
By TheoryKierei

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(This is a spin-off from Alpha to Omega. It can stand alone, though some characters are from AtO at the begin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

1K 145 41
By TheoryKierei

They're growing back...

He had no idea how, because it shouldn't have been possible, and especially not within three days of having them removed, but he couldn't deny what he was feeling. 

Being extremely gentle, since he didn't want to wake the man currently sleeping against him, Bin felt along the bony ridges protruding faintly from the man's back. 

I've never seen such regenerative abilities. 

Sure, vampires and werewolves could heal some pretty nasty injuries without much help from common medicine, but to completely regenerate an appendage? 

It was unheard of. 

He considered letting his master know, but at same time, it probably didn't matter one way or the other. Even without his wings, Karalius would easily be able to kill him if he wanted to. 

He was just looking up at the ceiling, considering going back to sleep for a bit when he felt the man pressed up against him move. Bin immediately closed his eyes and remained absolutely still, but when Karalius simply moved his arm farther up onto his chest, then gave a content, sleepy sigh, Bin risked squinting one eye open. 

Ah, he just scooted up a little and got more comfortable. 

His shoulder was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable from the weight of the man's head, though. Pins and needles danced up and down the right side of his body but it was clear that Karalius was oblivious, even as he adjusted himself a little more, then yawned wide enough for Bin to see his two sets of fangs extend to sharp points, then retract again as they settled back into his mouth.'re not a demon. You're a cat. 

As if agreeing with him, Karalius nuzzled his cheek against his shoulder, then gave a smaller yawn with only one fang visible. 

Such a scary, powerful demon and yet you sleep like a kitten when you're comfortable. 

Reaching over, Bin gently touched the tips of Karalius's fingers that were resting atop his bare chest, then lifted one gently.

I never noticed that your claws come out when you sleep. 

In fact, he didn't remember seeing them any other time the man had fallen asleep. 

He's always stressed and tossing and tur—His eyes widened as he realized something he should have right away. 

You're... sleeping peacefully. 

Looking up from the man's hand, Bin studied Karalius's relaxed expression. 

He really is sleeping well. 

As he continued to stare, his fingers gently massaged the fingers he'd been inspecting previously without really noticing. 

Ah, it's already dark outside again? 

Bin, are you up? 

Blinking, Bin furrowed his brow and looked back up toward the ceiling.

Yes, I'm awake, he replied, curious about what his master wanted. 

Is everything okay? I haven't heard from you in two days. 

Bin felt his eyebrow twitch as he glanced back outside. 

I guess we were just really tired, he eventually replied, still stunned that they'd slept for so long. 

When his master didn't respond again right away, Bin figured that he was going to want to see him at some point soon. So, he reached over and gently began petting Karalius's soft hair. 

"Kara? It's time to wake up," he whispered quietly, doing his best not to startle the man. 

When his demon didn't respond, Bin moved his hand down to softly brush his thumb against his pale nose. 

Come eat something soon, please, Inkani finally replied, proving Bin right. 


When he still got no response, he leaned closer and opened his mouth just enough to nip at the man's nose. He honestly wasn't expecting a response for the little bite, either, since the man seemed to be so deep asleep, so when he suddenly felt cold lips press against his own, Bin's eyes widened into saucers and he squeaked, startled!

He immediately tried to pull away out of instinct, but there was suddenly a hand behind his head, easily keeping him still until Karalius ended their kiss about a minute later. 

Bin immediately rolled onto his other side as soon as he was freed, trying to hide his blush. 

"Did master not wish to have his kiss returned?" Karalius asked with a hint of smugness to his words that had Bin's skin itching. 

You know that wasn't a kiss, you brat. 

Scowling at the wall, Bin forced himself to sit up then, finally, glare over his shoulder as Karalius sat up beside him. 


There was a problem. 

I don't remember biting you last night!

He evidently had, though. Twice. 

"W-we should get dressed," he eventually mumbled as he quickly scooted out of the bed. 

Why is his back healing so quickly but he couldn't heal two little sets of teeth marks?!

They both thankfully still had their pants on, so at least he knew that nothing else had happened last night. 

