By zuhabhat2

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In the world of power, manipulation and deception, finding a little bit of munificence is quite a tough job... More

Face Claims
Anime sketches
New book/ sequel
86 (penultimate)
87 (epilogue)


48 4 0
By zuhabhat2


Jungkook's pov

I quickly plunged my one clammy hand inside my pockets, shoving away my all distress for a while. With the other, I nervously thumbed against the wooden intricate door.

When I hear a little come in from inside, I took a whole deep breath before barging in. My eyes quickly catching the sight of my father who was slouching on the side sofa, his one leg leisurely resting on its cushioned arms.

"Jungkook, I was expecting your arrival, son! Come sit down!" he quickly exclaimed after noticing me, his face contorting again into his famous benovalent smile,

I returned the smile, the convoluted thoughts flying away the second I sit across him. He signs before sitting straight, keeping his favourite book aside on the table top.

"I have to discuss something important with you!" I nodded curtly, my eyes gazing over his neck. A relief soon washing over me when I noticed his royal light necklace there,

".....get it so___are you listening, son! You seem lost! " He abruptly asks, I peered back on his eyes, as he examined me keenly.

"Uh, I am sorry! I get lost, can you please come again? " I instantly apologized, he waved his hands disapprovally at me, offended by my formality.

"I told you thousand times, you can be frank with me however you want. Your this decorum makes me feel like I am your teacher rather than your father. " He grunted out, rolling his eyes at me. I chuckled out, delightfully and freely. His laughs soon after mixing with mine, his eyes crinking at the edges.

"So I was saying tha_____" He stops yet again when the door again get slammed open, Jimin and mother quickly sliding in.

"Jungkook son, where have you been? It is almost been two week since I last saw you!" my mother states, I quickly bowed to her, before she envelops me into a tight hug. Her strong smell for the first time settling with my temperament. I gladly returned the hug, my respire slowing down momentarily when the motherly affectionation seeped through me.

My heart felt suddenly at peace, I don't really know I need this maternal hug this badly. My hands involuntaraly wrapped tightly around her,

She wheezed joyfully, her rejoicefull chuckle resonating inside my ear, "I think, you really missed me"

I nodded while still being snuggled into her neck, before I detached away from her, my eyes diverting to Jimin who has his eyes fixed on us.

"Where were you since last few days? I even come searching for you several times!" I asked Jimin, he fidgeted with his fingers nervously, his previous excitement morphing into nervousness.

"I have been engaged with s-sword sparring these days! " he replies in high pitched voice, I stiffly nodded though my insides weren't convinced.

Now noticing, I saw another shadow standing on the doorway,

"Minho, why are you standing there? Come inside! " My mother requests, he grins at me before hugging me.

"I rarely see you nowadays, you are always locked in your room. What is so special there?" minho grumbled out, I nervously chuckled out before backing away from the hug.

Minho is one of my closest friends. Jimin found him near the borders of dark kingdom around three and a half centuries before. My parents adopted him right away and since then we clicked well even though he is quite older than me. The friendship grew more strong when we attended the same teaching. Scarheart as our teacher, we had a good bunch of memories craved with each other.

Now thinking about it, I felt guilty to distant myself from him, just because I saw him with taehyung a bit too intimately back in the reconcilation party. I still remember there slight meet and then the dance, all successfully had plagued my mind into thinking that they are a thing.

This shouldn't really have tolled my emotions, but I couldn't help but feel jealousy crept into me that time. So, the best way to recede everything was to avoid the source.

I couldn't really avoid Taehyung so I distant myself from minho.

"Nothing much! I have been a little upset since Bogum's demise." I shrugged, it wasn't a lie either. I do feel gloominess everytime  thinking about him, which was almost everytime.

"Expected! I really miss him" He returned the grief, his eyes quickly moving to the father as he bowed after noticing his presence.

My eyes subconsciously diverted to mother's neck, praying internal for necklace to be there. I relieved a heavy exhale that I don't I was holding when the necklace gazed back at me. As always; lusterous and shiny.

"Well, it is good Jimin is also here. He is going to accompany you, jungkook!"
I looked bewildered at father, unable to comprehend any of his words. My eyes flickering at Jimin who reciprocated my expression, my eyes following his long neck, expecting a shiny dangling thing there.

But there was nothing! Anxiety quickly kicked inside me, I don't want to think about it but questions keep bombarding my mind. Not any of  them in favour with Jimin,

Where is his royal necklace? Does the necklace we found in the cave belongs to him?

"Jungkook, what happens, son? You look paranoid!" Mother's voice brought me back, I quickly paid her a stare before shakinh my head,

"Nothing, I was just wondering......" I paused, My eyes quickly searched Jimin before locking into him, "...where is Jimin's royal necklace? He is not wearing it! "

Jimin widened his eyes, his little fingers instantly fumbling around his neck before he signed deeply.

"I-I think I forget it in my restroom. I have a bath just before I came here! " He stated while looking at me, I nodded curtly in return.

'Why was he looking so nervous? I hope it is not what I am thinking!', I pondered before flinching back when dad's voice resonates across the silent room.

"Wear it Jimin after I am done with you two!......" He reassured, his eyes boring back again on me, voice deepening and taking a serious turn, ".....I have got to know that the mythical spell stick is with some human"

"WHAT! " Mom exclaims beside me, I flinched at the loud voice, my hands absentmindingly covering my ears.

