Redemption of Darkness: The N...

Da Dustinsage

71.8K 1.6K 258

Rex gremory, younger twin of rias gremory, one would have expected him to grow up to be just like his brother... Altro

chapter 1: the forgotten heir
chapter 2
chapter 3: a year later
chapter 4: training
chapter 5: save the neko village
chapter 6: broken pieces
chapter 7:years later
chapter 8:the ball
chapter 9: how to destroy a ball
chapter 10:all in and all out
chapter 11: aftermath
chapter 12: awake and alive
chapter 13: a new sacred gear idea
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16: lux evil schemes
chapter 17: battling lux part 1
chapter 19: battling lux part 3
chapter 20:final battle against lux
chapter 21: after math
chapter 22:
chapter 23: smashing my queen 🍋
chapter 24: smashing my maids in London 🍋
chapter 25: a fight with a hot girl
chapter 26: meeting team RWBY
chapter 27: making new friends
chapter 28: harsh news
chapter 29: meeting Azazel

chapter 18: battling lux part 2

630 27 0
Da Dustinsage

Makima, her usually stoic demeanor shaken, stood at the periphery of the unfolding spectacle. Lux, now a grotesque fusion of devilish power and eldritch mutation, radiated an energy that defied classification. The chamber, once a battleground, now bore witness to a force that transcended even the boundaries of low-tier ultimate class, ascending to the ominous realm of low-tier Satan class.

Lux's laughter reverberated, a twisted symphony that echoed through the chamber.

Lux:Look at what I've become! Look at my power!

he proclaimed, a manic glint in his eyes as the eldritch force pulsated around him.

I, meeting Lux's unhinged gaze with a wry smirk, acknowledged the gravity of the situation.

Me:Wow, you look too happy. I've gotta fix that

I retorted, the aetheric glow surrounding me intensifying in response to the cosmic aberration Lux had become.

As Lux lunged forward with newfound aggression, the clash resumed. The battleground now mirrored an arena, where devilish power and eldritch mutation collided in a chaotic ballet. Lux's attacks, once fueled by desperation, now bore the mark of an entity that defied conventional classification.

The very air crackled with the eldritch energy Lux exuded. He unleashed tendrils of mutated darkness that lashed out with an otherworldly reach. I responded with aetheric mastery, weaving through the nightmarish assault with calculated grace.

Makima, her analytical gaze fixed on Lux's aberrant form, murmured,

Makima:This exceeds our predictions. Lux's metamorphosis has surpassed the boundaries of devilish power.

Lux, fueled by a fractured ambition, continued his assault with a relentless fervor. Each strike carried the weight of eldritch entropy, distorting the very essence of the battleground. As I countered, the clash became a cosmic dance, a struggle against forces that transcended the known realms.

In the midst of the battle, Lux's laughter morphed into a guttural roar.

Lux:I am beyond devil or demon! I am the harbinger of chaos, the one who transcends all!

he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the distorted reality he had become.

The air crackled with anticipation as I drew Aether Stride, a bow emanating with ethereal energy. Lux, his eldritch form pulsating with unholy power, faced the incoming onslaught. With a swift motion, I unleashed a volley of aetheric arrows, each infused with the essence of cosmic mastery.

Lux, undeterred, summoned dark tendrils that intercepted the arrows. The clash of forces painted a mesmerizing tableau, where ethereal projectiles collided with eldritch tendrils in a cosmic dance of conflicting energies.

In a strategic move, I summoned earth golems to flank Lux, their stony forms lumbering forward with determined resolve. However, Lux, now an entity beyond conventional comprehension, effortlessly dispersed the golems with a mere gesture. The very ground trembled as the golems crumbled under the eldritch force that Lux commanded.

As the battlefield shifted, I adapted my strategy. Aetheric arrows continued to rain down, each shot a calculated attempt to exploit Lux's vulnerabilities. The eldritch tendrils, however, responded with a fluidity that defied their grotesque appearance, intercepting arrows with an eerie precision.

Lux, reveling in the chaos he had become, roared with an otherworldly ferocity.

Lux:Your feeble attempts won't save you, Rex! I am beyond the limits of devilish power!

So annoying

Undeterred, I shifted my focus, intensifying the aetheric glow around Aether Stride. The bow resonated with cosmic energy as I unleashed a potent technique. Aetheric Chains manifested, wrapping around Lux in an attempt to restrain his eldritch form.

Lux, however, retaliated with an unexpected surge of power. The ethereal chains strained against the eldritch force, their glow dimming under the overwhelming entropy Lux emanated. With a triumphant snarl, Lux shattered the chains, the eldritch energy dispersing them like mere illusions.

The battle scene evolved into a spectacle. Aetheric arrows continued to pierce the eldritch veil around Lux, each shot a testament to my unwavering determination. Lux, in response, unleashed eldritch tendrils that danced with eerie elegance, deflecting arrows and distorting the very fabric of the battleground.

Makima, observing the clash with analytical precision, noted,

Makima:The eldritch force Lux wields is beyond our current understanding. We need to find a weakness.

