Yesterday's Promise (High-Sch...

By LoveMarvel

14.5K 721 215

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are two completely different people in every single way. Steve is laid back, kind... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
author's note :(

Chapter 5

1.2K 69 18
By LoveMarvel

Tony still had his arm around Steve's shoulders when they entered the living room full of people. He let go, "So you gonna play or what?" Tony watched him intently and then followed Steve's gaze to the group of people surrounding the coffee table. Steve looked at him, "What game is it?"

Tony laughed, "It's a competition. C'mon." He started to walk over to the group surrounding the table and Steve followed. They nudged their way through the group of people and Steve saw Bucky standing across from them while two people he knew were sitting on the ground next to the coffee table with faces of pure red. He also saw that sitting on the coffee table next to them was a bag a chili peppers.

Bucky saw Steve and Tony and he crossed over to them, "Steve! I was looking for you. I challenge you to a pepper eating contest!" Steve sighed and looked at the two on the floor, resisting to drink from either of their cups, seeing who could outlast the other while still taking pepper after pepper. He thought about it, "I don't know-" Tony scoffed, "C'mon Steve, have a little fun. It's just a pepper challenge," he leaned in closer, "and besides, between you and me, you'd probably win anyway."

Tony's persuasion seemed to work on Steve as he debated. He never did like to back out of challenges and realized that if he declined, he would only be known as that one person who never has any fun at parties. He didn't want to be that person.

Steve then faked a smile and nodded, making up his mind, "Fine, I'll do it."

"Yes! You are so going down." Bucky said as they became the next two to take the challenge. Tony watched them as the two sat down next to the coffee table. Someone placed two cups down next to the bag of peppers, one for each of them. Steve didn't really pay attention to the cups or what was in them but more to the fact of getting ready to take his best friend down. "You wish." he smirked and they both laughed.

Tony crossed his arms, smiling, "Okay," he raised his voice above the music, "both of you take one pepper and eat them at the same time. You keep eating them in sync until one of you gives up and takes a drink from your cup." Still laughing with each other, the two reached into the pepper bag and took one out. As they both held them in their hands, Tony gave them the green light, "Go!"

Steve was actually starting to have a little fun as he bit into the long red pepper, chewing it quickly and swallowing. He and Bucky both put down the first stem and reached for another.

The process of eating pepper after pepper continued until it began to actually burn Steve's stomach. He assumed Bucky was feeling the same way because they had both started to slow down. He could barely move his tongue anymore and it pained him to chew after every bite off the stem. Both of their faces were beet red and everyone around them watched and cheered for who they thought would last longer.

Tony just laughed at the both of them, waiting to see who actually would win.

Bucky had stopped taking peppers and Steve focused on trying to resist the huge urge to take a drink from his cup. They both stared at one another, smiling, waiting.

Their breathing was both heavy and it burned Steve's mouth every time he exhaled. He decided it was time to give up. Just as he was about to reach for his cup, Bucky beat him to it, taking his. Steve knew he won and he laughed as Bucky gulped down whatever was in the cup. He complained, immediately asking for another.

Just after Bucky had drunk his first cup, Steve reached for his, swallowing the punch in three swallows. "More... " he reached out his arm as Tony leaned over, giving him another cup. "Holy shit." Steve laughed with Bucky as they both gulped down whatever drinks were handed to them. "It fucking stings the more you drink, what the fuck." Bucky swore repeatedly as the burning and stinging only seemed to be swished around in his mouth instead of washed down.

Steve agreed as he took in deep breaths in but then breathed out slowly, trying to lessen the sting. "Well," Steve breathed slowly, "at least we know I won." he smiled at Bucky, who only nudged him, "I let you win."

Steve barely caught it as he took another drink of the punch but saw Bucky and Tony make eye contact as if they had planned something all along. He ignored it and finished the last of what was in his cup, setting it down on the table with the multiple others he drank. He stood up, along with Bucky, while two others got ready for the challenge- even though there weren't many peppers left in the bag.

Steve looked at Tony, he felt a little funny, "Do you have any milk? That helps get rid of the stinging." Bucky and Tony looked at each other again and then at Steve, "You aren't going to want milk," Bucky started while Tony refrained from laughing. He looking back at Bucky, "I can't believe that worked." Steve watched both of them, completely confused, "What are you talking about?" he frowned.

"Drinking milk will only make you throw up more." Tony said as the three of them left the crowd of cheering and walked to the kitchen. "Why would I throw up? They're only chili peppers." Steve had no idea what they were going on about and the strange feeling in him was starting to make him lose concentration.

"True, but..." Bucky trailed off, not finishing what he was about to say.

"But what?" Steve was still frowning at the both of them.

They entered the kitchen and Bucky went to sit down on one of the stools that stood placed around the island counter. There were people in the kitchen, but Steve was glad there weren't as many as in other parts of the house. He followed Bucky's move and sat down on the stool next to his. Tony walked to the kitchen sink and reached above to the right, opening the cupboard and taking out two drinking glasses. He turned on the faucet and filled each glass. Steve watched him as Tony walked over with both glasses and slid them across to the both him and Bucky.

Bucky took his and started drinking right away while Steve just ignored the burning in his mouth and stomach and asked, "What did you do? Why would I throw up from chili peppers? I mean, yeah it's definitely possible, but I'm pretty sure my stomach is stronger and can hold a few peppers. You'd be surprised at how strong my stomach can be. I mean, this one time-"

"Steve, your punch." Tony said raising his eyebrows, cutting Steve off from his continuous talking. Bucky lowered his glass, laughing slightly, seeing that Steve caught on and watched as the effects started to take place.

Steve didn't know how to feel. He was definitely angry for one. He hated Tony Stark more than he ever had and he felt like he could truly punch Bucky in the face. His mind seemed to be buzzing and all he knew was that there was alcohol in his system and he was now starting to feel it kick in, "You fucking spiked my punch. What the hell. Why would you fucking-" he looked at Bucky, "I even told you I didn't want to get drunk. My mom's going to kill me."

Bucky just patted Steve on the back, "Don't worry, it's a good thing you're spending the night, she'll never know. And besides, you won't be the only one, basically all drinks here are spiked." Steve took a drink of his water, remembering the stinging sensation throughout his mouth and down his throat. "We knew you'd never drink knowingly, so we snuck it in." Bucky and Tony almost seemed proud of what they did which made Steve even more angry.

"Why would you do this?" Steve asked, clenching his jaw in anger towards the both of them.

"So now you can have a good time! Just wait a few more minutes for it to all take place and you'll forget about all your anger!" Tony chimed, not caring at the least of how Steve felt about all of this. "Trust me, you'll have fun! It's the morning after that sucks though." Tony seemed to be an expert about how getting drunk feels and Steve knew that he probably was. Steve looked at Bucky who had taken another drink of his water, not knowing what to say. No words came to him. His mind was becoming scattered.

Now in only a matter minutes, he was going to be completely drunk. He was going to have little control over all actions and who knew what would happen.


author's note

alright so I know that was a short update and mostly just filler but hey, Steve had to get drunk somehow lol!

sorry for any typos or grammatical errors :)

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