BLOODLUST - A BFB Fanfiction.

By DeanIsCookie

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BFB is over, and all the contestants have been freed from the clutches of the EXIT. After two years of endles... More

an unknown place. - prolouge
that's a great idea. - chapter 1
little miss alliance. - chapter 2
what's wrong? - prolouge no.2
why do you wanna know? - chapter 3
my very best friend. - chapter 4
the hotel. - chapter 5
a bad dream. - chapter 6
escapism. - chapter 7
maison de la mort. - chapter 8
intertwined. - chapter 9
plus one. - chapter 10
a second chance. - chapter 11
lies and deceit. - chapter 12
wipe those tears. - chapter 13
hopeful. - chapter 14
just a waste. - chapter 16
world building. - chapter 17
bullet rebuttal. - chapter 18
temporary escape. - chapter 19

fireflies. - chapter 15

154 2 15
By DeanIsCookie

2/1/2019 - The Final Two Episodes.

EXITor Interviews - 65th Placer.


"Well, honestly... I never found Match that needy, she was just... over the top at times!" Pencil laughed nervously, scratching her head and looking to the side away from the huge and intimidatingly high-tech camera that was peering right back at her, a reminder that she was, in fact, still in a reality show. That she still couldn't speak her mind.

"Why do you always push everyone else away, including Match? Are you like... nervous, upset, timid?" The green number asked with an interested look on their face as they adjusted the camera to zoom into Pencil and closely capture her facial expressions during the interview.

"W-Why are you asking me all these weird questions like you know me?!" Pencil nervously stuttered, furrowing her eyebrows as she backed away defensively.

"It's so that us, me, Four and X can get a better view of you and the rest of the contestants' personalities! It helps... individualise you and it sets you apart from the others, ya'know!" Two cheekily winked, clicking their fingers as they let out a friendly laugh only to be returned with a tense silence from Pencil.

"Okay..." She sighed, not wanting to drag the interview along any further than it was already.

"Marvellous, anyways let's give you a different question!" Two smiled, adjusting the camera a bit more so it could focus onto Pencil properly.

Pencil stayed silent, holding her hands together nervously as she began to expect the worst out of Two's next question.

"Do you think that throughout your time on BFDI through to BFB, you've made any friends? Excluding the alliance or the ones you talked to in the EXIT."

"I... well..." Pencil stammered, a little embarrassed.

If she really thought about it...

Always argued with Match outside competitions.

She belittled Book and Ice Cube.

Hurt Bubble and Ruby.

Pester Liy in the EXIT.

Tease Bracelety.

Push away Leafy.

And yell at anyone else that tried to ever come near her...


"No. I didn't..." She uttered quietly, tearing up a little at the thought.

Out of all 64 contestants. And you've only ever became friends with about 5 excluding Match? How pathetic!

"Why do you think that is Pencil?" Two asked, becoming increasingly interested in the topic.

"Um..." Pencil stuttered again, her voice shaky and sore as she nervously wiped the tears that were slowly trailing down her face.

"I think I've been kinda... hostile towards others... I-IT'S NOT MY FAULT THOUGH, I SWEAR! I just act like that for the... competition, yeah! I really wish I could befriend more contestants on this show, but I'm just so scared they still see me as a mean person."

Two nodded understandingly, grabbing a notepad as they wrote some unintelligible words onto the paper.

"I get that! So... anyways, I have one more question for you! It's a little complicated but try to answer it to the best of your ability, ok?"

"Alright..." Pencil agreed, a little suspicious as Two held a notepad to their face, watching as they began to read aloud from it.

"How do you think Freesmart and the rest of the cast would react if you died permanently, like, you couldn't be recovered EVER!" Two exclaimed in a dramatic tone in a weird attempt to scare Pencil.

"W-What?!" Pencil yelped, a bit frightened by the sheer darkness of the question.

She scratched her chin a bit curiously, looking around the room as her mind began to wander.

