Story of our Lives -Naruto an...

By ErikaEvangeline

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In this story, we are in the human, modern world! Different people pair up? Drama? The death of family member... More

Chapter One- Konoha High
Chapter Two- THAT Party...
Chapter Three- Why is it always in the Gym?
Chapter Four- Unexpected Bloodline
Chapter Five, Interesting Developments
Chapter Six- The 'Doctor'
Chapter Seven- Stupid Storms and Spilling Secrets
Chapter Eight- Relocation
Chapter Nine- Uchiha Compound
Chapter Ten- New Faces
Chapter Eleven- Comfort...?
Chapter Twelve- Meeting Freaks
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifteen- Sakura's Rant
Chapter Sixteen- Uchihas + Naruto @TheHotSpring = Awkwardness
Chapter Seventeen- Hello Fangirls Goodbye Life
Chapter Eighteen- Introducing Itachi
Chapter Nineteen-I'd like to apologize...
Chapter Twenty- Choices Made, Mistakes Reversed
Chapter Twenty One- Open it Open it Open the Pandora's Box
Chapter Twenty Two-THE END

Chapter Thirteen- Lucky Numbers

8.5K 284 131
By ErikaEvangeline

Sasuke was shoved into the room at the end of the hallway and both flaming-homos bowed. Sasori gave Sasuke a small smirk before his eyes went down completely, and Deidara shuffled a bit. Sasuke turned around, looking at the scene before him.

Completely unlike what he had expected. No gory blood, no dead body, no torture devices, instead- a normal desk with a pretty spunkie looking adult sitting down in the only chair in the room right behind the desk.

The lovey-dovey couple exited almost immediately when the dude waved his hand in a shooing gesture and Sasuke raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed.

"You can throw those ropes in that corner there, it was probably a part of Deidara's 'Lost and Found' collection." Pain barely glanced at him before looking down again. Sasuke's mouth gaped open. How had he known...?

He shrugged the ropes off and tossed the binding obstical things away, noticing the amount of weird things in that corner. A lot of clay doll...thingys, weapons, lotion bottles and even a hairbrush with long blond hair stuck to it. Pain looked at him again, this time putting down his papers and taking off his glasses. He folded them neatly and placed them on top of his work, his attention all of a sudden on Sasuke.

That's when the young Uchiha noticed just how many piercings he had. It seemed like he was an extremely painful punk who loved sticking metal in his skin, especially his face, but his clothes and attitude completely contradicted his appearance. Sasuke couldn't figure him out, and it made him mad. He didn't like not knowing.

"You remind me of your brother with every moment you're here, it's stunning how similar you two are...I bet you don't like hearing that, eh?" Pain grinned as Sasuke grimaced. He wanted to be anything BUT in Itachi's shadow, even though he was his brother.

"So why am I here?" He asked and Pain pursed his lips. "Well, I think the main reason is to offer you information. Valuable information, and in give me your information." Pain smiled. "Kind of like an exchange." Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean? I don't think I have any important information."

"Oh, but you do. Your lineage, your special blood, I want to know all about it. And in return, I'll tell you the truth about the day your entire clan was...exterminated." Sasuke froze. "Wait. The truth? I already know...but if you can give me information about the murderers who took my family's life away, I...I think I might be able to give you what you want." Sasuke paused. It was their family secret, how had Pain even known?

"How ironic." Pain said with a small smile on his face and he turned in his chair, making a full circle before he stopped. His eyes were gleaming. "I'll tell you everything there is to know about your precious murderer, and you can tell me about your eyes. Deal?" Sasuke's expression turned stormy. "Precious murderer? Don't play with me, it's been a sore spot for me for awhile now." Pain nodded. "Of course."

"So, your decision?" Pain took up his pen and swirled it around in his fingers. Sasuke shut his eyes, thinking. He would learn the truth, whatever it might be, and know all about the murderer-he was surprised it was only one person-in exchange for his information on his eyes. It sounded fair enough.