"Yes honey! It is with some half breed––half human and half witch! " He clarifies further, his eyes flickering from mother to me,

"I want you to bring that here, Son. It is our asset which our ancestors lost. Besides, it is very dangerous to kept it open for anyone, we cannot effort it's misuse! " He explains lucidly, I nodded understandingly.

As long as I know spell stick was always a thoeritical talk, my father used to say that it can put anyone in spell, irrespective of his hierarchy in society or power. That is why it was imperative to put that thing in safe hands,

"There are only a handful of these breeds in human realm, it will make the task easier!" I nodded, my head whipped at Jimin who stood fidgeting at his position.

'What happens to him?'

"I am sorry, father. I am afaird that I won't be able to accompany jungkook! "I squited my eyes in confusion. As  long as my memory serves me good, jimin loves challenges and adventures. Why is he denying then?

"Why son? "

"Uhh, I have an important sword sparring to attend tommorrow!" He quickly exclaims, his eyes wandering everywhere to not meet dad's gaze.

"You can attend that later, this is important rig____"

"No jungkook. I have to necessarily attend it!" Jimin abruptly cut me off, I nodded unconvinced. He was behaving sheer different today, his posture screams nervousness.

"But father those handful of breeds are relatively a big number for a single person to search!" I concerned out, he nodded before looking at minho beside me.

"Why don't minho accompany you?" He asks resolvely, I looked at minho for any inconvenience but he just shruggs before grinning at me.

"I don't mind! " Minho added, I smiled before looking at father,

"Okay it is done! Minho will accompany me! " I confirmed, my eyes diverting to Jimin who was already leaving the room.

"Good luck, son!" I peered back at mother before muttering a small thanks, my eyes again searching for Jimin who was nowhere to see.

"I will meet you tomorrow morning, buddy! "


I wheezed distressed, it was almost dawning of evening, followed by the dark night. And we were yet to find spell stick. Since early morning, I and minho have been venturing every half witch breed, none of them looking any suspecious. They all proved to be innocent, some even lacking knowledge about the stick.

"Do you think we can get to the stick by the end of this day?" Minho asks, his voice breathless as he panted.

"Hope so! That is not the issue I am talking about. Other kingdom will probably search for it in darkness to conceal themselves from human eye____"

"Dark kingdom too, right!" Minho asks excitedly, I smiled forcefully before nodding. It was shinning brightly on his face that he was overly elated. And I wasn't naive enough to not get that this enthusiasm was all somehow associated with dark king.

Recaps of their previous meet came flashing back on my mind, my heart clenching at the conclusion of this everything.

'But we kissed, he might have broke up with minho then!', I tried mollifying the anger inside me, the distaste feeling coming with it. But nothing seems to work when taehyung's words rang in my mind,

"I have two or three waiting for me back in my room, I cannot sleep without releasing at least onces in a day! "

Was taehyung talking about minho that day?

My veins throbbed with unknown feelings, something I never felt before. My mind again clouding with different thoughts, heart beat skyrocketing in fear,

But what was this fear about? I couldn't pin point anythingbut the thing that this all is happening because of dark king.

"Hey, where are you lost? I was asking you something!" Minho shook me gently on my shoulder, I flinched before looking at him.


"Will taehyung be also there? " Minho questioned hopefully, his fingers fidgeting with each other

'he called him with his name!', My heart shouted out, my face crestfallen as a upsetting feeling gets prevalent across my body.

"Maybe!...... " I replied uninterestingly, my eyes reading his expression as he squealed out in happiness.

Unable to ignore the elephant inside me, I darted at him

"...You called him by his name. Uh, do you know him? " I muttered out, my heart leaving gaps for hope, as I chewed on my lips.

'Please, say no!'

"Yes, very closely!" The hope brusted out when he emphasized the word very. Clearly indicating that they were much more than mere friends.

"Ohh!" I replied meekly, my mood souring successfully.

"But as long as I know, you never visited dark kingdom!" I uttered out before realizing, his head quickly whipped to my side. Eyes suddenly sad and remorseful.

"Ah, I did! Heck I lived there!" I frowned at the remark, how is that possible? He was living with us!

"...Before my adoption, I used to be a part of dark kingdom. Me and taehyung were very close friends which soon turned more than that when he confessed his feelings to me. I accepted right away, he was everything I desire. Beautiful, pretty innocent, understanding.... He was a dream that come true!" Minho chirped out, a yearning smile plastered on his face. I felt my throat drying with information, my insides burning with sadness.

"What happens then? " I asked hesitantly, I want nothing but to dash away from here but at the same time, I want to listen the whole story.

Maybe..... maybe it was all in past!

This hope still resides in me and as long as I want to let it burn there, without nagging it or replacing it with any other negative thought. But, reality stood first!

I don't want to hang myself in the middle of a stray lane, deducing everything by myself without actually knowing everything.

This might give me the utmost happiness as well as a scar that will remain permenant.

Minho signs wearily beside me, his eyes wandering down to the grass.

"It was all my fault. If I ha____!" He stops when we heard some distant loud voices from a half breed witch's house which we were about to visit next.

I looked at minho before we both rushed toward it. The voice coming more accuentuate and immaculate with the passing steps,

My heart drummed against my ribcage when the voice was a lot familier,

Minho quickly barged inside the half witch's cottage, my mouth quickly agaped at the scene unfolding infront of me.


Hye pretty people. Did you enjoy the chapter, I hope so.

A little bit sneak peak into taehyung's past. How was it? And who do you think is the culprit behind this everything?

And yaah, don't forget to leave a comment and vote.

Bye lovelies


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