Book 2! Reader x Baki charact...


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Once Y/n's mission in Egypt has been complete,she returns back to her boring old life.Shes missing her team i... More

New mission!
Mission starts!
It's him!
Retsu you're the best!
Me again!?
Karate expert!
Good at both
Risky night♡
Plan B!
Hope we meet again someday..
And so the mission finally starts!
Love potion
Bad feeling
Ball disaster - Mission..complete?

Just one more shot

373 19 24

. . .


"Mmghhh",you groaned and turned your back at the voice speaking to you as you got confortable on your bed.


"AHHH!",you screamed startled from the sudden yelling in your ear.


"My apologies,it's just that its 9 o'clock".

"So you're telling me that you interrupted my sleep just to tell me the time?Are you serious?"

"You have to be ready at 10".

"For what?"

"Your meet up with that boy".

"HANAYAMA!I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT HIM!",you immediately stood up from the bed to get ready.

As you stood up,something seemed wrong.Your legs weren't listening to you,you fell on the bed again from the pain between your legs.

"God damn it Yujiro!I forgot about him too!FUCK!How am I supposed to go now!"

"Don't worry,I can heal you".

"Really!Thank you!"

"Yes but...there can be some unwanted consequences.Unfortunatelly there is a chance that something bad might happen to you both if I let you use my powers or use them on you.Not even I know what it is going to be,but surely it's not going to be goodx.

"Come on!,it's not like we have done it many times!Just this once pleaseeee?"

"Fine,I did it.Try standing up again".

"Woah!It really worked!Your awesome!"

"Right.Well now you should quickly get ready".

"You're right!I only have one hour to get ready!,what should I wearrr!!Help me out!"

"I'm not good with that stuff".

"Atleast talk with me and keep me company!",you said searching for what dress to wear through your closet.

"Uhm..well..How are you so sure that the place you think he meant is the one?"

"Oh..Well I suppose it's because it's the first place we had an interaction together..But you wouldn't understand,you weren't in my life back then..",you said trying to pick between two dresses.

"I can see your past".

"Dam you're capable of everything!Well I suppose that you know how I ended up meeting him there..right?"


"Man it was so awkward!And back then I didn't know Hanayama well so it was so embarrassing!I wish he had forgotten about seeing me in that bunny costume but looks like he hasn't..",you blushed and picked two other dresses.

"The right one is better".

"The black one?I don't know..,it's too sparkly.."

"It will look good on you.Put on a pair of hoop earrings and you will be perfect".

"Hoop earrings?Well you're quite the stylist!Thanks!"




"See?I told you".

"I have to admit that I look stunning!",you checked yourself infront of the mirror satisfied with the results.
"What time is it now?"


"Shoot!,we have to hurry!",you grabbed your purse with the ultimate source of power and rushed outside to get a cab.

You looked outside the cars window at the colorful lights, open stores, nightclubs and busy streets.

You nervously gripped the bottom of your dress,you were anxious because there could be a chance that the place you thought Hanayama meant wasn't the one.You decided not to worry about it and trust in your instinct.

The car stopped at the same street you got out of the bus to escape from the convicts the same night you danced for Hanayama.You sighed and reassured yourself that this time nobody was following you,you started walking to where you remembered the building was located.On your way there you saw the shop you bought different clothes to disguise yourself,you couldn't help but laugh remembering about how much your heels hurt you that day.
Finally,you found the place.

"Long time no see",you looked at the light up letters on the building.


"So you're telling me that you didn't know this was a strip club when you first came in.Its so obvious".

"Shut up!,I was in a hurry okay?"

"Okay,here we go!",you took a deep breath and got inside the building.You were flashed from the so many colorful lights and noises in there that you were already feeling a bit dizzy.

You searched for Hanayama through the crowd,the place was loaded with customers being greeted by pretty girls wearing either sparkly bikini's or sexy suits and heavy make up.
Some of them were dancing on the stage,and some of them were just hanging out with the costomers at couch areas.

"Where is Hanayama!He's nowhere to be found in here!"

"Hello Miss!",a pretty girl with blonde beautiful curls took your hand."Are you waiting for someone?"

"Oh yes!,do you think you have seen a very tall man with glasses and uhm.. scars on his face around here?"

