Battling your Demons. (Hazbin...

By Nexaverse

68.3K 1.5K 378

At Charlie's Castle, Millie talks with her best friend about how Charlie managed to create the Happy Hotel wi... More

Into the Pit of Despair With a Sliver of Hope
The Radio Demon Overlord
Learning of Hell and meeting an Overlord.
The Exorcists of Despair
Just Walk Away.
Knowing the Vees.
A Mole is in the Hotel.
Trust and Bondage
Conspiracies, Conspiracies...
Staying out of the Moth's Path.
Blackmailed by the Backbone
Clarification Page
The Carmines in Action
The Vee's Iron Fist and Science of Allorubbing (πŸ‹LIMEπŸ‹)
Escape from V Tower and the Vees!
Class is in Session
Dramatic Theater
Someone Else's Shoes (πŸ‹LIMEπŸ‹).
Compensation and Hard Justification
A Night to Remember (πŸ‹LEMONπŸ‹)
Meeting the Lord of Hell
Like Daughter, Like Father.
The Might of the King and Time with the Bodyguard (πŸ‹VAGGIE LEMONπŸ‹)
Connecting the Dots and A Royal Treatment (πŸ‹CHARLIE LEMONπŸ‹)
The Paradise in the Clouds
Indigo vs Valentino and Charlie vs Adam
The Fashionista's Offer
The Sleepover and The Tango
Breaking out of the Shell
Amanda's Story: Welcome to Heaven

Liquifying your Fears

1.7K 56 10
By Nexaverse

Eventually, after realizing that Valentino was a force to be reckoned with, Charlie and Y/N let Angel Dust do his work, much to Charlie's sadness. Angel Dust aggressively left the Hotel in a huff.

Vaggie: Husk, what did you do?

Husk: Made him a drink.

Charlie: Oh, no. He looks really upset.

Husk: It's just Angel. He'll be fine.

Charlie: I'm not so sure. I messed up at the studio today and he got... Ugh, it was... It wasn't good, okay?

Vaggie tucked Charlie's hair behind her ear and gave her a reassuring smile.

Y/N: Charlie, it's not your fault. 

Charlie: But it was...I shouldn't have...

Y/N: There are people in life who will not listen and only love their ego. The Vees are one of them. I should know.

Vaggie: Gee, sounds like someone should go after him...Someone named "Husk".

Husk: Oh, you must be fucking kidding me. Why don't you go if you're so worried?

Vaggie: Because I'm not the one who sent him storming out. You caused it. You drag him back.

Charlie: No! No... Don't force him back. Just make sure he's safe. I pushed too hard earlier and... I only made things worse. Look, he'll come back when he's ready. I don't want anything to happen to him until then.

Y/N: Charlie's right. Let his anger dissipate so he can be amenable to reason. 

Charlie: Now, if you'll excuse me, I will write one hundred apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about... Boundaries.

Charlie went to do some work, leaving Vaggie, Husk, and Y/N alone. 

Vaggie: Y/N, what happened?

Y/N: (inhales) Charlie tried to reason with Valentino...That guy could give a rat's ass about both of them. He didn't even care that she was the Princess of Hell. He licked her arm trying to seduce her into joining his little sex cult and...If Angel Dust hadn't stopped her, she would've ripped him a new one. 

Vaggie: (sighs) This is why it's bad. 

Y/N: Yeah...

Vaggie: Is that ALL that happened?

Y/N: Ye...

Y/N saw Vaggie raise a brow at her, making Y/N realize she knew something, and then her suspicious expression was replaced with a chill smile. 

Vaggie: You're very, VERY lucky I like you too. Just keep this in mind: I'm her first. 

Y/N: (...) Of course. I'm behind you.

Vaggie: Good. And I know from your lips being a tad darker. 

Y/N said nothing as Vaggie was able to point it out. 

Vaggie: And...why are you a little tense? 

Y/N: I...I almost got beaten down by my own...kink.

Vaggie: Huh. Do you...think Angel Dust will be okay?

