Redemption of Darkness: The N...

By Dustinsage

71.8K 1.6K 258

Rex gremory, younger twin of rias gremory, one would have expected him to grow up to be just like his brother... More

chapter 1: the forgotten heir
chapter 2
chapter 3: a year later
chapter 4: training
chapter 5: save the neko village
chapter 6: broken pieces
chapter 7:years later
chapter 8:the ball
chapter 9: how to destroy a ball
chapter 10:all in and all out
chapter 11: aftermath
chapter 12: awake and alive
chapter 13: a new sacred gear idea
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17: battling lux part 1
chapter 18: battling lux part 2
chapter 19: battling lux part 3
chapter 20:final battle against lux
chapter 21: after math
chapter 22:
chapter 23: smashing my queen 🍋
chapter 24: smashing my maids in London 🍋
chapter 25: a fight with a hot girl
chapter 26: meeting team RWBY
chapter 27: making new friends
chapter 28: harsh news
chapter 29: meeting Azazel

chapter 16: lux evil schemes

865 29 6
By Dustinsage

The limping spy, battered and bruised, stumbled into the grand chamber where Lux awaited. Lux's face contorted with anger as he observed the pitiful state of his subordinate. The spy fell to his knees, gasping for breath, and began to recount the encounter with Rex Bael.

Spy:My Lord Lux, forgive my failure. Rex Bael... he's too powerful. His wind manipulation skills were beyond anything I've encountered before."l

Lux's eyes glowed with a furious intensity as he listened to the spy's account. The atmosphere in the chamber became thick with tension.

Lux:Too powerful, you say? Explain, in detail, how Rex one-sidedly destroyed you

Lux demanded, his voice seething with anger.

The spy, trembling, described the overwhelming force of Rex's wind manipulation, how each attack seemed to be effortlessly controlled. Lux's frustration grew with every word.

Spy:He's too powerful, my Lord Lux. I couldn't stand a chance

the spy admitted, his voice filled with fear.

In a fit of rage, Lux unleashed his demonic power, a surge of dark energy enveloping the chamber. The spy's eyes widened in terror as Lux's wrath intensified.

Lux:You dare come before me with such incompetence?!" Lux roared, his anger reaching a boiling point.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lux directed his demonic power at the spy, the force of his wrath extinguishing the life from the already battered subordinate. The chamber fell silent, the echoes of Lux's fury lingering in the air.

In the aftermath, Lux stood alone, his expression cold and unyielding. The price of failure in his eyes was clear, and the chamber bore witness to the consequences of disappointing the ambitious devil.

As we stealthily navigated through the shadows of Lux's castle, a mischievous grin played on my lips. I couldn't help but revel in the fact that Lux remained oblivious to our presence.

Me:I can't believe that moron doesn't know we're here

I whispered, the thrill of the covert mission adding a touch of excitement to the air.

Makima, ever pragmatic, sighed softly.

Makima:Why take him seriously? He's not even part of the main Naberius clan, just a member of a branch family.

I wrapped my arms around Makima, a playful smirk on my face, and planted a kiss on her neck.

Me:You were once part of the Gremory branch family, and look at you now - powerful and possessing immense potential.

She raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Makima:And what's your point, Rex?

I chuckled, my grin widening.

Me:my point is, branch families, main families - they're all insignificant in my eyes. The only thing worth acknowledging is individual potential and skills. In that regard, you, Makima, stand out.

Makima tilted her head, a faint smile forming.

Makima:Flattery won't get you out of trouble if Lux catches us, you know.

I chuckled, continuing our stealthy progress through the castle corridors.

Me:Trouble is my middle name, Makima. Besides, Lux Nebarius won't know what hit him. It's not about his family background; it's about making a statement.

She arched an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Me:And what statement are you trying to make?

Leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper, I responded,

Me:That power and potential transcend the shackles of familial lineage. We're here to show that even those from so-called 'lesser' families can wield influence and shape their own destiny.

