Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

By AllisonLange

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This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... More

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 2
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 4
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 6

Turnabout Samurai Final Part

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By AllisonLange

October 19, 3:27 PM 
Wright & Co. Law Offices 

After a tough trial that morning, Phoenix and Ryan returned back to the office, as they both collapsed into their respective seats as they sighed. 

Phoenix: That was a close one, huh, Mia? 

Maya: Really? Too bad, I’m sorry I missed it. 

Phoenix: ? 

Ryan: Huh? 

Phoenix: M-Maya! 

He shouted in surprise as Maya entered the door, not Mia, as she looked at the two ready to hear what happened while she was channeling her older sister. 

Maya: So, what happened? 

Phoenix: Well, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea who did it. Now all I need is a motive… and proof. 

Maya: Wow! Good going, Nick! Fake Nick! 

Ryan: But we only have one more day to find it. 

Phoenix: Yeah. Under the “initial trial” system, tomorrow is the last day we have. 

Maya: “Initial trial”...? What’s that? 

Phoenix: That’s the new court system they introduced two or three years ago. They had so many cases in the system, they decided to speed the whole process up. 

Maya: So, under that system, trials have to end in three days? 

Ryan: Yeah. It makes it easier for prosecutors like Edgeworth to forge false reports just to win. 

Phoenix: Yeah, I remember that… so badly. 

He groaned as he thought back to the trial before this one, where Edgeworth revealed the autopsy report he showed was outdated. 

Phoenix: Well, we’ve no time to waste! 

He said before a thought from the trail went through his head as he asked Maya about why Hammer would wear the Steel Samurai costume while Powers was knocked asleep. 

Phoenix: I don’t get it, Maya. Why would Mr. Hammer steal the Steel Samurai costume? 

Maya: What!? You mean Mr. Hammer was wearing the costume!? 

Ryan: Yeah! 

Maya: B-but Mr. Hammer was the victim, Nick, Fake Nick! Why would he go through the trouble of stealing it? 

Phoenix: That’s what we have to find out. 

He said as Maya decided to ask them what the director’s testimony during the trial. 

Maya: What happened with the director’s testimony? 

Phoenix: Well, it’s pretty clear that the producer and the director were both in the trailer. 

Maya: Huh… 

Phoenix: Which means that the killer has to be one of them! 

Maya: Really!? Why? 

Phoenix: Because the real scene of the crime was Studio Two… where that trailer is! 

Maya: Whaaaat!? 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm… was Maya always this excitable?’ 

He thought as they finished up telling Maya more of what happened during the trial, they went to the Detention Center, where Powers were waiting for them, behind the large glass. 

October 19
Detention Center 
Visitor’s Room

Will: Mr. Wright! You did very well again today… Thank you! 

Phoenix: Um, could you not look like you’re about to burst into tears…?

Maya: Wow, Nick! You must have really wowed ‘em in there.  

Phoenix: And could you wipe that grin off your face? 

Maya: Hey, WP! Only one day left! Let’s make it count! 

Will: Yes… Though there’s not really anything I can do to help. 

Maya: Hah hah hah! I’m not really sure what I can do, either. 

Ryan: Maya… This is no laughing matter. 

He said while Phoenix ignored them as he asked Will a question about the producer at the Studio, Producer Vasquez. 

Phoenix: Could you tell me more about Ms. Vasquez? 

Will: Oh… the producer? She’s well respected in the industry. They say she’s a genius.

Maya: A genius…?  

Will: She’s been at Global Studios for five years now. Right or wrong, nobody dares tell her different these days. 

Phoenix: Why is that? 

Will: Ever since she came on board, we’ve had nothing but hits. Global Studios was on its knees, but she picked it up and made it shine. Oh, and… 

Maya: And… what? 

Will: N-nothing. Forget it. I… I… I’ve only heard rumors, anyhow. 

He said in slight fear as Phoenix changed the topic as he asked Will about the director. 

Phoenix: Can you tell me anything about Mr. Manella? 

Will: Oh, he used to be a minor straight-to-video director. But something in his work caught Vasquez’s eye. She brought the Steel Samurai idea to him. Now everyone knows the name Sal Manella. I hear he’s pretty much at her beck and call, though. Whenever she says “jump!” he asks “how high?” and all that. 

