Red Dragon of Arcadia: Altern...

By RageRevan

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Arcadia, a realm beyond our understanding, and knowledge, located in the far reaches of space. It has its own... More

Prologue: Into an Unknown Realm
Chapter 1: Arcadia
Chapter 2: Welcome to Akademia
Chapter 4: Son of the Sekiryuutei
Chapter 5: DXD World Crises
Chapter 6: Teams of Arcadia
Chapter 7: The Leviathan
Chapter 8: Azazel Cup Grand Opening
Chapter 9: Gremory's Fall

Chapter 3: Reunion Of Two Worlds

3.4K 87 92
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

35 years later, 

Arc Castle, Arcadian Main City, 7:30 AM

In one of the personal bedroom of the Arc Castle, a man was sleeping on the bed, he soon woke up, he was a tall, brown-eyed man with matching brown hair that has a small white streak. He wears a pyjamas with the Red Dragon on it's covers. 

The man was none other than Issei Hyoudou, who was all grown up, no longer he was a perverted teenager nor even a depressed man, he was completely different, as he spoke with a sigh. 

"It's been 35 years since I came here.." Issei muttered with a yawn, he remembered on how time passed as he was in Arcadia. He settled down in the place, he graduated from Akademia and Magic Academy, eventually settling into the Army and moving up the ranks reaching that of a General. He wondered what was even going on in his world, he hasn't seen his parents and sisters since the past 35 years, and things have become better for him. He eventually became one of the Big 4, and is considered the strongest man in all of Arcadia. 

His thoughts were snapped when someone yawned, Issei turned his gaze to a very beautiful woman, she was described as a brownish golden haired woman, wearing a black pyjamas and her hair was not fixed. This was Juniper Arc, his wife, with whom he has been married for 30 years. 

"Morning...darling.." Juniper spoke with a smile, as Issei returned the smile to her. 

Opening Start

The screen shows the system as it starts to load the stats.
It changes to a man, surrounded by multiple enemies.

It shows Issei preparing for battle, where it soon follows with the others.
Juniper, Willow, and a purple haired woman along with her family are looking at the scene.
The scene changes to a smiling white haired man, and a blue haired woman.

The scene changes to a tomb where a white haired man is giving a side glare, as a skeleton man is walking towards him.
Soon three beings show up with sinister smiles.

The Arc Family, Arc Siblings, and the Arcadian Army is shown.
The scene changes to Issei facing off against a Black Haired woman, with a Lavender haired woman in chains.

A television screen is shown where Issei is facing against Rias, the latter having hate filled eyes in her.
Juniper is seen fighting off against Akeno, as the former has a smile, while the latter has a glare.
The rest of the Arcadian Arcs, along with Yuuto, Genshiro, Gasper and Mari all assist them.
Mari has a water serpent surrounding her.

The scene changes to the Skeleton God making an alliance with the white haired man, and their subordinates all working together.
A swords is shown which is wielded by Issei.
The scene changes to Issei and his allies all looking at the sunset, as he turns around and gives a smile at the camera

Opening Ends

"Morning to you too, my dear Empress.." Juniper responded a smile, as she pulled him towards him and cupped his face, as she pulled him for a kiss, which lasted for a minute after which she spoke. 

"You know, today is our 30 year anniversary...have you planned for something?" Juniper asked with a smile, as Issei spoke, "I am not sure, I there any location you wish to go? We can go there, just the two of us.."

"We can roam around in one of the Earths...have a normal date like a regular couple.." Juniper responded as Issei asked, "But our duties?"

"It has lessened and both of us will be in our office finishing the last of the paperwork, I mean we did have a really messy war in the past few years, right?" Juniper spoke sadly remembering the infamous Arc Civil War that shattered their family turning many of the Arcs against them, people that they used to once call family broke away from them and turned against them. 

Issei also remembered on how many of their own turned against them for power and fame, willing to murder innocents just for the fun of it. It was all started by the man they once saw as family, that both Issei and Juniper saw as a son, Nicholas Arc, or Nicholas Kane. 

His betrayal broke their family, especially the Arc Siblings that saw him as an older brother figure, it broke their youngest daughter as well the most, it took Juniper nearly dying for the family to start hating him to be finally deal with him once and for all. 

