Parker Brothers

By KamyraJordan

3.2K 86 21

Peter has a brother. A secret brother that no one knows about, not even the Avengers. One day Aunt May unfort... More

Death of Aunt May
Getting Settled In
Cooper's Birthday
All Good Things Must Come To An End
Noah and Nova/First Day Of School
First Day Of School Part 2
First Day of School Part 3
Nathaniel's Birthday Pt.1
Nathaniel's Birthday Pt.2
Family Reunion Pt.1
Paxton's Day With Grandparents/Family Reunion Pt.2
Meeting Grandparents/Family Reunion Pt.3
Caught?/Family Reunion Pt.4
Home Alone/Family Reunion Pt.5
Paxton's Birthday Pt.1
Paxton's Birthday Pt.2
Red Room Takeover
Home Sweet Home
Natasha's Birthday
Natasha's Birthday Pt.2
Christmas Day
New Home?
New Home Pt.2
New Year's Eve Troubles
The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship
Always gone
Barney and Peter
Barney and Paxton
All Day, All Kids
Paxton's Secret
Kidnapped Pt.1
Kidnapped Pt.2
Training and arguments
Grounded and training
Aunt Laura's secret
Paxton's Recovery Pt. 1
Paxton's Recovery Pt.2
Not feeling yourself
Help that we need
Seizure problems
Recovery is hard
Tony Stark's Birthday
Group Training
Brotherly Conflict
Kids again
Brotherly Love
Home alone again Pt.1
Home along again Pt.2
Home Alone Again Pt.3
Heartful Conversations
Peter's Birthday Pt.1
Peter's Birthday Pt.2
Back To School
Forced to be Friends
Dreykov's Back!!!!
The End of Dreykov Pt.1
The End of Dreykov Pt.2
No More Superheroing
Christmas in Russia

Back to School Pt.1

31 2 0
By KamyraJordan

March 16th, 2017


The day I was most excited for. My kids are heading to school for the first time in two months. I wasn't too worried about them missing work while we were on vacation since I helped them do their assignments. I looked over at the clock, and it flashed 5:30. 

"I don't want to get the kids up, but I have a job to teach," I muttered as I sat in bed. 

"MOM!!" Peter yelled, and I groaned.

I did not want to get up and check what was wrong with him.

"MOM!!" He yelled again.

"I'm coming!!" I yelled back. 

I opened my door and stepped into the hallway. There was no Peter or Paxton. 

"Pete!! Where are you?!" I called out, closing my door behind me.

"PAXTON'S BATHROOM!!" He yelled. 

"Please don't be sick, pax. Please don't be sick," I prayed as I hurried up my speed. 

I opened the bathroom door, and Paxton knelt with his head on the toilet, puking. Peter's above him holding an advill and a glass of water. Kneeling beside Peter, I take the advill and water out of his hands. 

"Go get ready for school," I tell Peter, who hurries off.

"Pax, baby, you think you can swallow this advil?" I questioned, and he slumped against me. 

I brought the pill and water up to his mouth. Letting him swallow the pill and slowly sip the water. Once he was finished sipping the water, he leaned back on me and closed his eyes.

"Hey, don't fall asleep," I shook him.

"Don't make me go to school," He groaned, leaning on the floor. 

"You just threw up. I'm not letting you leave your bedroom," I tell him. 

"Can you stand?" I asked, helping him stand up.

His knees buckle, and he almost hits the ground. Luckily, my reflexes are skilled, and I caught him before he fell face-first. I lifted him bridal-style and carried him to his bed.

"Mama, will you stay home with me?" He asked, and I froze.

"How about you come to school with me?" I suggested, and he shrugged.

"Baby, I would stay home with you, but I need to be in school today," I told him.

"Carry me," He whined, and I sighed.

"You're whiny when you're sick," I muttered. 

"Can't help it," He shrugs, and I sigh, heading towards Peter's room.

"Pete!! You ready?" I knocked on the door. 

"I'm getting my shoes on!!" He yelled.

"I'll be in the car waiting with Paxton," I told him before heading downstairs. 

I grabbed Paxton's shoes and backpack off the living room floor and headed to the garage. Paxton got in the backseat and put on his socks and shoes before taking the backpack. I started the engine, and Peter came running out. 

"Here you go, Pax," Peter said, handing Paxton a peanut butter sandwich. 

"Tiny bites," I reminded Paxton, and he nodded. 

We arrived at School ten minutes later, and Peter ran off to find his friends. I let Paxton lean on me as we walked to my classroom. Paxton dumped his bag on the floor before slumping into his chair, eventually falling asleep. I turned the screen on and waited for the kids. While I waited, I covered Paxton in my sweatshirt and lowered his head toward the desk. 

"Yo!! What's up, Ms.Romanoff?" I hear behind me.

"Hello, Jasper," I smile. 

"No Jaxon?" I questioned, looking for his twin.