Ryan: ‘I can just imagine him being at her beck and call… there’s one thing I won’t imagine… is him jumping.’ 

He thought as he got a small shiver as Maya asked Will their last question before they start their last investigation. 

Maya: I was wondering about Mr. Hammer… He was a big star back in the day, right? But then he just dropped off the face of the Earth. 

Will: Oh… Yes, you’re right. In fact, he was my role model when I started in this business. But he just stopped taking on big roles. That’s when he began appearing in little productions at Global… 

Maya: How could he do that!? I was really looking forward to a sequel to “Samurai Summer.” 

Will: He just gave up being a star five years ago. Actually, now that I think about it… That was right when Ms. Vasquez came to Global. 

Phoenix: Five years ago…?’ 

He thought before they thanked Will for the info as they headed over to Global Studios where Oldbag was standing there in silence. 

October 19
Global Studios 
Main Gate

Oldbag: … … … 

Maya: The old windbag sure is quiet today. 

Oldbag: … 

Maya: You know, this place is really… peaceful, like this. 

Oldbag: … 

Maya: Nick? Fake Nick? I think her guard’s down… 

Phoenix: Y-yeah?

Ryan: H-huh? Really? 

Maya: I bet we could even eat those donuts in the guard station… if we wanted. 

Oldbag: … You eat, you die. 

Maya: Whew! She’s alive! 

She said in relife as Phoenix cautiously asked the older woman some questions as he started with the producer. 

Phoenix: Um, I was wondering about Dee Vasquez, the producer. 

Oldbag: Oh, the studio bigwigs LOVE her. So she always gets her way. 

Phoenix: ‘She seems bitter…’ 

Maya: Do you… not like the producer? 

Oldbag: Look, the studio people don’t want me talking about her, so, sorry. 

She said that that made both Ryan and Phoenix confused by that as Phoenix continued asking questions. 

Phoenix: Can I ask you about Sal Manella, the director? 

Oldbag: Sal? He’s soft- - a pushover. Does whatever Vasquez tells him to. She treats him like dirt, but I think he likes it. 

Maya: Huh? Why would anyone like being treated like dirt? That doesn’t make any sense, does it, Nick, Fake Nick? 

Ryan: Uh… no it doesn’t. 

Phoenix: Er… No, no it doesn’t, Maya. 

He said quickly agreeing with her as he sweated a bit as he looked over at Ryan, who also had the same look, as he quickly asked the last question. 

Phoenix: About Mr. Hammer…?

Oldbag: Arrgh! I heard about what you said today! Cheeky whippersnapper! Poor old Hammer! You’d drag his star down from the sky and stomp on it! Calling him a criminal! A thief! I-I-I-I… I won’t forget this!!! 

Phoenix: ‘Uh oh, she’s really pissed this time!’ 

Oldbag: You listen to me, whipper-snapper! My poor old Hammer would never do such a thing! Why would he steal Power’s costume so he could sneak by me? He would never stoop so low! It’s impossible! 

She growled in anger as they quickly walked away before she could yell any more as they reached the Employee Area. 

October 19
Global Studio
Employee Area

Maya: I guess they’re not filming today, either. I did want to see them filming… just one time. 

Phoenix: This trial will be over and done by tomorrow. You can come see them film later. 

Maya: I guess… This is where you found that bottle of sleeping pills, right? 

Ryan: Right, it was on one of those tables here. 

Maya: I wonder if there's any other clues lying around. 

Gumshoe: Yaaaaaaaaaarh! 

Before they could investigate anything, the large detective rushed out of nowhere as he glared at the trio before he continued yelling. 

Gumshoe: No no no! No touchin’! 

Maya: Eeek! 

She screamed in fear as Gumshoe noticed them as he calmed down and scratched the back of his head before apologizing to them. 

Gumshoe: Oh, sorry, pal and his look-alike. Didn’t mean to frighten you. 

Maya: D-didn’t mean…? I almost had a heart attack! 

Gumshoe: Heh heh. I guess I can be a little dramatique at times… I suppose it’s the actor in me… 

Phoenix: ‘Dramatique” indeed…’ 

Gumshoe: Ahem. Anyway, I’m here to examine the plate on that table. 

Phoenix: Wait, are you looking for sleeping pills? 

Gumshoe: Yeah, pal. Traces thereof. 

The detective said as Maya asked him a question before Phoenix could ask them. 