Y/N: I don't know. I'll go find him. Husk, you're coming too.

Husk: Why do I gotta--?

Y/N: You pissed him off and drove him away in his worse time of need. 

Y/N then started to get into Husk's face, showing off her bravery. 

Y/N: what you said earlier today about me regretting standing up for others, you can shove it back down your throat because it's never a sin to fight for the ones you care about! I saw how Angel views you. More than just a fucking tool for sex! He's seeking compassion because you know why?

Husk: Why? 

Y/N: Because he's not the only one who's on a fucking leash by an Overlord! 

That made Husk realize what was going on. 

Y/N: Right now Angel is out there, in need of the right words and since you are the one who pushed her away, you're helping me get him back once he's been given enough time to calm down. So quit being a fucking grumpy cat and help me find him!

Husk and Y/N's fur frizzed up with both of them glaring into each other's eyes, but Husk learned that Y/N wasn't afraid to get into a fight. Vaggie looked at Y/N, impressed that she wasn't afraid to not back down.

Y/N: Come on. He's had enough torture for one day. And you owe him that much. You're much more alike than you think. 

And so, Husk and Y/N headed off to find Angel Dust. 


Later on, Husk and Y/N were outside looking around for Angel Dust. 

Y/N: Knowing Angel Dust, he would probably be in a place like this. 

The two looked at an underground bar. 

Husk: What makes you think that Angel would be hiding in this shithole? 

Y/N demonstrated by heading to the guard. 

Y/N: Excuse me, have you seen a spider sinner in white and pink come around here? 

The guard pointed behind him and Y/N looked to see Angel Dust gambling. 

Angel Dust: Oh, yeah...(laughing) I'm so fucked up.

He was surrounded by literal loan sharks.

Y/N: Cmon, Husk. Husk? 

Y/N looked around to find Husk up and left. Luckily, he didn't go far as he headed to the bar to buy a drink. 

Husk: Gimme a whiskey. I meant the whole bottle, jackass. 

Y/N then sat next to Husk as the two listened to Angel Dust's conversation. 

Angel Dust: Haha, ya, ya, so I said "You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives." I got better options, right boys?

Shark #1: You got that right!

Angel Dust:  Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one. Daddy's outta juice!

One Loan Shark went to the bar to get a new drink for Angel Dust and Y/N and Husk noticed something strange. They saw the loan shark pulling out a love potion and drugging the drink. 

Y/N: What the--?

Husk: (growls)

Loan Shark: Here ya go, baby. Just for you--.

Angel Dust saw Husk pulling the loan shark back and threw him into a jukebox. 

Husk: Nice try fuckhead.

Y/N: Angel, come on!

Angel Dust: Hey! Woah!

Y/N pulled Angel Dust to them both as Husk provided self-defense, he pulled out cards that deflected bullets that were being fired by the loan sharks, who were firing their guns at them. 


Angel Dust: Husk, Y/N! What the actual fuck are you doing here? Let go of me!

Husk: No. We're takin' you back to the hotel.

Angel Dust: Fuck off! I didn't need saving.

Y/N: Angel, you were going to be drugged.

Husk: That fucker put somethin' in your drink.

Angel Dust: You don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink? I do this all the fuckin' time!

Husk: You just let people drug you all the time???

Angel Dust: You think I ask for it?!? I don't ask for any of this shit! I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie to save me, I didn't ask for you two assholes to save me. I can handle myself.

Husk: Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing. It seems like... I don't know... you might need a bartender to talk to.

Angel Dust: (scoffs) Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a shit about me? You think after how you treated me, I'm gonna open up to you? Please.

Angel then walked off, not wanting to talk to them anymore. 

Y/N: Angel, it's not our fault for giving a shit about you!

Husk: Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself, always pushin' my boundaries! Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just cut the act.

Having enough Angel Dust lashed out at the both of them with tears in his eyes. 

Angel Dust: IT'S NOT AN ACT!!

The two stared at Angel in shock.

