Blood Moon| The Last Kingdom|...

By ria200330

38.5K 1.3K 90

"I am death." "You are my life." More



765 30 0
By ria200330

I let out a quiet hiss, lurching forward as pain coursed through me, catching myself on the side of the table with my wrist.

"I am sorry," Sihtric whispered, drawing his hand away from my back instinctively. "I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you."

I forced myself to relax my jaw, the taste of copper circling my mouth. "It's okay. You did not mean to. It's not your fault I am injured."

Sihtric sighed softly, and I could feel his eyes scanning my back. "I have nearly finished cleaning out the wounds. Do you want some ale? It might help with the pain."

"No, I'll be—"

"For the love of the Gods above," Saga grit out painfully, "take the ale."

Finan glanced up at her, his face a picture of concern as he drew back his hand from her leg.

Sweat ran down her forehead, and she barely looked conscious. Perhaps it would be better if she were unconscious because Finan was peeling layers of burnt flesh off her leg, removing wood that had gotten into the wound.

"Can I do anything to help?" Osferth mumbled awkwardly, looking on both sides of the table at both pairs.

"You could..." Saga took in a few laboured breaths, "you could strike me over the head, so I sleep for days."

I went to laugh, but then my back burned again, and I yelped, this time jumping forward off the bench I occupied.

"I'm sorry," Sihtric stared up at me sympathetically, holding his hands up, the small blade he held catching candlelight. "Please, there is just a little more to go."

"Perhaps I could make a bath?" Osferth offered.

"Use only slightly warmed water," Finan ordered over his shoulder, "cold water won't be good for them."

"Of course," Osferth scurried off hastily, clanging about in the bathroom of the Inn we were staying in.

I forced myself to sit down on the bench again, my legs shaking from the pain coursing through me, but I did not turn my back to Sihtric again.

Sihtric sighed, placing the blade down on the table. "An infection may form if we do not remove the splinters."

I looked at my hands, wrapped thickly in white cloth that had turned slightly pink, even after the multiple layers. "I will be fine. I will wash out the wound well."

"Gyda—" Sihtric groaned, rubbing his hand down his face, some soot staining his cheeks.

"Let her be," Finan muttered, lifting Saga's leg off the bench and setting it down gently, "they have suffered enough for one night. Let them wash up, and we can check them again in the morning."

Saga slumped back against the table, her face turned away from me, but her heart raced, warning me of the pain she felt.

"Finan?" A voice called out from outside the inn, hesitant and cautious, before a man appeared in the doorway.

Finan stood up swiftly, "Father Beocca?"

Beocca stepped inside the inn, his hands as dirty as his clothes, the smell of the fire lingering on him as it lingered on all of us. He eyed Uhtred's men briefly before he looked to Saga, who did not have the strength to meet his gaze. He looked at me last, only for a second as my chest was only covered with a bit of cloth, and he wished to remain respectable.

The priest stopped at the head of the table, bowing his head, "I have come to inform you that Edward has pardoned Uhtred. Aelswith is not happy about it, but it has been decided. He should be here soon."

"Good news," Finan nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.

Sihtric turned beside me, carrying his leg over the bench so he was no longer sitting sideways, and he looked to Beocca. "How is Thyra?"

Beocca coughed, raising his head, his eyes meeting mine accidentally, and he looked down again. "She is well, shaken but resting in the church with Hild."

"Do you have nothing to say to the women who saved your wife?" Sihtric's voice was laced with some anger, "Or does it not suit you that she was saved by Danes?"

"Sihtric!" Finan blanched, "The man has just lost his home. He is grateful, but he is also dealing with a lot."

"They could have died," Sihtric fired back easily, before turning to Beocca again, "though maybe that would not have mattered. What does it matter if Danes die in Winchester? It may even be a good thing."

"Surely not!" Beocca blurted out, his head snapping up before he looked at me again and covered his eyes. "Dear God, can someone give that girl some clothes?"

I had never been taught to feel shame about nudity, but in the priest's presence, I flushed and raised my arms, wrapping them around my chest.

"She is injured," Sihtric snapped, "her back is burnt, as are her hands and the rest of her body."

Finan groaned softly, turning to me, "I am sorry, Lady."

I bowed my head awkwardly, "It is alright. This is a night of many emotions. Perhaps it is best we leave the room?"

Finan started to nod, but Beocca stopped him, his eyes still covered. "I wish to thank you!"

I paused, stopping myself from rising from the bench.

Beocca sighed heavily, lowering his eyes and making a point to stare me right in the eyes. "I wish to thank you... for saving my wife." He turned his head slightly, looking to Saga, "Both of you. I wish to thank both of you."

The anger radiating off Sihtric dulled slightly, and I found myself relaxing a little as well.

Beocca looked down at his feet, "My wife would have died had you not been there. I would have failed as husband, Uhtred as a brother... I am beyond grateful to you both." He stopped to raise his eyes to Sihtric, "Dane or not, I am grateful to you both." 

