Bound for Eternity

By Nymphetamine972

82 16 3

It is a fanfic, but knowing the web series isn't compulsory to read it, trust me. First chapters (1-3) got re... More

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3 1 0
By Nymphetamine972

·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖃𝕴𝕴


·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·

I stared in focus at Leticia, after proposing to her as well. My blood was boiling in anger since I heard Louis do the same but as the first one. I knew how grave the situation was, but I wanted her to make a first step, so I knew she was ready for something like this. I didn't expect Louis to go full-on. And, let me remind you, this motherfucker was supposed to be convinced that I am her girlfriend.

She stared at both of us, apparently even more shocked. Then she took a breath and looked away.

''I need a moment alone'' Was all she replied and she left, going God only knows where. After a few seconds, I got up, while Louis still kept kneeling. Why would she not pick right now? It was logical. Even more logical to pick me. After all, there was something between us, even if it wasn't truly official.

No, it just had to be too much for her. It's as simple as that.

''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' I snarled.

''Her father employed me, hoping she would marry me, so I thought-''

''You better stop thinking or I'll make you'' I growled and left the room to process it all. I needed to find the killer, but had to stay near Leticia. Now she had the whole company to steer, so she will be pretty busy. And yet this father thing... Crap. I needed someone from outside to try to find this son of a bitch.

Louis was the classic example of ''why scientists thought we use only 10% of our brain''. His explanation, however, hinted me something. What if Leticia had a dilemma, because of her father? What if she considers marrying him just for her father's sake? It was a bad idea. Not only regarding me and my feelings towards her. I had to tell her more now.

Following her scent, I started my way towards her. I still had my powers, she had to be near. The closer I was, the more suspicious I got, since I heard a familiar voice, but too far to understand the words.

''She didn't tell you that she has no other option than to marry you?'' I heard the female voice reeking with surprise. Someone's going to die. I came out of the corner, noticing Leticia with a surprised expression on her face. In front of her, there was a brown-haired girl, a little shorter than me and a bit higher than Leticia. In her casual outfit, composed of jeans and a t-shirt, she didn't seem like a two-hundred-year-old creature of the night. Especially while standing in the sunlight, in a distant place in the hospital, by the window. Astrid.

''Not yet. I was going to'' My voice was as cold as the desire to kill on my face. The vampire opened her mouth to say something, but Leticia was faster.

''When did you plan to tell me that you have to marry me?'' She asked, raising her voice. I sighed. Scolding Astrid has got to wait.

''In a while'' I replied shortly.

''I asked you two days ago if you knew something more about the bond and you lied to me!'' She almost yelled.

I looked away, recalling myself that. I had a feeling I shouldn't and here we are.

''I did. I asked Astrid to check if there is any other option, especially since your father was pushing you to marry someone. I learned yesterday evening there is no other option, but then...'' I didn't finish, it was clear to her I meant the accident. Leticia's gaze softened, but I could tell she didn't forget that I lied to her. Even if it was a smaller lie than she originally thought. ''And I would tell you if someone didn't do it before I could.'' I noted bitterly, shifting my gaze to Astrid.

''You texted me you're going to tell her and I didn't know okay!'' Astrid replied, raising her hands in a defensive gesture.

''Still, you're not absolved'' I noted. I was just about to tell more, but Leticia interrupted.

''So why do we have to be married? Apart from me not being able to steer the company?'' She put her hands on her hips, staring at me, waiting for answers. I rolled my eyes up.

''From where do we start... Well, when I told Astrid about it, she started digging. Also in your family's history. As it appears... You have a quite nice origin, cupcake'' I started, taking the seat on the window sill. ''Centuries ago your ancestors were pretty much werewolves. A royal bloodline, full of alphas. It disappeared over the centuries, due to the constant mixing with humans. A bit, around one percent, remained in you.''

''Werewolves? My ancestors? Can't be!'' She interrupted, gazing at me in shock.

''I checked it twice, it's all true and I found some chronicles related to your family. It's all making sense. I can show you later. Besides, you're talking to two vampires now'' Astrid added and I thanked her with a nod.

''The first kill attempt happened on the night with a full moon, which, as you may know, is important for werewolves''' I kept going, crossing my legs and looking at her with a serious expression. ''As well as for your one percent in your blood. Werewolves happen to have soulmates, someone from their species, who is destined for them. ''But the fact of just one percent caused an anomaly. You're not a werewolf, but you got a bond like a soulmate, because you're not a werewolf, the bond freaked out and got created with a vampire. Nature struggles to keep balance, so my powers fade without you, cause they split. Simple as that.'' I summarized with a clap, looking at shocked Leticia with a raised eyebrow.

''How can you be so sure?'' She replied with a question.

''There was an identical case in Argentina, fifty years ago'' Astrid explained with a shrug. '' the same things. It's super rare, so you both can consider yourselves lucky.''

''And how does it explain why do we have to be married?''

