Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️

By Winterlanessss

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"𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥�... More

Author Note & Depictions


709 20 2
By Winterlanessss

My plan was final.

It was going against everything my beloveds had placed out in front of me. It would require a multitude of lying and manipulation, perhaps even slight violence if it came to it but...

I had to do it.

It was simple, too simple at times. The estate had gone back into its routine, however, the halls were quieter and duller as everyone was in their mind now. My 'free will' is being watched, I am now occupied everywhere I go with a guard of Knox's choice. And that was my problem. I had to make it into the dungeons again, out of sight mind you. However, with the whole revolution going on behind the scenes, I haven't seen my beloveds in days.

I could feel them come into the room at night, pressing a longing kiss upon my forehead or cheek while I slept. Their scent lingered in the room as if they were just there, but we haven't spoken since that day. I understand why, I saw differently from Knox and Xander and that pushed us away from each other.

Even if I felt that pull each second we were away. I could only thank the gods that we haven't completed the bond, as I don't believe I could have lasted this long away from them if that.

Anyway, back to my plan.

Cassandra was being held in the dungeons, in a maximum security area being multiple guarded. While Fredrik was basically on house arrest as Knox had deemed him innocent from a loyalty blood test, however, no one trusted that his instincts to protect his beloved would overmatch his loyalty to his brother. Besides, I wasn't technically supposed to see Cassandra for a few more days, my magic has been weak after a few of my outbursts which led to Elijah demanding that the interrogation via Plaetive magic be postponed.


My thoughts went back to Askel's warning, heeding me to stay away from Elijah. But maybe the upirs could sense his blood magic as I did, deeming him untrustworthy from his being. I shook my head, my thoughts becoming paranoid. I already lost Cassandra, perhaps her disloyalty was making me fear everyone else.

A knock broke me from my thoughts, a sly smile gracing my lips as I turned. Right on schedule.

My feet led me to the door, enabling my dramatics as I opened the door with a sluggish face. As the door creaked open, it revealed one of Knox's guards.

"Min dame. I am here to escort you to your breakfast in the dining hall," the guard announced with a courteous bow. Feigning an illness, I replied with a strained smile, "I am actually not feeling quite well. I think I will just stay in my chambers this morning. No need to send breakfast."

"Oh. Yes, of course. I will alert Min herre of your ills," the guard responded, a hint of concern in his voice.

"No need. He already knows," I continued my deceptive charade, meeting the guard's gaze with a carefully composed expression.

The guard looked at me hesitantly, not fully trusting my words. Sensing his doubt, I swiftly added, "I was actually going to call him to my room. Is he here?"

"No, Min dame. Min Herre left this morning with Lord Triuaghe for a meeting with the Norwegian Generals of Oslo," the guard informed me, maintaining a respectful demeanour. I had to hide the smile wanting to stretch my lips apart.


"Oh, that's right. It completely slipped my mind. My brain doesn't work when I feel ill. Anyways, I will be staying here. I will ring if I need anything from Nora in the kitchen," I explained, weaving my web of deceit with practiced finesse.

"Of course, Min Dame. Feel better," the guard responded, expressing genuine concern.

"Thank you," I replied, my tone softening to convey a sense of gratitude. The guard nodded respectfully and retreated, leaving me alone in the doorway to my chambers. With a subtle smirk, I closed the door behind me and returned to the center of the room, my mind working quickly to devise the next steps of my plan.

I crossed the opulent chamber, the rich tapestries and ornate furniture surrounding me. The flames flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls as I pondered the intricate dance of deception I found myself in.

I quickly went to the closet, rummaging through my old suitcase that had remained untouched. I began pulling clothes, pictures and everything I packed until I saw the item I was looking for.

The derringer.

My hand clasped over the metal weapon, flicking open the chamber and revealing the two bullets I never fired. The weapon struck part of my heart, my mind thinking back to Franky. A small smile crossed my lips at the thought of the Irish man, wondering what he was doing right now. I stood, putting the weapon in the waistband of my trousers, hidden by my jumper. Just in case, it was only if things went arye.