I did not know what to say to him; I had had my own selfish reasons for saving Thyra. I had not done it for her or for Uhtred. I had done it to ease my own guilt so that sleep would come easier in the nights where my thoughts were plagued by Ragnar.

"If you are so grateful," Saga's voice croaked out, turning to look at the priest, a small smile growing on her face, "perhaps, you will provide us with ale that does not taste like piss?"

The tension in the room broke, and Finan all but sighed in relief when Beocca smiled as well.

The priest clasped his hands in front of him, "I will see what I can find, Lady."

"You might make a Christian of me yet, priest," Saga joked weakly, sitting up properly, "only if the ale is good, of course."

"Of course," Beocca laughed softly before clearing his throat, "you ride with Uhtred now, young Lady?"

"Saga," she introduced herself, "and I ride where my Lady rides."

Beocca glanced at me again, offering me a faint smile, "You must be the seer Uhtred speaks of, the good one."

"Gyda," I mumbled, trying to smile as well.

Beocca nodded slightly, "I pray you will be able to teach this band of fools how to act." He sniffed playfully, as though there was a smell coming from Finan, "God knows they need the touch of a woman."

"Lady?" Osferth's voice called out to us gently from the second floor.

I looked up, as did the others.

Osferth flushed slightly, "The baths are ready."

"I have taken too much of your time," Beocca blurted out immediately, his face going red again at the mention of women bathing. "I will return to the church."

I stood up slowly, "Please pass along to Thyra that if she ever needs help, she may seek me out. I owe her brother."

Beocca nodded hesitantly, staring at his hands as I walked around the table, "I will."

Saga rose slowly, and she only managed one step before Finan grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his neck.

"Come on, you stubborn mule," he grumbled softly, "you know, it wouldn't kill you to ask for help?"

"You don't know that for sure," Saga mumbled back, a faint smile coating her face as she walked after me as I waited for her at the foot of the stairs.

"You are something, you—"


I startled, catching onto the bannister of the stairs as a shout echoed through the night and through the inn.


"They are here, Lord!" Sihtric yelled back, standing from the bench as well, a smile growing on his face.

Uhtred burst through the doors of the inn like a battering ram, his eyes darting around the room; he clearly had not been tired out by his jail time. "Where are they?"

"Here, Lord," I called out, surprising myself. I moved back from Finan and Saga, wincing as the skin on my back was pulled. "What has happened? Is there a problem?"

Uhtred shook his head slowly, taking me in before he rushed forward, his arms engulfing me.

I yelped in pain, my hands pushing into his chest, pushing him back, "Lord!"

"Gods," Uhtred jumped back, "I did not think I was overwhelmed."

"I see that," my breathing shuddered as I ran my bandaged hands over my stomach, covering myself somewhat. 

Uhtred raised his hands again, this time cupping my face carefully, his eyes staring into mine, joy shining through his pupils. "You saved my sister's life." He turned to Saga as well, "You too. You saved my sister from death."

Saga smiled wearily, "Do not try and embrace me, Lord. I will kick you."

Uhtred barked a laugh, letting go of me again, "I am happy, Saga, but I am not a fool. I would not dare to test your patience." 

"How was your talk with Edward, Uhtred?" Beocca stole Uhtred's attention, making himself known.

"Beocca!" Uhtred grinned, "I did not expect to see you here."

"I came to express my thanks," Beocca clasped his cross that sat around his neck.

Uhtred snorted, nodding shortly, "My talk with Edward went well. We prepare for battle and ride to meet Cnut's army."

My focus sharpened, and I straightened myself out, "You will ride to meet the Danes in battle?"

Uhtred glanced down at me, a speck of sympathy crossing his face, "Yes, in Bedanford."

"Your father will be there," Saga groaned out, pushing away from Finan's support, "what will you do?"

I did not wish to fight my father or his men, but to get to them at all, we would have to travel to Bedanford too. That way, I would be able to get a message to him and convince him to abandon Cnut before it was too late.

"We will ride with you," I mumbled softly, "I will try and convince my father to leave with his men."

"God will smile down upon you favourably if you are skilled enough to do that, Lady," Beocca sighed.

Uhtred reached out, grabbing my upper arm, squeezing it softly, "I will be glad to take you with us. You have proven yourself to be trustworthy."

I tried to smile properly, but I had too much on my mind.

"Time for that bath, I think," Finan reminded us, "or water will go cold completely."

"I will see you in the morning, Lord," I backed away from Uhtred, heading back to the stairs.

"I will have armour brought to you," Uhtred revealed, "only the best to match what you had."

I could only smile; armour would not save me from my father's anger. He would not like that I rode with Saxons, and he would not appreciate my abandoning of his camp. I would have to prepare carefully.

"I will not be far, Lady," Osferth mumbled as Finan left the room, leaving us by two round bath tubs. "If you need assistance, call for me."

The water felt like I was being burned all over again at first, then it slowly eased my pain and cleansed my wounds. 

I did not know it then, but that was the last bit of peace I would have for a very long time to come.

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