The scum of the Zerg attack y...

By Asitb7586

38.5K 745 94

Title - 虫族之渣攻你人设崩了 Author - 鹤乙 summary Gu Lian escaped from the previous world and just entered this world. ... More

Violent Male vs. Female Lieutenant General 01
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
39,40,41 together
58 , 59


189 2 4
By Asitb7586

  It flowed onto Gu Lian's arm.

  Xio's eyelids twitched, and he immediately tried to wipe it in a hurry. But before he could wipe it, Gu Lian glanced down. Stickyly, the insect cub's drool dripped down his arm and slowly dripped to the ground.

  One drop, two drops, the air condenses.

  After a while, a voice with no discernible emotion said, "You want to attract my attention in this way?"

  "No." Xio panicked instantly, her pupils trembling in panic.

  "I'm sorry, Master Xiong. I shouldn't have poked Zai Zai in the face..."

  The hero didn't like dirty and sticky things, and Xiu vaguely remembered the scene when Gu Lian avoided the cub when it was still an egg. Then he explained, "Zai Zai may be really hungry."

  "There are no milk nuts in the camp, and I can't express female breasts..."

  He lowered his head as he spoke, and Gu Lian looked at the top of the insect's head. Suddenly he felt his head pounding. If he hadn't understood the character of this insect, he would have thought that the other person was hinting at something.

"You go and clean it up." Xiu said, "I'll hold Zaizai."

  He stretched out his hand to hug the insect cub, but just as he was about to touch it, his wrist suddenly felt severe pain. The pain was more severe than when trying to cut off the head of a mutated bug.

  Xio's face suddenly turned pale, and Xio tried her best to hold back her right wrist calmly. However, his actions still did not escape Gu Lian's eyes. His sharp eyebrows furrowed and Gu Lian asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong with the hand?"

  "Maybe I've held the blade for a long time and used it too much." Xio hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly said, "Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

  "Master, can you hold the cub first?" He overestimated his recovery ability, and even began to fear that if he hugged the cub, he would drop it.

  Xiu's hesitation made Gu Lian's expression look ugly. Gu Lian knew the character of this insect. Unless absolutely necessary, everything must be done by oneself. However, now he lets him hold the insect cub? Gu Lian's eyes stayed on Xio's wrist for a few seconds, and then moved to the face of this aggressive insect.


  He said coldly, "Take it."

  Xiu paused, and even though he didn't know Gu Lian's intention, he still took the book in his hand obediently. The book, which is about half a finger wide, is not too thick, but when Xiu subconsciously took it with his right hand, the book seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and severely compressed the veins in his wrist. Under the severe pain, Xio had the illusion that all the muscles and veins in his wrist were being crushed.

  "Pop" sound.

  The book fell heavily to the ground, and Xio's hands trembled in pain.

  Gu Lian stared at him and said coldly, "No problem?"

  "..." Xiu was speechless.

  The stubborn insect stood in front of him, looking disappointed, as if he was unwilling to admit that there was something wrong with his wrist.

  "I didn't want to admit that there was something wrong with my hands, so I picked up the book."

  Gu Lian's voice was cold. Xio gritted her teeth and bent down to pick up the book on the ground, but her wrist kept shaking and she couldn't even exert strength. Several times he endured the severe pain to pick up the book, but it fell instantly from his weak hands.

  How to hold a blade with such hands?

  Xio comforted herself that this was just a minor problem, but at the same time she was panicking because she was afraid that she would no longer be able to pick up the blade. As soon as he had the idea of ​​trying again, his wrist was grabbed by Gu Lian.

  Gu Lian's strength was not heavy, but his brows furrowed.

  "Is this enough strength to hurt like this?" Gu Lian said coldly, "Are you trying to show off your strength here and wait for your hand to be destroyed?"

  "I'm sorry, Lord." Xio lowered his head, and his long eyelashes cast a dim shadow on the tired green and black areas of his eyelids. Now, there are not enough military resources or insect personnel in the camp. The urgent situation after the war made Xio and the military females join the medical team one after another.

  It is still unknown whether Io, who has turned into a mutated insect, will wake up. Odin, who was stabbed by Via, is also unconscious. The interrogation is still going on. If Via can be inserted into the military headquarters, it means that there may be sub-zerg spies lurking in the military headquarters and even the royal family...