He shakes his head and walks to his desk, pulling out last night's homework. I walk to the front of the desk, scanning my files, trying to find the homework. 

"Hey, Ms.Romanoff," A group of girls says as they enter.

"Hey, girls," I greet back.

I found the file marked March and clicked on the 17th. 

"Class, get out the homework from yesterday. I hope everyone was nice to our sub for the past months," I said, noticing a kid raising their hand.

"Yes, Ava?" I asked.

"A kid is sleeping in the back," She informs me as If I didn't know that.

"I know. That's one of my sons," I told her, and she nodded slowly.

I sighed and brought up the attendance list. Mostly, everyone was here until I got to the bottom of the list. 

"Where's Peter?" I asked the class, scanning the class for him.

"I'm here!!" He yelled, running into the room. 

I marked him present and continued with the list. 

"5 gone. That's less than usual," I mumbled.

I clicked off the attendance tab and onto the homework tab.

"Blake, what was due today?" I asked.

"This page," He says, waving the paper around.

"You're homework from Friday was due today," I elaborated. 

Multiple groans were heard around the room. I sighed and collected everyone's paper.

"Did anyone do the homework?" I questioned, and some hands went up. 

I groaned and threw the homework in the trash. Then I went to my desk and pulled out a packet. 

"This a 3-page review of what we've learned this trimester. It must be done before class ends," I told everyone, passing out the packet. 

After I passed out the packet, I went to my desk to answer emails. It was at this time Paxton woke up. 

"You're angry," Paxton pointed out, and I jumped. 

"Yeah, because the class is doing a packet instead of the homework on Friday," I told him, and he groaned.

"Why are you groaning?" I asked.

"Do I have to do the packet too?" He questioned, and I nodded.

"Eventually. I mean, this is the only algebra class that's 7-12th," I reminded him, and he nodded.

"It should be easy. I'll do it now," He said,  searching for a pencil. 

I handed him a packet and went back to my emails. Thirty minutes later, the bell rang, indicating that the first hour was done. I had 18 packets and only needed three more. 

"What class do you have next, baby?" I asked Paxton, neatly placing the packets into a pile. 

"I have art with Ms. Wagner," He said.

"When's your next academic?" I asked, and he handed me a crumpled-up sheet of paper.


Algebra Ms.Romanoof 7:25 - 8-15

Art Ms.Wagner 8:17 - 9:07

ELA Ms.Smith, Ms.Murphy 9:09 - 9:45

Gym or All Ms.Hoffmann, Ms.Romanofff 9:47- 10:18

Russian Ms.Romanoff 10:20 - 11:05

Social Studies Mr.Fernstou 11:07- 12:15

Lunch 12:17 - 12:45

Band or Choir Ms.W 12:47 - 1:35

Science Ms.Hancock 1:37 - 2:27


"This packet is what we're doing in Russian," I handed him a packet.

"I'm going to get your work from your teachers. Tell the kids to read for twenty minutes and then free time," I informed him. 

I headed toward Mr.Fernstou's room first.

"Mr.Fernstou?" I knocked on the door. 

"Mama Romanoff!! What can I do for you?" He asked. 

"Paxton's sick, and I was wondering if you have any paper sheets for him to complete?" I questioned, and he nodded. 

"There's a video on Google Classroom following this packet," He informs me.

"Thank you," I tell him.

"Anything for Mama Romanoff," He says, and I sigh.

"What? You don't like the name?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"It's great. I gotta go," I told him, walking to Ms.Smith's room.

"Ms. Smith? Ms. Murphy?" I questioned, walking into the ELA room. 

"What can we do for you, Romanoff? Ms.Smith asks.

"Paxton's sick. Got any work for him?" I asked.

"Google Classroom," Ms.Murphy answers. 

I nodded and walked toward Ms. Hancock's room. 

"Ms.Hancock?" I knocked on the door. 

"What can I do for you?" She asks from behind.

"Got any work for Paxton?" I asked, and she nodded.

"This exit ticket, and he needs to mark up pg 133-135," She hands me the slip of paper and the textbook. 

"Thank you," I say. 

I walked back to my classroom and saw that everyone was reading quietly. Paxton comes over and takes the textbook. 

"Check your Google Classroom," I told him, and he nodded. 

I sighed and slumped in my chair. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I get looks from kids.

"Go back to reading," I told everyone before checking my phone. 

"A text from Clint," I mumbled. 

'Meet me at the Avengers Compound ASAP'

I sighed but called Ria to see if she could cover my classes. She agreed, and I took Paxton with me to the compound.


A/N: I hate living. The pain of waking up every day and doing the same shit for 8 hours is so tiring. I have a quiz every Friday in math, a science quiz next week, and a social studies quiz yesterday. My brain feels like it's about to explode with all this knowledge I'm learning (except for Math. I learn nothing in math, even though that was my favorite subject.) I don't know what this part was, but I've had no motivation lately. I also didn't know how to end this chapter.


Word Count: 1432

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