My Deer Girlfriend

By noogame

1.6K 92 84

The deer fell first, but the human fell harder What happens when a huntress falls in love with a hybrid? More

End of Part 1


94 4 6
By noogame

The woods seemed to hold its breath as Soyeon's father, his stern visage etched with disapproval, unleashed a torrent of words that echoed through the quiet expanse. "What have you done, Soyeon?!"he bellowed, his voice a thunderous rebuke.

The weight of tradition bore down on Soyeon as her father's accusations reverberated through the trees. He condemned her defiance, each word laced with disappointment and frustration. "We are hunters, protectors of our way of life. You've jeopardized everything with your foolish actions."

Soyeon's resolve wavered under the weight of her father's wrath, but an ember of defiance flickered within her. "I couldn't stand by while that hybrid suffered," she retorted, her voice steady despite the tempest of emotions within.

Her father's eyes, once a source of guidance, now glared with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "You're jeopardizing our place in this community, our very survival!" he admonished, the words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade.

Soyeon's father, fueled by a potent mix of anger and concern, continued his verbal onslaught. "You've forgotten your responsibilities, Soyeon! We maintain the balance, ensuring the survival of our kind. You've endangered us all with your misguided sympathy!"

As his words reverberated through the clearing, Soyeon fought to maintain her composure. "There's more to these hybrids than just threats, Father. They have their own struggles, their own pain," she countered, the crackle of defiance in her voice.

Her father's gaze bore into her, a silent challenge. "Pain? You think your bleeding heart will change the course of centuries?! We are hunters, Soyeon, not saviors. You've strayed from the path, and the consequences will be severe."

Fueled by a surge of emotions and the need to escape the stifling argument, Soyeon turned on her heels and sprinted away from her father. The woods, once a refuge, became a maze of shadows as she sought distance from the echoes of their clash.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!" her father's voice roared behind her, the urgency and anger seeping into each word. Soyeon pushed herself harder, the pounding of her heart in sync with the relentless pursuit behind her.

The tangled underbrush gave way to a hidden expanse, and in the distance, Soyeon spotted a looming cave entrance—a sanctuary away from the tempest of familial discord. Her legs carried her towards it, the pursuit fading as the cave's embrace offered a respite.

As she entered the cool, dim cavern, the weight of the argument pressed down on Soyeon. The cave seemed to echo with the remnants of her father's disapproval, and she crumpled to the ground, tears streaming down her face.

In the hushed confines of the cave, Soyeon's ears caught the soft patter of footsteps approaching. Her breath caught in her throat as she curled up further, her heart pounding with the expectation of her father's stern presence.

As the footsteps drew near, her eyes widened with both fear and surprise. Instead of her father's imposing figure, a pair of antlers emerged into view. The same deer hybrid girl from the previous day stood before her, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Soyeon, still enveloped in her vulnerability, slowly removed her hand from her mouth, her gaze meeting the doe eyes of the hybrid. There was an unspoken understanding that transcended words, a connection forged in the crucible of shared experiences.

The deer hybrid, displaying a warmth that contrasted with the cold reality Soyeon knew, crawled towards her. In the dim light of the cave, their fates converged.

In the cocoon of the cave's stillness, Soyeon's voice pierced the air with a question that carried the weight of uncertainty. "What do you want from me?" she inquired, her words hanging in the air like fragile threads.

In response, the deer hybrid's ears flickered, a subtle movement that betrayed an unspoken language. The creature inched towards Soyeon, its presence both gentle and deliberate. Sniffing the human, the hybrid's warm breath brushed against Soyeon's skin.

"Get off of me!" Soyeon protested.

Her long brown hair, cascading like a curtain, touched Soyeon's knees as the hybrid delicately placed her body on top of the human. The silent exchange seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere companionship.

Breaking the silence, the deer hybrid uttered a single word that resonated through the cave's confines. "Mate..." she whispered, the weight of the revelation lingering in the air.

The deer hybrid, with a tender curiosity, delicately examined Soyeon's tear-streaked face. Her gentle touch traced the contours of emotion etched into the human's features. Soyeon's red eyes met the doe-like gaze, the confusion within mirrored by the enigmatic creature.

"Don't cry," the deer hybrid whispered, her voice a soothing melody that resonated in the cave. "The forest is here to comfort you."