Why are you watching me instead of getting dressed? 

He could feel the man's eyes glued to his body as he tugged on a shirt that was a little too long... intentionally. It covered the important parts when he tugged his pants off, then quickly switched them out for new ones. 

"Master Binan?" 

Once he had his pants up and was fastening the belt, he turned to the side a bit so that he could look at Karalius. 


The man had moved to the edge of the bed closest to him and was sitting with his legs tucked beneath him, looking like an eager child. 

I sense a trap. 

Karalius smiled widely, one fang poking out from beneath his upper lip. 


"Master Binan, I will sleep with you from now on, okay?" 

Bin frowned, blinking, confused. 

"Didn't you say that you'd rather stand guard from outside?" he said, even though he wouldn't argue. He preferred Karalius to be inside. 

And why are you suddenly being calmer? 

"I will guard from the outside during the day, then guard from master's bed at night," the man said simply, making Bin even more suspicious. 

When the man just continued to stare, Bin pursed his lips and went to his closet to retrieve another set of clothing. It took him a minute to find something he thought would work well for his heir, but when he turned around, Bin nearly jumped out of skin. 

Karalius tilted his head and grinned as he stood right in front of him. 

You brat. 

Pushing the clothing into the man's arms, Bin waited until Karalius grabbed them, then walked around him just to get some space. 

Why is my heart beating so hard? I'm not tired.

Maybe he just needed to feed... even though he'd evidently done that with Karalius twice last night. 


Turning abruptly, Bin opened his mouth to speak, but his words got caught in his throat as his eyes landed on his completely naked heir. 

He turned back around and stared out the balcony doors as he heard Karalius chuckle quietly. 

"Master, will you help me with my shirt?" 

Bin turned back around, only to scowl. 

His shirt is long enough, but still...

"Where are your pants?" he asked as he hesitantly walked back over and began fixing his shirt. 

He saw the man point behind him, but didn't bother turning to see. They had obviously been tossed on the bed. After quickly fastening the man's shirt correctly, Bin turned and grabbed his pants, then pushed them against his heir's chest. 

"Do you need help with these, too?" he asked sarcastically. 

When Karalius immediately grinned and tilted his head like a curious cat, Bin quickly retreated and finished getting himself presentable. 

We're coming down soon, master, he thought to Inkani, giving him a heads up that he was bringing Karalius with him. 

When he turned around again, he was a bit surprised to see Karalius standing by the door, clearly waiting for him so that they could leave. 

"Come here, Kara," Bin said as he gestured him toward the seat in front of the mirror. 

Once the man sat down Bin got to work on his messy hair and also used a damp cloth from the washbasin and cleaned his face for him. Once done he noticed Karalius examining his appearance, seemingly considering it silently. 

"Let's head downstairs," Bin said, bringing the guy's attention back to him.

Karalius glanced back at the mirror one more time, then stood up and walked over to him. 

"Master, I am hungry." 

Bin led him out the door and started down the hall. 

I'm not surprised since I bit you twice last night. 

"Master has food waiting for us," he said as he felt Kara's cold fingers slip against his own, then close around them. 

Bin glanced at their now-joined hands, but then decided to just ignore the touch. If the man wanted to hold his hand, then that was fine. Besides, it was a lot better than his previous intentions.

They took their time walking downstairs, allowing Bin to steal a few more glances at the man beside him. His eyes were calm and his back was straight, but what was new, and what kept holding Bin's attention, was the lack of dark circles beneath Karalius's eyes, and the way he just seemed a lot more able to focus since they'd woken up. 

He actually seems happy now, too. 

He could see real emotion in the man's dark eyes, and while most of it was curious, happy, or content, there were other ones that he couldn't quite place his finger on. 

By the time they got to the dining room Bin felt his fangs pressing against his lips. He might have nibbled on Karalius last night, but he clearly hadn't taken much. 

They both immediately went to the table settings clearly made for them and sat down, then grabbed the goblets of blood in front of them. 

His master waited for them to finish drinking and set their glasses down before he spoke from his seat across the table from them. 