  No worm can relax.

  "Didn't the medical soldier check your wrist?" Gu Lian used his mental energy to protect Xiu's tendons and rubbed Xio's wrist with his cold thumb.

  "They are too busy." Besides, Xio always thought that this was just overuse, but now things told him that he thought too simply. Xio couldn't help but worry, "Master, is there a big problem with my wrist?"

  "...Can I still hold the blade?"

  At this moment, you are still thinking about whether to get a weapon or go to the battlefield?

  Gu Lian glanced at him, "It's broken, what are you going to do?"

  "......can you?"

  Will it break?

  Xio's whole body stiffened and he suddenly felt his blood coagulating. If he can no longer use his right hand... His ice blue eyes dimmed for a moment, but then flickered again.

  Xio said resolutely, "The left hand is fine too."

  "As long as you become proficient, you can still hold the blade with your left hand."

  Gu Lian remained indifferent and silent.

  "There are also many military females who are left-handed." Xio tried to prove himself, "They have the same basic necessities as normal insects."

  However, Gu Lian's expression became colder and colder.

  "As long as you are proficient..." Under this angry look, Xio's tone became weaker and weaker. Disabled females, especially unpopular military females, are most likely to be ignored and disliked by males.

  The water in her eyes was cold, and Xio began to feel uneasy, "Master, I can serve you even if I only have my left hand..."

  "Ouch -" Gu Lian was carrying the insect cub and suddenly began to dream again, holding the imaginary milk fruit and shaking its milk teeth.

  Xio looked at it and couldn't help but murmured and added, "You should be able to express female breasts with your left hand, right?"

  Chapter 77 Violent Male vs. Female Lieutenant General 67


  Insects have an inexplicable obsession with female breasts.

  Gu Lian's temples were beating faintly, but when he touched that hesitant and somewhat sophisticated look, the irritation that had just emerged was instantly extinguished by speechlessness.

  This insect's mind is too fast, and his mind is full of messy things that he doesn't know.

  He looked at the bugs in front of him:

  The military uniform is straight and the expression is serious.

  She looked like she was ready to go to the battlefield and charge into battle at any time, but her mind was seriously thinking about how to manually develop female breasts.

  Speechlessly, Gu Lian withdrew his hand from rubbing Xiu's wrist.

  As the finger warmth retreated, Xiu came back to his senses. Ice blue eyes looked at Gu Lian, "Master? Can my right hand still be treated?"

  "Don't you only need your left hand?" Gu Lian said lightly.

  Bugs lack self-awareness and are extremely sensitive and thorough in perceiving other bugs, but they are very slow to perceive themselves.

  Ignoring Xiu anymore, Gu Lian bent down and picked up the book "The Theory of Zerg Evolution" on the ground. As soon as his hand touched the spine of the book, a drop of saliva fell on his hand. Visibly, Gu Lian's hand froze for a moment, then he picked up the book.

  The book held down by the index finger happened to turn to this page:

  Looking at the bathtub in front of him, which was so narrow that he could almost touch every part of each other when he sat down, all kinds of smooth postures were played over and over in Xio's mind uncontrollably. The more he played the bathtub, the more abnormal Xio's expression became.

  piping hot.

  The mental antennae gradually became restless.

  After Gu Lian washed his arm that was covered in saliva from Chongzi, he turned around and saw Chongzi's face that was red to the ears. After staring for a moment, he asked in a deep voice, "Don't you need to wash it?"


  The ends of his eyes were dyed red, and his eyes turned blue. Chong Zi decided to say, "It's necessary."

  Gu Lian narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing more.

  The insect cub in his hand gradually woke up, his eyes dim with sleep. Taking advantage of Xiu's time to drain the water, Gu Lian grabbed the yawning insect cub and forced himself to wash his face.

  There was a rustling sound behind him.

  When he looked back, Gu Lian found that the bug had actively become "frank" about itself and was stepping into the bathtub with one of its eye-catching long legs.

  When their eyes met, Gu Lian's eyes darkened for a moment.

  The unaware insect paused for a moment, and then, large areas of watery red spread to his chest. Then he suddenly stepped into the bathtub, put his other leg in, and quickly sat down with his knees in his arms.

