Heart Strings

By Moonpvssy

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Henry was never the type of guy that was like by many people at school. Like most nerds, he didn't really car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter thirty - five

Chapter Thirty

22 3 1
By Moonpvssy

Maddison POV

"I'm not a judgy person, I just think Jessica shouldn't wear orange. It's an ugly color." Eva muttered flipping through a magazine. Jessica was a girl on the cheer squad. She loved wearing orange and Eva thought it looked weird on her complexion. I laughed as I paid attention to the road. It was Friday, meaning the group project needed to get started. It was the afternoon and I spent the night at Eva's. I still thought about yesterday's events.

I knew I couldn't let myself be distracted but it was hard. Especially when I had a sneaking suspicion of Alex doing something wrong. Like the drugs. He shouldn't even be doing them but it's not like my opinion matters. Mainly because we aren't together anymore. Yet, I still thought about all the negatives of him doing them.

"If you aren't up for the project, I can just update you on it afterwards." Eva said snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly shook my head, I needed to be apart. Firstly, because I would feel bad for not helping my group and secondly I couldn't be alone right now. I didn't trust my thoughts and I wasn't ready to go home.

"No, I'm okay. Besides, that would be weird. Right?" I asked as I made a left turn onto a different road.

"No, I could lie-"

"No lying. I'll be fine." I said quickly. Eva just hummed, it was quiet the rest of the way.


"Okay, do we have everything? I thought I'd bring a notebook just to write things down." Eva asked as she grabbed her bag out the backseat. I nodded even though I didn't bring anything. I didn't think I would need to.

"Why do we need so much time to make a stupid documentary anyway?" Eva mutters shutting the car door as we walk up the driveway.

"It's our final grade, the grade that decides our future. Perfection takes time." I said with a knowing smile. Eva made a sound of annoyance. She hated worked that was time consuming. That's why whenever we did projects together, Kal and I did most of it. All of it.

"She's white people rich! How many floors do you need?" Eva asked excitedly before knocking on the door. A few seconds passed before Serenity answered the door.

"Eva and Maddison!" Serenity greeted us with an hug each. "We are gonna be in the backyard." She said guiding us through the house. The house was spacious yet filled with different pieces of art. The colors were shades of brown and grey. Odd but it worked surprisingly. She was an animal person. There was pictures hanging of two brown dogs next to a fluffy white cat. Strange to give your animals portraits.

Once we reached the backyard, I heard Eva gasp.

"You have a playground back here?" Eva asked speeding up to walk beside Serenity. It was a swing set and monkey bars. Something that you see in an elementary school.

"Yeah, my little brother loves it. All his friends enjoy it." Serenity answered with a shrug. I rolled my eyes. Anyone could buy a playground or better yet, go to the park. I looked around the yard, Serenity pointed to two couches. Henry was already here and drinking something.

"Would you guys like something to drink before we start?" Serenity asked.

"I mean, I would like Fanta if you have that." Eva said as she sat down on the couch lazily. I didn't want anything so I didn't answer. Serenity went back inside to get Eva's drink.

"You know you could've went with her." I spoke up watching Eva get comfortable. Eva laughed and shook her head.

"I'm a guest. She'll be fine." She smiled at me before looking down at her phone. I looked over at Henry who seated beside me. Quiet as a mouse. We haven't talked since Olivia's party and I didn't know what to say. I felt I should say something though.

"How are you feeling?" I whispered low enough for him to hear. Henry continued to look down at his drink.

"He didn't break any bones. So, you don't have to feel guilty." Henry muttered. I let out a sad sigh, what if that fight caused us to go backwards. I thought we were doing fine.

"...I mean, can you blame me for feeling that way? I was the reason." I said. Alex was my boyfriend and Alex did say some mean things sometimes.

"That fight didn't happen because of you. Alex is just a dick. I don't wanna talk about this." Henry hissed.

"Maybe you wanna talk in private?" I asked placing my hand on his thigh. "We are friends-"

"I don't wanna talk at all." Henry pushed my hand off. I looked away from and bit my lip. Great way to start the conversation.