''We have time until the next full moon. Nature wants balance and a marriage is a way to get it, but since Mother Nature deals with absolutes, it has to be a marriage in the way the society considers it. It has to be legal and official as well. Otherwise, my power will remain split'' I explained, crossing my arms on my chest. I hung it here, waiting for her response with curiosity. She was still pretty pissed off, but now she frowned, considering something.

''Fine, so it's better to marry you one way or another. Is there anything especially for me?'' She replied with a question, but it was Astrid now, who answered.

''You'll get some vampiric stuff as well. Maybe the sun will harm you, maybe you'll have to drink blood and you'll vomit it anyway... Splitting vampiric properties can be pretty random. It's not like with division of property during the divorce'' She shrugged, causing Leticia to shudder at just the thought.

''In fact, the day after the first accident I ordered the bloodiest steak the restaurant could have...'' She muttered, still deeply considerating, until she raised her gaze to me and sighed. She seemed even more lost now. I couldn't blame her, it was a lot to process.

''I... I really need to be alone for a moment. Another moment. I'll come back there, okay, Carm?'' She replied and I nodded. Understandable, since Astrid couldn't keep her mouth shut and I moved my eyes back to my friend.

''I guess I should rip out your tongue'' I said, my voice dripping with ice-cold anger.

''Listen, you wrote me you're going to tell her and I thought... The moment I saw her surprised I freaked out, cause I know how you're able to talk about her for hours, fixed on her flaws, beauty, and-''

''You're making it worse for yourself. I'm not talking about her all the time'' I cut her off, but she raised her eyebrow.

''You're not? Are you sure about this?''

I sighed. I guess she's really going to die.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked with another sigh.

''I decided to visit you, I was nearby and I visited Tourselite, but they told me about the accident and the hospital and... I came here'' She shrugged. ''How's her father?''

''He drank vervain recently. I can't heal him, but he doesn't smell like someone dead. He'll be fine'' I did my purse and moved my gaze to her. ''But it wasn't an accident. Someone tried to kill him. Just like two times Leticia.''

She raised her eyebrow in surprise and came closer, just to sit next to me.

''It's confirmed?''

''I knew it immediately. No one tried to kill her since I stayed with her all the time. Now someone tried to kill her father, and the brakes failed, but the same day those were working just fine. Right before going to the barber, which he does every week on a specific day. Isn't it suspicious? Now the police found the same footprint they found when this person tried to kill Leticia'' I explained to her, watching as her eyes grow wider with each moment.

''You really have to marry her.''

''I'll do my best. Her father was hoping she would marry her ex, Louis and he proposed to her as well. We both did.''

''But doesn't he think she's your girlfriend officially?''

''He does. So you'll have to get rid of the body'' I muttered and she chuckled. I would do it, but I had a feeling Leticia would be even more mad for me.

Half an hour later Astrid went back to the hotel and I came back to the seat in the corridor. Louis was gone, at least for now. I felt Leticia was near, but nowhere in sight, and didn't want to look for her, since she wanted a moment for herself. The stronger smell of her delicate perfumes announced her arrival. Soon I saw her, coming straight towards me and then she stopped in front of me. I could see the determination in her eyes along with her calmness. Yes, she definitely needed a moment for herself.

''Mircalla Karsntein, I will gladly marry you'' She said, especially surprising me with the choice of the name.

''Carmilla would be enough, I got used to this name'' I replied in amusement. She smiled slightly.

''I figured out that was your first name, so... Whatever, I'll marry you.''

I smiled, glad of her choice, and got up, just to kneel in front of her a moment later.

''So... Your hand, please, my lady'' I murmured, staring at her with a smirk. She gave me her hand and I put it on her finger, before I got up and due to an impulse, I pulled her towards me and kissed her eagerly. I didn't really care about people watching us now. And I would lie saying I wasn't looking forward to marrying her. I could already feel I was losing myself for her. Now she would be mine, soon it would be undeniable. Even and especially for Louis.

Anyway, her soft, smooth lips were more important to me now. We stopped after some seconds when I could feel she was out of breath and I looked into her eyes, tilting my head slightly.

''Now remember, it's official this time. No things unsaid, like recently'' I murmured.

''I will. Now I won't have to lie to anyone'' She replied in amusement, apparently feeling better now. ''This company thing is urgent, I inquired the registry office and they can wed us on Friday, that's the fastest they can.''

''Looks good to me.''

The faster the better. My powers would stabilize as well, so the next time this asshole tries to kill her, he won't be able to escape from me.

I heard someone clap, then someone joined and then it was the whole corridor clapping with congratulations. I was already raising my hand to stop it, but Leticia stopped it and looked into my eyes.

''It's fine, Carm.''

I looked at her carefully, but I let go of this idea and pushed the strand of her hair behind her ear.

''It's all going to be fine. I'm right here, by your side, remember that''

''Thank you'' She almost whispered, laying her hands on my shoulders.

