My Deer Girlfriend

By noogame

1.6K 92 84

The deer fell first, but the human fell harder What happens when a huntress falls in love with a hybrid? More

End of Part 1


64 5 7
By noogame

As dawn broke, the city of Seoul emerged on the horizon, its skyscrapers like sentinels against the early morning sky. The group had driven through the night, the tension from their escape slowly giving way to cautious optimism as they neared their destination. Seoul, with its bustling streets and towering buildings, offered a stark contrast to the quiet, hidden existence they had left behind in the forest.

Soojin navigated the car through the increasingly busy streets, her eyes scanning for any signs of danger or recognition. The city was waking up, its inhabitants starting their day, oblivious to the extraordinary circumstances of their new visitors.

"We need to find a place to lay low," Soyeon suggested, her eyes fixed on the moving scenery outside. "Somewhere safe, where we can regroup and plan our next move."

Yuqi, looking out at the city with a mix of wonder and apprehension, nodded in agreement. "But we have to be careful. The city is full of eyes."

Minnie, now dressed in the oversized black sweater Miyeon had found for her, looked out the window with curiosity. Despite the tight squeeze in the back, she had managed to adjust her serpentine body to fit comfortably, a testament to her adaptability.

Miyeon, sitting close to Minnie, reassured her with a gentle pat on the arm. "We'll find a place soon," she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

In their search for a haven within the bustling city, the group stumbled upon an abandoned loft situated in an older, less frequented part of Seoul. The building, a relic of a bygone era, stood inconspicuously among the newer structures, its façade worn but still holding a certain charm. The loft, located on the top floor, was accessible via a creaky old elevator that seemed to question their decision with every groan and shudder on the way up.

Once inside, they found the loft spacious yet desolate, dust layers marking the passage of time. Large windows bordered one side of the space, offering a panoramic view of the city skyline, a juxtaposition of their current vulnerability against the backdrop of an indifferent, sprawling urban landscape.

"This could work," Soyeon said, scanning the interior, her mind already ticking through the logistics of making the place safe and habitable. "It's off the grid, and with a bit of cleaning and setting up, it could be a decent hideout."

Yuqi, ever the optimist, clapped her hands excitedly. "It's perfect! We can make it cozy in no time. And look at that view!"

Minnie, still adapting to her new surroundings, slithered around, exploring corners and crevices with cautious curiosity. The vast, empty space echoed with the sound of their voices, a stark reminder of the isolation they had chosen for safety.

Soojin, along with Shuhua, began assessing the loft's entrances and exits, planning how to secure them against unwanted visitors. "We'll need to set up some security measures," Soojin noted, her eyes sharp and calculating. "Just because it's abandoned doesn't mean we won't attract attention eventually."

Miyeon, meanwhile, took on the task of sketching a rough layout of their new home, allocating spaces for sleeping, eating, and communal areas. "We'll need supplies," she mused aloud, listing essentials like food, water, and basic medical supplies in her head. "We can't stay hidden here forever without going out for necessities."

As the day unfolded, the group worked tirelessly, cleaning and organizing their new hideaway. The loft slowly transformed from a forgotten shell into a semblance of a home, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of their lives. It was a testament to their resilience and determination to survive, a place where they could regroup and plan their next steps in relative safety.

As night fell over Seoul, the city's neon lights flickering into life, the loft's interior glowed with the warmth of makeshift lanterns. The group had scavenged some supplies from nearby abandoned buildings, finding not just food and water, but also blankets, pillows, and even a few battery-powered lights. The contrast between their cozy refuge and the sprawling city outside was stark, serving as a constant reminder of the precariousness of their situation.

Soyeon, ever vigilant, set up a rotation for night watches. Despite their safe haven, the threat of being discovered was ever-present. "We can't afford to let our guard down," she reminded everyone, her voice firm but not without a hint of warmth. "But we also need to rest. We'll take turns keeping watch."

Yuqi, who had found an old guitar among the items they'd scavenged, tried to lighten the mood by strumming some tunes she barely remembered. Her efforts brought smiles and a momentary sense of normalcy to the group, a precious distraction from their otherwise tense existence.

