Spider-Man in dragon ball

By LilJ1122

3.7K 63 18

What if Peter Parker,the amazing Spider-Man,was in the world of dragon ball? More

Meeting new friends and new enemies
The battle for namek pt1
The battle for namek pt2
Knowledge and vengeance
Raditz's fight
More androids?!
Meeting new faces again
Training Pt.1
Training Pt.2
The Tournament
Question about the next suit
The next generation Pt.1
The next generation Pt.2
God of destruction
Bonds pt.2
Next tournament
Escape from hell
The tournament of power pt.1
The tournament of power pt.2
The tournament of power pt.3
Evil unleashed
Fate of the world pt.1
Fate of the world pt.2
Fate of the world pt.3
The last cerelian
The strongest
What's coming next?
The grand tour pt.1
The grand tour pt.2
Bittersweet aftermath
The last dragons
The true god of destruction
Ultimate battle
The finale

Bonds Pt.1

74 0 0
By LilJ1122

We go backwards in time.To after the tournament,but before beerus's arrival.We go to piccolo and his new friend.Piccolo had gone to secluded areas to train,he started communicating with the symbiote.
Piccolo:So what are you?
Symbiote:I am a symbiote,and the last of my kind.I bond to a host,creating a sort of "physical exchange".
Piccolo:Are you a parasite?
Symbiote:No.Our bond is not parasitic,but symbiotic.We BOTH benefit from our bond. Your physical abilities,senses,and energy attacks are increased.And I am sustained by your physical health.
Piccolo:So a para-
Piccolo:Alright alright.Let's do this.
Piccolo begins his mental and physical training.He transforms into his yellow form.
Symbiote:This ability is similar to Spider-Man's.
Piccolo:Different process,same result.
We now go forward in time to the present day. Piccolo was meditating as he could sense a large object landing near him.He flies over to it.
Piccolo:That...looks a lot like Frieza's ship.Did Raditz get an upgrade?
The latch opens as millions of soldiers come out.
Piccolo:Don't know Raditz was looking for an army.
Piccolo's eyes widen when he looks to see-

Frieza:The namekian from before.You shall be the example,take him.
The soldiers come at piccolo,but he easily manhandles them.No one can land a single hit on him.He is absolutely wiping the floor with them.Frieza is embarrassed and infuriated.
Frieza:Is this really the best that MY forces can muster?!Fine then.
Frieza leaves his pod and lands.
Frieza:I'll just rip you apart myself.
Frieza yells as his armor breaks and his body starts growing.His horns mutate as his energy surges.

Frieza:I'm not going to be gentle this time.
Frieza charges at piccolo like a bull,but piccolo grabs him by his horns and slams him right into the ground,Frieza gets up and throws a blast,but piccolo smacks it away.Frieza is shocked but regains his composure and chuckles.
Frieza:It seems I should-
Piccolo:Shut the hell up.
Piccolo instantly appears in front of Frieza with a powerful energy ball in between his hands.
Piccolo:Light grenade!
The blast carries frieza right into a mountain and destroys it.Frieza emerges from the dust. He yells and charges his energy,it grows and grows,so powerful that his own members are destroyed by his energy.
Piccolo:Your the same bastard as always.
Frieza yells as his energy pierces the clouds. The light fades to reveal-

Frieza:Now then,it's time to dole out some vengeance.
Piccolo smirks as the two warriors clash at an even pace.They both land and dodge attacks. Frieza jumps above with a powerful energy blast.He throws it,but misses as piccolo elbows his hip from the side.
Frieza:You've gotten stronger too.
Piccolo is silent and slowly starts overwhelming Frieza.Piccolo stops fighting,
Piccolo yells and bursts into a yellow aura.

Piccolo:This fights over.
Piccolo starts to completely overpower Frieza. Frieza charges energy in his hand,but piccolo tackles him into a wall and bombards him with punches.

Frieza charges his energy and sends piccolo back.
Piccolo:What is this?!His energy!
Frieza's energy turns gold as he shines,the light fades to reveal-

Golden Frieza:I wanted to save this for those monkeys,but you have forced my hand!I made this form to show all who stand against me who the one at the top is.I call it...Golden Frieza.
The two warriors clash in the air,with golden frieza overwhelming piccolo.
Piccolo(thinking):Could use your help about now symbiote.
Piccolo continues fighting,slowly gaining the edge.Golden Frieza notices his power starting to increase.Piccolo starts to get the advantage.
The two back away from each other when suddenly,Goku and Whis land in front of piccolo.