"Hm... I've heard this case about a contestant from this show called Inanimate Insanity called Bow. She, um, ended up in a fatal accident along with the host MePhone4 which caused both him and her to brutally die! Well, they were able to get the host back, but they weren't exactly able to get Bow back... I watched one episode of the second season though, and turns out she's actually a ghost who lives in a mansion with her brother, Dough! Using that example, I wouldn't truly be dead, I'd still be alive! Just... stranded in some weird house... Match and the others could still be able to talk to me though, which is cool and stuff! So, I don't think they would be sad because I would still be able to speak with them! I hope that was, erm, the answer you were looking for...!"

Two frowned a little, expecting a more dramatic answer. But it was an alright answer regardless.


"Right then, this is the end of your interview! Your rejoiner interview will be in two days!" Two exclaimed, switching off the camera as Pencil got up from the soft yellow couch and towards the door.

"Okay, cya Two!" Pencil smiled genuinely at them - one of the first times she'd done that in a while - as she opened the wooden door to leave.

"Bye-bye!" They waved back at her as she gently closed the door, the smile immediately wiping off their face as they turned back to face the camera.

"Okay... next three are Leafy, Bracelety, then... Liy..." Two shuddered at the sheer mention of the lightswitch's name.

Liy was always eerily quiet every time they had tried to initiate simple conversation with her. She would always back away, her eyes glued to the floor. When she would decide to look at you, which would be rarely, she always had a cold and bitter stare as if she was plotting to end you, or something.

"Gotta brace myself..." Two uttered a little more bravely, despite the thought of Liy chilling them to their very core.


"What an odd final question..." Pencil uttered, still confused by the spontaneity of Two.

"Why would there be no chance of recovery..."

"I wouldn't just DIE..."

"Would... I...?"



Oh, these sweet, innocent contestants. Blissfully unaware of what I've long prepared to unleash on all of them...

All it takes is one slip up from GB & TB, and the fates of all these unknowing contestants would already be sealed...


How does one catch a firefly?


Well, for starters, you usually take a close look at it. The way it flies, which direction it takes...

Then, you pull out the big guns. When it begins to slow down, that's when you prepare to catch it in the nick of time.

This may usually take a few tries, but as soon as you've grabbed hold of the glowing insect then make sure not to let go!

As soon as you've enough hold over the glowing insect, place it in a jar and make it your new friend!


Hm... I'll try that on this fluffy pink firefly right here.

'Puffball', She calls herself.

Cheeky, mischievous, and somewhat sweet.

Though lately... she's been drained, so drained... It's like she's... missing someone... and the only thing that seems to be motivating her enough to wake up each day...


Though, she doesn't exactly know how to enact it.

You can just tell from the moment you look into her eyes that there's an underlying desire to rip that horrible, horrible Book into shreds!

So, I want to help her... in my own way.

First, I'll capture her. And then, I'll offer her my services. If she declines, well... let's just say, it wouldn't exactly be a choice in her favour...


I'm so clever aren't I! What can I say? Lightswitches are just bright, hehe!



"Hm, I wonder what we should do..." Foldy uttered, tapping her feet silently on the ground as she swayed back and forth in boredom.

Pink, sparkly, cute. It's every girl's dream. A luxury sleepover with your best friends! Though, best friends is certainly a stretch in this case.

Foldy diverted her attention to the three other girls sitting beside her.

Pastel Highlighter, who always had a smile on her innocent face. Her only ACTUAL best friend in this. Although, there was always a lingering feeling that maybe that cute grin is hiding some not so innocent secrets behind it...

She then turned her vision to Glass Cup, usually silent yet assertive when she truly feels like it.

The one Foldy never liked to talk about. Well... because...

And then there's Makeup Brush. Your stereotypical popular girl who always posts selfies of her obnoxious self onto her public story, to beefing with others on group chats. Though this time, she looked bored out of her head, mindlessly scrolling through her phone just so she could keep herself awake.

Suddenly though, a grin perked up on her face. One so mischievous and full of ideas....

This could mean one of two things.

1: Makeup Brush wants to ask the others to do something extremely embarrassing so she can post it on her socials.


2: She wants to do something that can benefit herself in the long run.

She cleared her throat, giggling a little before going on.

"I have a fun game we can all play!" She smiled, leaning her face onto one palm as she placed her phone in the middle of the white table the four were all sitting around.