Unfortunately, the man responsible for the Civil War was still very much alive, along with some of his allies and are still being looked after, and as a result many of the Arcadians were in the Four Kingdoms to locate for the Black Arms, the organisation that was once Arcadian, but became their enemy under the leadership of Vlad Arc, when their oldest daughter was just a few months, almost a year old.

He was exiled after the stunt, and it was fine for years until Nicholas joined in and eventually that was what caused the Civil War, that lasted for a year taking the lives of many innocent people. Eventually, they were defeated but the main branch escaped to an unknown location and the Arcadians have been locating them ever since. They were not in the Four Kingdoms yet, given the spies there haven't noticed any cells present surprisingly, meaning they were not here. They were still somewhere out there. 

"'s alright...we all are at least together, right? And we have all been living a happy life, so far haven't we..?" Issei mused, he couldn't imagine abandoning Juniper or their children. He pulled his wife closer to him and she rests her head on his chest smiling, they still love each other, even after a lot of hurdles that got in their way. 

Juniper remembered Issei's fear of women, which she noticed when she along with the rest of the Big 4 asked to share a room, where Issei awkwardly wanted to choose a different room. They immediately understood that Issei feared something, but he had no reason to fear any of them, even Aisha was someone he should not fear, before her insanity where it ended up with them sealing her up. 

Eventually the cat was out of the bag, and needless to say, Juniper and the other girls were livid at what the girls from their old world had done to Issei. Especially a certain Rias Gremory, whom Juniper wanted to personally deal with, despite this, Issei still held fear that they are only teasing him and never truly cared for him. 

That all changed one day during the trials where Issei got his own Eikon Knights of the Round, and he had to outright confront his fears, and where Juniper saw his former perverted side, he looked at her expecting to abandon him, but she did not. She accepted him, and even told the apparitions that they had no right to judge him, especially when some of them used to sleep with him naked, as she presumed them to be mere sluts that did so. They toyed with his heart and that was what prevented him from getting over his fears. 

Time passed and they dealt with Willow, who had become corrupted and saved their friend from completely falling to the Dark Side, eventually they worked together. Sephiroth was still there in Willow, but she changed and became better. 

The day came when Juniper came to him and confessed to him, Issei, no longer bound by his fear, accepted their confession and that was the day they became a couple, 30 years later and they were happily married with several kids. 

"I guess.." Juniper spoke with a sigh, she hated that she was toyed by Nicholas, someone she saw as her very own son, seeing several similarities between him and Issei. But he was power hungry and did not care for anyone, broke their relationship with him and abandoned them, not caring for the consequences. They never knew what caused him to turn on the Arcs after 20 years, but they had to stop him at all costs, which they succeed in it. 

However, Nicholas, Vlad and Carmilla managed to escape, and now they had to look out for them. They will find the trio and bring them to justice. In the aftermath, the couple had to work hard in order to restore the alliance between many of the Kingdoms, which they succeeded after a back and forth. 

The man they saw as a son, was vile, arrogant and had no regards for anyone but himself. With the power he's gained in Arcadia, he became boastful, thinking no one can touch him, but still is smart enough to avoid provoking certain individuals. He is manipulative, able to persuade anyone to his side. He has no regards for life, not caring how many lives he's ruined or how many people he hurt. He would do anything for his goal, and what was his goal?

Complete and utter control of Arcadia and the whole world. 

He was the sole reason why Arcadia, or Arcadians now truly hated and distrusted those that came from the Four Kingdoms. There was a time when Arcadians were more open to letting people of the Four Kingdoms in, with An Ren being such an example, but with what Nicholas did, there was no way that was going to work. The Arcadians truly did not care about the 4 Kingdoms, even if they suffered, since they are nothing but vile, arrogant and power-hungry, some are even greedy. 

His goal was to win the current Empress's heart, however Issei already was the Emperor and he had married Juniper by that point, which internally angered the wanna be megalomaniac. He decided to manipulate them as an 'older brother' figure, and a 'loving' son. Before ultimately turning on them, causing the Civil War to happen. 

Even in his final moments, before escaping he still showed utter disdain for Issei and wanted to take his place as the new Emperor of Arcadia, but that was not going to happen no matter what. 

Getting back to the present, now they have been having peaceful lives, there was peace for the moment. Issei rubbed his wife's head calming her down, she was particularly close to Nicholas, and his betrayal still had it's after-effects in her heart, making her having trust issues, just like Issei once had. But there was her family, her lover and their kids that she will trust without any issues. 