The deer hybrid, her eyes filled with an innocence that transcended the complexities of language, broke the silence. "Do you want to go for a walk? I'll accompany you!" she suggested, her voice a gentle invitation.

Soyeon, still grappling with the surreal sequence of events, stammered in disbelief, "W-What the fuck is happening..."

The hybrid, undeterred by Soyeon's confusion, responded with a sincere expression. "You seem really sad. Don't be sad, I'll be here to make you happy!"

Soyeon, her emotions a turbulent sea, recoiled at the unexpected comfort. "No thank you...I'm good... Now, leave me alone..." she muttered, the weight of her own internal struggles resounding in her voice.

The deer hybrid's persistence persisted, her doe eyes gleaming with an earnest determination. "Nuh uh! I'm not leaving my mate alone! Now that I've found you! You have a very strong scent!" she declared, leaning in to sniff Soyeon once again.

Soyeon, feeling both bewildered and cornered, pushed the hybrid's head away. "You should stay away from me. I'm a hunter, I can kill you anytime," she warned, her words edged with the harsh realities of her upbringing.

The hybrid, undeterred by the threat, responded matter-of-factly, "You think I do not know that? I saw you trying to hunt me the other day."

Soyeon, her gaze intense, questioned, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

The hybrid's response carried an unexpected confidence. "No, I'm not. Because that's how my hybrid instincts know you're my mate. I'm kind of surprised it's a human, and a female. But who cares, my instincts are kind of weird."

Soyeon scoffed at the persistent mention of the word "mate," dismissing it as nonsense. "Stop with those delusions. This is not The Little Mermaid where a mermaid wants to befriend a human. We can't be together. Now go before you get shot. This is a dangerous place for hybrids like you," she asserted, the weight of her words laced with a harsh reality.

As Soyeon turned to leave, the deer hybrid, unfazed by the warning, followed in her footsteps. Soyeon, growing increasingly frustrated, glanced over her shoulder. "Don't follow me," she commanded, her voice tinged with a mixture of irritation and concern.

The hybrid, however, insisted on accompanying Soyeon. "I won't leave you alone. My instincts tell me you need me," she declared, her eyes holding an unwavering certainty.

"Whatever you do, you can't come with me. If you do, you're going to get shot," Soyeon warned, her voice firm and resolute. However, the deer hybrid, undeterred, declared, "You can't stop me, huntress. I'll be on a lookout for you!"

Positioning herself in front of Soyeon, the hybrid stood tall, revealing a height advantage that caught Soyeon off guard. "I'm Yuqi, by the way. I didn't get your name yet," she offered, attempting to bridge the gap.

"I didn't ask for your name," Soyeon retorted, her defenses still firmly in place. Yuqi, seemingly unfazed, playfully remarked, "How rude of you! I wonder why my instincts told me you're my mate... Some bratty little human."

Soyeon's eyes widened at the unexpected characterization. "Did you just call me short and bratty?" she demanded, her irritation reaching a tipping point.

"Yeah, I mean—" Yuqi's words were cut short as Soyeon, fueled by frustration, tackled her to the ground. Yuqi let out a startled scream as Soyeon hovered over her, asserting, "I want you to stay out of my sight. If you don't, I won't hesitate to kill you..."

With a final warning, Soyeon swiftly retreated, leaving Yuqi on the forest floor. The underbrush embraced Soyeon as she navigated the terrain, her steps guided by a mix of urgency and determination. Yuqi, left behind, stared at the diminishing figure of her elusive mate, a mixture of confusion and longing in her doe-like eyes.

As Soyeon vanished into the depths of the woods, the air resonated with the echoes of their encounter—a clash of worlds, instincts, and unspoken desires. Yuqi, alone amidst the shadows, felt the absence of her newfound companion keenly. Her gaze lingered on the spot where Soyeon had disappeared, a silent acknowledgment of the intricate dance that fate had woven between them.

The forest, a silent witness to the unfolding drama, held the untold stories of human and hybrid, hunter and prey. Yuqi, her senses attuned to the whispers of the woods, stood alone in the clearing, contemplating the enigma that was her mate—a huntress whose footsteps had echoed briefly in her world, leaving behind a tapestry of emotions, challenges, and the promise of an unconventional connection that lingered in the air like a gentle breeze in the heart of the untamed wilderness.

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