The remaining three exchanged odd glances, raising eyebrows and awkwardly coughing as Makeup Brush simply smiled.

"I think that we should all place our phones in the middle of the table, and whoever receives a notification, or a call, or anything has to read it out loud in front of us all!"

Foldy sighed, facepalming with her nonexistent hands as she looked to the side.

It was indeed Option 2. This girl is extremely predictable.

"Uhm, sure! I'm in!" Glass Cup nodded, pulling out her phone before gently placing it on the center of the table next to MB's.

Of course she would listen to anything MB says. What a bootlicker.

Pastel and Foldy exchanged confused and anxious glances, looking down at their phones before slowly looking back up towards Makeup Brush, who stared daggers back at them.

"We're waiting..." Makeup Brush hissed, giving the two an extremely forced smile as Pastel shakily held her phone up to her chest, still clutching onto it tightly as she began to anxiously shake.

Makeup Brush began to laugh, putting a hand over her mouth as her obnoxious chuckles began to echo in the girl's ears, repeatedly overlapping as it just got louder, and louder.

"Why are you being such a bitch all of a sudden?!" Foldy snapped at her, rolling her eyes as the laughter halted. Makeup Brush turned to her, looking her up and down before cracking a smirk.

"Okay fine then bossy boots!" Makeup Brush smirked before turning back to Pastel, still holding up that snobby expression as she continued.

"Put your phone in the middle and no one will complain!"

Pastel blinked, looking back at her as she began to clench her fists.

"Fine then, are you happy now?!" Pastel angrily burst out, slamming her phone into the middle so hard that the table began to shake. She then crossed her arms, giving MB a dark stare before turning back to Foldy, who too placed her phone in the middle.

"Yay, we can begin!" Makeup Brush beamed, clapping her hands excitedly before going awkwardly silent.

Foldy looked around silently, swaying her body back and forth as she began to quietly hum to herself for time to pass.

Even though the only thing she wanted to pass was this extremely obnoxious game.

Finally, after a solid few minutes of silent waiting the girls could hear a loud ding sound come from one of the phones.

"Let's see whose it i-"

"It's mine." Foldy snapped, picking up the phone with her foot before quietly reading the notification.

"Well go on then, READ IT OUT LOUD!" Makeup Brush yelled loudly as Foldy rolled her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I was! Anyways, it's from Pin."

"Pin? Since when-"

"'Do you have the ingredients for tommorow's lesson? I don't have yeast or flour.'" Foldy read out in a nonchalant tone before placing her phone back down to the table.

"Since when were you friends with that outcast?!" Makeup Brush as Foldy simply sighed.

"Are you dense or something?! IT SAID LESSON."

"Plus why would I be friends with some weirdo like her, I don't even like her! She can kiss my ass for all I care!" Foldy fibbed out loudly back to her, forcing out a few laughs as MB nodded with a smile.

I don't actually hate Pin.

I hate YOU.

"Doesn't explain why you're in a group with her, if you wanna stop being friends with us then you can say so, no hard feelings!" Makeup Brush smirked as Foldy sighed, shaking her head as she spoke again.

"Our cooking class teacher chose the groups for us for like 'learning to get along' or some stupid shit. The only reason they're doing this is because that stupid freak Liy got into another fight with someone and boxed them up!" Foldy exclaimed in annoyance.

"Boxed up? She's built like a fucking box!" Makeup Brush laughed as her and Glass Cup exchanged obnoxious snickers.

"Let's just continue the game..." Foldy sighed, tapping her feet on the ground as she attempted to pass time once more.

Though yet again, another loud buzz could be heard as the girls scrambled to find out whose phone it was.

"M-Mine!" Glass Cup stuttered, holding her phone anxiously to her face as she began to read through it.

"Let's see!" MB smiled, staring into her face in a snarky manner as she peered towards the girl's phone.

"Oh my gosh, girl wait!" Glass Cup yelled back at her, backing away as she typed, pulling the phone closer to her face.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TEXTING?! GIVE IT!" Makeup Brush angrily burst, snapping as she grasped onto her best friend's arm, yanking her wrist hard enough for her to let out a loud shriek, the phone bouncing off her palm and onto the ground for grabs.