Serenity came back with a soda for Eva then we were able to talk about the project. It was hard to focus when all I could think about was Henry. I wanted to know what happened, what caused the fight especially if it wasn't about me. I deserved to know.

"I think we should do underage drinking. It's simple." Serenity spoke up from beside Eva. Eva shook her head in disapproval.

"That's exactly why we shouldn't do it." Eva started to laugh. "I drink, I'm sure we all drink. That would make us hypocrites."

"I don't drink. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I asked Eva. Eva looked over at me before rolling her eyes.

"Fine...teen pregnancy? It's a serious problem. Have you seen the movies?" Eva suggests with wide eyes. Serenity hummed in agreement.

"I like watching those teen pregnancy reality shows." Serenity said with a grin.

"Isn't your cousin a victim of teen pregnancy? That's kinda rude. If I'm correct, you went to that baby shower and congratulated her a thousand times." I muttered while crossing my arms. Eva squinted her eyes at me.

"I don't see what that has to do with anything? Teen pregnancy is still wrong." Eva argued. Before I could respond. Serenity spoke up.

"What about drug awareness?" She looked between us like she was worried. Eva only nodded.

"I don't honestly care but I'm not gonna suggest anything else if you keep shutting it down. Mrs. Boring." Eva said leaning back on the couch. That was rude. I only disagreed with two suggestions.

"You didn't even really think. You just threw out one idea that you thought would be an easy project." I said quickly with a knowing look. Eva was lazy like that. Eva muttered a whatever before pulling out her phone.

"I actually like the drug awareness idea. Drugs...are dangerous." Henry said. I looked over at him with a weird sadness in his eyes. We made eye contact for a second before he broke it.

"Great! The video needs to be 10 minutes long. So, who wants to help me write talking points and ideas?" Serenity asked.

Eva raised her notebook and teamed up with Serenity. Henry went quiet again and I took this as a chance to speak to him. Hopefully in private. I quickly looked over at the duo. Eva and Serenity looked lost in their conversations about the topic. They wouldn't even notice if we went off.

"Can we please talk?" I looked over to Henry. I smiled hopefully.

"What is there to talk about? I'm not mad at you." Henry whispered back with agitation laced in his tone.

"I just...I just wanna know what the fight was about. You agreed to be my friend. Being friends comes with being honest." I pleaded with him, I glanced over at the girls again making sure we were quiet. Henry let out an exhausted sigh.

"Fine." He muttered. Henry and I stood up at the same. He walked back inside the house, holding the sliding door for me. I forgot how much of a gentleman he could be. I pushed that thought away, now wasn't the time. I watched as he pulled the black curtain to hide us.

"Yes?" He asked, eyeing me. Waiting for me to speak.

"Why did you guys fight?" I asked again. It just didn't make sense. I never took Henry as the violent type. Henry looked around and shifted on his feet.

"....he was saying things I didn't like." He said quietly. His hands were twitching slightly.

"What was he saying?" I asked stepping closer to him. Henry looked up at me when I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Stuff about my family. You. A lot of shit that I don't wanna talk about." He said shrugging.

"What about your family? Henry you can trust me. I'm not gonna tell anyone." I said with a friendly smile. I wanted Henry to trust me. I wouldn't use anything against him.

"It's didn't matter if you did. Everyone knows....everyone knows about my mom. How's she..a drug addict." Henry whispered dropping his head. I decided to back up, give him some space. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I didn't know. I'm sure everyone doesn't know." I said with a tiny smile.

"Alex knows. Your Dad knows. So, yeah everyone fucking knows." He hissed walking away. I quickly followed after him.

"My Dad knows?! Is that why you stayed at our house? Is that why Sabrina is always over?" I asked. I was so confused but angry. How could he tell my own father but not me? Henry didn't answer any of my questions.

"Henry, answer me!" I grabbed onto his sleeve. Henry looked at me with a weird expression. His eyes glassy. All this time...was he making my Dad watch Sabrina because of his mom. Where was his Dad?