Maya: So you’re looking for traces of sleeping pills… how? 

Gumshoe: For a thorough examination I gotta take the plate back to the precinct. But I have the capabilities to make a cursory examination right here! Our science guy gave me some testing solution. This reacts to these sleeping pills, see? If there’s traces it’ll change color. 

Maya: Wow! Neat! Well, Detective Gumshoe? What are you waiting for? 

Gumshoe: Now, now, everything in due time, pal. 

He said as he started testing the plate that had the steaks on for any trace for sleeping pills and before long as he saw the reaction on the plate. 

Gumshoe: Well, the testing solution on the plate changed color alright. 

Phoenix: So the food on this plate had been laced with sleeping pills! 

Gumshoe: Looks like it! 

The man said excitedly as info about the plate was added to the papers Ryan held as Phoenix asked Gumshoe about how his investigation was doing. 

Phoenix: How goes your investigation?

Gumshoe: To tell the truth, it’s a real mess, pal. Some people think we should pursue the case we already have against Powers…  And some people think we should switch suspects! 

Maya: What do you think, Detective Gumshoe? 

Gumshoe: Well, pal, I hate to admit it… But I’m not sure I buy the case against Mr. Powers any more. I feel kind of bad for Mr. Edgeworth, though. 

The man said sadly as Phoenix got interested to hear how Edgeworth was doing after the crazy trial and even the entire case. 

Phoenix: How is Edgeworth doing, anyway?

Gumshoe: Mr. Edgeworth is outta control! He was in the waiting room and he crushed this paper cup with hot, hot coffee in it. 

Ryan: That’s crazy… 

Gumshoe: Talk about burns, pals lookalike! 

Maya: Wow! The fury of Edgeworth! 

Phoenix: Yeah, crushing paper cups… ‘Cups… bottles…?’ Say, what ever happened with that empty bottle?  

Gumshoe: Oh, the bottle of sleeping pills? Well, I got some good news for you about that. They found the victim, Jack Hammer’s prints on the bottle. 

Maya: So that means… 

Gumshoe: Yep, it sounds like the one who put Powers to sleep was none other than… the victim! 

Phoenix: ‘So I was right!’ 

He cheered inside his head as updated info over the bottle of sleeping pills that had Hammer’s fingerprints on it was added to the stack of papers inside Ryan’s folder. As they were done talking with Gumshoe, they entered the dressing room, where they saw Penny, who quickly noticed them enter. 

Penny: Oh! Hello! 

Maya: What are you doing here? 

Penny: Oh… I was just cleaning up the dressing room. I guess WP won’t be using it anymore, so… 

Maya: W-what!? Why!? But WP’s innocent! 

Penny: Yes, and I’m really grateful for all you’ve done. But… This week is the last episode of the Steel Samurai… 

Maya: What!? Nooooooo! 

She screamed in shock as she heard her favorite show was ending as Phoenix ignored her and started to ask Penny a question about Hammer. 

Phoenix: I was wondering if I could ask you about Mr. Hammer… 

Penny: Yes?

Phoenix: On the day of the murder, he went to Studio Two. 

Penny: Huh? I thought he went to Studio One? 

Maya: He stole the Steel Samurai costume, too! 

Penny: What!? Why would Mr. Hammer do something like that? … Oh… I guess the rumor must be true, then. 

Maya: The rumor? 

Penny: Yeah. Ms. Vasquez, that producer, had some kind of hold on Hammer. She had some dirt on him… He’d do anything she said, apparently. 

Maya: Some “dirt”? What dirt! 

Penny: … Dirt. You know, bad stuff. 

Maya: … Um, I know what dirt means… 

Penny: About five years ago, they were filming a movie starring Mr. Hammer. They were using the new studio… Studio Two. Some sort of accident happened during filming. After that, they never used Studio Two again. They left the film set the way it was, too. 

Phoenix: ‘The film set…? Was that trailer part of the film set, then?’ 

He thought as he watched Maya rush over to Penny as she was still upset that the Steel Samurai was ending. 

Maya: W-what do you mean, the “last Steel Samurai”!? 

Penny: I know it’s a shock, but nothing can be done to save it now. Whoever really did kill Mr. Hammer, also signed the Steel Samurai’s death warrant. 

Maya: No… no! 