"Oh..I'm not sure..We are pretty loaded today so I've seen so many customers today!",she said with her cute voice."Perhaps you could sit at the couch area over there and wait for him okay?",she smiled and escorted you to the couch area.

You thanked her and nervously sat down to wait for Hanayama.

(Man what if he doesn't show up!What if he's waiting for me in a different place!),you thought looking for him.

"Wassup sweet cheeks?"

"Huh?",you looked up to see a group of men infront of you.

"What's a beautiful girl doing here all alone?",the man that gave you that awful nickname sat next to you and wrapped his hand around your waist.

"Could you get your hands off sir?"

"What's wrong Baby?,I just want to talk..nothing else",he smirked and lowered his hand to touch your butt.
Before he could do so you grabbed his hand and twisted it.The man started crying like a baby as he kneeled down on the floor and held his arm.

"You whore!Boss should we kill her?"

"Take her out to the van!",the man you twisted his arm previously yelled.

"Hey watch it,we don't want fights here",a woman who worked at the place interrupted after she heard the commotion.Behind her was the beautiful sweet girl with the blonde curls that helped you earlier,she held her hand tightly as she was scared of the men.

(Woah she has really big boobs!), your mouth dropped as soon as you saw her.

"You okay lady?",she turned to you.She raised an eyebrow as she saw you staring.

Suddenly a man from the group came from behind her and grabbed her by her throat.The girl with the blonde curls screamed in fear as she tried to stop the man.

"Shut up!",he pushed her away making her all on the floor.The whole place was frozen, everyone stared and started panicking as the men took out weapons.

You were sitting calmly on the couch with one leg casually on the other.

"I would recommend all of you gentlemen to leave this place, otherwise I promise you, you're going to get killed".

"Who do you think you're talking to little girl!I'm going to slice your throat open!",the man threatened you with his knife.The rest of the gang pointed their guns at you.

(Anubis are you going to help me?),you thought as you got ready to fight.

"No,we don't need to fight.Look behind them".

You looked up as Anubis told you and you saw a very large,tall figure standing behind the men.

"Hanayama!",you gasped as you saw him grab one of the men from behind his shirt and lifted him up like a feather.

"Get out",he said angrily dead eyeing the man through his glasses and let him go.

"ITS THE BOSS OF THE YAKUZA EVERYONE RETREAT!",one of the men said and they all ran for their lives.

Hanayama helped the girl on the floor up and after he made sure she and her friend were okay he turned to you.

"I'm sorry I'm late.Are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine..I'm glad you came, otherwise there would have been a big mess in here",you smiled looking down at your heels.

"I'm sure you would have handled it very well",he smiled.

"Her?She knows how to fight?",you heard someone ask behind Hanayama.

"Chiharu!Long time no see!",you smiled at him.

"Boss is this the girl ye were talking to me about?",he smirked and bumped Hanayama with his shoulder."Still in love with her?,hehe.Ye sure meant it when ye said that this is going to be a long night huh?"

"Chiharu.One more word and you're done",Hanayama clenched his fist.

"I was just joking around!"

"Good,now make sure those thugs don't get away.Im leaving it to you".

(Boss is counting on me!What a honor!),Chiharu almost teared up from the honor."OSU!",he said bowing and ran to his dutie.

"I see that you have a fan",you laughed watching Chiharu run out the door.

"Yes",he smiled and looked at you directly in the eyes."You look beautiful",he held your chin up and admired your beauty.

"T-thank you",you blushed as you got lost in his gaze.

"Let's go, I've booked a private room just for the two of us".

"Okay!",you nodded and followed him.


"BOSS!H-HELLO! WELCOME!HOW MAY I ASSIST YOU?",the guy that Hanayama spoke to immediately started bowing over and over.

(That man is the one that mistook me for a worker!He was the one that forced me to wear the bunny suit!),you glared at him after getting flashbacks.

"Show me the VIP room I booked.Shes with me", Hanayama said and looked at you.

"That girl?She seems familiar..",the man looked up and down at you.

"Hurry up",Hanayama stomped the ground making the man tremble and immediately escort the two of you to the room Hanayama had booked.

After you got inside the room,the man went to get you some drinks and you sat with Hanayama on a round couch with a pole on the front.

"How come everyone seems to know you in here?"

"I own this place,he responded as he light up a cigar.I own most of the nightclubs in this area".