Meanwhile, Shuhua and Soojin took to the task of mapping out the surrounding area from what they could see through the loft's windows and their brief excursions outside. They sketched out possible routes for supply runs and emergency exits, should they need to flee their new hideout.

Miyeon took it upon herself to organize their living space, creating designated areas for sleeping, cooking, and even a small corner for relaxation. "We need to keep our spirits up," she said, her resolve shining through her actions. "This place isn't just about survival. It's about living, even if it's just for now."

Minnie, still adjusting to her newfound freedom and the complexities of her identity, found solace in the company of the group. Her presence, once a source of fear and uncertainty, had become an integral part of their makeshift family. Miyeon, in particular, spent time with Minnie, helping her navigate her emotions and the human aspects of their situation.

Yuqi, ever curious and still adjusting to her heightened senses in this densely populated urban environment, leaned closer to Soyeon, sniffing the air around her. This sudden, intimate action made Soyeon jump, not out of fear but from the unexpected closeness.

"Yuqi! What are you doing?" Soyeon exclaimed, more startled than annoyed. Her hand instinctively went to where Yuqi's nose had been moments before, as if trying to understand the intrusion through touch.

"I'm sorry!" Yuqi quickly stepped back, her ears drooping in embarrassment. "I just... I thought I smelled something on you. Something familiar, but I can't place it." Her confusion was genuine, a mixture of her deer hybrid instincts and human curiosity getting the better of her.

Soyeon's initial shock softened into concern as she observed Yuqi's puzzled expression. "Something familiar? What do you mean?" she asked, now intrigued. Despite the oddity of the situation, Soyeon knew better than to dismiss any of Yuqi's senses. In their world, such instincts could mean the difference between safety and danger.

Yuqi's eyes were thoughtful, her mind racing to connect the dots. "It's like a mix of the forest and... and something else. Something that reminds me of home, but it's faint. I don't understand why I would smell it here, in the city, on you."

The group fell silent, pondering Yuqi's words. This unexpected revelation sparked a series of questions. Was it possible that Soyeon had come into contact with something, or someone, from Yuqi's past? Or was Yuqi's sense of smell picking up on traces of their forest hideaway, somehow carried with them to Seoul?

Seeing the concern etched on her friends' faces, Soyeon made a decision. "Let's not worry about it for now. Yuqi, it's probably just the stress of the city and the changes we've been through. But we'll keep an eye out. If you notice anything else, anything at all, let me know immediately."

Yuqi's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and determination as she turned to Soyeon, "Soyeon, can we go out to the city?" Her voice held an eager note, a clear sign of her desire to explore beyond the confines of their loft.

Soyeon, who was in the midst of organizing their scant supplies, paused and looked at Yuqi. Her expression was gentle but firm, the weight of leadership evident in her gaze. "Not right now, Yuqi. We still gotta settle in, figure out our next steps. And you know it's risky—you can't just go out into the city without a collar." Her voice was laced with caution, a reminder of the precarious reality they faced. In a city like Seoul, hybrids were often required to wear collars for identification and regulation, a rule that chafed against their desire for freedom and anonymity.

Yuqi's initial disappointment quickly gave way to resolve, her antlers lifting slightly as she straightened. "Then give me a collar!" she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. The request, simple yet loaded with implications, hung in the air between them.

Soyeon sighed, understanding the depth of Yuqi's request. A collar wasn't just a piece of equipment; it was a symbol of their current existence—a necessary shield against prying eyes but also a chain that marked them as different, as something to be controlled. Yet, she recognized the importance of allowing Yuqi—and by extension, all of them—some semblance of normalcy, a chance to blend in with the world outside their sanctuary.

"Alright," Soyeon finally agreed, her voice carrying a hint of reluctance tempered with resolve. "We'll find you a collar. But we're going to do this right. We'll make sure it's safe, that it won't draw unwanted attention, and most importantly, that it can't be used to track you."

Soyeon slipped out of the car, her steps brisk as she made her way to a nearby store known for its variety of collars and accessories for hybrids. The store, nestled between a bustling café and a quiet bookstore, offered the anonymity and selection she needed. Inside, she scanned the shelves, her eyes settling on a collar that struck the perfect balance between inconspicuous and stylish. It was important that the collar not only served its purpose but also respected Yuqi's vibrant personality.

