Save Me

By nnzh687

1.2K 59 43

Sunwoo and his other siblings move into their new home, and he meet with Haknyeon and their siblings, their n... More



24 1 1
By nnzh687

Haknyeon was taken to the hospital garden by the nurse so that he could get some fresh air and take a break from being inside the room. Since he's unable to walk and needs help to transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, the nurse had to assist him for him to take a break outside.

The nurse wanted him to take a brief moment away from the hospital room and feel more comfortable. By going outside, he could get some fresh air and take a break from being stuck in the hospital.

Haknyeon was reading a book in the garden, which was more comfortable compared to the small and crowded room. It was nice to have the fresh air and peaceful surroundings outside, and he could focus more on reading his book.

It was also relaxing and more comfortable to read outside rather than being cooped up in an enclosed space.

And since Haknyeon had to spent a lot of time in the hospital, reading in the garden was a nice way to pass the time and take a break from being inside.

While he's reading, Sunwoo came and sit in front of Haknyeon.

"Hi, Sunwoo"

"Hey, hyung. What are you reading?" asked Sunwoo.

"New book. Changbin brought it for me yesterday" said Haknyeon.

"What kind of book? Can I read it?" asked Sunwoo.

"It's about slice of life" said Haknyeon.

"Er... No, thank you" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon chuckled.

"You really don't like this kind of genre" said Haknyeon.

"I have enough of that" said Sunwoo.

"How's your meeting?" asked Haknyeon.

Sunwoo had met with the physician for a few days now, and the purpose was to help him with dealing with the trauma from the previous events.

Sometimes, Sunwoo has nightmares about Yura. He has dreams about how Yura killed Mingyu, and he couldn't escape. In these nightmares, he's stuck in the cage and couldn't get out. It's scary and a horrible experience, and it makes Sunwoo feel anxious and afraid to sleep.

Sunwoo has nightmares about the situation because he's still dealing with the trauma from Yura and the kidnapping. These nightmares could be a result of processing the trauma, and they can be an outlet to help him deal with the situation in a way that makes sense to him.

"It went well" shrug Sunwoo.

Meeting with the physician has been helping him a bit, but the trauma and nightmares still haunt him. The events were still too painful to forget, and they still leave a negative effect on Sunwoo. It's hard for him to deal with the trauma, and it's something that will take time to fully process.

"I'm sure you will be okay, Sunwoo" said Haknyeon.

"Thank you, hyung" smile Sunwoo.

"I heard from Juyeon hyung that you want to withdraw the press charge on Kim Mingyu" said Haknyeon.

"Yeah. He been nothing but taking care of me. Unlike that Kim Yura, he worried for me and taking care of me. When I don't want to eat, he still came to change food to a warm one. I know what he been doing was not okay and it a crime but he also been suffering because of her"

"He didn't any love from her and been doing his best for her but Yura didn't care at all. She treat him like a slave. Tell him to do what she says" said Sunwoo.

"What your brothers reaction?" asked Haknyeon.

"At first they shock and keep asking me if I really want to do it. After I telling them about Mingyu hyung, they willingly want to help" said Sunwoo.

"Willingly?" asked Haknyeon.

"Unwillingly" shrug Sunwoo.

"Well, you're the one that know him. They can't that easy to trust him after what happened" said Haknyeon.

"Eric the difficult one. He can't trust him yet after Mingyu had tried to kidnap me twice" said Sunwoo.

"I'm sure he will change his heart when he sees the real him" said Haknyeon.


Sunwoo sees a beautiful and vibrant bloom flower, and he decides to pick the flower and insert it on Haknyeon's ear.

"What is this for?" asked Haknyeon.

"Nothing. Just want to do it" said Sunwoo.

He lean back.

"Ah... I wanna go home now!" frustrate Sunwoo.

Mingyu is sitting at the hospital room alone. He was reading a book. He got the book from Sunwoo since he can't get out the room at all. He still in police custody and his left hand still in cuff. He reading peacefully on the bed.

"I see you look comfortable"

Mingyu look up and see Minghao and Jun.

"Minghao. Jun"

Jun shush.

"Slow your voice down. You don't want the police outside know we're in this room" said Jun.

"How did you get in here?" asked Mingyu.

"That's a secret" said Minghao.

"I heard from Sunwoo that you guys manage to save him. Thank you" said Mingyu.

"Oh, the kid telling you" said Minghao.

"Sunwoo said that he want to thank you to you two for saving him" said Mingyu.

"We just doing our job. There's no need to thanks us" said Jun.

"In fact, I really want to thank you to you two. If not because of you, I would still be with my sister and doing the bad things with her. In the bad way, I also would end up like her" said Mingyu.

"But you didn't" said Jun.

Mingyu smile.

"There's something we like to say to you" said Minghao.

"What is it?" asked Mingyu.