"Mhm",he nodded and blew out smoke.

"Well to be honest I arleady knew you own this place...From that night...But I didn't know you own the rest of the buildings too!",you chuckled and Hanayama raised an eyebrow smiling.

"Here is your order Sir",the man that previously escorted you to the room placed a bottle of tequila on the miny desk infront of you.

Hanayama poured himself a shot,he smiled after tasting it.

"Aren't you going to drink?",he turned to you and passed you a shot.

"Oh no no,I get drunk very easily".

"Is that so?",he smirked."Come on,one shot won't hurt".

"I'm not sure..",you looked nervously at the shot infront of you.

"Just one so you can keep me company".

"If you insist..",you smiled and drank the shot in one go.

"Good right?",Hanayama smiled and leaned his back on the couch as he continued to smoke his cigarette.

"Yeah, alcohol just gives me this feeling of freedom.It feels good",you said and poured yourself another shot.

"Yeah,I can drink the whole bottle by myself",he laughed.

"Really!,I can't even last three shots!And I'm arleady on my second one.."

"How about one more?We are here to have fun,right?"

"I don't think I should..I don't want to risk it..After all I do some really weird stuff when I get drunk".

"Like what?"

"Don't you remember the time when we all went out at some bar and then I drunk so much that I started dancing?Gosh that was so stupid of me!"

"No,I think you're a great dancer".

You blushed and lowered your head after you remember that you danced for him in the same room you were sitting.To distract yourself,you drank another shot.

"That's your third".

"And that's the fourth!",you drank another one.

"Two in a row?Impressive",he smirked as he watched your cheeks slowly become red.

As the time passed,the two of you chatted and talked about mostly memories you made together when you first met,and as you did that you drank several shots.Hanayama was completely fine,while you were very drunk.

"Woah..,is it me or is it getting hot in here?",you said making air with your palm and lowering the dresses sleeves from your shoulders.

(So the pill I put in her alcohol actually worked.Increases sexual arousal in just half an hour.Thats what the instructions said..,I think.Well it's been fifteen minutes since she had her first drink so it happened faster that I thought..Maybe from the alcohol?No,what if she was horny arleady?I have to stop overthinking),he thought as he obvserved your every move.
(I have to do it,I have to ask her),he sighed and put out his cigar.

"Y/n?You on for something fun?"

"Hmm like what?"

"How about you go in that room over there.There is something waiting for you",he smirked.

Drived by curiosity,you walked up to the room he was talking about,got in and closed the door behind you.

"I knew it..",you said looking at the bunny suit on the counter infront of you.

"Can you cut it with the staring?It's embarrassing..",you looked down at the floor once you got out wearing the bunny suit.

"You look very hot you know.I want you sit on me".

He wrapped one hand around your waist and admired the way you looked in the suit as you sat on his lap.

You had started to feel wet for some reason,there was a weird tingling feeling in your pussy.You thought that it could maybe be a new side effect from the alcohol,but after a few minutes passed,the feeling only increased.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry!",you said and pulled him in for a kiss.

Hanayama wasn't surprised,he didn't push you away as you inserted your tongue in his mouth.He let you wrap your arms around his neck and kissed you back.After both of you pulled away from the long kiss you were out of breath.Hanayama removed his glasses and loosened his necktie.


"Don't talk",he shushed you and placed his hand on your ass."Im in charge now",he smirked and ripped the costume revealing your lace panties.He put them aside with his finger revealing your soaking pussy.

"Now your turn",he looked up at you and then his pants.

You looked down and gasped on his massive boner.You removed his belt and then lowered his pants sipper revealing his traditional underwear.
You removed that too and couldn't help but drool over how big it was.

Hanayama placed the tip of his cock on your pussy and started teasing you, ignoring the fact that you were soaking wet with pre cum arleady.

"Hanayama no teasing!,put it in arleady!",you complained.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


He smirked and put both hands on your waist helping you place it inside.Once he put the whole thing inside,he groaned from the tightness he felt inside your pussy.He started moving you up and down gently from your waist while keeping eye contact with you.

"Let me do it myself",you placed your hands on his, removing them from your waist.You started moving up and down on his dick,you held his shoulders and smiled at him while doing so.

(Forget about her being a good dancer,look at how good she is at that!),he thought causing his face to become red.

