Book 2! Reader x Baki charact...


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Once Y/n's mission in Egypt has been complete,she returns back to her boring old life.Shes missing her team i... More

New mission!
Mission starts!
It's him!
Retsu you're the best!
Me again!?
Karate expert!
Just one more shot
Risky nightβ™‘
Plan B!
Hope we meet again someday..
And so the mission finally starts!
Love potion
Bad feeling
Ball disaster - Mission..complete?

Good at both

301 14 26

"UGHH..",you groaned as you turned your back to your phones alarm clock ringing, lifting the blankets above your head.

"Get up.You're going to worry your crew".

"UH!",you emerged a hand out of the blankets to get your phone.After a couple of attempts searching for it blindly on the bedside table,you finally caught it and closed the annoying alarm sound.

"IM.SO.TIRED!I can't lift a finger!",you complained and stayed under the covers.

"Maybe it's because of the "bath" you had last night".

" you hear that too?.."

"Ofcourse I did.And so did your secretary.I saw her run out of the bathroom like she saw a ghost".

"Oh no!,I forgot about Zoe!I must have scared her so bad!I have to go apologize to her!",you got out of bed to get ready and pay her a visit in her suite.




Standing outside her door made you nervous after you got ready.You took a deep breath and knocked three times.

"Come in!"

(Well it's now or never!), you took a serious look and opened the door.

"Miss!W-what are you doing here!",she blushed.

"Good morning Zoe..I-I came to apologize for yesterday..It was not what it looked like!I just.."

"There is nothing to worry about Miss! Exploring yourself is completely normal!At first I thought that you were actually with someone in there..,but afterwards when I left and thought about it I realized that you know! Masturbating",she whispered into your ear.


"Don't be shy with me!It's arlight Miss!Besides I found a solution to your problem!"

"W-what do you mean p-problem?"

"Ta-da!✧I found out that the hotel provides intimacy kits!There are all kids of toys to satisfy yourself!Do you want me to go to the reception and ask for one?"

"NO NO! I-I'm fine!",you became red from the embarrassment."Thank you for understanding Zoe!.. I-I'll see you later!",you quickly ran off from her suite forgetting to close her door.

"Her first guess was correct,but thankfully she misunderstood,you sighed in relief.BUT NOW SHE THINKS THAT I HAVE PROBLEMS CONTROLLING MYSELF!",you said as you pressed the button that leaded to the dinning area in the elevator.


"HEY STOP LAUGHING!",you shook the ultimate source of power making Anubis shut up.

"Good morning Y/n!",Katsumi greeted you as you sat with them at the dining area."How is your back?",he asked and smiled.

"How do you know about her back pain?",Retsu asked with his mouth busy with food.

Katsumi paused for a bit not knowing how to respond.

"Well how do YOU know about it?",he looked at him raising an eyebrow.

Retsu paused too,trying to find an excuse to cover up his secret when you finally spoke.

"Shut up you two!Eat your breakfast already!,I'm too tired for this!", you fiercely stabbed your fork in your pancakes annoyed.

"Did the training exhaust you that much Y/n?",Baki asked while pouring himself more juice.

"Yeah..,it was tough.But I believe it was just because it was my first time.Im sure I will soon get used to it!"

"If you want we can leave the self defense lessons for tomorrow so you can rest!",he said feeling nervous to exhaust you.

"No way!,there is no time to relax! Besides I'm fine and ready for anything!"

"Well I guess I'll see you at my place tonight,we will practice in my basement.Its very spacious and that makes it a good place to train".

"Okay!I'll do my best!"




After agreeing to meet with Baki that night at his house,you decided to do some “warm up” to test your skills on self defense.

"Anubis!Can you help me train?Be my opponent and try to hit me!"

"It doesn't work like that.Do you even know how to defend yourself in combat?"

"Are we talking about..kicks and punches?I arleady did that in Shin Shin Kai!"

"This time it's going to be different.Baki Hanma isn't going to train you like that.The training you did yesterday was for you to be able to attack your opponent first.This time your going to learn how to dodge and fight back your opponent".

"What you just said is the exact same thing I did in the fight with Kato!I dodged attacks, fought back and then boom! Victory!"

"You're just getting too confident.You had my help back then.Im not going to help you this time".

"WHAT!What do you mean you're not going to help me!You want me to fight the strongest teenager ever on my OWN!?Yeah!,you totally want me dead!"

"Im doing it for two reasons.First of all,don't think that I'll be here forever with you and just grand you wishes.Sometimes you need to do things by yourself.Second of all, using my powers inside the ultimate source of power is draining my energy out,so its best for me to rest for a while and use my powers when it's actually necessary".

"Hm I see..So you don't have any strength now do you?"

"Ofcourse I do.I just have to use it wisely and for special occasions.Like when your life is in danger or something like that".