Penny: Also, I hear that Global Studios is going to change its programming. They’re not going to make kids’ shows anymore. 

Maya: W-what!? Why!? 

Penny: I don’t know. It’s sad, but that’s what Global Studios decided. 

Curious about what Penny meant by why the studio was done with kids shows, Phoenix asked while Maya was still crying over her show and other shows' endings. 

Phoenix: Why aren’t they going to make kids’ shows anymore? 

Penny: The studio bigwigs don’t want the Steel Samurai around anymore. They want to forget this ever happened. They want it quiet, you understand? 

Maya: H-how can they just do that! What about all the kids who love the Steel Samurai!

Penny: It’s okay. I’m sure the kids will be fine.  They’ll find a new hero to follow. 

Maya: No, that can’t be true! If the program just ends, they’ll be heartbroken for sure! N-Nick! Fake Nick! Say something! 

Phoenix: Um… yeah! ‘I think evidence, rather than words, is called for here.’ Here, take a look at this. 

He started as Ryan fished around in his folder as he found the blue picture book that Cody gave them as he gave it to Phoenix and he showed it to Penny. 

Penny: And this is…? 

Phoenix: A fan collected all of these photographs. The kids love the Steel Samurai! The show shouldn’t be canceled just so some adults can save face! I would think you would understand that better than anyone. 

Penny: … … You’re right. Okay! But what can I do? 

Phoenix: Well, for starters… You can tell me something. Tell me what it is that Global Studios is so intent on hiding? Tell me about this accident five years ago. 

Penny: … Okay! 

The girl shouted accepting the offer as Phoenix reasked his question on what accident occurred at the studio over five years ago. 

Phoenix: Could you tell us what happened five years ago? 

Penny: Well, I can tell you what I’ve heard. Apparently, five years ago, someone died… and it was Hammer’s fault. 

Maya: S-someone died!? 

Penny: It was an accident, of course! Anyway… The producer, Ms. Vasquez managed to hush it up. 

Ryan: And that’s the so called “dirt” she had on Mr. Hammer? 

Maya: And that’s why Mr. Hammer would do anything Ms. Vasquez asked him to do! … But, it was an accident, right? Why didn’t they just make it public? 

Penny: Well, you know Mr. Hammer was a big star back then. They were afraid about what would happen to his career if word got out. 

Maya: I see… 

Penny: You know who knows more about this? Ms. Oldbag. She was here at the studios back then, you know. 

Phoenix: Thanks. We’ll try asking her. ‘If she’ll talk…’ 

He thought as they left the dressing room as Penny went back to put stuff away as they went back to the entrance as Oldbag wasn’t surprised to see them still there as she finished eating a doughnut. 

Oldbag: What, you’re still slinking around? If you like the place so much, why don’t you take over for me? 

Maya: The old windbag doesn’t look so good… 

Oldbag: E-everybody’s doing their darndest to forget Hammer. Who do they think made Global Studio what it is today? Hammer! It’s all due to Hammer! 

Maya: She’s starting to froth at the mouth, Nick, Fake Nick… Maybe we should keep a safe distance? 

She said as she stepped back as Oldbag was huffing in anger as Phoenix asked her about the accident from five years ago. 

Phoenix: Umm… I wanted to ask you about five years ago… 

Oldbag: ! Who told!? Who did you hear that from!? 

Phoenix: I, uh… huh? 

Oldbag: Nichols! 

Phoenix: N-nickels? 

Maya: Nichols, Nick. Penny Nichols. That assistant we talked to. 

Phoenix: O-oh, right. Anyway, we heard about the accident. It was during filming with Jack Hammer… He killed a man. Didn’t he? 

Oldbag: Wh-whippersnappers! Dredging up dirt on someone’s past like that… and the recently departed, no less! I suppose you think this is fun!? 

Phoenix: N-no, I’m just doing my job to protect Mr. Powers… 

Oldbag: And you claim that Hammer stole Powers’s costume! You expect me to believe that rubbish!? Or do you have some kind of proof? 

Phoenix: ‘Proof that Hammer stole Powers’s costume? Hmm…’ I’m sorry Ms. Oldbag, but I do have proof. I can prove that Mr. Hammer stole Mr. Powers’s costume. 

He said as Ryan handed him the empty sleeping pill bottle as he showed it to the older lady. 

Phoenix: Here’s my proof. 