Before he could say anything though, someone burst into the room. "Sasuke, I found you!" Naruto said loudly and Sasuke's mouth gaped open. He didn't even have time to think, Pain had already pressed a piece of paper to his hand. "Just give me a call whenever and we can decide. Good bye, I've enjoyed your company immensely." Naruto seemed to notice the person behind Sasuke and he frowned. "What's with the metal pieces?" Pain smiled. "That's private information." Naruto raised an eyebrow and a hand clamped down onto his shoulder.

Itachi's eyes, hidden by the shadows, did nothing to comfort him. Instead, there seemed to be some sort of killer intent in the air, and Naruto swallowed, staring at Sasuke with eyes as big as saucers. "I-I don't know what happened, one moment I was outside and the next 'flash, bam!' and I was outside the...hallway..." Naruto cringed as Itachi's grip tightened. "Let's go, Sasuke."

"Yes, Naruto, please escort Sasuke back to his house, I'm sure you know where it is-" Naruto's face flushed and Pain's eyes skimmed over to Itachi. "Itachi, stay. I have to talk to you."

Itachi lifted his head, a smile back on his face. "Of course." Sasuke almost felt a shudder at that smile, it was the one he had given to his parents the night before they were murdered by the killer...suddenly it seemed like something was going to click into place, but before he could figure it out it was gone like a lost piece for a puzzle.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm and fled like hell was behind them.

Sasuke heard the door shut and soon they ran out into the clearing, out of the house that had light but looked dead on the outside. For the longest time the only thing he could hear was the sound of their labored breathing.

"Let go of me." He said as soon as he cooled down and Naruto's face flushed before he jerked his hand away from Sasuke's sleeve. "Um-uh, yeah! I'm just going to go home now and pretend none of that happened and hopefully never meet your brother again..." He started walking away almost mechanically, like a robot.

"Hey, idiot!" Sasuke called out. It was until Naruto turned around that he realized what he had done. He scrambled for something to say. "Aren't you supposed to take me home?" Naruto frowned. "Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me. I do have some questions for you too."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Like?"

"How the hell did I know where you were? And why the heck did I feel a gut-wrenching pain and immediately assumed that you were in danger?" Naruto questioned as soon as they started walking back and Sasuke sighed. "Didn't I tell you? We're linked. It's magic." Naruto's eyes widened. "Magic?"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. Was he pretending to be this dumb? "Yeah, sure."

"Prove it!" Naruto almost shouted and Sasuke halted their stride, caught off-guard from his loud voice. "Shut it, people are sleeping!" Naruto looked at the deserted streets. "Oh. Well still! Prove it."

Sasuke thought for a bit, then grinned wickedly. "I'll prove it to you on Monday. I'm tired for now." Naruto tsked. "Eh, why?! I don't believe you!" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "believe what you will, I'm not going to do anything now."

Naruto plopped down on the sidewalk. "Then I'm not going anywhere." Sasuke growled. "You damn bastard, just because I'm being nice to you doesn't mean that I've forgotten what you've done!"

Naruto looked up, surprised. "What did I do?"

Sasuke's mouth hung open. He hadn't meant to say that, and he didn't even knew he was going to say something that embarrassing. What a shame for the Uchihas. "Forget I ever said anything. I'm walking the rest of the way back myself, good night."

"Hey, what the heck, teme? Come back here!" Sasuke took off running. For some strange reason. He just felt like it, alright? It was just exercise for his body and it was training for later in life, when he had to outrun a turtle.

Actually, Naruto wasn't that slow. He kept up behind him but couldn't get any closer, and soon both of them were exhausted, panting and stopping at the Uchiha Compound. "You-*breathe* idiot-*breathe*-why did you...*breathe*-follow me here, stalker?*" Sasuke grumbled out and leaned against the gate, feeling the cool metal against his burning hot skin. Naruto didn't say anything for awhile. "Just tell me what I did wrong." He muttered quietly and Sasuke had almost strained to hear him. Very unlike him.

"No thank you. Good night." He started pressing the buttons to unlock the gate but Naruto caught his hand and slammed his other next to Sasuke's head, trapping him. "Tell me." He said once more and Sasuke noticed how bright and blue his eyes were, in that moment, his soft hair swaying just a bit as the night wind blew across their skin. He blinked, the image was still there, staring at him, waiting for an answer.