Angel Dust: Don't act like you know me! You don't know what I'm feeling and what I'm dealing with! It was never an act in the first place! (sobbing) It's who I need to be. And this...This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate...everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore...And maybe he'll let me go...

Angel sits down on the sidewalk, curling up into a small ball with his legs close to his chest his arms wrapped around them, and his head buried into his knees. Y/N, feeling bad for Angel, went to sit down next to him on the ground with Husk sitting on the other side. 

Y/N: You're right, Angel. We don't know you or your past. And we don't know how it feels to be in your shoes. But what said...about ruining yourself...It never helps you. 

Angel Dust: So what? Is it easier to just let the pain flow?

Y/N looked at Angel with a determined expression. 

Y/N: Yes.

Angel Dust looked at Y/N in surprise. 

Y/N: It may sound stupid. I know, but sadness is a good emotion to have. Without emotion, how are we to express ourselves? How are we supposed to allow empathy in our hearts? When Charlie went to the studio, she did it with no hesitation. She was doing it because she cares for you, Angel. And believe me, none of us care that you are a star in that category. Fame and popularity don't define you for who you are. 

Y/N took Angel Dust's hands, making his eyes water. 

Y/N: It's not wrong to let those emotions out. Hold onto them and what good will it do? Stop fighting your emotions, Angel. Let them flow. 

Angel Dust then looked at Husk, who for once, showed remorse for him and nodded in agreement. And so, Angel Dust broke down. 

Angel Dust: (sniffling, crying)

Angel Dust then wrapped his arms around Y/N wanting to hold onto something. 

Y/N: There you go. Cry it out. It's healthy for you anyway. 

Angel Dust then had mucus falling from his face as he looked like a complete wreck. 

Angel Dust: (sniffling) You...Despite don't see me as a...(blows nose)?

Husk: None of us do.

Y/N and Angel Dust turned to look at Husk as he finally vented his feelings.

Husk: (sighs) I was an Overlord once, you know.

Y/N and Angel Dust were shocked. 

Y/N: YOU?? An overlord!?

Husk: (chuckles) Yeah, and uh... It was nice to have that power. But when you're dealing in souls while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous. So when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to... Keep you afloat, even making deals with yourself. It was how...Alastor managed to get my soul.

Husk: So I know what it's like to... Regret the choices made... And knowin' ya can't take it back.

Y/N: I'm sorry for both of you. The damage may be done, but that doesn't matter anymore. We should keep on moving forward. You two are more alike than you think. Think about it. Angel, you may have a moth feeding off of your performances and Alastor may be feeding off of your services, Husk, but despite all that, you should understand one thing: You'll never be alone in it. You're in it together.

Husk: (chuckles) You're right. Y/N. You're pretty okay, minus all the insults and stuff.

Y/N smiled at the both of them and then Husk took over.


Husk: 🎵So things look bad, and your back's against the wall. Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless. You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall. Can't face the world sober and dopeless. 🎵

🎵You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked. Well, let me just say you're correct.🎵

Angel Dust: Wait, what?

Husk: 🎵You're a loser, baby. A loser, goddamn baby. You're a fucked up little whiny bitch...

Angel Dust/Y/N: Hey!/Husk!

Husk: 🎵You're a loser, just like me🎵

Angel Dust: Thanks, asshole.

Husk: 🎵You're a screw's-loose-boozer. An only a one-star reviews-er. You're a power-bottom at rock bottom, but you have to have company🎵

Angel Dust: This supposed to make me feel better?

Husk: 🎵There was a time I thought no one could relate To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged.🎵

🎵But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all living in the same shit sandwich 🎵

Angel Dust: 🎵I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak.🎵

Husk: 🎵Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!🎵

Y/N smiled as the two were starting to get along. 

Angel Dust/Husk: 🎵We're both losers, baby. We're losers, it's okay to be a--🎵

Angel Dust: 🎵Coked up, dick-suckin' hoe?🎵

Husk: 🎵Baby, that's fine by me🎵

Angel smiled as he started to embrace the chaos. 