Goku:Hey piccolo!
Piccolo:Goku?What are you doing here?
Goku:I came to see the fight,sorry but can I tag in?
Piccolo:Fine,but don't screw around.He's even more powerful than before.
Goku:That just makes me even more excited!
Goku walks up to Frieza.
Golden Frieza:Well well,looks like I'll get to kill you after all.
Goku:Don't be so sure.
Goku tells as blue energy surrounds him,the energy changes to orange and red.The aura fades to show-

Goku:This is the super saiyan god form!Hope you're ready for it.
Frieza smirks as the two clash,they clash with intensity.
Goku kicks Frieza's chin and gut punches him. But Frieza retaliates with a tail whip,making Goku's nose bleed.He follows the whip with an uppercut,sending Goku flying.
Piccolo:Damn,this is bad.It's like coolers power up.All his power has been increased!
Frieza keeps bombarding Goku with punches and kicks.Goku blocks high,but Frieza kicks low and sends Goku into a wall.Frieza keeps going and bombards Goku with attacks again. Goku starts to cough up blood,Frieza keeps going until suddenly,piccolo kicks Frieza away.
Golden Frieza:You bastard!
Goku:Piccolo,what are you-
Piccolo:I'm taking over.Mask!
Golden Frieza:Who are you talking to?
A black liquid suddenly emerges from piccolo's gi and covers his entire body.It turns green as it completely forms.
Golden Frieza:What is this?Namekains can transform too?
???:Not exactly,but you can call me...

Credits to ChahlesXavier)
Golden Frieza:If the monkey couldn't beat me then what makes you think you can?
Venom:Goku is a good man,I...
The symbiote bares his fangs.
Venom:Am not.
Frieza feels a hint of fear before charging at the symbiote.He throws an attack,but venom dodges and stomps him into the ground.Frieza flies above and charges an energy ball,but venom appears next to him and grabs his hand. The two struggle until Venom's muscles bulge as he breaks Frieza's arm.
Golden Frieza:Gah!
Venom doesn't let up and punches Frieza into the ocean.Frieza tries to get up,but venom lands with a stomp onto his back.
Golden Frieza:Uoogh!
Venom picks Frieza up by his head,drops him, but punches him into a mountain before he can land.Venom stands on the wall next to the crater Frieza was put in.
Venom:Is that all you have?
Venom is grabbed from behind,he looks to see it's Goku.
Goku:He's had enough,just look at him.
Venom takes a look at Frieza.He was battered and bruised,he wasn't even golden anymore.
Goku and venom stare at each other.
Venom:Say it already.
Goku:I want to test your power for myself!
Venom:I knew it.Fine.Wait,how'd you heal?
Goku:This new form has this cool healing thing!Pretty sweet,am I right?
The two warriors look at each other.They stance up and wait,and then...they clash.They trade and dodge blows,venom lands a haymaker,Goku lands a roundhouse kick.The two warriors back up.Goku pulls his arms back.
Venom vanishes and appears above Goku, landing a hit directly on Goku's spine,hitting so hard he destroys the mountain beneath them entirely.Goku is in so much pain that he powers down.He feels wet small droplets hit his back and looks up to see venom...drooling?But not just drooling,he's smiling?
Venom lifts Goku up by his throat,he slowly drags his "tongue" across Goku's face.He suddenly drops Goku down on the ground before slowly shrinking and peeling away.
Piccolo:Sorry about that,I'm not used to having to eat solid food.I'm...gonna get something.
Goku:Right...well um...see ya!
Goku goes to Whis as they vanish again.Piccolo looked at Frieza's unconscious body,he puts his arms out,sending tendrils that stick to and wrap around Frieza.
Piccolo:I'll be back.
At Beerus's planet
Goku:Hey guys I'm back!
Goku:How's it been?
Goten:It's been really fun,but I miss mom.
Goku:Honestly,me too.Let's go see her!
The duo leaves as Beerus groans in boredom.
Beerus:Ah!I'm so bored.Maybe I'll see what Kami's doing.Whis!
Whis:Right my lord.
The duo heads to the lookout and see Spider-Man meditating.
Spider-Man:What's up Beerus?
Beerus:I'm bored and was wondering if you would spar with me.
Spider-Man:It's be an honor.
Spider-Man and Beerus stare at each other. They fly up and they clash in the sky.They clash at an even but intense pace.
Beerus:This isn't all your capable of isn't it?
Spider-Man:Of course not.
Beerus:Then show me.
Beerus throws attacks,but Spider-Man effortlessly dodges and counters them,shocking Beerus and Whis.
Whis:How interesting.The speed,the little to no cost of energy,the...automated style itself.
Spider-Man continues avoiding and countering beerus's blows.Spider-Man counters again with a powerful punch,sending Beerus flying across the sky.Beerus once again is shocked.
Beerus:Mortals sure have come a long way since the last time I was here.
Spider-Man:We're just awesome like that.Wait ...do you sense something coming towards us?
Beerus:Yes...I know who this is.
Two beings instantly appear in front of Beerus and Spider-Man.