Oldbag: What? What’s a little empty bottle supposed to prove?

Phoenix: It’s a bottle of sleeping pills. With Mr. Hammer’s fingerprints on it…  

Oldbag: Wh-what does that prove? I… I’m sure old Hammer had some sleepless nights! Where’s your proof that he used those pills oh Powers? 

She growled still not believing them as Ryan handed Phoenix a paper that told about the steak plate that had traces of the sleeping pills. 

Phoenix: Mr. Powers ate a t-bone steak for lunch, correct? 

Oldbag: W-well… yes. 

Phoenix: This is the plate that he used to eat that steak. There are traces of sleeping pill powder on the plate! 

Oldbag: …! …. … … I see. Poor, poor Hammer. You did wrong, Hammer, rest your soul. 

Maya: Ms. Oldbag…?

Ryan: You okay…? 

They were confused by her sudden change in mood as she continued speaking to them. 

Oldbag: Okay. You win. I’ll talk. I’m tired, see… Tired of holding it all in. 

Phoenix: Ms. Oldbag… 

Oldbag: You’re right. Five years ago there was an accident… a fatal accident. What’s worse, a paparazzi took a photo of it. That photo, well, it caused quite a stir. And guess who made it all better? Vasquez! She has ties to the mafia… She silenced that paparazzi. That was the beginning. After that, she became a force to be reckoned with here at the studio. 

Maya: I see…! 

Oldbag: But, you have to understand… Poor old Hammer never meant any harm to anyone! 

Maya: Ms. Oldbag… 

Oldbag: Hold on a minute. 

Maya: Poor Ms. Oldbag… 

She mumbled as Oldbag went into the guard station and not long after, she returned as she handed Ryan a photo. 

Oldbag: Here, take this. 

Ryan: Huh? A photograph? 

Phoenix: W-wait a second! 

Oldbag: This is the picture. 

Phoenix: Is… Is this the trailer in Studio Two? 

Oldbag: Hammer was supposed to fight with a bad guy on top of those stairs, there. He pushed the other actor, and the man fell onto the flowerbox fence. 

Phoenix: B-but how did you get this? 

Oldbag: It… was a long time ago. I don’t feel much like talking about it. 

Ryan: I understand… 

He said as they Oldbag alone as they stopped to talk in the entrance to Studio One. 

Maya: Think back, Nick, Fake Nick, to the day of the murder… Mr. Hammer put on the Steel Samurai costume. Then he left from here to go to Studio Two…? 

Phoenix: Right. 

Maya: But why? I wonder if someone called him…? Like the director, or the producer… 

She mumbled as they continued following the path Hammer used and as they arrived at Studio Two, Vasquez was there, smoking her pipe, not noticing them. 

October 19
Studio Two Entrance

Maya: Hey, Nick, Fake Nick… It’s Ms. Vasquez! Hello? 

Vasquez: … 

Maya: H-E-L-L-O! 

Vasquez: … 

Maya: H! E! L! L! O! 

Phoenix: M-Maya! You should at least try to be polite… 

Vasquez: …. I’m watching the clouds. … 

Phoenix: ‘That’s all she had to say, apparently…’ 

He said as he took the picture from five years ago from Ryan’s hand as Vasquez narrowed her eyes at the sight of it. 

Vasquez: Where. 

Phoenix: Wh-what? 

Vasquez: Where did you get that? 

Phoenix: I, well… 

Vasquez: Oldbag. 

Phoenix: O-Old…? 

Maya: She means the security lady, Ms. Oldbag, Nick. 

Phoenix: Right… anyway… Ms. Vasquez. You hid this incident from the press, didn’t you? And you used it to control Mr. Hammer! 

Vasquez: … The wind. 

Phoenix: The… huh? 

Vasquez: It’s gotten stronger, don’t you think? … Your conversation interests me. Let’s talk about it more, inside the trailer. 

Maya: Nick. Fake Nick. She went inside the trailer. 

She said in fear as they watched Vasquez enter the trailer as they hesitated for a bit as they entered the trailer, the older woman was sitting behind the small table. 

Vasquez: Hmph. You came. Well then, what was that you were talking about? 

Phoenix: ‘...! Why is she so eager to talk all of a sudden?’ Ms. Vasquez. You were using that accident! You were blackmailing Mr. Hammer so you could control him, weren’t you? That’s why he was doing kids’ shows for petty change! 