"How are you two feeling? You slept for quite some time," he said calmly as he looked between them a few times. 

Bin felt the fresh blood he'd just consumed flow up to his cheeks, tinting them pink. 

"I think I was sleeping off the remainder of my illness, and Kara had been sleeping out on the balcony, so I think he just needed to rest inside..." 

 Inkani nodded after a moment, but Bin's attention had already wandered as he glanced around the room, then back to Inkani. 

"Master, where is your werewolf?" 

He noticed Inkani's eyebrow twitch slightly at his question, but he quickly calmed his expression. 

"Upstairs. He's taking a nap." 

A nap? I didn't know he ever ran out of energy. 

Bin was about to question if he wasn't feeling well when he noticed a faint scent in the air. 

Oh. You fed from him... 

Must have nearly drained him for the guy to not be at his side. 

"Captain Moral has gathered a large amount of ships just outside the harbor. Many of the locals are beginning to board up their shops," Inkani said, making Bin's eyes widen.

"They're actually going to attack an entire town of pirates?" 

It was an insane thing to consider, but at the same time, captain Moral had risen in the ranks over the years he'd been tailing them. 

"I'm not sure if he's crazy enough to try that, but it wouldn't be hard for them to cut off our supply routes," Inkani said, making bin nod in agreement. 

They weren't on an island, but they were close to British-controlled territories. Of course, they had plenty of men guarding the boarder there, along with booby-traps galore, but if they were attacked from both the sea and land simultaneously? 

"I don't like it," Bin mumbled as he accepted a second glass of blood. 

He expected Karalius to be given another one, too, and he did receive a glass, but this time it looked like plain water. A dish was also set before his heir that had grilled chicken, potatoes, and some sort of hash on it. 

Before he could question Kara about whether he wanted it, the man immediately tucked in, eating as if he were starving. 

I suppose it makes sense that he'd need to eat. 

Vampires tended to eat because they wanted to, but he wasn't really a vampire. 

He needs to eat...

Noticing that the food was disappearing quickly, he asked the servant to bring another dish, as well as another glass of water for his heir.  

There was soon a second dish and glass in front of Karalius, but the man didn't seem to even notice the servant as he immediately switched from his just-cleaned plate and started digging in again. 

"Are you feeling better, Karalius?" 

Hearing his master's question, Bin looked towards him, but quickly returned his attention to his heir. 

Karalius didn't answer until he finished his second portion of chicken and hash, only slowing enough to lift his head from the plate when there was only a few bites of potato left. 

"I... I think so. My mind is quieter," he rasped as Bin reached over and cleaned off the bits of food he'd gotten on his chin. 

"When was the last time you've eaten a human meal?" 

Karalius frowned as he thought for a moment, then shook his head. 

"I was never hungry for human food. I ate souls and drank a lot of blood..."

A servant brought over a large mango and Karalius immediately accepted it and bit right through the skin, clearly still willing to eat more. 

Bin looked back at his master, excited that they'd discovered something new concerning his heir. 

"Keep him well fed, Bin. The servants can make him something whenever needed," Inkani said as he stood, making Bin nod. 

"I'm going to go into town and speak with some of the men I have stationed on the docks as lookouts, as well as those in charge of the town's defenses," Inkani said, making Bin quickly stand up, too. 

"You're not coming. I need you to stay here and look after your heir, and don't let Ilio wander off to find me," he said sternly, not interested in arguing. 

Bin didn't like leaving his master alone at such a tense time, but he wouldn't argue. 

"Yes sir. Please be careful and come back soon." 

He followed Inkani to the front door, seeing him off, then returned to the dining room. 


He shouldn't have been surprised considering this was the first time in a very long while that Karalius had eaten. 

And he ate enough for two people, if not three. 

Grinning to himself, Bin walked over and carefully managed to lift his sleeping heir up into his arms. The man immediately snuggled closer, then yawned just enough to show a single fang. 

Back to bed with you. At least until your body digests. 

It would give him some time to finally get some work done, and he had no doubt that he'd have to keep an eye on Ilio once he awoke, too. 

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