I made my way to the door, opening it quietly and peeking out into the hallway. And just my luck...

Askel was diligently monitoring the corridor. With a sly smirk on my lips, I pursed them and whistled to him. Askel's head whipped over to look at me, his hand on his sword as his eyes met mine. His brows furrowed as he began to walk towards me, my smile still firmly in place.

"I thought you were ill?" he questioned, a note of concern in his voice.

"I lied," I admitted nonchalantly, maintaining eye contact.

"Now, why would you do that, Min Dame?" Askel inquired his expression a mix of curiosity and caution.

"I have a plan. And I need your help," I explained, my smile taking on a mischievous quality.

Askel's face darkened slightly, a shadow passing over his features. "Does Min Herre know about this plan?"

"That's the thing... it's just my plan. I can't let them know," I replied, my tone hushed but resolute.

"I must remind you, Min Dame, I am blood-tied to Lord Sorenson," Askel reminded me, a sense of duty etched on his face.

"And to me! You swore your loyalty to me as well. That has to mean something," I argued, appealing to the bond of loyalty he had pledged.

Askel sighed, a silent acknowledgment of the complex situation he found himself in. "What do you need me to do?" he finally relented.

My smile grew two times the size of his words. The plan unfolding in my mind had just found its ally in Askel, and the prospect of success illuminated my eyes with a gleam of anticipation.

I quickly grabbed onto his hand and pulled him into my chambers, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Alright, I need you to get me into the dungeon. I need to see Cas-" my voice carrying a note of urgency.

"No. Absolutely not," Askel interjected, his tone firm and unwavering.

"Askel!" I pleaded holding a mixture of frustration and desperation.

"You do realize that your beloved would take my hands, then my head, for allowing you down there with her," Askel reasoned, a concern for both of our well-being etched on his face.

"I just need to talk to her, I just need to understand why. Xander and Knox will not allow me to see her," I implored, my voice softening with sincerity.

"I don't know, Min Dame..." Askel hesitated, his loyalty to Lord Sorenson weighing heavily on his decision.

"Please, Askel, this is all I ask of you. No one needs to know; I'll be in and out," I reassured, my words carrying a gentle urgency.

"How do you plan on not being seen by anyone? The dungeon is being monitored heavily," Askel raised a practical concern.

"I think I can get Elijah to help. If he uses his blood magic, he can temporarily take control over the guards while I go see Cassandra," I explained, my tone hopeful yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"Elijah... I don't believe he can be trusted, Min Dame. I only say this out of my loyalty to you; he doesn't sit right in my senses," Askel expressed his reservations, a protective instinct evident in his words.

"He is just misunderstood, Askel. He has done nothing but help me. If you trust me, you can trust him. I promise," I reassured, my voice carrying an earnest plea. I needed Askel and his keys to get into the dungeon, and I couldn't think of anyone else to help me.

"Have you asked him?" Askel inquired, seeking reassurance.

"Not exactly. I've been under close scrutiny since the revolution has been brought about," I admitted a hint of vulnerability in my words. "But he'll agree. I know he will," I asserted with a conviction that left little room for doubt.

"Do you think this is a good idea, Min Dame? I'm sure if you speak to Min Herre and Lord Tr-" Askel began, his words tinged with concern.

"No. I can't. They don't understand," I cut him off abruptly, my frustration evident in my voice.

"They are your beloveds, M-" Askel tried to interject, concern etched on his face.

"Enough, Askel!" My tone was stern, and he fell silent under my command. "I'm sorry... Things have just been..." I started, my voice softening with a touch of vulnerability.

"I understand. But they do care about you, even if they have a hard time showing it," Askel offered reassurance, acknowledging the complexity of the relationships that bound us all together.

"Look, Askel. I just need to get into the dungeon, you can get Elijah and me into there. I will go in, and search Cassandra's memories. Once I prove her innocence then all will be well", I pleaded.

