moment. Her hands found their way to Soyeon's back, pulling her closer, deepening their connection. There was a mutual understanding, an unspoken agreement that they were both willing to explore the depths of this newfound affection.

The morning after their profound realization and shared vulnerability, Soyeon and Yuqi woke up to the gentle caress of sunlight filtering through the curtains, a new day heralding the beginning of their journey together. After a night of emotional depth and discovery, the world seemed to hold a different hue, imbued with the promise of their newfound connection.

They prepared for the day in a comfortable silence, a series of glances and soft touches conveying more than words ever could. Once ready, they found themselves instinctively reaching for each other's hands, a gesture that felt as natural as the sunrise. Hand in hand, they walked into the living room, where the normalcy of life awaited them, albeit with a fresh perspective.

Miyeon and Soojin were already there, engaged in a casual conversation over breakfast. The moment Soyeon and Yuqi entered, the dynamic in the room subtly shifted.

Miyeon and Soojin caught the significance immediately, their conversation trailing off as they turned to acknowledge their friends' entrance. The exchanged glances between them were laden with curiosity and perhaps a hint of surprise, a silent acknowledgment of the change that had occurred.

"Hi, guys," Soyeon greeted, her voice carrying a blend of happiness and a slight nervousness, aware of the significance of their nonverbal announcement. Yuqi, standing by her side, offered a smile that mirrored Soyeon's emotions, a mix of joy and the quiet courage that comes with stepping into the light of one's truth.

The room was filled with a palpable tension, not of discomfort, but of anticipation, as Miyeon and Soojin processed the silent declaration before them.

Minnie slithered into the living room, her movements fluid and mesmerizing. In a display of affectionate mischief, Shuhua had her teeth gently clamped around the tip of Minnie's tail, an act that seemed to encapsulate their dynamic perfectly.

The sight was undeniably amusing, providing a momentary diversion from the charged atmosphere. Minnie, accustomed to Shuhua's playful antics, simply rolled her eyes, a fond smile playing on her lips as she addressed the room. "Good morning, everyone,"

Shuhua, releasing Minnie's tail with a light, teasing tug, chimed in with a cheerful, "Morning!" Her gaze quickly flitted to Soyeon and Yuqi's intertwined hands, and a mischievous but knowing smile spread across her face.

Soojin's voice, firm yet tinged with an underlying warmth, broke through the morning's levity. "Shuhua, off Minnie's tail now," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument yet softened by the affection she held for her companions.

Responding with the swift obedience of one used to pack dynamics, Shuhua immediately ceased her playful harassment of Minnie's tail. With a bounce that betrayed her inherent wolf-like nature, she scampered over to Soojin, her head nuzzling into Soojin's side as an apology of sorts. Her wolf ears flicked back in a universal gesture of submission and affection, her tail wagging slightly to convey her eagerness for forgiveness. Soojin, unable to resist the genuine display of contrition, let a small smile grace her lips as she absently patted Shuhua's head, her actions belying the strict tone she had used moments before.

Meanwhile, Minnie, with the grace inherent to her serpentine form, slithered across the floor towards Miyeon. Her movement was smooth and silent, the sleek black scales of her lower body reflecting the light as she moved. Upon reaching Miyeon, Minnie gently coiled around her, an affectionate embrace that was as much a part of their morning rituals as the sunrise itself.

"Hello Min..." Miyeon, for her part, welcomed the gesture with open arms, her hands coming to rest lightly on Minnie's scales in a touch that spoke volumes of their comfort and familiarity with one another.

The playful atmosphere in the room shifted palpably as Soojin addressed Soyeon, her voice carrying a seriousness that immediately drew attention. "Soyeon, me and Miyeon were recently talking. We saw this newspaper, and you might want to see this," Soojin said, extending the folded newspaper towards her.

The room fell into an uneasy silence as Soyeon took the offered paper, her fingers brushing against Soojin's with a quiet acknowledgment. As she unfolded it, her gaze was immediately drawn to the headline, alongside a picture that she recognized all too well — her own face, captured in a way that seemed both foreign and hauntingly familiar. The bold letters beneath the photo read.

"Daughter of an elite hunter: missing. If found, please arrest her."

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