Makima smirked, her eyes gleaming with a shared understanding.

Makima:Quite the revolutionary sentiment for a devil, Rex.

I winked playfully, our banter keeping the mood light amidst the covert operation.

Me:Well, I've always been one to challenge conventions. Let's see what secrets Lux Nebarius is hiding in his castle, shall we?

As we delved deeper into the heart of Lux's stronghold, the dialogue between us continued, a blend of flirtation, camaraderie, and a shared determination to unveil the mysteries hidden within the walls of the Naberius castle.

As we ventured further into the depths of Lux's castle, several guards approached us, their postures attempting to exude a false sense of confidence. A smirk played on my lips as I observed their attempt to impress.

"BANG," Makima mimicked a gun motion with her finger, and in an instant, the guards fell, their bodies torn by an unseen force. I couldn't help but be impressed by the efficiency of her attack.

"Impressive," I grinned, acknowledging her prowess. Makima had a way of making even the most mundane gestures lethal.

As we moved forward, another set of guards emerged from the shadows, this time from the left. With a casual wave of my hand, I activated a skill called Soul Control. The guards froze in their tracks, their movements coming to an abrupt halt. Their eyes, once filled with determination, now reflected confusion and fear.

Me:You really have a knack for making an entrance

I remarked, my grin widening. The frozen guards stood like statues, trapped in the grip of my demonic power.

Makima chuckled, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Makima:Sometimes, a little psychological warfare is more effective than brute force. They never saw it coming.

As we continued our infiltration, the castle corridors became a silent battlefield. Guards approached cautiously, but with each encounter, Makima's lethal precision and my devilish skills left them incapacitated. The echoes of our encounters reverberated through the stone walls.

A group of guards attempted to flank us from the rear, thinking they could catch us off guard. Makima, ever vigilant, anticipated their move. With a swift turn, she unleashed a barrage of invisible projectiles, rendering them incapacitated before they could even draw their weapons.

I decided to showcase another skill - Shadow Step. In the blink of an eye, I traversed the shadows, reappearing behind a group of guards who thought they had us cornered. With a sweeping motion, I activated my elemental mastery, creating a gust of wind that disarmed them and left them disoriented.

Our coordinated efforts continued, a dance of calculated strikes and strategic maneuvers. The guards, once confident in their numbers, found themselves outmaneuvered and overpowered.

As the final echoes of battle faded, the castle corridors were left in eerie silence. The incapacitated guards lay scattered around us, a testament to the prowess of our combined abilities.

Makima turned to me, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Makima:Seems like Lux underestimated his security.

I chuckled, enjoying the thrill of the covert operation.

Me:Well, let's give him a taste of what happens when he underestimates the likes of us.

With that, we pressed on, the shadows of Lux's castle concealing not only our presence but the unfolding challenge to his perceived invincibility. The battle scene continued, a symphony of demonic skills and strategic finesse, as we ventured deeper into the heart of the Naberius stronghold.

As I settled into a seated position, I turned to Makima with a serious expression

Me:I need you to protect my body while I use Soul Projection. Keep an eye out for any potential threats.

Makima nodded, her gaze focused and alert.

Makima:Don't worry, I've got you covered. Go ahead.

With a deep breath, I activated Soul Projection, feeling the ethereal sensation as my soul left my physical form. I traveled through Lux's home, exploring the hidden corners of his castle. The air around me felt charged with the unknown.

As I entered a dimly lit chamber, the sight that unfolded before me sent a shiver down my spiritual form. Rows of containment units lined the room, each holding what appeared to be beings subjected to illicit experiments. The atmosphere carried a palpable sense of suffering and desperation.

Me:What in the underworld...

I muttered to myself, my ethereal form hovering over the disturbing scene.

Makima's voice echoed in my consciousness, a reassuring presence even in this otherworldly state.