"Fine. When do we act on this plan?" Askel acquiesced a sense of resignation in his voice.

"Fetch me, Elijah, please. Then when the night falls, we will go," I directed, my tone firm and resolute.

"Yes, Min Dame," Askel responded with a nod, acknowledging the gravity of the task at hand. The weight of the impending nightfall settled in the air, signalling the beginning of a plan that could unravel the tightly woven threads of our world.


"So, let me get this straight," Elijah remarked, his tone dripping with a mix of skepticism and amusement. "You wanted me to incapacitate the guards on duty so you could delve into Cassandra's mind, all the while keeping this clandestine operation hidden from your two beloveds. And, might I remind you, they graciously allowed me to stay here out of the kindness of their own hearts to assist you?"

With a hint of desperation in my voice, I pleaded, "Oh, come on, Elijah. I know you're probably itching to see why Cassandra betrayed her own beloved."

Elijah, ever the provocateur, taunted, "I don't know if that information is worth my own head."

I persisted, my plea intensifying, "Please, I beg of you. I need you in this. Without you, I have no way of getting past the guards unnoticed."

Elijah, giving me a pointed look, stated firmly, "You owe me."

Filled with gratitude, I beamed before embracing Elijah tightly in thanks. "Oh, thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah," Elijah responded dismissively. "But if we get caught, I better have immunity against the wrath of your beloveds."

Askel, with crossed arms and a slight smirk, chimed in, "Me as well." His statement echoed with a subtle assertion, emphasizing that, in this precarious endeavour, concessions were expected from all parties involved. I nodded at their words with a smile before stating, "Then it is settled then. Askel, when are the guard shifts? We should probably go once the later guards first enter so we won't have new guards coming our way."

Askel's eyes drap over to the clock posted above the closet in my chamber, sighing and stating, "In six minutes"

"Let us get on then", I stated.


"I'm going to boke," I grimaced, the pungent odour of the dungeon assaulting my senses, causing my eyes to water. The air hung heavy with the nauseating stench of death, triggering haunting memories of my mother's corpse, slowly decaying in our home. Focus Adelaide, get out of your head.

"Who goes there!?" a guard in the distance shouted, the words barely leaving his lips before he appeared in front of us at the speed of light. Before he could mutter another word, Elijah's powers swiftly took control. The guard's eyes widened as he lost control of his own body, becoming rigid under Elijah's influence. In an unsettling display, the guard rammed his head into the stone wall, rendering himself unconscious as his limp body crumpled to the ground.

My voice hitched within me as I observed the scene, my eyes widening at the sight of the man incapacitated before us. I turned to Elijah with a mixture of shock and apprehension, only to receive a nonchalant shrug in response. With an air of unbothered confidence, we proceeded into the dungeon, Elijah effortlessly neutralizing the guards one by one. Askel, witnessing the swift takedown of his comrades, couldn't help but grimace in sympathy for those who now lay incapacitated in their path.

Upon reaching the maximum-security area, Askel took charge, skillfully unlocking the doors that led to the cells. The metal creaked as the barriers swung open, granting me access to the confined space. Inhaling a deep breath of the manky and musty air, I ventured into the new but even grimmer section. Askel, with a silent nod of his head, indicated a direction for Elijah and me to follow, and we moved forward, guided by his lead.

As we ventured further into the dimly lit corridors, a figure came into view, crouched down in one of the cells. Long, blonde hair spilled messily down her back, contrasting with the torn and dirtied purple dress she wore.


Cassandra's acute hearing picked up the sound of our hushed footsteps, prompting her to whip her head around and face us. Confusion etched across her face, her eyes flickering between mine and Elijah's. Her mouth hung agape as she observed us walking towards her cell, a silent anticipation lingering in the air.

"Keys," I requested in a quiet tone, my gaze unwavering as my hands reached for the bars. Askel hesitated briefly before complying, unlocking the cell door to Cassandra's confinement. Cassandra observed me in silence, tears welling up in her bright eyes as the door swung open.

"Askel, please watch the door for us," I instructed.