"Juniper..." Juniper looked at Issei and he spoke, "You know, I still think that I did not do enough, but Nicholas, he chose this path. He never loved us and we were just, people that he could toy with...just like.." 

"Raynare...and even Rias.." Issei spoke with a nod, "Yes..but know this.."

Issei kissed on her forehead making her flustered, as he continued, "I will always be by your side..."

 "I know..." Juniper looked at her husband, she was helping him locate his family and loved ones. But there was no hope, the world was too far, but to no avail. She promised Issei to help him locate his family, but they were unable to. 

They could only hope that one day, she could meet his family. The Arcs see Issei as their own, even when he does not have the blood of one, as bonds are what make the Arcs, it was never blood. Those that sided with Nicholas, weren't true Arcs to begin with. 

"Juniper, let's get ready, I wish to have a memorable 30 year anniversary, and I don't want my wife to be in such a state.." Juniper gave a smile to Issei's words, as the latter responded, "Yeah, let's get ready...we will talk to my father about heading out for our anniversary celebration.."

"Yep, and that smile is something I want to see.." Juniper looked at him and nodded, if it was not for her, she wouldn't have been the same. 

*Scene Change*

Moments pass and the couple were still in the room as they were having a cup of coffee, Juniper soon sat on the opposite on the table,

Issei now wore a gray and white dress coat with a scarf and black armor on his chest. He also wears glasses, dark brown pants, black shoes, and a black glove on his right hand.

Juniper was now wearing a dark colored dress. She wore a hat like a hoodie that covers her hair, and a brown belt with golden ornaments holstered around her hips. Her sleeves are also well decorated, she wears white gloves, black leggings, and golden heels. She takes a sip of her coffee and speaks. 

"I think the kids have also gotten up, haven't they?" Issei nodded remembering that the kids have finally gotten some time to rest and recover, he decided to give them some time to mature and grow up until the throne would be passed to the heir the Arc Council have decided, even Issei himself was personally chosen and monitored by the Arc Council before he became the Emperor. 

"Yep, I think they should and should be coming to our place soon...unless they have other appointments.." Juniper gave a sigh remembered their son's antics, she had a feeling that he would be up to something. 

"Hey, he is living his dream as the harem king.." Juniper gave a glare to Issei, when he spoke that word making him shudder, as she gave another tired sigh, "I thought he would settle with her, but then, from what I hear about him, I have a feeling that he has even more girls..."

"But didn't you want Grandbabies?" Juniper looked at him and spoke, "I do..."

"He will be fine, he is our son, and he is a good leader in his battalion, I did personally train him after all..." Issei spoke remembering that he was trained despite protests from Nicholas, but Issei wanted his son to be ready, even Juniper agreed to this and even in some cases trained the boy, along with his sisters that supported him. 

"I know..." Juniper responded, she remembered that all their children, not only were pure dragons, but also had the powers of Great Red and Ophis, along with a portion of the strength from the Red Dragon Emperor with some of them even inheriting the Gamer System from their Father's side. But they also inherited the Eikons along with the powers they already were born with, as a result Issei knew that their children would be fine regardless. 

As for the ones that didn't inherit them, they will inherit them in the near future, regardless Issei and Juniper will love and raise their children well. 

"Speaking of which.." Juniper got up and approached Issei, as she wrapped her arms around Issei, as she spoke, "We can have a moment here...and you can even show your perverted side here..."

Juniper knew about Issei's perverted side, ever since he became the Emperor, he became more mature and understanding, almost becoming a true king in the eyes of many Arcadians. However, there was still perversion in him and he often showed that to his wife, who actually did not mind, not seeing this as a character flaw. He looked at her breasts, they were surprisingly big, not as big as Akeno, but was on par with Rias. It was good enough for Issei, as Issei spoke

"Then, if you don't mind.." Issei used his free hand to grope Juniper's breasts making her moan, as she let her instincts take over her and started to make out with Issei. It almost felt blissful, even now. Soon they split up as Issei used his second hand to start touching her second breast making her moan even more. However before they could continue even further, someone knocked on the door. 

"Dad...Mom, are you there?" The couple immediately became flustered and were fixing their clothing, knowing it was one of their daughters that was outside. Juniper immediately got down, and fixed herself, as she spoke

"Give us a minute, Bianca..we will be ready.." Juniper exclaimed as she removed the expression she had, as Issei soon spoke, "Come in.."