Angel Dust: 🎵I'm a loser, honey. A schmoozer and a dummy! But at least I know I'm not alone...🎵

Husk: 🎵You're a loser...🎵

Both: Just like me!

Husk: 🎵I got an appetite for gamblin'...🎵

Angel Dust: 🎵I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find!🎵

Husk: Go ahead baby, sing that song, come on!

Angel Dust: 🎵I got no holes left to deflower🎵

Husk: 🎵I sold my soul to save my power. Now I'm on that demon's leash🎵

Both: 🎵I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour🎵

Angel Dust: 🎵You're a loser, baby, 🎵

Husk: 🎵A loser, but just maybe if we🎵

Both: 🎵Eat shit together, things will end up differently!🎵

Husk: 🎵It's time to lose your self-loathin'🎵

🎵Excuse yourself, let hope in, baby🎵

🎵Play your card, be who you are🎵

Both: 🎵A loser, just like—🎵

Y/N smiled at the two finally becoming friends and Angel Dust turned to look at Y/N. 

Angel Dust: Ah, put a sock in it, toots. 

Y/N: (chuckles) Just glad that you're back on your feet. 


Demon: There he is! They're fucking singing?! Get 'em!


The three then ran to hide behind a car to avoid the raining gunfire. 

Y/N: And this is why you do not trust loan sharks. 

Husk: You two stay down. I'll deal with this.

Demon: Hehe, you're fucking dead -


Husk jumps up and kills each goon. He runs to a brute and fires some dice inside that blew up his head. 


He then used his cards as claws as he slit throats, but then one goon wrapped his arms around him wanting to kill him. 

Demon: (laughs) We got you now!

Husk: (grunts) You motherfuc--!


Y/N then rushed and slit the demon's throat, saving Husk. Husk looked at Y/N surprised. 

Y/N: Yeah, I'm no stranger to violence. 



Y/N was then grabbed by another brute and had her slammed on the hood of a car. The brute then bared his fangs at her wanting to have a taste, but Husk went and slit his throat just in time. 

Husk: You haven't been here longer than I have. You have heart, but you might wanna take it slow. 

Husk and Y/N then saw two other demons rushing toward them. 


They then saw Angel Dust showing off a different skill he had: Firing rounds at enemies. 

Angel Dust: Eat lead, sucka!! (laughing) 


The two demons were then immediately decimated by the incoming bullets. 

Angel Dust: I told ya. I can handle myself.

Angel Dust then pulled out more Tommy Guns and fired them at the sharks, killing them all instantly. 


Shark demon: This did not go as planned...

Husk: Well, that was something I didn't expect to see.

Angel Dust: Like I said, you don't know me. Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at.

Husk: Good to know, 'cause this guy ain't that bad.

Angel Dust smiled in response, he then turned to look at Y/N. 

Angel Dust: Look, Y/N. I'm...I'm sorry for lashing out at Charlie and you. I just...

Y/N: It's okay, Anthony. I understand. Some scars are too deep to be clotted. But we should never be afraid to let others help mend them. 


Vaggie was placing some stuff down on the table and looked at Charlie in concern as she wrote one hundred letters.

Vaggie: (sighs)

???: (laughing) 

However, Charlie and Vaggie heard someone laughing, they looked at the door to see Angel and the others returning and they were laughing. 

Husk/Y/N/Angel Dust: (laughing)

Y/N: (laughing) Are you serious??? He can't read??

Angel Dust: (laughing) He cannot read or count shit! He had like 3 bills, and it took him 30 minutes to count them. His eyes are so shit!

Husk: Hehe, and this is the guy you gotta take orders from?

Angel Dust: I know! What a fucking joke, right?

Y/N: Clearly, he did not pay attention in school. 

Angel Dust: No shit he did! And you're right! He's nothing more than a leech and a dumbass.

Husk: (chuckles) Alright. That's true right there. 

Y/N: Hey, Husk. Is it true that we can land gracefully on our feet? 

Husk: You didn't try it. You tell me. 