"Yes, Min Dame," Askel acknowledged dutifully.

"Elijah, thank you for your help, but I wish to be alone with Cassandra. I'll call you if I need anything," I conveyed to Elijah, expressing my gratitude for his assistance while asserting the need for a private moment with Cassandra.

With a subtle nod, Elijah acknowledged my request, offering a knowing look before silently withdrawing from the immediate vicinity. As he moved away, the weight of the dungeon's atmosphere seemed to shift, leaving Cassandra and me in a space filled with unspoken tension.

Turning my attention back to Cassandra, I took a cautious step into the cell, my eyes locked onto hers. The air between us held a multitude of unsaid words, the heaviness of the past and the uncertainty of the present weaving a complex tapestry.

Her tear-filled eyes met mine, and a mixture of pain and remorse played across her features. The silent exchange carried the weight of unspoken emotions as we stood on the precipice of a conversation that had long been overdue.

My presence seemed to hang in the air like an unresolved question, and Cassandra's whispered caution betrayed the gravity of the situation. " What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here," Cassandra's voice, laden with caution, conveyed the peril we found themselves in.

With an earnestness that underscored my quest for truth, I responded, my gaze fixed on Cassandra. "I need to understand, Cassandra. I need to know the truth."

The air thickened as I pressed on, my words a blend of desperation and determination. "Why did you betray us? Why did you align yourself with the lycans?"

Cassandra's demeanour softened, revealing the burden she carried. "Adelaide, it's not that simple. Things are not as they seem."

The revelation triggered a poignant memory, a connection to a dream or a conversation that mirrored the present. Cassandra's cryptic words hinted at a complex web of motivations and alliances. My mind swirled back to my mother's voice, the dream etched into my head making me frown.

Undeterred, I sought further clarification. "Just let me see. I can control it now, just let me see why," I pleaded. I held out my hand to her, hoping she would give in willingly.

Cassandra's plea held a mixture of reluctance and concern. "Adelaide, please..."

The urgency in my voice escalated as I implored Cassandra to consider the stakes. "Cassandra, they'll kill you for this. Please, I..." My desperation culminated in a poignant admission. "I can't let you die on me as well."

"Please just let me see, give me your hand", I begged her through hushed lips. But Casandra shakes her head grimacing at the sight of my hand, making me frown.

Who was she protecting?

Cassandra, torn between conflicting emotions, struggled to articulate her response. "I can't, Adelaide. I-..." The weight of unspoken words hung heavily in the air, encapsulating the intricate web of emotions, loyalties, and unseen forces at play in our entangled lives. I watched as she paced back and forth, hunching over as she began to cry. But her cries seemed as if she was trying to hold it in, little gasps exiting her throat as she pressed her lips into a fine line; trying to contain her pain and guilt.

My brows furrowed, hands became clammy as I watched her. It was like something was fighting to come out, begging to break from her body. At that last moment, the air turned cold, and sweat dripped down my back like ice melting against my skin.

What is happening to her?

My concerned expression deepened as I addressed Cassandra, my voice a gentle reflection of my worry. "Are you alright, Cassandra?"

Cassandra, however, responded with a tone that held a mixture of frustration and urgency. "Get away, Adelaide." It seemed like she was fighting with herself, her arms tucked tightly around her body as her palm clenched to white.

Undeterred by the rebuff, I persisted, a hint of hurt in my voice. "Cassandra-"

The world shifted abruptly, a sudden onslaught of searing pain tearing through my body. In that disorienting moment, my mind disconnected from the present, leaving me suspended in a realm where reality and nightmare intertwined. As consciousness gradually reasserted its grip, I found myself staring in horrified disbelief at the woman standing before me.

Cassandra, once an enigmatic figure, had transformed into a creature of nightmarish proportions. Her visage now distorted, she bore her fangs like a predatory spectre, a chilling tableau of primal instinct. The metallic tang of my blood lingered in the air as her mouth glistened with crimson, a grotesque testimony to the violence that had unfolded in an instant.