Bianca soon came inside, she was a tall woman with brown hair and blue eyes, a part of her is braided up in the right side and has a small gold ornament on her left side that is tied to a ribbon. She wears platinum armor with gold trimmings, with an opening in her chest area. She has no armor in her waist area or the area near her thighs, and wears purple and brown robes, with a belt connected to a holster for her gun and sword. She also wears two purple robes as a cape. This was Bianca Arc(28 years old), the oldest daughter of Issei Hyoudou and Juniper Arc, and the oldest child of the family. 

"Happy Anniversary, mom, dad!" Bianca rushed to her parents and gave them a warm hug, as Issei and Juniper returned the hug, as they soon split up. Bianca then spoke. 

"So Mom, dad, what are you two planning to do?" Juniper spoke with a thought, "I have heard of a few places we can go on Earth-21..."

"That actually does not sound like a bad idea, we will go a sightseeing adventure there and since many of the inhabitants don't know of our true identity, and we can go on a normal couple.." Issei added to which Bianca spoke, 

"That is not a bad idea, and speaking of which....aren't you too old to be y'know?" Bianca spoke with a red tint on her face, as Issei tried to explain. 

"Bianca...I.." However Juniper cuts him off and speaks jokingly, "Oh Bianca, you should be happy that your parents are still showing affection like this, and I am pretty sure you understand what was happening here.."

"But that doesn't mean that you should perform such acts..if you want, you can do it in your room.." Bianca tried to retort, as Juniper spoke with a sweat-drop, "But this is our room, Bianca.."

Bianca did not have any retorts to that and remained silent, as Juniper spoke jokingly, "Keep up that attitude and you will still remain single."

"Mom!!" Bianca shouted in embarrassment, as Juniper chuckled in response, as Issei gave a wry smile at this, seeing his daughter act like this did bring a smile to his face, she soon coughed and composed herself. 

"Either way, I also came was because Aunt Jeanne had called for something important, she said it was important to you, Dad.." Issei was surprised as he spoke, "Me?"

"Yes, and she wanted the two of you to meet her as soon as possible, and Aqua is waiting as well.." Bianca spoke with a smile, as Issei responded, "Sure let's go.."

*Scene Change*

Arcadian Military Headquarters, 10:30 AM

The Arcadian Military Headquarters which is a huge building located in the Arcadian Main city, it was a highly advanced glass tech building. 

It serves as the Headquarters of the entire Arcadian Military, this Facility is usually busy and filled with people doing their daily business. We can see Battleships in the waters, and even Cruisers hovering in the Facility. This Headquarters is heavily guarded and it's security is off the highest level.

All major operations, meetings, and other stuff related to the army happens here. This place serves as the main HQ of all affairs related to the Arcadian Army, even proposals when it comes to alliances with the other Nations and Races.

Issei and Juniper along with Bianca, as they encountered Aqua, she was described to be a blonde haired woman with grey eyes, she wore a hat on her head and a flower on her hair. She wore a military uniform, which comprised of a white and green skirt. She held a sniper rifle behind her back. She additionally wore gloves and wore two heels, with her left leg having a legging. This was Aqua Arc(25 Years), the third daughter of Issei Hyoudou and Juniper Arc. 

"Happy Anniversary.." Aqua spoke as she jumped on her parents, with them returning the hug as well. They soon split up, as Aqua speaks. 

"Well, Aunt Jeanne is waiting for you.." Aqua mused as Issei and Juniper nodded, as the four head to that location, as Issei asks. 

"Where are the others?" Aqua spoke with a thought, "The others, most of them are preparing something important, although neither I nor Bianca are going to spoil it, sorry mom, dad.."

"Eh don't worry, I would love to see what my kids have planned.." Aqua gave a smile to what her father had spoken, as Juniper also was happy, seeing how much Issei has changed over the years, becoming a well supportive and caring father, never leaving any of his children, and being there for them no matter what. 

They soon headed ahead, where they were greeted by a woman donning black armor with long blonde hair which has a crown on top of it. She wears black arm guards on both her arms, and a white skirt that is flowing down. This is Jeanne Arc, the Supreme General of the Arcadian Army.

"Greetings, Empress, Emperor, I am glad the two of you could make it.." Jeanne spoke with a smile, as Issei responded. 