After purchasing the collar, Soyeon hurried back to the car, where Yuqi waited with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. Yuqi's eyes followed Soyeon's every move as she gently placed the collar around her neck, securing it with a soft click. The collar, a sleek band of fabric with a simple clasp, seemed to blend seamlessly with Yuqi's appearance.

"Looks good on you, Wooks," Soyeon said with a smile, stepping back to admire how the collar suited Yuqi. It was a small touch, but it symbolized so much more—Yuqi's desire to explore the world around them and the group's collective step towards blending into the society that had often shunned them.

"Wooks?" Yuqi's head tilted slightly, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. The nickname was unexpected, a new layer to their evolving relationship.

"Just a nickname for you," Soyeon replied, her tone light but affectionate. It was a term of endearment, born out of the countless moments and shared experiences that had woven the fabric of their unlikely family. In this new and uncertain world, these small acts of familiarity and comfort were their anchors, reminders of their humanity and the bonds that tied them together.

Yuqi's smile, bright and genuine, lit up her face. "Wooks, huh? I like it."

In the quiet of the car, as they sat parked in the shadow of the alleyway, the moment between Soyeon and Yuqi felt even more intimate. The closeness of the space, combined with the relief of having successfully navigated the city's dangers, lent the moment a tender quality.

Soyeon's hand reached out, almost of its own accord, to gently stroke Yuqi's hair. The gesture was one of pure affection, acknowledging the bravery and the vulnerability of the deer hybrid beside her. "You're so cute, Yuqi," she murmured, her words soft but filled with sincerity.

The compliment caught Yuqi off guard, her heart skipping a beat at the unexpected warmth in Soyeon's voice. The sensation of Soyeon's fingers gently caressing her ears sent a pleasant shiver through her, and she found herself blushing, a warm flush spreading across her cheeks. It was a reaction that Yuqi couldn't control, her hybrid nature responding to the affectionate touch with a mix of human emotion and animal instinct.

"Feels really nice, Soyeon..." Yuqi's voice was a soft murmur, her eyes half-closed in contentment as Soyeon's gentle petting elicited a deep, comforting sensation. The compliment, simple and heartfelt, deepened the connection between them, a moment of vulnerability and trust.

As Soyeon watched, Yuqi began to curl up in the seat, her body instinctively seeking the comfort and safety of the small space. Her legs slowly tucked in, drawing closer to her body, while her wrists relaxed, her entire posture reminiscent of a shrimp. It was a natural, unguarded response, a sign of Yuqi's trust and comfort in Soyeon's presence.

Soyeon's heart fluttered at the sight, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks. Yuqi's innocent and trusting demeanor, so akin to her hybrid nature, struck a chord within her. It was these moments, these unspoken exchanges of trust and affection, that revealed the depth of their connection. Soyeon knew then, with a clarity that took her breath away, that her feelings for Yuqi ran deep, far beyond the camaraderie of their shared circumstances.

She likes her.

The realization made Soyeon's heart race, and she found herself caught between the desire to protect Yuqi and the fear of acknowledging her own feelings. The world outside, with all its dangers and uncertainties, seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in their shared bubble of warmth and intimacy.

Soyeon's gaze lingered on Yuqi, taking in the peaceful expression on her face, the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath. It was a stark reminder of what they were fighting for—a chance at a life where moments like this were not stolen in the shadows but could be lived openly and without fear.

Upon returning to the loft, the quiet hum of the city behind them seemed to linger at the doorstep, a world away from the sanctuary they had created within. The loft, with its makeshift comforts and the presence of their companions, felt more like a home now than ever before.

Soyeon, with a tenderness she had reserved for moments like this, helped Yuqi out of the car and up into their loft. The day's events had taken their toll, leaving a palpable fatigue in their bones. Despite the adrenaline that had fueled them, the need for rest was undeniable.

Inside, the loft was dimly lit, the soft glow of lanterns casting shadows that danced gently against the walls. The others had already found their way to their makeshift sleeping areas, the quiet sounds of their rest filling the space with a sense of peace.