"Well,consider this as a special occasion! Practice a bit with me!I want to see what you mean by defending myself!"

"I guess you will only understand if you experience it first huh?Well get ready,because I'm going to show you how fighting Baki Hanma is really going to be",Anubis said and started forming something like a clone in the corner of the room.
At first it was like a pyle of sand,but then it slowly formed into a human.More specifically,it formed into Baki.

"Wow..It looks exactly like him!He even has the mole above his lips!It's a bit weird to see him made of sand though.."

"Well?Are you ready to fight him?"

"Yeah..I mean I am.But go a bit easy on me arlight?Im still really confused about how to defend,this is basically my first time doing thi"-

Before you could finish your sentence, Baki's clone lunged at you and tackled you on the floor.

(That hurt!He smashed me on the floor with such force!Plus it feels like there is a rock on me right now!)

"Hey you didn't even say start or something!That's u-unfair!",you said struggling as you tried to get the clone off you.

"Your opponent isn't going to tell you when their coming.Having all your senses open is a part of self defense you know.Now try to get him off of you".

"DO YOU THINK I HAVENT TRIED!",you yelled at him as you tried to push the clones fists upwards so you could get it off.The clone wasn't giving up,it still continued it's attempts to completely pin you down.

"You dump pyle of sand!I'll show you!",you yelled at it and you kicked it on the stomach sending it flying! Despite the hit,it easily managed to land back on it's feet and then lunge at you again,but this time with a hit on the stomach.I guess with that move it meant to say,“PAYBACK BITCH!”You ended up being thrown across the room on the wall,you were almost about to throw up.


"What did you expect?That's how fighting is.You won't be able to dodge all the attacks like in the fight with Kato you know.Now hurry up and get back on your feet.Hes coming".

"I KNOW!",you said angrily as you got up holding your stomach.The clone approached smirking,it knew you hadn't recovered from the hit yet.

"What the hell are you smiling for!You asshole! You're nothing like Baki!He's way better than you!"

The clone looked pissed.It decided it was time to stop playing around,and that it was time to finally end you.As it leaned closer and closer to you,it sensed a dangerous aura..It wondered if it was coming from you.Nevertheless,it didn't have much time to think about it because you jumped high in the air and kicked it hard on the face!

"I guess it's time to end this now huh?It's getting boring",you said ironically just to make the clone angrier.

"Yess!,that's it!Come at me!",you laughed as the clone run to you with it's fist formed into a punch.

(That is going to hurt!But it's going to be okay!I'm going to use that!The move that Retsu taught me!)

Yesterday in the afternoon before you did the push ups:

"Spinning Lotus? What's that?"

"It's a dangerous technique used to brake the opponents neck.I supposed it would suit you well since you have big thighs as well",Retsu chuckled.

"Hey stop it!",you blushed.

"Well then,do you want to try it?You can practice it on me for starters.All you need to do is wrap both your arms and legs around my neck and then snap it".


"Relax Y/n!,I just want to check if your able to jump on your opponent and possision yourself correctly around the neck so you'll be able to master it.
You're just not going to do the twist okay?"

"Okay..",you took a deep breath and jumped as high as you could, suscessfully wrapping Retsu's neck between your thighs.

(Wow she really has big thighs!They are strong too..),he thought to himself as he was having trouble breathing.
(If I had to choose my death,I would choose to die from her thighs),he smirked.

Back to the present!

(I will do it! I'm going to use the move Retsu taught me!The spinning Lotus!),you jumped in the air once more and stepped on the clones shoulders.Before it knew it,the clone had your legs and arms tightly wrapping it's neck,and then with a spin,a loud cracking sound filled the room.

The clone was defeated.The sand it was made from spilled all across the room as the clone was killed and then dessapeared.

You looked at the empty floor in disbelief, and then at the ultimate source of power.You could hear Anubis applausing from inside.

"Well look at that.You are strong.Where did you learn how to do that?"

"Retsu taught me.I didn't let that training go to waste!"

"I see..But that won't be enough to beat Baki Hanma.You need something more powerful.."

"Hey chill!,I'm not going to fight Baki!We are just going to have a training session for self defense!This was just a practice for me to be prepared!"

"Oh.Um.Right.I got a bit carried away.My apologies".

"Great now I'll have to leave in one hour!I'm all sweaty so I'll go take a quick shower and then get ready".




After you showered and dressed up,you took a cab to Baki's house.He was waiting for you outside his houses door,and as soon as he saw you he welcomed you in.

"I don't know why but I get this good feeling every time I'm in your house Baki!",you laughed as you removed your shoes.

"Really?I'm glad to hear so",he smiled back."Should I make you some tea?"

"First we train,then we drink.It will be better that way!"