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again Jeanne, anyways, what have you called us here?" Jeanne spoke with a smile. "Two visitors have come for you, you once told me about some people important to you right?" 

"Yeah?" Issei did not hide his old world from his family, he informed them everything before he came to Arcadia, even to Nicholas who was present, back when he was on their side. He told them about how he nearly died thanks to Samael's poison, and even told them about his parents and older sister, the only one who knew this before was the Big 4, along with Liam and Alsie, but that day everyone else came to know as well. 

Many of the children of Issei couldn't help but be proud of the hero that their father was, they knew of his nature, and they did not judge him for being a perverted teenager who was known to screaming 'Oppai'. Additionally, him being the Oppai Dragon, which was a hero to the children of the Underworld even made things better and that along with his heroic deeds made many of the Arcs seeing this as truly heroic, and down to earth despite the obvious lewdness. 

At first, Issei wasn't sure about telling them, but with Juniper talking to him, and convincing him to tell them, since they were a family and he eventually did open up to them, as a result almost all of them except Nicholas were proud on how much of a selfless hero he was, who almost died to save his old world from the Beast of Apocalypse, he was accepted despite his flaws of being a pervert. He showed none of his perversion in Arcadia because of his trauma and fear, that was the day he saw the Arcs as his family, and no one criticised him as well. 

His perversion was barely there, only limited to his wife and never went outside, but some of his children have inherited his perverted behavior. 

"Indeed, I will tell you who those people are..." Jeanne spoke with a tone full of seriousness, yet there was an underlying concern in her tone as she spoke, "Those people are Sirzechs Lucifer and Shiva, one of the Trimurti of the Hindu Faction, that belonged to that of your old world."

No sooner he heard those names, Issei almost staggered, it's been 35 years since he has even met Sirzechs, he never thought they would come here. Juniper looked at his expression and became worried, she knew who Sirzechs was, he was Issei's older brother figure and Satan Lucifer. As for Shiva, she did not know him in person, since Issei did not know who the God of Destruction was. 

"They are waiting for you, Emperor.." Jeanne spoke she knew that her expression was worried, while Bianca and Aqua were concerned for their father. Juniper kept his hand on her husband's hand and spoke, "Don't worry Jeanne, we will go there..."

"I understand, I will let them know.." Jeanne spoke as she contacted a soldier, Juniper then took her husband outside, as she spoke with a worried tone, "It's going to be okay, Ise, it is going to be okay.."

"I...I..." Issei spoke with a shaky tone as he continued with a same disbelieving tone, "It's been 35 years since I saw any of them...I-I don't know if t-they would ever know.."

Issei had tears in his eyes, he never would have guessed they would come for him instead of going back there, he was worried whether they would know him or not, Juniper hugged her husband as his daughters soon followed, with Juniper speaking. 

"It's alright, Ise...It's alright.." Juniper spoke while rubbing his back, as Issei started to tear up even more, with Aqua speaking. 

"C'mon dad, you are better than know you will come for them one day, instead they came for you.." Bianca soon followed it up, "Dad, you will be alright, we all will go and talk to, I would love to meet my grandparents and my aunt one day.."

Issei stayed like this for a moment, before looking at them and gave a nod, he had to talk to them, as he must have realised that they have come for them. 

*Scene Change*

Issei and his family walked towards the room where two people had meet up with them, Issei recognised the first person to be Sirzechs Lucifer, which made Issei wide-eyed, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, as Sirzechs spoke with a respectful tone. 

"Good evening Emperor and Empress of Arcadia, my name is Sirzechs Lucifer, and I am one of the Four Satans of the Devil Faction, it is nice to meet you.." Shiva also introduced himself,  as he spoke

"My name is Shiva, one of the three pillar Gods. I wanted to give you my greetings, your highness.." Shiva got up and spoke with a bow, with Sirzechs following suit. 

Juniper walked forward and spoke, "It is nice to meet you as well, Lord name is Juniper, and these are our daughters Aqua and Bianca.."

"Greetings, Lord Lucifer, it is nice to meet you.." Bianca spoke respectfully as Aqua soon spoke, "Hello, it's nice to meet you, my name is Aqua Arc.."  Aqua spoke cheerfully and respectfully, as Sirzechs greeted them in response. 

"It is nice to meet you two as well..Lady Aqua, Lady Bianca.." Sirzechs spoke respectfully, as he looked at the Emperor and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Issei had a feeling that Sirzechs must have forgotten him, not that Issei blames him, as Juniper spoke with a smile, "Didn't you recognise him, Lord Lucifer?"