As the battle reached its zenith, the clash of aetheric arrows against eldritch tendrils created a visual symphony, a dance of opposing forces that reverberated through the chamber. The outcome remained uncertain, the fate of Lux and the cosmic anomaly he had become hanging in the delicate balance between ethereal mastery and eldritch chaos.

The clash escalated as I brandished my sword, its gleam cutting through the air with ethereal brilliance. Lux, now a fusion of mutated devilish power, faced the dual onslaught of my swordplay and Makima's calculated strikes.

With a swift step, I closed the distance, engaging Lux in a dance of blades. His mutated form moved with an uncanny grace, countering each strike with a fluidity that defied the grotesque nature of his transformation. Makima, strategically positioned, complemented the assault with precise attacks aimed at exploiting Lux's vulnerabilities.

The battleground echoed with the metallic resonance of clashes, the exchange of blows a symphony of cosmic proportions. Lux, wielding his demonic mutations with newfound mastery, retaliated with a ferocity that shook the very foundation of the chamber.

As Lux lashed out with devilish tendrils, I maneuvered with finesse, deflecting and parrying the onslaught. Makima, her movements calculated and efficient, weaved through the battlefield, seeking opportunities to exploit Lux's momentary weaknesses.

Lux's laughter, tainted by madness and arrogance,

Lux:reverberated through the skirmish. "You are nothing compared to what I've become! This power surpasses anything devilish or demonic!

Undeterred, I pressed on, the aetheric glow surrounding my sword intensifying. Makima, a beacon of strategic prowess, adjusted her tactics in response to Lux's unpredictable assaults. The cosmic battlefield became a canvas where devilish mutations clashed against aetheric mastery.

The ebb and flow of the battle unfolded with a relentless intensity. Lux, empowered by his twisted ambitions, continued to morph and adapt, unveiling new devilish mutations with each passing moment. Yet, the combined efforts of swordplay and calculated strikes sought to whittle away at his defenses.

As the confrontation reached its zenith, Lux, now battered and strained, unleashed a final surge of devilish power. The clash of blades intensified, the fate of the battle hanging in the balance. The battleground, scarred by ethereal and devilish energies, bore witness to a cosmic struggle that transcended the limits of conventional devilish combat.

The battle reached a critical juncture as Lux, his devilish mutations pulsating with malevolent energy, unleashed a devastating assault on Makima. With a resounding impact, he struck her, sending her flying across the cosmic battleground. Makima, however, responded with a burst of her BANG skill, a concussive force that momentarily halted Lux's advance.

Seizing the opportunity, I emerged from the shadows, my sword gleaming with aetheric brilliance. With a swift and calculated motion, I executed the Water Crescent Slash, a technique honed through countless battles. The crescent-shaped wave of energy surged toward Lux, aiming to cut through the eldritch veil that surrounded him.

Lux, though battered, reacted with a devilish grace. His mutated form contorted, evading the initial onslaught of the Water Crescent Slash. The battlefield crackled with the collision of ethereal forces and devilish resilience.

Undeterred, I pressed forward, engaging Lux in a relentless series of sword strikes. Each swing was met with devilish tendrils, as Lux sought to counter the aetheric onslaught. The dance of blades unfolded with a rhythmic intensity, a testament to the mastery of both aetheric and devilish techniques.

Makima, recovering from the impact, joined the fray once more. Her movements, now fueled by determination, complemented the aetheric assault. Together, we orchestrated a coordinated offensive, aiming to exploit the weaknesses in Lux's defenses.

Lux, however, wasn't easily subdued. His mutated form displayed a resilient adaptability, deflecting strikes with devilish tendrils and retaliating with a renewed ferocity. The cosmic battleground resonated with the clash of forces, a chaotic tableau where aetheric finesse vied against devilish mutations.

As the battle reached its zenith, Lux, now pushed to the brink, unleashed a surge of devilish power. The ethereal glow of my sword intensified, and Makima, her BANG skill at the ready, prepared for the final confrontation.

In a decisive moment, I executed a series of rapid strikes, the Water Crescent Slash weaving through the air. Lux, unable to fully evade the relentless assault, bore the brunt of the attack. The crescent wave cleaved through his mutated defenses, leaving behind visible fissures in his devilish armor.

Makima, capitalizing on the opening, unleashed her BANG skill once more. The concussive force collided with Lux, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the cosmic battleground. Lux, now staggered and disoriented, faced the combined might of aetheric and devilish onslaught.

Lux, battered but undeterred, countered our onslaught with a devilish roar. He summoned a whirlwind of demonic energy, forming ethereal blades that hovered around him. The cosmic battleground transformed into a chaotic ballet as Lux wielded these spectral blades with deadly precision.

As I closed in, Lux swung the ethereal blades in intricate patterns, creating a barrier that deflected my aetheric strikes. Makima, analyzing the situation, unleashed a barrage of calculated shots, aiming to disrupt Lux's concentration.

Lux, adapting swiftly, dispersed the ethereal blades and conjured devilish illusions. Multiple mirages of himself danced around the battlefield, making it challenging to discern the real Lux from the illusions. The air crackled with an aura of deception as he launched counterattacks from unexpected angles.