Makima:What did you find, Rex?

Me:These are more than just guards. Lux has been conducting illegal experiments

I replied, a mix of anger and disbelief coloring my words.

As I observed the imprisoned entities, their tortured expressions and distorted forms raised unsettling questions. What kind of dark secrets was Lux Naberius hiding within the confines of his castle?

Makima's voice maintained its calm tone.

Makima:We need evidence. Document everything you see.

My incorporeal form continued to drift through the clandestine chambers, witnessing the extent of Lux's malevolent activities. Strange symbols adorned the walls, and arcane devices hummed with ominous energy. It became clear that Lux was delving into forbidden territories, surpassing the boundaries of what was deemed acceptable even among devils.

A voice echoed in the eerie chamber, revealing the extent of Lux's arrogance.

Lux:These experiments will usher in a new era of power, and none shall question the means to achieve it.

My soul recoiled at the callousness of Lux's words. The tortured entities within the containment units seemed to respond to his presence, their anguished moans echoing in the confined space.

Makima's voice cut through the grim atmosphere.

Makima:Rex, we have what we need. Return to your body.

With a sense of urgency, I retraced my ethereal steps, leaving the chamber of horrors behind. As I reentered my physical form, the weight of what I had witnessed lingered in the air.

Makima met my gaze, her expression reflecting a shared concern.

Makima:What do we do now, Rex?

Me:We expose Lux's dark secrets

I declared, a steely resolve in my eyes.

Me:No devil should be allowed to exploit others for their twisted ambitions. We'll bring justice to those who suffered under his cruel experiments.

With that, we left the sinister depths of Lux's castle, our mission evolving from mere infiltration to a crusade against the atrocities committed in the name of power. The revelation of Lux Naberius's malevolent experiments would send shockwaves through the underworld, challenging the very foundations of devilish society.

The once calculated and silent infiltration transformed into a fiery storm as I unleashed the power of Inferno, obliterating the door in a devastating axe kick. The castle echoed with the destruction, and I stormed through the entrance, my senses heightened and fueled by a righteous anger.

As I traversed the gruesome aftermath, the chilling sight of lifeless bodies from various races filled the corridor. Elves, devils, fallen angels, and beastmen lay strewn across the cold floor, their existence snuffed out in Lux's cruel experiments.

Amidst the haunting silence, a faint muttering reached my ears. In a corner, a beautiful elf, the only apparent survivor, lay disfigured and broken. My soul sense revealed the extent of her suffering - organs torn out, limbs severed. The remnants of her once vibrant life were now a testament to the cruelty she endured.

Approaching her with a heavy heart, I kneeled beside the wounded elf. Her muttering was a symphony of fragmented words and tortured whispers. It was clear she had endured unimaginable pain.

Me:Easy, easy

I spoke gently, my voice a soothing melody amid the tragedy.

Me:I'm here to help. Can you tell me your name?

Her eyes, clouded with pain and fear, focused on me. The words that escaped her lips were a disjointed mix of gratitude and agony.

Elf:Th-thank you... they came... darkness... pain...

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her broken words. I couldn't fathom the depths of her suffering, the horror she had witnessed in Lux's sadistic experiments.

Me:I'm sorry

I whispered, my voice choked with emotion

Me:We'll put an end to this. I promise.

As Makima joined me, her eyes reflecting a shared sorrow, we assessed the grim scene. The elf's muttering continued, each word a painful reminder of the atrocities committed within these walls.

Makima spoke with a determined tone.

Makima:Rex, we need to gather evidence. Document everything. Lux Naberius will pay for these crimes.

Nodding, I activated Soul Projection once more, my incorporeal form hovering over the tragic scene. I meticulously documented the evidence, ensuring that Lux's heinous acts would not go unpunished.

As we attempted to leave the sinister chambers, the ominous echoes of approaching guards reached our ears. Their armored footsteps reverberated through the dimly lit corridor, and the air crackled with tension.