  "Father!" The sleepy insect cub looked at Xiu and screamed.

  Gu Lian glanced at the excited insect cub, peeled it clean and walked to the bathtub. The tall insect shadow shrouded her, and Xio, who was shrinking in the bathtub, lowered her eyes. The smooth and beautiful long hair is scattered on the water surface, blocking the underwater scene.

  Under the cover of long hair, the Adam's apple rolled quietly.

  "Can you do it with your left hand?" Gu Lian glanced at him and asked calmly.

  "It's okay, Lord." Upon hearing the question, Xio immediately raised her eyes. His deep blue eyes stared at Gu Lian closely, and he blurted out without hesitation.

  Gu Lian nodded and threw the insect cub into the water. There was a "pop" sound, and the insect cub was thrown into the bathtub and splashed with water.

  Chong Zai chuckled, and Gu Lian turned around and left.

  "Hero?" Xiu looked at Gu Lian's leaving figure and quickly reached out to grab his clothes, "Don't you want to come with us?"


  Hearing Chong Zi's words, his long eyebrows raised imperceptibly. Gu Lian turned around and saw Chong Zi lying beside the bathtub with an eager look on his face. His wet hands were holding the corners of his clothes, and there was a look of despair in his ice blue eyes.

  "Aren't you going to take off your clothes?"

  "I can do it. I can help you undress with my left hand." Although Chongzi's tone was calm, his expression was a little more eager.

  He hugged his knees tightly and tried his best to shrink his body.

  Her long, silky hair rippled in the water, and her blue eyes flickered and blurred. Like a sea monster emerging from the water, but obviously the sea monster would not dye his upright and serious face crimson like him, and then look up at his hero with hopeful eyes.

  Wen Ming said, "I can retract my hands and feet, and you should be able to come in."

  His eyes were dark, and Gu Lian's expression became subtle.

  He put his hands on the edge of the bathtub and suddenly leaned over. The auras crisscrossed each other, and the male insect's unique aura shrouded it again. Suddenly, Xio, who was affected by the breath, felt that her whole body was hot and her chest was swollen and tight.

  Gu Lian glanced at Xiu, his lips brushed against the side of the insect's face, then came to his ear and asked in a deep voice:

  "Did I say I would take a shower with you?"

  The hand holding the hem of his clothes shook, and Gu Lian glanced at the loosened hem. His eyes moved to Chongzi's face, and Chongzi's face instantly turned red. Without thinking, Gu Lian knew that the bug had misinterpreted his meaning again and was thinking in strange places.

  "I asked you to wash with the insect cub, but you want to wash with me." His eyes moved downward, and his faint gaze glanced at the scarlet chest.

  "..." Xio's skin trembled, and her speech function was instantly lost. His toes were curled up where Gu Lian couldn't see him. The hero just asked him to wash with Zai Zai. How could he think that the hero wanted to wash with him?

  Silence and embarrassment filled the bathroom.

  "F-father? Wash?" The little insect cub stared curiously at the female father who had half of his face buried in the water, and shouted out loud.

  The hero seemed to be waiting for him to speak, and Xio felt ashamed. But he didn't want to let Gu Lian leave just like that. From the time he left the empire and arrived on the Ghat planet until now, the skin that hadn't touched each other for a long time sent out signals of desire.

front of his chest again. When he saw Gu Lian, a brief moment of joy flashed in Xiu's eyes.

  "Male Lord." He said happily, "I can express female breasts."

  "..." Gu Lian paused slightly and lowered his gaze.

  A few drops of white female breasts stand out.

  Although Gu Lian knew that Zerg females could express female breasts, this setting still made him feel subtle. However, Chongzi did not notice his subtlety and even said happily, "Zai Zai can finally drink female milk."

  Gu Lian didn't say anything.

  Xiu said, "Thanks to you, your hands are much better than mine."

  Gu Lian's eyebrows twitched.

  Why doesn't the hero speak?

  He paused for a moment in doubt, and suddenly thought about something, his ears warmed up. Ice blue eyes looked at Gu Lian sincerely, slightly unnaturally, "Master, adult males can also eat female breasts. If you want..."

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