The realization struck with an almost surreal clarity—my neck, the vulnerable conduit of life, had become the focal point of Cassandra's unholy hunger. The world around me blurred as my gaze remained fixated on the horror unfolding. In a merciless act, my flesh succumbed to the relentless assault, and with a gruesome tearing sound, my neck was ripped apart.

The pain, both visceral and profound, echoed through my senses, a symphony of agony that left me grappling with the fragility of my mortality. In that surreal tableau, I felt the ebb of life intertwining with the crimson threads of despair, a grim dance orchestrated by the fangs of a predator. The reality of my mortality became an undeniable truth as I teetered on the precipice of darkness, caught in the cruel grip of a nightmarish fate.

A desperate urge to communicate clawed at my consciousness, but my attempts at speech yielded only incomprehensible, jumbled sounds. The realization slowly dawned on me - a chilling revelation that I was choking on my blood. As my legs betrayed me, collapsing beneath the weight of impending darkness, my hands instinctively sought refuge in the small, concealed haven of the gun nestled in the back of my pants.

Through a haze of pain and terror, my eyes fixated on the approaching figure of Cassandra. In that eerie moment, her predatory advance held a sinister beauty, accentuated by the haunting realization that my demise was imminent. However, a disconcerting shift occurred, shattering the expected narrative.

As she stalked towards me, a peculiar transformation etched across Cassandra's countenance. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the crimson stains on her chin. The juxtaposition of vulnerability and menace painted a surreal portrait as she continued her advance. Her eyes, once harbouring an intensity that spoke of a primal hunger, now bore the unmistakable gaze of fear.

Cassandra's expression mirrored her internal turmoil as blood continued to flow from her mouth, a grotesque juxtaposition against the delicate vulnerability expressed through tear-stained cheeks. The dichotomy unfolded before me, a paradoxical dance of predator and prey.

Then, in a moment that defied all logic, Cassandra, consumed by an unseen force, raised her hand in a shaking manner. Her eyes connected with mine, and I could see it.


Fear engulfed her eyes, as she brought her hand to her chest. It was as if time had slowed down, her hands ripped into her chest. Rummaging around through her dress and skin, and as quickly as she did...

Her heart was ripped from her chest.

The sheer brutality of the act transcended the physical, delving into the profound depths of a psychological abyss. The horror and desperation etched on her tear-soaked face seamlessly merged with the surreal spectacle of self-destruction, rendering me a silent witness to a macabre dance between life and death, predator and prey, unfolding in the dimly lit shadows of despair.

Amidst the turmoil, shouts resonated behind me, bodies shuffled and collided with the unforgiving stone walls. However, my gaze remained fixated on her, her pallid skin drained and almost grey-like, her eyes casting back into mine with an otherworldly gleam. Blood continued to flow from my neck, my hands desperately clutching the torn skin.

The sudden intrusion of Fredrik into the dimly lit dungeon shattered the oppressive silence that clung to the macabre scene. His hurried footsteps echoed a desperate cadence, mirroring the urgency of the situation. Bursting into the room, his widened eyes absorbed the nightmarish tableau that unfolded before him.

The gravity of the situation pressed heavily on Fredrik's shoulders. Unable to withstand the emotional onslaught, he collapsed to his knees on the cold stone floor. A guttural, almost incoherent mumbling escaped his lips, a desperate plea for comprehension in the face of the unfolding tragedy.

Wide-eyed with disbelief, his gaze darted from one horror to the next. The air crackled with tension as Fredrik's mind grappled with the surreal nightmare that had befallen his beloved. The dungeon, once a place of captivity, now hosted a grotesque theatre of despair, and Fredrik, caught in the vortex of chaos, found himself a silent participant in the tragic drama that unfolded.

Amidst the chaos and horror in the dungeon, my life hung in a delicate balance. My body convulsed as I fought for breath, each gasp accompanied by the sickening gurgle of my blood. The metallic taste of crimson stained my lips, and the air around me thickened with an eerie stillness as life slipped away.