With the disfigured elf secured within my storage dimension, I focused the raw power of my aether, the ethereal energy that flowed through my veins. Flames of aetheric intensity roared to life in my palm, forming the deadly manifestation known as the Aetherial Infernal Cannon.

Facing the encroaching guards, I unleashed the Aetherial Infernal Cannon. A torrent of searing aetheric flames surged forth, engulfing everything in its path. The very air seemed to ignite, turning the corridor into a hellish inferno forged from the arcane essence of aether.

The guards, caught off guard by the ferocity of the ethereal assault, attempted to shield themselves, but the sheer intensity of the aetheric flames proved overwhelming. Their armor, once a symbol of protection, crumbled under the relentless assault of aetheric power.

The Aetherial Infernal Cannon roared, consuming the corridor in a blaze that left nothing but ethereal remnants in its wake. The guards, ensnared by the mystical fires, succumbed to the otherworldly assault, their forms dissolving into spectral echoes.

Makima, standing beside me, observed with a stoic demeanor.

Makima:Impressive, Rex. They didn't stand a chance against the aetheric onslaught.

I nodded, the Aetherial Infernal Cannon dissipating as quickly as it had appeared.

Me:Let's move. We can't afford to linger.

We pressed forward through the aftermath of the ethereal inferno, the remnants of Lux's guards testament to the potency of aetheric power. The castle, once a bastion of cruelty, now echoed with the fading cries of those who had sought to oppose us.

As we navigated through the corridors, the ethereal remnants of the Aetherial Infernal Cannon hung in the air. The grim tableau of destruction served as a stark reminder of the mystical battle that had unfolded, leaving a trail of ethereal devastation in our wake.

In the dimly lit chamber, Lux Naberius stood before me, the orchestrator of unspeakable horrors, the architect of suffering. My eyes bore into him with an intensity that surpassed any emotion I had felt before. The hatred within me burned like an inferno, fueled by the atrocities I had witnessed in his twisted experiments.

Lux sneered, a perverse satisfaction evident in his devilish countenance. "Rex Bael, the supposed prodigy. What brings you to my humble abode?"

My voice, cold and laced with disdain, cut through the stifling air. "Humble abode, Lux? More like a den of cruelty, a pit of malevolence. Your actions won't go unpunished."

He chuckled, the sound grating on my nerves.

Lux:actions? I'm merely pushing the boundaries of power, seeking the true potential of devils.

I scoffed, my anger boiling over.

Me:True potential? This is madness, Lux. You've crossed a line that should never be crossed. Your so-called quest for power is nothing but a delusion.

Lux's eyes narrowed, a hint of irritation flickering across his face.

Lux:You're just jealous, Rex. Jealous that I dared to explore what others fear. The power I've harnessed surpasses anything you can comprehend.

My fists clenched as I fought to contain my rage.

Me:Jealous? You mistake my disgust for envy. What you've done here is beyond the bounds of devilish ambition. It's an abomination.

He waved dismissively.

Lux:Abomination, ambition - mere semantics. Power is power, Rex, and I won't be held back by the feeble morals of those like you."

I took a step forward, the air crackling with tension.

M:Your twisted ideals won't justify the suffering you've caused. Innocent lives were lost, and for what? Your perverse curiosity?

Lux chuckled darkly.

Lux:Innocent? There's no innocence in this world, Rex. Only the strong survive, and I intend to be the strongest.

My eyes narrowed, the hatred intensifying.

Me:Strength built on the suffering of others is no strength at all. You've lost sight of what it means to be a devil.

He scoffed, arrogance dripping from every word.

Me:I've transcended the limitations of common devils. I've become something more.

In that moment, I felt a surge of aetheric energy coursing through me, an overwhelming desire to put an end to this twisted devil's madness. The confrontation had reached its boiling point, and Lux would soon face the consequences of his actions.

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