"As you wish",he chuckled and escorted you to his basement.You both got down the ladder and Baki threw his shirt on the floor remaining with only his red and white shorts.

"So,we are going to start with the basics",he said wrapping bandages around his wrists and feet."To defend yourself you'll need to have all your senses open"-

"I know that.Hurry up and let's start.You will attack me and I'll try to dodge".

"Hm?Okay.If you insist",he smirked cutting the bandages with his teeth.
"Let's start!",he said and in seconds he vanished!

(Where did he!)-

"Gotha!",Baki appeared from behind you and pinned you down on the ground holding back both your hands.

(I'VE BEEN CAUGHT ARLEADY?!We haven't even started yet!)

"I thought you said you knew the basics",Baki laughed.

"Hey don't laugh!You were so damn fast I couldn't even see you!"

"Well I guess you'll have to get used to it and never take your eyes off your opponent.Lets try again shall we?",he said releasing you.

(I can't mess up again!),you thought standing up again and looking at Baki who walked up to his corner again.

"Are you ready?"

You nodded as you tried not to blink.

Baki couldn't help but smile with your determination and got ready.This time he wasn't going to tell you when he was going to attack.He wanted to see if you were ready anytime he was going to lunge at you.

(He's fast!Where is he going to come from!),you looked left and right but there was no sight of him.(ABOVE!),you looked up to see his ready to fall on you.(MOVE!MOVE!MOVE!),you told yourself as your body wasn't moving.You eventually managed to do a triple pike on floor and got away from him avoiding him pinning you down for the second time.

Baki looked at you surprised as you were now in the other corner of the room.

"What?I did gymnastics when I was 13,thought they could be useful in a moment like this".

"Interesting!That was a pretty hard move to do too,I'm surprised you did it so perfectly".

"Thank you!Well shall we continue?"

"The match never stopped",he smirked and disappeared again.He appeared from behind you and grabbed your hand,slamming you on the ground afterwards.He then put his leg on your neck and kept his balance with the other one.

(Shit I've been caught!I can't move in this possision!It's hopeless!)

"This is called the tiger king,if you dare to move, just with a little bit of my body weight I can brake your arm really badly".


"No relax!Our training session ends here",he said and let you go.

"You are very strong Baki..",you said as you layed there defeated.

"You are strong too.Im sure you'll get stronger if you continue like this!"

"Strong enough to beat you?",you smirked.

"Hmm..I don't know.."

"Maybe I'll never be able to defeat you in battle,but I could easily defeat you in other stuff".

"Such as?", he said putting his shirt back on.

"I can't think of something right now..",you said ready to stand up.

"Maybe you meant this?",Baki threw his shirt away and pinned you down on the ground again.

"What are you doing!",you blushed as your lips were inches away from touching.

"I don't know,I just assumed you meant you could beat me in a kiss", he smirked and kissed you before you could respond.

"Idiot get off!",you tried to push him away but eventually gave up and decided to try another strategy..

You slid your tongue inside his mouth and started swirling it around his, making him immediately pull away from the kiss.

"What is it?Never had a kiss like that?",you laughed whipping away the suliva dripping from your lips."I thought you were determined to win..,but I guess I was wrong.Im going back to the hotel",you stood up and approached the ladder to leave.

"You're not going anywhere",he pinned you down on the wall refusing to be defeated."Lets try it again",he said determined to win this time.

"You want to kiss again?My my,seems like you can't get enough.But since you insist,go on.Try me",you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought your face close to his.

Baki closed his eyes and pushed his lips on yours,he started kissing you with force and grabbed your loose hair in his grip.He slid his tongue inside and swirled it around yours.

(He's being serious),you opened one eye to look at him.Your eyes widened when you made eye contact with his.

(What's with that fierce look!)

Baki pulled away from the kiss and striped your shirt away, leaving you with only your bra.You gasped when he started sucking your neck violently leaving hickeys everywhere.

"Baki stop!Y-you win!"

"Don't give up so easily now that it's getting interesting!", he kneeled down and removed your shorts.

"H-hey! What are you doing now!",you blushed as he slowly removed your underwear."Not now!Not here!Baki you're not listening!

"Consider this as a battle, let's see who's going to break apart first".

(What has gotten into me!I only had sex once in my life and yet I don't even know the basics!Why did I even bring her in this difficult situation!I FEEL BAD!),he thought as he looked at your half naked body about to give up and apologize.

"Fine!Let's do it!",you said removing your bra.

"WHAT!Like..right now!Here?I'm sure you won't be confortable.."

"I'm fine with it.Unless you're not?"

"No!,it's not that..!"

"Then let's start and get this over with!Besides you were the one kissing me so passionately seconds ago and insisting to take it further when it started getting interesting.Go on,let me see what you can do".