"Yes, he knows. I can't trust her with anyone else. So, your Dad offered and I couldn't turn him down. He's amazing with her and I don't have to worry whenever I leave her alone." Henry said quickly, the corner of his lips twitching.

"Why did he offer that? My Dad isn't some babysitter. Where is your father?" I asked angrily. I jabbed at his chest. "My father doesn't have to watch her when you have a Dad." I said quickly. Henry's smile fell as soon as it came.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you. You interpret things your own way before getting the full story." He said monotonously while rolling his eyes. I gasped before pushing him. He stumbled back regaining his stance.

"That's because you never give me the full story! You just tell me bits and pieces that I have to poke out of you. So, sorry for that. Sorry that I think you are using my Dad for whatever reason." I yelled at him.

"....there's no full story! I told him about my family when he asked. I told him everything. My life isn't the same as yours. My Dad doesn't even live in this fucking state." Henry spoke heatedly, looking around for a moment before continuing.

"Your Dad offered to watch Sabrina, he fucking wanted to. I'm not using him. He knew about my situation at home so he offered to pay me to tutor you. I did that, I didn't want to tell you because it wasn't your business. My own mother caused me hell, stole my money that I hid for years. So, I'm sorry that I can't afford a damn nanny or a babysitter. I'm sorry that I didn't have everything and anything dropped at my feet. I'm sorry that your Dad, on his own, offered to pay me to tutor your idiotic brain!" Henry said, breathing heavily. His eyes never left mine. He was crying, you wouldn't know unless you looked at him.

I...it was a lot to take in. Things that I didn't even know until this moment until now. All I could think about was how he was a user. Not only was he using my Dad...but he was using me. I couldn't believe him.

"You didn't think to tell me that you were tutoring me for money? You couldn't just go and get a job like a normal person?" I asked quietly. I was trying to wrap my head around this but it wasn't making sense. Henry started to wipe his face, laughing quietly.

"What the hell is your problem? This is exactly why I never wanted to tell you. Yeah, I did feel guilty but I thought you would understand when I did tell you. I wanted to tell you the right way." Henry sighed tiredly. "I- I'm sorry. I should've done it a better way but you don't understand when you came from money all your life. So, don't you fucking dare try to throw this on me. Like I'm the user!" He yelled clenching his fists.

Before I could respond I heard footsteps. I turned to see Serenity and Eva staring at us. Eva looked confused and Serenity looked upset.

"...uh, we finished writing down all the writing points. It's a rough draft...um..I'm sensing nobody was talking about that though. Seems heated." Eva muttered holding her notebook and a pen. Serenity walked past me and I heard her asking Henry questions. I had to resist the urge to scream.

"I don't wanna talk about it. I don't." I heard Henry say. I heard footsteps fading away. I looked over my shoulder. Serenity and Henry were walking away together. I just sighed and felt my eyes start to sting. This isn't at all how I expected today to go. How could he lie to me for all these months?

"...we should probably go." Eva said appearing in my eye sight. She looked sympathetic with that smile she always had when I wasn't feeling good.

"It's none of my business but...do you wanna talk about it?" She asked quietly arching her eyebrow. Honestly, I didn't. I felt betrayed by my own father and to think I wanted to be friends with Henry. How could he not tell me anything? I would've understood if he told me sooner. I knew I could've understood if he had just let me in. I was tired of begging him to open up when it was obvious he wasn't capable of that.

"No, I wanna go home." I whispered walking to the door. I wanted to go home and sulk, our friendship was built off lies. Maybe that's why he didn't even wanna be friends because he knew what he was doing. He knew he was lying. What if he was lying about his sob story. It's not my fault my parents worked hard to get where they are. He was being selfish for not understanding me.

I felt so used and lied to. I was nothing but a great friend to him. He could've had an amazing friend if he just tried to trust me! How could he even do this? Lie to me over and over again.

😬well....there it is. The secret is out. It happened in a bad way. Anyway, it was bound to be found out. Aren't we glad Henry did open up?

Opinions, thoughts, and ideas are welcomed!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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