An hour later we were standing in front of the door to his room. He was still unconscious, but the doctor told us he was better for now and the next few days will tell us more. It depended on his ability to stabilize and get better from that point.

''I owe him my life'' she muttered.

''I guess every child does to their parents. As long as they raised them and actually cared about them'' I replied, drowning in my thoughts. Not all parents were that. Not that my childhood was a disaster, but... Seeing how children are raised now, it sounded like a paradise. If we don't mention the pathology.

''Not in this way'' She went on, staring at the door. ''If not him, I would be in the graveyard.''

I raised my eyebrow.

''Spit it out. I can see it's gnawing you.''

''Well...'' She took a breath. ''I was in a relationship once. I was fifteen at the time. There was this guy... Robert. He was three years older than me. My parents warned me, but I didn't listen. I was rebellious and had everything I could only want, but I did rebel just to do it. Maybe I had too much? For some reason, I thought my life sucked and in fact, I was too spoiled?''

My mind immediately came up with images of Leticia in an edgy outfit, with all that was typical for rebels, but it was hard to imagine. It simply didn't match her for me. Her angelic beauty was arguing with it. She gave me a look, as if to check if I was still listening and so she went on.

''I was partying, mostly with him, came late home, kept arguing with them, for some reason stupidly thinking they want to cut me from having fun, being alive, imprisoning me in the world of boredom and learning... And so on. It later came out that Robert not only had a problem with alcohol, which I ignored, which I explained with many excuses. He was dealing drugs. That's why he always had so much money. But this came to an end. He had debts, he lost his stability, and... He decided to flee, with me and two of his trusted companions'' She continued, listening to her heartbeat, I could tell she was getting more and more nervous. She stared in front of herself, but emptily as if she didn't see the door, but Robert. ''He had a plan, a new business idea, he kept telling himself he would find money, get rich, and get it all back on track. We rode to another city, to the motel, we were partying, they robbed someone and then they had another party at the motel room. Already then there was something wrong with him. He grew cold towards me, frustrated, but I kept telling myself it was due to the stress. He was my Clyde, I was his Bonnie, I kept telling myself that.''

I grit my teeth, expecting they did something to her. I opened my mouth to ask about it, but she continued, trembling slightly. Her face took a pained expression when she switched to the most unpleasant part.

''My parents found us. They questioned my choice of boyfriend earlier already, but despite that, they would help Robert if he left alcohol, and drugs, they would pay his debts and he would be free, to start fresh, but he was stubborn, explaining that as a man, he should be independent and he will help himself. So they came to take me home. I struggled, kept telling them how I hate them, that they can't separate us, wishing them even death...'' her voice quivered.

I took her hand, rubbing it with my thumb, encouraging her to finish. She took a ragged breath, dropping her gaze to the ground.

''Robert tried to stop them as well, but it turned out my father has a nice punch'' She continued, smiling slightly, amused, when she mentioned the hit. But then her expression came back to the one with sorrow. ''They took me home by force. The next day I heard that Robert and his friends got killed. The bad guys to whom he owed money got him. If not for my parents, I would get killed as well. Or maybe worse. This sobered me up, made me realize how far and lost I've gone.''

I came in front of her, taking her second hand and staring into her watery eyes. It was apparently painful for her.

''Everything is a matter of perspective. Everyone makes mistakes. The point is that you realized and stopped. Whether it was with help or not'' I explained to her, silently.

''For a long time, I blamed myself. Maybe I could do something, save him before it was too late. I tried to find solutions all the time, but he wouldn't listen to my advice. After some time I realized it wasn't my fault. You can't help someone, who keeps rejecting help.'' She looked away, as if ashamed of the story she just told.

''It's understandable, cupcake. Look at you now. Completely different person than this young, rebel Leticia'' I answered with a slight chuckle, trying to amuse her. She smiled slightly.

''That's why my family, my parents, and our company are so important to me. Since that day.''

''Now I get it. But don't even try being a rebel again. I can't even imagine myself that'' I replied and she chuckled shortly, before she hugged me, calming herself. I closed her in my embrace.

It was obvious no one was crystal clean, everyone had some dead bodies in their closets, but Leticia was the least suspicious, and even she had some dark cards in the story of her life. I caressed her platinum hair, thinking of what she told me. I brushed her hair with my fingers, glad I was now by her side.

Louis was obviously not happy when he noticed the ring on Leticia's finger and then heard that she was engaged to me. As if part of him still blindly believed it was all a lie and there was still a chance for him. And if he expected I would give him a break, I would never. I kept reminding him, that there was no chance for him anymore. She was mine and mine alone. I also was the first to invite him to our wedding. I wasn't able to stop myself from that. I had to do it personally.

And so the next days we spent on preparations. Probably if not the bond, it would simply end on a visit to the registry office, but nature wanted the absolute and so we had to give it to her. Sarah took care of Leticia and her choice of wedding dress. I believed my taste, but Astrid was surprisingly stubborn in helping me choose the dress. First time in a long time, I let her win. 

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