Champa:I'm hungry so I'll make this quick!I want the dragon balls!
Beerus:The what?
Spider-Man:There these orbs that can grant wishes when all 7 are gathered.Tell me,why exactly do you want-
Champa shoved Spidey aside and got in beerus's face as the female went to Whis.
Vados:How have you been Whis?
Whis:I've been doing quite well.Yourself?
Vados:I'm quite fine as well.
Beerus:That was rude Champa.
Champa:Since when do you-
The group suddenly felt a tense vibe as Champa felt a tight and heavy grip on his shoulder.He looked to see an angered Spidey.
Spider-Man:I'm going to let that slide.And I'm going to ask again.What...do you want...with the dragon balls?
Champa nervously gulped before turning around.
Beerus:This is Kami,he's also a deity.Did I forget to mention that?
Champa:So...I was going to to make a wish with them and-
Spider-Man:What was your wish going to be?
Spider-Man sighed and softly held Champa's shoulder.
Spider-Man:You said you were hungry?
Champa:Yes!I'm absolutely famished!
Spider-Man:Not sure about where your from, but we have wide varieties of food here.Let's talk over some supper.I'll be back.
The costumed deity disappeared,leaving the group by themselves.He reappeared shortly, holding bags of ramen,microwaveable foods, some sweets,etc.The group descends to the lookout and begin their personal feast.Champa simply can't get enough of the food.
Champa:I had no idea this planet had such good food!
Spider-Man:Told ya.I have a proposition for you,Champa.
Spider-Man:Let's have a tournament.I win,we keep the dragon balls.You win,you get them.
Champa:Sounds like a plan!We each have 3 days to assemble a team!
Champa has a big smile on his face as he and Vados leave with excitement.
Beerus:Thank you Kami.
Spider-Man:For what?
Beerus:Even though you had no reason to,you got him all happy and excited and even fed him.I can't remember the last time he had such a big smile on his face.No wonder you're the guardian of this planet.
Spider-Man:I appreciate it.Now the tournament.
Beerus:Right,I think we have our members.
Spider-Man:Actually,we have someone else to consider.Be right back.
Spider-Man disappeared,he then appeared again,holding Frieza's unconscious body.
Beerus:Frieza?!I thought you were dead.
Spider-Man:His members revived him,he came back a couple of hours ago with a new form that's kinda like cooler's.
Beerus:How do you know this?
Spider-Man:I see everything on this planet.
Spider-Man lays Frieza on the ground and starts patting him to wake him up.it doesn't work.Beerus walks up and slaps Frieza's face super hard.
Frieza:Ah!What the fu-
Beerus:Hello Frieza.
Spider-Man:How ya been?
Frieza stands up,ready for a fight.Beerus gets up in Frieza's face and silently stares at him. Frieza takes a neutral stance.
Spider-Man:There's a tournament coming up. You wanna join us?
Frieza:And what would I get in return?
Spider-Man:Best I can offer you is food.We've got meat,pasta,crabs.
Spider-Man chuckles as Beerus is shocked. Whis:Crabs are Frieza's favorite food Beerus. And his favorite animals are crustaceans.

To be continued

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