The dungeon became a cacophony of despair. Shrill cries and desperate pleas reverberated off the cold stone walls, forming a dissonant chorus that echoed the collective anguish of those caught in the gravity of the unfolding tragedy.

As my strength waned, the world around me blurred. The vividness of life gave way to a chilling void. My vision flickered, and the faces of those nearby became distorted spectres of panic and fear. The once-confined space now felt like a vast, desolate expanse, a cruel stage for the final act of a harrowing drama.

In the throes of my mortality, my consciousness flickered like a dying flame. My fading senses yearned for her memories, and in a last, desperate attempt, my trembling hand reached out toward Cassandra. The atmosphere in the dungeon, thick with tension and despair, seemed to hang suspended as my outstretched fingers sought a tenuous link with the woman who had become both assailant and prey.

In the pandemonium of the dungeon, Fredrik emitted a low, guttural hiss, a warning to anyone daring to approach Cassandra's lifeless form. His eyes, fierce and unwavering, held an unspoken threat, a display of primal guardianship over the fallen figure. The air crackled with tension as the boundaries of personal space became sacrosanct in the face of grief and impending loss.

Meanwhile, Elijah, a figure draped in shadows, moved with calculated precision. With an eerie calm, he approached my weakened body. His enigmatic presence hinted at an influence beyond the tangible as if he were a conductor orchestrating a symphony of fate in the dimly lit dungeon.

Elijah's hands deftly cradled my form, dragging me away from the immediate vicinity of Cassandra's still body. The sound of shuffling feet against the cold stone floor marked a grim departure, a silent procession through the shadows that enveloped the dungeon like a shroud.

Askel, fueled by urgency, raced towards the phone. The distant echoes of his footsteps harmonized with the frantic dialling as he urgently sought the doctor's intervention. The ringing tones resonated through the dungeon, a desperate plea for a lifeline amid the encroaching darkness.

In this tableau of despair, Fredrik's territorial hiss, Elijah's enigmatic guidance, and Askel's frenzied sprint painted a haunting picture of humanity grappling with loss, survival, and the relentless march of time in a world spiralling into the depths of tragedy.

Amidst this chaos, I felt my body being lifted, vision spotted, and darkness soaking into my eyes. The ringing, like a bell struck inside my head, filled my ears, it was deafening.

I remembered this feeling, the cold filling my veins as seconds passed. My skin was torn and jagged from Cassandra's teeth, pouring out so quickly and with so much ease, coating my skin with its sticky substance. Death was imminent, and my body was welcoming it so easily. There was no fight, no struggle as I swear over the ringing I could hear her voice once more. The sweet lullaby she would sing to me, the endearing hum of her voice pushing me to my slumber as the tiredness filled my bones.

It was like I was submerged in icy water, filling my lungs to the brim with iron taste as the world around me disappeared. Englufing me and taking me out to the sea, to sink to the sand at the bottom. There were no more shouts, no cries and no feeling of pain anymore; it was quiet. It was beautiful in a sense, the hushed respite that took me into its arms so easily.

But it was stripped from me as easily as it came.

The burning came back in a tenfold, my lungs screaming in agony but my voice couldn't be heard. I could taste it, the iron filling my mouth; blood seeping into my lips as I felt the tip of my nose being held shut. I could hear the voices around me come back, screaming at me to swallow. 

To drink whatever was being shoved down my throat and I couldn't do anything but listen. This tasted rotten to me, like swallowing wretched sludge; thick and warm sliding down my throat. Coating each surface of my nerves and gums, erupting in the horrid flavour that made me gag violently.

My eyes were ripped open, the lights around me burning spots into my vision as I frantically looked around. My body was being held down, my eyes catching the person above me; barely recognizing Askel as he pushed his wrist to my lips. 

My body tried so hard to break free, hot tears pouring down the sides of my face as I lay there in torment. As my life came back into my grasp, so did all the pain; all the suffering that I didn't want anymore.

