Prehistoric Park's Dinosaur

By jurassicdinodrew

1.8K 44 4

This here is a fanfiction story of my own version of a crossover between Nigel Marven's Prehistoric Park & Di... More

Nigel & Flia The Geosternbergia
Aladar, Raptors & The Herd
Trip For The Watering Hole
Getting Left Behind
A Dangerous Night In A Cave
The Truth & The Park
Aladar Vs Kron & The Carnotaurus
Escape From The Meteor & Into The Park
Exploring Around The Park
A Girl For Theo
The Terror Bird & The Saber Tooth Cubs
A Lemur In The Insect House
Rascal & The Raptor
Returning To The Ice Age
Meet The Ice Age Herd
The Quakes Of Revenge
The Saber Tooth Squirrels & The Microraptors
The Pirate & The Devil
Terrence & Matilda Vs Diablo

Ollie & Olivia's Encounter With Giants

70 2 0
By jurassicdinodrew

It was a nice day at Ornithomimus pond, when Bob was paying a visit there to see how the Ornithomimus were doing. However, when Bob got there, the Ornithomimus mother was in a panic, as two of her children, Ollie and Olivia, the two that Bob hatched out, were currently missing and Bob needs to go find them right away as he feared they could get end up somewhere dangerous. Right now, the little Ornithomimus siblings, Ollie (voiced by Charlie Adler) and Olivia (voiced by Tress MacNeille), were currently exploring around the park. Ollie: "Hey sis... are you sure it's a good idea to be out of the pond?, I mean remember what happened the last time we left?" Olivia: "Oh come on little bro, we needed some space to run around in, besides the dangers occurred when the breakout happened." Ollie: "You mean when that Titanosaur came?" Olivia: "Exactly, but things are quiet now, so there's nothing to worry about." Ollie: "Uh... except maybe... THAT!" yelped Ollie, as a giant foot was about to stomp on the pair. Luckily the two little Ornithomimus dodged the foot just in the nick of time, and they see that the big foot belonged to one of the Titanosaurs, and the leader (voiced by James Hong) to add that. Titanosaur leader: "Ah... another beautiful morning and another moment to have some good long breakfast." Olivia: "Hey watch it!" Titanosaur leader: "Hmm?, who said that?" Olivia: "Down here!" called out Olivia, before the Titanosaur looks down to see the Ornithomimus pair. Titanosaur leader: "Oh sorry about that, it's hard to see where I'm stepping when you're so tall... and you're so small too." Olivia: "Hey!, don't call us small!" Ollie: "Sis, don't try to make him mad..." Titanosaur leader: "My, you sure have a lot of fire in ya, reminds me of myself when I was young." Ollie: "Um... my name's Ollie, and is Olivia, my sister." Titanosaur leader: "Nice to meet you two, now what are you two doing here all alone?" Olivia: "We're just doing a little exploring, what about you and your herd?" Titanosaur leader: "Not much, just finding some trees to feed on, I heard there's a valley with a lake nearby, what do say we go there and have a drink?" Ollie: "Well... I am kinda thirsty right now..." Titanosaur leader: "Then come with us, but stay at the back, that way you won't get stepped on." Olivia: "Yeah, let's go." said the Ornithomimus pair follow the Titanosaurs to the valley, which was the enclosure where Aladar and his herd were living, and they were surprised to see the Titanosaurs arriving. The one who was most surprised was Baylene, as she never thought she would see others of her kind again. Baylene: "Oh my goodness... they're like me..." Emma: "But not really... as they're not as big as you..." Baylene: "No... but they look a little like me..." Suri: "Are they friendly?" Yar: "They better be..." Plio: "I'm sure they are." Zini: "Looks like they're heading for the lake." Aladar: "They must be thirsty." said Aladar, before he walks up to the Titanosaur leader, who sees Aladar. Titanosaur leader: "Greetings, are you the leader of this herd?" Aladar: "Yes, my name is Aladar, and welcome to the valley." Titanosaur leader: "It's a pleasure to meet you too Aladar, I hope you don't mind if my herd and I have a drink here." Aladar: "Not at all, there plenty for everyone." Titanosaur leader: "Thank you, and I must say, who is this lovely lady here?" asked the Titanosaur leader, looking at Baylene, who was blushing by the comment. Aladar: "That's Baylene." Titanosaur Leader: "Well it's a real pleasure to meet you miss Baylene, it's been a while since I've seen other sauropods besides my herd." Baylene: "Please, the pleasure is all mine, I mean it's been a long time since I seen others of my kind... it would be great to have other sauropods around for a change." said Baylene, before the Titanosaurs went to the lake and begin having either a drink or a swim. It wasn't long before Plio noticed Ollie and Olivia coming to the scene. Plio: "Hello there little ones." Ollie: "Uh... hi there, I'm Ollie." Olivia: "And I'm Olivia, we're siblings." Plio: "I can see that, but where's your mom?" Ollie: "Well... we kinda wandered off to explore a little bit." Plio: "Does your mother know?" Olivia: "Uh... not really..." Plio: "Oh dear... there's a good chance your mother will be very worried about you." Ollie: "Gosh... we haven't thought of that..." Plio: "Then you better go back to her as soon as possible." Olivia: "Okay... but first we should get a drink, I'm thirsty." said Olivia, before she goes into the water. However, the water was much deeper than the pond she was used to, and that was when one of the Titanosaurs' legs made a splash that forced the little Ornithomimus to go under water. Ollie: "Oh my gosh!, big sis!" Suri: "Oh no!" Aladar: "Hang on!" called out Aladar, before he goes into the water and managed to pull Olivia out just in the nick of time, and placing her on the ground. Ollie went over to his sister, who was coughing out the water out of her system. Yar: "Are you alright?" Olivia: "Yeah... I think so..." Suri: "Oh man... that was far too close..." Zini: "No kidding, you almost drowned." Olivia: "Sorry... I was not expecting the water to be so deep... the pond back home was never that did..." that was when a jeep came, and out out of it was Bob and Nigel, who were sighed in relief to see the little Ornithomimus pair. Bob: "There you are!, I looked all over the park for you two." Ollie: "Hey dad, sorry for making you worried..." Yar: "Dad?" Nigel: "Bob was the first thing they saw when they hatched out." Bob: "Yeah, now let's get you two home before something else happens." Ollie: "Yes dad... understood." Olivia: "Yeah... well it was nice meeting all of ya, bye!" Aladar: "It was nice meeting you too." said Aladar, as the two little Ornithomimus went into the jeep with Nigel and Bob, before driving away from the area.

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