I adjusted my strategy, utilizing aetheric sensing to discern the real Lux amidst the illusions. With each strike, I aimed to destabilize his devilish defenses. Meanwhile, Makima's precision shots sought to disrupt Lux's illusions and unveil his true location.

In response to our coordinated efforts, Lux erupted in a burst of demonic power. The very ground trembled as he unleashed a torrent of hellfire, creating an infernal barrier that engulfed the battlefield. Makima, quick on her feet, utilized her agility to evade the searing flames, while I manipulated space-time to create pockets of safety.

As the inferno subsided, Lux, now wreathed in demonic flames, emerged with an intensified aura of malevolence. The battleground, scarred by the interplay of aetheric finesse and devilish prowess, set the stage for a climactic showdown.

Makima, undeterred by the inferno, locked onto Lux's location. With a precision honed by years of combat experience, she unleashed her BANG skill, a focused burst of concussive force that surged toward Lux with unyielding determination.

Lux, now facing a relentless assault from both aetheric and devilish fronts, struggled to maintain his composure. The battle scene unfolded as a dynamic display of diverse attacks, each side pushing the boundaries of their respective powers in a bid for supremacy over the cosmic battleground.

Lux, sensing an opportunity, surrounded Makima with a suffocating aura of demonic power. Undeterred, she channeled her force manipulation, creating a protective barrier that rippled with ethereal energy.

As Lux closed in, Makima unleashed a wave of force that pushed against the demonic encroachment. The battleground echoed with the clash of forces, the very air charged with the intensity of their opposing energies.

I, recognizing the peril Makima faced, launched a series of precise strikes to distract Lux. Each swing of my sword resonated with aetheric mastery, aiming to disrupt his focus on Makima. The battle unfolded with a calculated dance, as Makima's force manipulation held its ground against the encroaching demonic power.

Lux, however, displayed a relentless determination. He intensified the demonic aura, attempting to pierce through Makima's defenses. The battle reached a critical juncture as Makima, her force manipulation strained, held steadfast against the onslaught.

In a strategic move, I unleashed aetheric arrows, each shot imbued with the intent to create openings in Lux's defenses. Makima, sensing the opportunity, responded with a surge of force that momentarily pushed back the encroaching demonic power.

As Lux regrouped, Makima's force manipulation became a focal point in the battle. She shifted tactics, creating ethereal constructs that mirrored the demonic tendrils but lacked their malevolent nature. The cosmic battleground became a canvas where force met force, and Makima's calculated maneuvers sought to outwit Lux's devilish onslaught.

Lux, recognizing the shift in dynamics, summoned devilish illusions in an attempt to confuse Makima. The illusions danced around her, but with a keen intuition, she discerned the real Lux and countered his attacks with a precise burst of force.

The battle scene evolved into a dynamic exchange of powers. Makima, with her force manipulation, created shockwaves that reverberated through the cosmic arena. Lux, fueled by demonic power, retaliated with calculated strikes and illusions that sought to exploit any lapse in concentration.

The battleground crackled with ethereal and demonic energies as the clash between force manipulation and devilish power reached its zenith. Makima, her determination unwavering, faced Lux with a strategic finesse that defied the chaotic nature of the cosmic confrontation.

The battleground quivered as I unleashed a fraction of my latent power, a palpable pressure enveloping everything in its gravitational embrace. A purple aura, reminiscent of the vast expanse of space, cloaked my form, marking the manifestation of my formidable abilities.

In the palm of my hand, a small but potent sphere materialized-the Graviton Snare. A gravitational force compressed within the compact sphere, promising an irresistible pull that could ensnare even the most distant targets, subjecting them to a crushing force that threatened to tear them apart.

My eyes, resolute and focused, locked onto Lux. The battleground, now charged with ethereal and gravitational energies, set the stage for a decisive confrontation. Without hesitation, I aimed the Graviton Snare directly at Lux, the sphere hurtling through the cosmic expanse with an ominous determination.

Lux, sensing the impending threat, attempted to evade the gravitational onslaught. However, the Graviton Snare, guided by my unwavering intent, pursued him with an unyielding precision. The very fabric of space seemed to warp as the compact sphere closed in on Lux.

As the Graviton Snare reached its target, Lux found himself ensnared in an irresistible pull. The gravitational force intensified, creating an oppressive field that compressed everything within its grasp. The battle scene transformed into a cosmic spectacle, the gravitational energies entwining with devilish power.

Lux, now caught in the relentless grip of the Graviton Snare, struggled against the overwhelming force. Devilish tendrils emerged, attempting to pierce through the gravitational field, but the ethereal nature of the snare held firm. The battleground echoed with the clash of cosmic forces, a testament to the convergence of gravitational mastery and devilish resilience.

With a resolute determination, I maintained the pressure, the Graviton Snare continuing its inexorable pull. Lux, his demonic form strained under the gravitational force, roared with defiance. The very air crackled with the tension of opposing energies as the battle unfolded in a cosmic dance of gravitational mastery and devilish resilience.

As the Graviton Snare persisted, Lux, now battered and weakened, faced the dual onslaught of gravitational forces and my impending follow-up attacks.

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