I could feel the chaos building in my veins, as the world around me began to shake violently and I could hear everyone in the room panic more. I could hear Elijah, I could see Askel screaming into the room from above me as my magic began to explode into a frenzy. 

As if it felt like hours, Askel released his wrist from my lips and my body shot up as panic filled my heart. Everything in my body told me to run, go, fight, anything. But as I sat up, the world went quiet. The rumbles of the estate had seized me, and my mind shattered along with it.

Sobs wrecked my lungs, crimson filled my senses; it was all I could smell. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing in my ears as panic consumed me. The taste of iron lingered in my mouth, a bitter reminder of the trauma I had just experienced. Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision, as I gasped for air, desperate to escape the suffocating grip of my panic. My arms wrapped along my body as my eyes shut so tightly I thought the skin around would be ripped like my throat. 

I let out a single, sharp cry of despair, and the feeling of despair settled into me like a heavyweight. A primal, guttural sound erupted from my throat, a raw cry of anguish that echoed through the room. At that moment, I no longer cared about the watchful eyes around me or the judgment I might face. The pain and despair that had consumed me, took me hostage in my own body as my world crumbled around me.

"She's gone. She's gone, she-she..." my voice faltered, caught in the chokehold of anguish. My words couldn't be formed properly, my tongue and lips failing as my body trembled with shakes that wrecked my being.

"It's going to be okay," Askel reassured, his words a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

" it's not. She's dead, she's...she," I uttered, my sentences fragmented by the overwhelming sorrow.

"Breathe, Adelaide, breathe with me," Askel urged his steady breaths a counterpoint to the erratic rhythm of my own.

My body was pulled into Askel's arms so quickly, that I latched onto him tightly as my sobs wrecked my body so violently. My body tremored and shook ruinously, my cries echoed through the halls silencing any voice in my ears.

My voice, now a strained whisper, carried the weight of guilt and desperation. "I could see the fear in her eyes."

"Adelaide..." Askel's attempt to console me met the resolute resistance of the anguish that gripped me.

"No. No. You didn't see her, she... she was scared. She didn't want to do it, you have to believe me," I pleaded, my words a desperate plea for understanding.

"You lost a lot of blood, Adelaide, shhh," Askel murmured, his voice a soothing balm in the tempest of my emotions.

Tears streamed down my face, mingling with the traces of blood that still clung to my skin. In the aftermath of the nightmarish ordeal, my soul bore the burden of witnessing Cassandra's transformation into a predator, a spectacle that had left an indelible scar on my psyche.

Askel's arms tightened around me, offering a semblance of comfort in the face of the profound loss and guilt that threatened to consume me. The dimly lit room bore witness to a fragile moment of vulnerability as I, a beacon of strength now reduced to a shattered soul, sought solace in the arms of another.

"She didn't want to do it, I swear," I repeated, my words a fervent plea for absolution. The memory of Cassandra's tear-streaked face and the chilling dichotomy between predator and prey haunted me, an indomitable ghost in the recesses of my mind.

Askel's gentle reassurance became a lifeline, a bridge between the stark reality of loss and my desperate yearning for understanding. The weight of my words hung in the air, an unspoken testament to the complexities of morality and the thin line that separated victim from perpetrator in a world veiled in darkness.

As the echoes of my sobs reverberated through the silent halls, a palpable sense of sorrow enveloped the room, each heartbeat a solemn drum that marked the passage of time in the wake of Cassandra's demise. The journey ahead seemed fraught with uncertainty, a winding path through the aftermath of despair, with me caught in the turbulent currents of grief and remorse.

In the stillness that followed, the tendrils of darkness retreated, leaving behind a shattered tableau of humanity grappling with the consequences of a night that had forever altered the fabric of our lives. The weight of Cassandra's death hung heavy, a shadow that clung to the walls and seeped into the very foundation of our shared existence.

And amidst it all, my anguished sobs remained the haunting refrain, a lament that echoed through the dimly lit corridors of a world forever changed by the cruel hand of fate.

_______________________ is everyone after that...?

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