"We know that kid is tried to put down the press charge on you. In this case, you still will be in jail but in just for 3 months" said Minghao.

"I guess it" said Mingyu.

"Here the fun part. After you walk out from the jail, we're like to take you in" said Minghao.

"As in?" asked Mingyu curious.

"Work with us" said Jun.

"As a spy?" asked Mingyu.

Jun laugh while Minghao let out a sigh.

"Not exactly a spy. There's a lot of others who in the same job with us. They have a different role" said Jun.

"We thought to invite you" said Minghao.

"Minghao suggest it" said Jun.

"Oi, Jun!"

"What am I capable to?" asked Mingyu.

"Your innocent face" said Minghao.


"What Minghao said you able to manipulate someone" said Jun.

"How? I'm not really good with people" said Mingyu.

"You can. If you practice a bit" said Minghao.

"Can I really do it?" asked Mingyu.

"You might not confidence now but after you able to do it, it will become your daily life" said Minghao.

"You don't need to worry now. We just suggesting the job for you. You won't get a job easily after you came out from jail" said Jun.

Mingyu didn't think far that. He didn't think about the consequence after he get out from the jail. Like Jun said, it won't easy for him to get a job with his criminal record.

"What do you say? You in?" asked Minghao.

Mingyu think it for a moment.

"Yes. I want to take it" said Mingyu.

"Then, we'll be waiting for you" said Jun.

"How you're doing, my dear?" asked Haknyeon's grandmother.

"I'm doing fine, grandma. What about you? Are you taking care of your health?" asked Haknyeon.

"I'm doing fine too. I'm more worried about you" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

"You don't need to worry about me. I just still need a lot of rest" said Haknyeon.

Haknyeon's grandmother sigh.

"My poor grandchild. Receive all this suddenly" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

"Grandma. I'm okay" said Haknyeon.

"Luckily, I did not meet her. If I met her, she going to go through a lot more miserable than jail" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

"Grandma, please don't" said Haknyeon.

"Madam has always been in grudge the moment she hear about Kim Yuna" said Seungkwan.

"It because she tried to kill my precious grandchild" said Haknyeon's grandmother in huff.

"Calm down, grandma. You don't want your blood pressure to rise up" said Haknyeon.

"Fine. Since you said it" said Haknyeon's grandmother and calm down.

Haknyeon take his grandmother's hand and squeeze it.

"Thank you. For always be there for me" said Haknyeon.

"Silly you. You're Sunmi and Xiao's son and you're my family. Of course I'll be with you. Not just you. Sangyeon, Chanhee, Kevin and Jacob also my family. You're all my precious grandchild" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

Haknyeon smile happily.

"Of course it including you, Seungkwan and the others too" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

"I appreciate it, madam" said Seungkwan slightly bow.

After his grandmother went home, Haknyeon was reading a book before someone come in. When Haknyeon look up, he was shock to see his aunt, Sungha came.

"Hello. I see that you still alive" said Sungha smiling.

"What are you doing here?" asked Haknyeon.

"I can't visit my own nephew?" asked Sungha and walk closer to the bed.

She then give a flower to Haknyeon. Haknyeon didn't take it, so she place on his leg.

"I heard that you can't walk" said Sungha.

Haknyeon just keep quiet.

"It must be difficult. Won't able to walk for the rest of your life" said Sungha.

Haknyeon still didn't look at her. Sungha grip Haknyeon's chin and lift it up so he look at her.

"Look at me when I'm talking" said Sungha.

"What you really want?" asked Haknyeon.

"Like I said. I came visit" said Sungha.

"You never done this before" said Haknyeon.

"Well, I push this away for a moment. I came here in peace. I won't do anything to you. I promise" said Sungha.

Sungha let go of Haknyeon's chin.

"I just pity of you. Just look at you. After you out from this place, you will trapped in the wheelchair" laugh Sungha.

Haknyeon grip hard on the comforter.

"Oh, how bad of me. I shouldn't talk like that here. I'm sorry" said Sungha.

His eyes felt warm as he feel like crying.

"Oh, don't cry. You should be lucky that you still alive" said Sungha.

At the same time, Jacob and Chanhee came. They were shock to see Sungha in the room.

"What are you doing here? Get the hell out from here!" snap Chanhee.

"Look like my time is up. Well then, I should be going now. You should arrange the flower in the vase. It is more beautiful to have a flower in this plain room" said Sungha.

"Out. Now" demand Jacob.

Sungha just walk out from the room. After Sungha completely gone from the room, Jacob and Chanhee went to Haknyeon quickly. Haknyeon is now bowing down and tears also falling down.

"Haknyeon, forget what she told to you. Just forget it all" said Jacob.

"Her words are of no use. Forget it" said Chanhee.

Haknyeon just keep quiet. They both tried their best to comfort Haknyeon. In the same time, they were angry at Sungha. How dare she came here!

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