Sirzechs looked at Issei for a moment, before sensing his energy and aura, there was no way it could be him, him of all people. He even looked at Issei for a moment, his expression almost seemed like an older version, or more accurately, an older version of his lost younger brother figure. 

Even Shiva was himself surprised, he read his mind and it was really him, the same pillar that got lost during the fight against Trihexa, it has almost been 3 and a half years since any of them have seen him. He was even presumed dead, and now here he is, the Emperor of Arcadia, Issei Hyoudou. 

"Issei, is that really you?" Sirzechs's tone was full of disbelief, as he spoke, "How have you been?"

"I...I have been fine.." Issei spoke while looking away, his tone has been completely saddened, Sirzechs knew how much his disappearance had changed many things back home, and he himself never gave up on locating him. Many others did the same as well, as Sirzechs spoke

"You know, we all missed you, and I am not going to lie, I never thought I would find you here...with them being your family...never thought you would be the Legendary Hero of Arcadia and it's Emperor as well...and from what I presume, Aqua and Bianca are your daughters, right?" Sirzechs spoke as he sensed the girl's signature to be the similar to their father's as Issei nodded. 

"Yep, but these two are not my only girls, there are six others as well...and it's been so long...I haven't seen any of you for 35 years..." Sirzechs and Shiva were surprised by this, for them they have not seen Issei for 3.5 years. Additionally, Issei having even more kids surprised them even more than before. He had a family here, and that alone made them conflicted, they were happy for him, but they weren't sure if he even wanted to come back.

"35 years? Issei none of us have seen you for 3.5 years..." Sirzechs spoke with confusion to which none of them were able to understand this, "3.5 Years, I haven't met any of you for 35 years, hell I feared that you would have forgotten us.."

Issei spoke with disbelief making the two wonder, on what just happened, as Juniper spoke with agreement, "Issei is right, in fact Bianca herself is pretty old...he was here for the past 35 years when he first was found by me.."

Shiva noticed neither of them were lying, they had no reason to do so, as the God of Destruction spoke, "I see...."

"Lord Sirzechs, neither the Empress not Issei are lying.." Sirzechs looked at him and nodded, as Aqua explained, "My guess is that Remnant is faster in time as opposed to the Earth where dad is from, that is why it is almost like when 1 year is over in Earth, it is 10 years over in Remnant..."

"That does make sense Lady Aqua.." Shiva spoke with a calm tone, as he nodded, Sirzechs then spoke, "So Issei, what will you do now? Your parents and sister still presume you to be gone, you can come back..."

Issei did not know what to say, while Aqua and Bianca were worried that they may have to say goodbye to their father, he may not come back to them for a very long time, Juniper knew this day would come, where she would have to say goodbye to Issei, since he had to return back to his world. 

She looked at him sadly, knowing he will end up going back to his world. She dreaded this day, but knew that forcefully keeping him here won't fix anything, she could only hope he comes back, since his family was here as well. 

"I am sorry Sirzechs, I can't come back...I have my wife and children here, and I can't leave them be.." Sirzechs looked at him for a moment and spoke with a sad smile, "We understand Issei, but what will you do can't abandon them as well.."

"I know...I just don't know what to do.." Issei responded, as Juniper had to quickly think of a solution, as she soon remembered something. She knew that her husband can't abandon either of them, not her or her family and their children, and neither he could abandon his own family. 

"Right, Lord Lucifer, how about I propose this idea?" Sirzechs looked at Juniper as she continued, "You wish to make an alliance with Arcadia, we have an alliance with many of the Earths, so why not make it with another?"

"Wait you wish to make an alliance with us?" Sirzechs spoke as Shiva added, "And what do you mean other Earths?"

"One at a time, for Lord Shiva's question, yes there are more than one Earth in the universe, and yours is one of them, but the one where Issei is from is an unknown Earth, so we have been locating that ever since, but you guys coming here was not something we were expecting..." Juniper spoke as the two men nodded, then she continued. 