Foldy stared back at her in disbelief, in shocked silence as she watched Makeup Brush open up the message, before bursting out into that forced laugh of hers.

"What now?" Foldy interjected, utterly bored at her stupid game.

"Sorry, but you're not my type, I wouldn't want to be with someone as odd-looking as you! HAAH! OH MY GOSH!" Makeup Brush giggled obnoxiously, a tear dripping down her friend's face as she snatched the phone back from her hand.

Makeup Brush turned to her, the laughter dying down as she took a second to simply look at the broken and shocked look on Glass Cup's face as she began to cover the tears welling up in her eyes with her left hand.

"Don't think you're on the top of the world just because you have a boyfriend and I don't." She uttered to MB, her voice trembling as Makeup Brush felt the slightest bit of guilt run through her.

"Anyways, let's just play anoth-"

There was another vibration.

"Let's see who it belongs to now!" Makeup Brush smirked, scouring through the pile of phones before laying her hands on a glittery purple one. There was simply only one person it could've belonged to.

"I-... I'll take that thank you very much!" Pastel exclaimed, already knowing what the message was going to be before it was even read out, reaching out her arms to grab back her device before being pushed so hard she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Wait, who the hell is Saw? She doesn't go to our school...?" Makeup Brush raised an eyebrow, clicking on the notification before opening up the messages app on her phone.

"No, DON'T-"

"I know what you're feeling, y'know. I'm just... surprised you haven't told anyone else but me...? I don't know when we'll meet again since I moved cities but I'm always available to talk if you need it?"

Pastel froze in shock, smacking her hands onto her face before digging her nails painfully into her skin so hard that you could see blood dripping down her finger and onto her palms.

"PASTEL, ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO ANYTHING SHE SAYS!" Foldy cried, running towards her as fast as possible as soon as she saw the painful sight of red.

Fear ran through her body as she observed the dystopian state that her best friend was now in. Dystopian simply because, well, she'd never ever seen her like that before in her life. Usually it was just a glowing grin on her face, or at the very least a smile. No one, absolutely no one was ever able to see Pastel like this. Until now...

Pastel let out a loud and fearful gasp, her breaths shaky and scared as she simply began to cry, her cold tears mixing in with the warm blood as it rolled down her face before dripping right on the ground.

"What's... w-wrong...? You can always tell me Pastel! Unlike a certain scoundrel here, I won't judge you!" Foldy exclaimed, forcing a smile, but it was in vain. She wouldn't get her hands off her face.

Foldy's body tensed and trembled with anger; turning right back to Makeup Brush with a look on her face so deathly and dark that MB herself felt a shiver down her spine.

"GIVE ME THE DAMN PHONE, WILL YOU?! I'M NEVER GONNA FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS YOU OBNOXIOUS BITCH!" She screamed with anger, leaping right onto MB before stamping on her arm so hard that she let out a gut-wrenching scream. Foldy stayed silent, pulling away the purple phone from her before going back and grabbing her own too.

"We're going." Foldy uttered coldly, Pastel Highlighter standing up with her before walking towards the front door of the house.

As the two walked out of the door, a chilling breeze ran down Foldy's spine accompanied by a few shivers. She shook her head, looking down to the ground as the cold wind calmly blew onto her face.

"Thanks for that Foldy..." Pastel thanked her quietly, wiping her face with a tissue as she looked right into Foldy's eyes, a sombre smile as the look in her glistening eyes tugged right at her heartstrings.

Foldy gasped a little, trembling in fear at the sheer creepiness of her smile.

The way she keeps smiling I'll never understand.

Even if she was to bleed out of a thousand wounds. She would... still smile...

Her smile. It glows like a star. A star that always glows brighter than the others.



That's why I wonder why she had to die the way she did.

Did her bright smile really hurt someone that badly?

Did her being happy and positive really affect someone so badly to the point where her life had to be taken?

I wonder if they're simply jealous or just deranged.

Or... if they weren't.

And they just hated... her happiness.








Foldy woke up in a cold sweat, her frail heart thumping quickly as her fragile paper body began to slightly tremble.