Soyeon led Yuqi to the bed they had arranged in a corner of the loft, away from the windows and draped with blankets for privacy and warmth. With a care that spoke volumes of her concern, Soyeon tucked Yuqi in, making sure she was comfortable and warm under the covers. It was a simple act, yet it carried the weight of their shared experiences, the silent promise of safety and companionship in a world that had shown them little kindness.

As Soyeon turned to leave, intending to give Yuqi the rest she needed, a gentle tug on her hand stopped her. Yuqi's grip was soft but firm, her voice a whisper in the dim light, "Don't go..."

The words hung in the air, a simple request laden with unspoken feelings and fears. It wasn't just the physical presence that Yuqi sought; it was the comfort, the assurance that she wasn't alone, that the darkness of the night and the challenges of the day could not reach her here, not with Soyeon by her side.

Soyeon's heart clenched at the plea, every protective instinct within her rising to the fore. The thought of leaving Yuqi, even just to the other side of the room, suddenly felt like an insurmountable distance. She understood then, more than ever, the depth of their bond, the unspoken commitment that had grown between them amidst the chaos of their lives.

Without a word, Soyeon carefully slipped under the covers beside Yuqi, her presence a silent promise to stay, to fight away the shadows and the solitude of the night. Yuqi moved closer, her head finding a rest against Soyeon's shoulder, her body relaxing in the warmth and safety of her proximity.

Feeling the unexpected poke of Yuqi's antlers against her cheek, Soyeon couldn't help but smile softly in the dim light, the mild discomfort a small price for the closeness they shared. With a gentle touch, she adjusted Yuqi's position, careful not to disturb her too much. Soyeon's hands carefully guided Yuqi's head, ensuring her antlers lay in a way that they wouldn't inadvertently cause any discomfort to either of them throughout the night.

Adjusting their positions once more, Soyeon, with a gentle firmness, guided Yuqi to lie on top of her, ensuring that the antlers were no longer a concern. This arrangement not only solved the problem of the antlers but also seemed to envelop them in a closer embrace, their hearts beating in a quiet rhythm that filled the space around them with a comforting warmth.

"Get some rest, Yuqi..." Soyeon whispered, her voice soft in the hushed stillness of their sanctuary. She leaned in, planting a tender kiss on Yuqi's forehead, a gesture filled with care and affection. It was a simple act, yet it carried the weight of her growing feelings, a silent acknowledgment of the special bond they shared.

Yuqi, her eyes fluttering shut, mumbled a sleepy, "I love my human.." before succumbing to the embrace of sleep. The words, barely audible, hung in the air, a confession as profound as it was vulnerable. For a moment, Soyeon's heart stopped, her mind racing to grasp the significance of Yuqi's words. The confession stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her, confusion mingling with a burgeoning realization of her own deep feelings for Yuqi.

Lying there, with Yuqi's gentle weight atop her, Soyeon was acutely aware of the warmth of her breath, the softness of her skin, and the quiet strength of the bond that had formed between them. Yuqi's words echoed in her mind, a sweet melody that both soothed and tormented her heart. Love. Soojin was right. Yuqi was looking for love. The word was both a balm and a puzzle, stirring questions Soyeon wasn't sure she was ready to face.

As the night deepened, Soyeon lay awake, her thoughts a tangled web of emotions and reflections. The intimacy of the moment, coupled with Yuqi's declaration, forced Soyeon to confront her feelings in a way she had not anticipated. She cared for Yuqi, more deeply than she had allowed herself to admit, but the path forward was clouded with uncertainty. How could they navigate a relationship in their complex world, fraught with danger and the constant fight for survival?

Yet, as she felt Yuqi's steady breathing and the quiet strength of her presence, Soyeon found a sense of peace amidst the turmoil. The confusion over her feelings for Yuqi remained, but it was tempered by a profound sense of connection and a determination to protect this bond at all costs.

The night passed, with Soyeon eventually succumbing to the pull of sleep, her last thoughts a mix of worry and wonderment about the future. The dawn would bring its own challenges, but for now, they had this moment, a testament to the unexpected and beautiful ways love can manifest, even in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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