"I said-I don't want to-" He was silenced by Naruto's lips, harsh and demanding and his eyes widened in shock. Naruto, kissing him? He was kissing his enemy! Sasuke couldn't think straight though, because Naruto's eyes were still open, a sly glint in them that made him want to see it go out. He let Naruto's tongue inside his mouth and then teasingly bit down on Naruto's lips, making Naruto moan in slight pain. His hand clutched onto Naruto's, and before he knew it he had his common sense back and he broke off the kiss, staring bewilderedly at Naruto's slightly flushed face.

"You did not just do that on purpose." Sasuke said and was annoyed when his voice came out shaky. Naruto didn't answer, just stared back at him. "Let go." He said and noticed where his hands were. One hand was holding Naruto's hand, entwined together and the other hand was gripping the front of Naruto's T-shirt.

"Funny, I don't seem to be the one holding on. Please answer me, I need an answer." Naruto pleaded and Sasuke clenched his jaw. "Isn't it obvious enough?! I hate seeing you together with that damn no-eyebrows sandman!" Naruto's mouth fell open in surprise.

"Wait. You're jealous?" He asked, stunned and Sasuke's face turned a few degrees warmer. "Wh-what wait no I didn't mean-" Naruto laughed and pressed his forehead against Sasuke's. "I can't believe you, getting so upset over something like this-" Sasuke growled. "That something was very important!"

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Naruto teased and Sasuke growled. "Watch it, Uzumaki, I was never keen on forgiveness." He smirked. "In fact, I think I still need to punish you..." He grinned when he saw Naruto's expression. " offense, but a second ago I thought you said you needed to punish me and you sounded like an old pedophile."

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. "Apology, NOT accepted." He growled and brought his face closer to Naruto's neck, feeling drawn suddenly to the almost glowing skin in the moonlight. Naruto inched back till his head hit the bars of the gate, and Sasuke came in even closer till his lips were on Naruto's flesh. "I do need to punish you." He murmured as he craned a bit of his head, making Naruto shiver. He grinned, loving the sensation.

"Wait-whao, Deja Vu, like, serious big time." Naruto muttered softly as Sasuke's lips parted and he began to kiss upwards, towards a growing pulse. His skin was a bit salty and Sasuke unconsciously bit into Naruto's skin. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise and he gripped onto Sasuke's shirt, feeling estacy even though his strength was draining away. "H-Hey...stop..." He managed to mumble but Sasuke wouldn't stop, causing Naruto to moan rather embarrassingly. He tried to push Sasuke away, but it only seemed furtile.

When Sasuke finally stopped, Naruto almost collapsed. What the hell? Was Sasuke a vampire? He fell limply into the arms of the paler male and surprised, Sasuke's glowing red eyes faded dully back to black. "Hey, uh...Uzumakii? Are you okay? Don't play around with me..." He shook the blond but he was dead to the world.

"So that's your way of obtaining energy. It's almost as bad as mine..." He heard a deeper voice and looked up, staring straight into the eyes of his older brother, Itachi. Itachi had an unreadable expression on his face, almost full of pity, anger and sadness. Combined with others.

"Uh-" Sasuke could only say before he too, fell. It wasn't until Itachi had caught them both that he realized the gravity of the situation. He had drunk blood, and he was about to pass out. And Itachi saw. And Naruto was probably dead.

"Let's get you back home first, and Naruto's got to stay with us tonight. I'll call his you know her?" Sasuke mumbled out 'Tusnade-sama' before completely fainting.

Itachi stared at the both of them and sighed. What an interesting way to speed along lovers. He almost laughed, it was just so ironic.

He saw Sasuke's hand was curled around a piece of paper, and he opened his hand gently, not startled to see the number written on it. "Hopefully he hadn't memorized this..." He muttered as he looked at the paper in his palm, the sheet immediately bursting into flames and crumpling into ash.

He knew he wouldn't be laughing when the world fell to chaos.

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