Baki swallowed and nervously pulled you close by your waist.He grabbed your hand and placed it on his member,and then brought his hand under your pussy.He gently touched you down there and tried to hold his stance as you started stroking his cock.

You flinched when he inserted his fingers inside,but at this point your body had gotten used to it so you managed to remain silent.On the other hand Baki couldn't hold his moans inside,he started getting hotter and hotter by the minute as you stroke his cock harder and faster.

"Seems like you're not doing so well down there",you said with a smirk looking at his member that was already dripping with pre cum.

(Shit we just started and I'm arleady at my limits!I have to get in action soon or I'll lose.But that would put me into risk too..)

He eventually decided to do it,he lifted you up from your legs and pinned your back on the wall.

(Oh?So we'll do it like that?That's new),you thought to yourself and wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.He looked at you and you nodded, giving him your approval to put it inside you.

He slid it inside and groaned trying to hold himself and not cum.He had to keep it as long as possible.He started thrusting inside you making you cry out a bit.You could feel his cock slamming inside your stomach with force.He smirked and started thrusting faster and went for another kiss while doing so.

Your tongues swirled around each others for the third time,you couldn't help but admit it felt good.

Baki pulled away from the kiss and as your tongues separated,there was a strand of suliva still connecting them together.

"How are you feeling?Are you at your limits yet?",he huffed as he continued thrusting knowing well that he was barely holding himself from cumming.

"How about you?"

"I have to admit that I'm barely making it..",he smiled akwardly.

"Well if you're giving up just do it arleady!I'm going to be climaxing soon!",your head turned to the ceiling from the pleasure.

"Well if none of us is going to give up are we going to do it together?"

"Do as you please,just don't cum inside me!Mhhh!~ I-I'm cumming!~!"

"Me too!",he grunted and removed his cock from inside you and came on your stomach.You rested your head on his forehead and you hugged each other like that for about a minute.

"So who do you think won.."

"You",he smiled and kissed you softly on the lips.I was going to cum from the start,while you managed to hold it.

"So I'm good both at fight and pleasure?", you grinned.

"Yes,you're good at both",he laughed.

"Well I guess now you own me a cup of tea,and another shirt.You ripped mine!",you grumped looking at your ripped shirt on the ground.

"Sorry for that!Here,you can wear mine for now",he helped you put it on."Now let's have the tea we agreed on shall we?",he lifted you up and climbed the ladder.

"I'll go take a quick shower,is that okay?"

"It's okay, meanwhile I'll make the tea".




You went for your shower and Baki started preparing the tea for you.He blushed as he thought about the moment you shared together,he thought about finally telling you his true feelings for you.

(Y/n!I love you!No no that's too plain..
Y/n!I'm in love with you!That's the same damn thing!How should I say it..
Y/n I want to be with you and!)-

"Baki Kun?Are you in there?",a voice said and knocked outside the door.

Baki stood up and walked up to the door.To his surprise,Kozue was outside.

"What are you doing here so late?",he asked and looked behind him to reassure himself you weren't done showering.

"I-I just couldn't help but come here.I miss you..Do you have guests?",she looked inside to check why Baki was looking behind him.

"It doesn't matter",Baki said and blocked the view from inside his house as he saw Kozue looking."What do you want.I thought things between us were over".

"I uh..Left Ali..Things didn't work between us..I was wondering if you think maybe...You could give me another chance.."

"Baki!Where is my underwear?"

"Who's that!",Kozue flinched hearing a female voice coming from inside the house.

"Baki!,I can't stay like this!",you approached Baki only wearing his shirt and nothing underneath."Who is it?",you stood next to him at the door wipping your wet hair with a towel.

"It's nothing!,just stay inside and I'll bring you your underwear later",he tried to distract you from looking outside the door.


"Well,well,well,good evening to you too Kozue Chan!What's wrong?, seeking for forgiveness after cheating on your boyfriend?"

"Who are you to talk you whore! Sleeping with someone else's boyfriend!Get out now before I drag you by force!"

"Kozue stop it!",Baki tried to stop her from getting inside as she tried to attack you.

"Uh do me a favor and leave,me and Baki were planning to have a relaxing evening together.Now shoo!",you grabbed Baki from behind his shirt and dragged him inside, shutting the door on Kozues face.You could still hear Kozues yelling from outside,but you didn't care.You dragged Baki from his shirt and pushed him on his futon laying him down.

"Y/n what are you!"-

"Shhh.Lets have a relaxing evening together shall we? Just you and me".

"But what about the tea!"

"We'll have it together after we are done..."

"After we are done with what...?"

"You will see",you said playfully and closed the lights.

"Y/n she's still outside she might hear us!"

"Let her listen,it's not our problem",you giggled and removed his shirt remaining naked.

Kozue left shredding crocodile tears as she heard loud moans from inside the house.



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