Vasquez: Hmph… So I’m a blackmailer now?

Maya: Well, that’s what it was, wasn’t it! I mean, sure, it was an accident… But you used it to drag Mr. Hammer down from his rightful place as a star! 

Vasquez: Oh…? I haven’t pulled anyone down from anywhere. Mr. Hammer’s career went sour of its own accord. 

Maya: B-but! You were the cause! You pressured him… And to think it was just an accident…! 

Vasquez: Excuse me! What is this all about? You keep saying “accident,” “accident”... How are you so sure? 

Ryan: What do you mean by that? 

Vasquez: Must I spell everything out for you? Think: what would it be if it wasn’t an accident? 

Phoenix: …! No… No way! You mean Mr. Hammer did it… on purpose? 

Vasquez: That is what I mean. 

Phoenix: Wh-where’s your proof! Can you prove it! 

Vasquez: Hmph! Just think! Would he have let me run his life for five years… over a mere accident? And I ran him hard, believe you me! 

Maya: B-but, the security lady said it was an accident! 

Vasquez: Oh. Well, she was a big fan of Hammer’s, you see. She jumped on the reporter who brought that photo into the studio. She wrenched it out of his hands, she did. Gave him a few bruises, too. 

Phoenix: ‘... So that’s why she had the photo…’ 

Vasquez: She’s an old fool. Of course, all the reporter would need is the negatives. He could have made a copy. But he didn’t. The only copy of that photo is the one you hold. Give it to me. Now. 

Maya: W-what? This is valuable evidence! 

She screamed as Ryan took the picture Phoenix was holding and placed it into a spot he only knew as Vasquez glared at the three before smirking and shouted out: 

Vasquez: Boys! 

And once she said that, a group of about four men all dressed up in black and had sunglasses, sneered down at the three standing there waiting for their next orders. 

Phoenix: … U-umm… Who are they…? 

Vasquez: Professionals. They’re good at erasing… various things. What do you think…? Would you like to be erased? 

She said as she glared at Ryan, who moved his folder closer to him as Phoenix knew what she meant by ‘erasing’. 

Phoenix: Wh-what!? 

Vasquez: The trial ends tomorrow? How unfortunate. It’s a shame you’ll have to miss it! 

Phoenix: … Tell me why. Why do you want that photograph so badly? That is Mr. Hammer’s “dirt” …no? Why should Dee Vasquez care about it at all? 

Vasquez: … I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to think about that where you’re going. So long, friends. Boys, erase away. 

She said as the black suited men got ready to ‘erase’ them as Maya screamed in fear as Phoenix stood in front of her before he was punched in his chest and face while Ryan was punched in his right eye, but he never let go of his folder. But before the men could do anything worse than punching, a familiar voice was heard right outside the trailer as Maya smiled in relief, knowing who it was as Phoenix helped Ryan up as they watched Gumshoe break down the door with a small group of police officers. 

Gumshoe: Hold it right there! I heard everything, pal! Dee Vasquez! You’re coming down to the precinct with me, now! 

Vasquez: … Hmph. Not bad. … Very well. It appears this contest will be decided tomorrow then. In court. I’ll be looking forward to it. 

She said not showing any emotion as the police officers cuffed her and her men and led them out of the trailer. Once Vasquez and her men were gone, Gumshoe glanced at the three, smiling before noticing the injuries Phoenix and Ryan had. 

Gumshoe: H-hey, you okay, pal and his lookalike? Sorry I was a little late with my entrance. I don’t get many chances to practice that sorta thing. 

Maya: Detective Gumshoe… Thank you thank you thank you! I was really scared… 

Gumshoe: Huh? Don’t mention it, pal. Just doing my job. … … 

Maya: Detective Gumshoe? 

Gumshoe: Sorry, it’s just… I’ve wanted to say that line ever since I became a detective. … Okay. I’ve got one more job to do today. I’m sure we’ll run into each other again soon! 

He shouted excitedly as he rushed out of the trailer as they watched him as Maya turned to Phoenix and Ryan, more determined than before. 

Maya: Well, Nick, Fake Nick. It looks like we’re getting close to the bottom of this. 

Ryan: Yeah. 

Phoenix: ‘And who’s at the bottom…? Dee Vasquez!’ 

To be continued. 

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