Y/N: Oh, hey, Charlie. We're back with Angel.

Relieved, Charlie rushed to Angel Dust and hugged him tightly with her eyes beginning to get water. 

Charlie: I'm SO sorry Angel, I promise I won't ever, ever, ever, ever-

Angel Dust then placed his hand on Charlie's head, patting her. 

Angel Dust: Charlie, it's fine. I get it. Thanks... for caring about me.

Charlie took it in as she couldn't;t believe what she was hearing. Angel Dust was forgiving her! Immediately, Charlie broke down as she wept tears of joy. 

Charlie: (bawling)

Angel Dust: Ehh, I think this is yours.

Vaggie approached Angel Dust with a smile and carried Charlie. Y/N patted Charlie on the head, trying to help her feel better. 

Vaggie: Ok missy, let's get you to bed.

Charlie: (blubbering) He-he-he said he - for-forgave me! (cries) It's so beautiful, guys...

Vaggie then took Charlie away as the two headed to bed, leaving Y/N alone with Angel and Husk.

Husk: Hey, how about that drink?

Angel Dust: You read my mind.

Y/N: Count me in.

Husk and Angel looked at Y/N with shocked expressions. 

Angel Dust: I thought you were being redeemed!

Y/N: I have free will, Angel. And yes, I drink too. Just not much. I wanna stay sober. 

Angel Dust: Ah, where's the fun in that? You never got drunk? 

Y/N: Never have. Never will. 

Angel Dust: Eh, I can live with that. I'm only having one light drink. Nothing else. 

Husk headed to the bar and made them drinks. 

Angel Dust: But still, even I know that you cannot be fully pure. So c'mon. Give us details. 

Y/N: What details? 

Angel Dust: Your kinks! What makes ya wanna go feral in the bed?~

Y/N sighed as she finally let it out. 

Y/N: I'm not a virgin. I had sex with someone before I died. it was in college. 

Angel Dust: And what did you do? Were you the smasher or the smashee?~

Y/N smirked at Angel Dust. 

Y/N: Both. And I don't know why but someone was not right in the head cause they had a dirty store next to the college.~

Angel Dust: Oh, did they? What did you buy?

Y/N: (sighs) I didn't buy anything. My ex bought a strap for me.

Angel Dust: Oh. And you used it together?

Y/N: With condoms

Angel Dust: That's not enough! What poses! What moans? What music?

Y/N: Okay. I'm saving that for another time. 

Y/N then went to bed, but Angel Dust followed her. 

Angel Dust: C'mon...! I want the details! Please!

Y/N: That's for me to know and for you to--.


The three then heard someone knocking at the door. 

Husk: Who the fuck would be here at this time. 

Angel Dust: Oh no. Please don't tell me those loan sharks are out for more. 

Y/N headed to the front door and looked through the keyhole. She saw it to be no one at the moment. 

Y/N: Please let it be doorbell dashing or something. 

Y/N then opened the door and looked to see who it was. When she saw it, she only had shock on her face. Angel Dust appeared behind her to see. 

Angel Dust: Oh, shit. 

The two were shocked to see Velvette at the front door with an evil smile on her face. 

Velvette: Hey, N/N.~


Velvette saw the door being slammed in front of her face, even though she didn't mind. 

Velvette: I ain't leaving 'till you agree. 

Y/N: Agree on what? Offing me?

Velvette: (laughs) No. No. No no no. Just a little favor. ~

Y/N opened the door to glare at Velvette. 

Y/N: Fuck. You. 

Velvette: Au contraire, my little kitten. In this predicament, you are fucking yourself. 

Velvette pulled out her phone and showed off a video of surveillance. Y/N and Angel were shocked to see it was recorded footage of Y/N spying on Valentino and Vox. 

Velvette: You already pissed off the moth once, you two. Wanna piss him off again?~

Y/N backed away in fear as Velvette let herself in and seductively made two fingers walk up Y/N's chest to her chin. 

Velvette: Then you'll do exactly what I say. Get in my car, we're going to my show.~



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