"Now as for Lord Lucifer's question, and we don't mind making an alliance, Ise has already told me about you guys, so Arcadia sees no problem. Additionally, that way we can make sure that everyone that lives in that world can come here and vice versa, although time can be a bit problematic..but we can find a way.." Juniper spoke the idea as Sirzechs and Shiva both seemed to not mind the idea, as Sirzechs spoke

"We don't mind to have you joining us, Empress, a faraway alien land is something we don't mind and are not against.." Sirzechs spoke as Juniper responded, "Great then, we will meet again soon SIrzechs, and make sure to bring the rest of the other Leaders as well.."

"As you wish, your highness..." Juniper shook her head and spoke, "Please call me Juniper while we are in private..."

Sirzechs nodded and gave a smile as Shiva soon spoke, "Oh and before I go, there is something else we need to tell you..." Shiva sat down and spoke, "There has been some recent activity going on with my scouts, the Demigods and other Gods from my faction has been sending me this image..." 

Shiva used a magic circle and brought out an image as he showed it to them, making the two go as pale, even the two Arc Siblings also become horrified knowing what exactly they were seeing.

They were soldiers of top military gear. They had a light gray faceplate, with black colored military gear. There was also partial gray coloring inside their black colored gear, which was their inner shirt. These were the Black Arm soldiers. 

"No way, Lord Shiva, where did you find this image?" Juniper spoke with fear and anger in her voice, as Shiva was surprised by this sudden change in the atmosphere as he knew something bad must have happened in this world. 

"It was found by my scouts near the Underworld area, where Hades's realm is present, their activity is the highest there, and it was not only me, even the Faction Leaders found out about this, we don't know who these soldiers are, but all we know is that Hades is up to something..." 

Both Juniper and Issei looked at each other, meaning the Black Arms found their planet before anyone else could do so. This was a massive problem, as Aqua explained. 

"Lord Shiva, that image belonged to a terrorist organisation in our world, they are called the Black Arms.." Both the Leaders became wide-eyed, meaning that those men are from a terrorist organisation. This was a massive problem, and they had to inform this to the other Leaders as well. 

"What are they?" Sirzechs asked as Issei spoke worryingly, "They are as bad if not worse than the Khaos Brigade, they have caused the deaths of many Arcadians and have done some serious damage to Arcadia and their allies, their actions have even extended to the alien worlds as well, and this includes other Earths.."

"So this means? Hades is working with them?" Sirzechs spoke with fear, as Issei nodded, "Yes, I fear the most....Juniper, we can only do one thing.."

"I am aware, *turns to Sirzechs* Sirzechs, we have to hasten our alliance, that is our only option, Arcadia is willing to help to deal with them as well....inform the others of our meeting as soon as possible, I will let the others in our world know as well.." Sirzechs nodded in understanding to Juniper's words, the gravity of the situation was really bad if it caused the atmosphere to change to such an extent, as he spoke. 

"Very well Juniper, I will let them know..." Sirzechs and Shiva soon took their leaves, as Issei and Juniper looked at each other, as Issei spoke. 

"We will inform the council about this, no way I am going to let them hurt my family back home..." Issei spoke with a growl as Juniper spoke, "Yes, I know, I am not letting them get hurt as well, Aqua, Bianca call the council, we need to let them know....that we have found the Remnants of the Black Arms in the Earth where Issei is from, also known as Earth-DXD..."

"As you wish, mother.." Bianca spoke seriously as they all started to inform the others about the situation, this war will end one way or another, and Hades will pay for his involvement with the Black Arms. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be a massive reunion.)

(A/N(2): This chapter explored two of their children, the following Chapters should do the same as well, introducing the remaining of the Arc Siblings)

(A/N(3): Issei's appearance is based on Welt Yang from Honkai Star Rail, similar to his original version)

(A/N(4): Issei has got several new skills which will be explored in the later chapters)

(A/N(5): Massive thanks to Darkdecade97 for reviewing the chapter and helping me with the mistakes, along with providing me pictures of the characters and their descriptions, along with the speech)

Issei Hyoudou Stats:

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Title: Emperor of Arcadia, Red Dragon Emperor, Arcadian Hero, Dragon Monarch.

Level: 1345

Experience Points (EXPR): 15000/134500

Race: Dragon God

Health Points (HP): 258000/258000

Mana: 100%

Fatigue: 0

Strength (STR): 98310

Vitality (VIT): 100003

Agility (AGL): 110652

Intelligence (INT): 94560

Senses (SES): 120982

Luck (LCK): 92000

Lien: 10000000000000

Please let me know in the comments on how to improve and I will catch y'all later



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