"Flashback... just a flashback..." Foldy shuddered quietly, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as she began to slowly wake up.

She blinked, looking around in the room that she had been invited to stay in by Lollipop - that one girl she was supposedly forced into an alliance with.

"Another day..." Foldy sighed, turning her vision towards the silent Teardrop.

What was wrong with TD anyways? Besides the fact that she couldn't speak like everyone else, which wasn't really even a problem to Foldy to even begin with.

Teardrop was bright, strategic, quick thinking.... She had even seen it for herself while they were competing together in that BFB show thing.

Foldy took a closer glance towards the silent girl, watching as she frowned and swung her legs in the air, before... tearing up?

She wanted to intervene, to say something, to calm her down. But instead, Foldy simply stayed silent, for... observation purposes. She watched as TD began to sob silently, the only sounds coming out of her being the heavy breaths and the silent sounds of wiping tears as she began to shake and tremble.

Foldy watched as she held her hands over her eyes, breathing heavily as she opened her mouth wide in a vain attempt to let out a pained scream, to even utter anything.

"What... happened to you...?" Foldy thought a bit too loud, for she watched as TD silently looked up to her, wiping her tears and closing her mouth shut before facing her with swollen eyes, her eye-bags darkened and stretching down to her cheeks as she held onto her face.

"Shit, s-sorry! I didn't mean to say that... so l-loudly..." Foldy blurted out nervously and a little embarrassed as she looked back at the little water droplet, watching as she opened her mouth again, and, beginning to mouth... something...?










She took my voice away.


"Who... is she? Who did that to you TD?!" Foldy replied nervously as Teardrop continued to quietly mouth the words.












They all ask me why I can't talk.

Ask her.


One day I came home from school too late. And she got mad at me... so, so mad...


"W-Who is she?" Foldy uttered silently as Teardrop put a somber hand to her other arm.


Foldy went eerily silent, her eyes widening with pure shock as she blinked rapidly as if to wake herself up from an endless dream. But this was no dream. This was as real as could be...

"Morning Foldy..." Lollipop yawned, snapping Foldy out of her shock as she began to blink.

Lollipop sighed, climbing down the top bunk and back onto the ground just to find Foldy communicating with none other than...

"Seriously? HER?!" Lollipop scoffed, grabbing ruthlessly onto Teardrop's wrist before facing Foldy with a deathly stare on her face.

"What the fuck is your problem with her?!" Foldy exclaimed, utterly shocked at the whole thing as Lollipop rolled her eyes, shaking onto Teardrop violently as if she was a ragdoll.

"SHE'S SO FUCKING WEIRD! SERIOUSLY, I DON'T GET IT! SHE DOESN'T TALK ON PURPOSE YET SHE EXPECTS PEOPLE TO BE HER FRIEND?!" She screeched, tightening her controlling hold on the girl as she began to forcefully bend her wrist.

Teardrop shut her eyes in pain, swinging her legs at rapid speeds as Lollipop held her up into the air as if to inspect her.

"SAY SOMETHING ALREADY WILL YOU?!" Lollipop screamed into her face, her voice croaking with anger as Teardrop began to quietly cough.

"Look what you've done... WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING THIS? LEAVE HER ALONE SO WE CAN RECOVER STAPY ALREADY, CAN WE!" Foldy screamed loudly to Lollipop, though she held back for a second, her heart dropping right onto to the cold floor as she watched Teardrop silently cough out what looked like thick drops of blood...

Lollipop shrieked at the sight, immediately dropping TD to the floor, fearfully watching as she continued to cough out the substance, her fist balled up and slamming onto the carpet as she continued to cry.

"Look... Teardrop... I'll get help ASAP! I'm not letting anyone else die anymore! J-Just stay calm, please!!" Foldy exclaimed worriedly, running for the door before taking a glance towards Teardrop once more.

Foldy shook her head, looking right back to Lollipop with a solemn stare.

"You're coming with me." Foldy said to Lollipop as firmly as possible.

"W-What? No I'm-"








It really makes you feel something, doesn't it?


No innocent laughter... No friendly banter.

