Perfect (Floyd x GN! Reader)

By Gluumii

29.1K 646 88

In this story, you, are a pop rock troll! You were captured by Velvet and Veneer who had dreams of becoming p... More

17. ♥️
18. ♥️
♥️ Epilogue ♥️


1.3K 32 1
By Gluumii

(Art by @/niffelbru on ig)

External Pov

"I'm sorry, M/n— can you repeat that?" Floyd asked, a flustered and shocked expression on his face. M/n looked up at him anxiously shaking their head a bit, too embarrassed to repeat such embarrassing words. Floyd pouted slightly "please? I can't answer if I don't know exactly what you said.." Floyd reasoned "No- there's more important things to focus on." M/n deflected before Floyd grabbed their hands gently pulling their body to face him.

"How about this. I'll go first then? M/n L/n, I like you. I like you a lot, more than a friend would. I want to spend every waking moment with you if you would let me. I want to learn everything you will allow me to know about you. I want to go wherever you go, do whatever you do, be the best me I can be.. with you." Floyd rambled never once breaking eye contact. M/n on the other hand stared at Floyd in astonishment.

A bright blush covering their face "wow- you weren't kidding when you said you were the 'sensitive one'.." they mumbled looking down at their hands in Floyd's. "I, I feel the same way." They smiled looking back up at Floyd, who had a very adorable grin on his face.

Floyd tackled M/n with a hug making them giggle. The other trolls had noticed the cute scene and smiled but were more preoccupied with the current issue at hand. Maybe since the two had been imprisoned for so long that this wasn't as scary to them? The others couldn't really tell but they still were happy for their brother nonetheless.

The twins on the other hand were far too distracted by the bright lights and cheering fans as they arrived, exiting their luxury vehicle. The twins signed some people, taking pictures and such before something stopped them from proceeding.

Floyd and M/n ran to the front of the diamond, watching the scene before them, the weird long bus animal thing was there, but Branch was on the hood of it? If you can even call that a hood... "Let go of my brothers!" Branch yelled and Velvet looked around a little nervously but played it off well "I don't know what you're talking about troll.." she said before Poppy seemed to get angry.

"You guys are stealing Brozones talent because you have none of your own!!! You, gah..! You big Phonies!!" She yelled as Velvet and Veneer covered their shoulder pads, taking a few steps back.

M/n's Pov

You couldn't hear much of what happened after Velvet covered and muffled the outside world with her hand. You sighed laying down lazily "I'm just going to wait to either have the life sucked out of me, or to be rescued.." you mumbled tiredly as Floyd looked at you a little puzzled and concerned but stayed close to the wall to see what was going on outside anyway.

Once Velvets hands were finally removed from covering the diamonds. The twins were now escaping back in the car, driving away from the red carpet "woah, maybe they're running away and they won't use us for talent anymore" Floyd said hopefully.

You sat up with a confused expression on your face "this is Velvet and Veneer we're talking about.. that's very unlikely for them" you said being realistic while Floyd sighed "I know.. is as just, yknow, hoping" he explained, but you guys were cut off, unable to continue talking when Velvet started yelling "you didn't think we would do our performance on a boring stage did you?!"

She said swinging around making you roll around on the floor. "We're taking this show- On The ROAAAD!!" She yelled as people could be heard cheering. Velvet went weirdly silent for a moment before she pressed the button extracting talent from you Floyd and his brother. You groaned after landing on the floor of the diamond, shivering.

Floyd shivered as well as you pulled yourself over to him, holding him slightly, but all the movement from Velvets dancing making it difficult to become comfortable. The twins sang and unfortunately it was kind of catchy? You would never admit that aloud though.

Once the twins finished their first song, they spammed the shoulder pad button draining the trolls but mostly you and Floyd. Before any of you could recover, the twins drove off the road, doing a flip? For whatever reason and landing on a boat.

You gripped your head with your free arm and held onto Floyd's hand with the other to keep either of you from separating when the twins made sudden and dramatic moments. You were trying to catch your breath but tried to focus on Floyd keeping him awake by patting his cheek. "Hey! Don't fall asleep. Stay awake okay? I know, it's exhausting but right now we can't do this."

You explained, as Floyd closed his eyes with a distressed expression on his face "I know, it's just hard" he said a bit strained. You were scared. You knew it was a possibility that getting out of here wouldn't happen, but since you had told him how you felt and he felt the same you had more hope and expectation that things would work out.. but maybe that was wishful thinking?

While you were lost in thought trying to keep Floyd from passing out, Branch had dropped down on a sticky hand to try and release you two. You jumped when you saw him but smiled brightly when you recognized what he was doing "Branch! I'm trying to keep Floyd awake- I know this is hard but please hurry!" You begged before Velvet brushed him off.

You frowned turning back to Floyd "Floyd! Wake up!" You yelled as he jumped awake after he nodded off the two seconds you weren't looking at him. You sighed pulling him up into a sitting position "cmon Floyd.. how will we ever go camping together if we don't get out of here?" You said sadly, Floyd nodding off again.

Your question seemed to make him sit up a bit on his own as he opened his eyes, looking over at you with a smile "I promise I'll do my best" he said, his voice a little rough. You smiled hugging him gently before looking back outside. You saw that two of the other brothers had escaped from Veneers shoulder pads.. that was great! Things were heading in the right direction.

As you were taking in the new information, you and Floyd were suddenly flung back against the wall as Velvet fell. Another brother escaped! Great, now it was only them left, and everything would be okay! Unfortunately as the brothers tried to interfere with Velvets performance, she was helped by her brother into a pedestal, away from their reach making you curse under your breath.

Before you could even process what was happening or being said- the Rageon used the shoulder pads again! This time Floyd really couldn't stay awake much longer, and you couldn't even hold yourself up, much less Floyd. You groaned as you hit the cold floor trying to push yourself up, but simply being unable to.

Floyd seemed to have his attention locked on outside, as singing began.. but it wasn't Velvet who was singing this time. It was Branch? You tried to put everything together in your mind but you were so overwhelmed that things were not adding up like they normally would but you desperately tried to understand anyway.

Everything felt kind of like a fever dream at the moment but the singing sounded really relaxing.. Floyd started singing too, he had a super nice voice.. before you could take in any more information, it all disappeared from your sight. You knocked out.

|| Word count 1370!! uhhhhh sooooo this chapter could either be awesome or terrible (I'm so tired and sometimes I can make really cool things when I'm tired, or just literal garbage LMAO) anyway uh, lmk how you feel about this chapter? If you want anyway lol.||

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