You pulled him in for another kiss and continued moving up and down like a bunny,he gripped your costumes ears and kissed you back passionately making you get lost in the kiss and almost melt.

"You're a good kisser",you huffed after pulling away from the kiss.

"You're good at making me feel good..", he groaned as his head turned to the ceiling."Keep going.."

"My legs are getting sour!,I can't keep up!",you moaned as you were about to collapse.

Hanayama grabbed you by your waist again and did the job himself,you moaned every time you felt his thrusts hit you.

"I'm cumming!~",you cried out and wrapped your arms around his neck.

He grunted and thrusted faster than before, before he could cum he raised your body upwards removing his member from inside you and came on your butt.

You rested your head on his shoulder from the exhaustion and he smiled watching you all out of breath.

"You did good",he whispered in your ear and held your ass."Now let's get you back to the hotel,you are tired and drunk",he made you sit on his lap normally to help you dress up in your normal clothes.

After Hanayama dressed you up and cleaned you and himself,he payed for the damaged suit and exited the building with you in his arms.

It was very late, around 12 o'clock.He took a cab and told the driver to drive the two of you back to the hotel.
During the ride,you sat on Hanayama's lap and rested your head on his shoulder,you slept like a baby and he couldn't help but smile.He gently kissed your head and kept his arm wrapped around your waist.

After you arrived at the hotel,you woke up in Hanayama's arms.You were going up the elevator,back to the suites.

"Feeling a bit better?", Hanayama said as he saw you were awake.

"Yeah..,but I'm still not satisfied.."


"Let's do it again Hanayama Kun ~♡

(How long does that pill last..),he wondered as you tried to get down from his arms to do it in the elevator.
Hanayama laughed seeing how you acted when you're drunk and didn't let go.

As soon as the elevators doors opened,he got out and opened your suites door.He struggled to put you in bed since you weren't giving up and still tried to undress him.

"Y/n you're drunk",you need to rest.

"But Hanayamaaa!,I want more!Just one more time and I'll sleep!"

Hanayama sighed and just when he was about to say something his phone begun ringing.His bodyguard Kizaki was calling.

"Sorry,I have to take this,"he said and picked up the phone.

"What is it?"

"Boss!,we got a call from building number four,there has been a kidnapping!"

"What?I was there half an hour ago how is that possible?"

"I don't know but the manager said that a couple of men got in with weapons and threatened to kill everyone in the place if they didn't get atleast two girls with them".

"Hold on,I'm going to make a quick call and then come there right away", Hanayama said and quickly hung up.
He looked through his contacts and called Chiharu.


"Boss!,how was ya date?",he grinned.

"That doesn't matter!,what happened with the thugs I told you to chase?"

"Oh!,those bastards were nothing,do ye want to speak to them?Me and the motorcycle gang beat them up,they are all tired up together infront of us right now".

"So they are infront of you?"

"Yes!,here,say hello",Chiharu put his phone close to one of the thugs.



(What the hell is going on?,who kidnapped two of the workers in my place?)

"Thanks Chiharu,let those thugs go.I need your help".

"In yer service Boss!"

"Take all the motorcycle gang and tell them to search for any suspicious activity around the area I was hanging out with Y/n previously.Tell them to search every corner,every alley possible.You will meet me at building four,got it?"

"Don't worry Boss!,I got you!"


"YES SIR!",they all responded back.

Hanayama closed the call turned to you.


"Hanayama Kun~You made me wait for a long time!I'm going to punish you!",you said slowly removing your bras strap from your shoulder.

"Y/n something important came up,I have to go!",Hanayama quickly looked away blushing.

"But you can't just leave me here all aloneeee!"

"I have no other choice.I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"O-okay..!",you sighed watching him leave and close the door behind him.

"Good!,now I'm all alone again!",you grumped folding your arms.


"AHHHH!",you screeched and hugged a pillow tightly.

"You're scared of storms?"

"Shut up!As stupid as it sounds,yes I am!Great,how could this get any worse!"

"I thought you said that you wouldn't have sex again and look at you now".

"Yeah..,I'm very drunk.But it couldn't be helped! Besides it was worth it.."

"Well what are you going to do now?"

"I don't knowww!I'm still feeling all wet and that tingling won't go away!
This is going to be one long night!"



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