No nothing.


Just the faint sound of your beating heart as you contemplate all of your decisions that led you up to this very moment.

Just your quiet sobs as you wander why you would do such a thing.

Why you would... abandon... HER?


Eyes closed and watery tears trickling down your cold face as the vacuum of silence begins to suck you into its eternal whirlpool.

The silence... is so foreign to you, isn't it?

A very charismatic and bright contestant you are? A confident yet somewhat dimwitted one with a long history of being sociable and being yourself, despite being in a more macho group of friends who prefer to bully their peers rather than create long-lasting relationships with them.

Hm... to think the metal box would've permanently silenced you. If anything, it made you more willing to speak!

What a shame...


I want you to take in as much silence as possible.

I want you to feel what I fucking did because of the likes of you.

And when your time is nearing it's end...

I'll make sure it's as slow and as painful as possible.


Because of you...

I never got to be happy during my time on Death P.A.C.T., ever.


Because of you, no one supported me.

You sided with them...



You'd think burning his best friend right before his eyes would be enough?

Watching her slowly suffer and break into utter insanity would be enough for him?

You think Pencil quite literally losing her mind would be enough of a punishment for him?

No... this is just the beginning Pen...

Just... the beginning...

Beginning... beginning...

Beginning. Of your suffering.




"Pen! We need your help, NOW!" Foldy yelled loudly, barging into his room just to find him wrapped in a blanket crying to himself quietly.

Foldy raised a skeptical eyebrow, walking closer to him as she began to wander what was going on.

"Pen...? What happened to you?" She uttered quietly, watching as his somber and tear-filled eyes gave her a quick glance before quickly turning to the ground.

"Let's just find someone else, please! I can't wait for this depressed bitch for too long!" Lollipop scoffed as she rolled her eyes, slamming the door shut with as much force as humanly possible just to gain Foldy's attention.

"Keep in mind this is YOUR FAULT, OKAY?"

Lollipop stayed silent, looking Foldy up and down rudely before sighing. She walked closer to the scene, looking at Pen and his sorry state before letting out a halfhearted yawn, stretching her arms up to the air as she swayed back and forth for a quick second.

She then paused for a moment, looking down to the floor as her blank mind began to wander. Holding a hand to her arm, she let out a somewhat guilty sigh, looking back up at Foldy with a somewhat saddened look on her face.

"I'm sorry okay. All my friends are dead and I have nothing left in this stupid place!" Lollipop cried exaggeratedly, wiping her eyes before peering back to Foldy, who glanced back at her with a straight face, not a streak of guilt to be found.

"This is your problem. You're so self-centred to the point that you don't stop to think that others could be going through the same thing as you just because of how immersed in yourself you are! Get your head out of your ass and look around Lollipop, I lost Stapy and Marker, Pen here lost Pencil and Eraser, and I'm very sure everyone else lost a friend or two by now!"

She stayed silent, wiping the tears off her purple face before looking back at Foldy, whose expression slightly softened at her reaction.

"Lollipop, I-"

"You're right Foldy!" Lollipop exclaimed with a tearful smile, nodding her purple head as she continued.

"I'm just an asshole and all my friends are dead anyways so what's the point, right?!"

Foldy blinked for a second, trying to interpret what the hell Lollipop even meant in the first place, but before she could even get anywhere at all, Lollipop pulled out a sharp dagger out of what seemed to be thin air, grinning at it before looking back at Foldy, whose pupils began to shrink in utter disbelief.

"I'll just go like all of them! It's what you want, right?"


Suffering, suffering.

It's all what they dread.


It's what I dreaded too.

But you all had to inflict it on me and me only...

I bet I don't even exist to you all... I'm just a shadow... that no one seems to notice.

That you all push away and disregard.



Foldy... I've quite literally given you immunity from all of this.

Why the fuck don't you use your opportunity rightly?




"I was only kidding, you i... d..."

Lollipop paused, letting out a loud yet raspy gasp as she shakily looked down to see that the dagger that was once in her hand... was now being held by Foldy, the sharp yet merciless blade digging right into her chest as it began to twist in so deep that the end of the blade had protruded out of her back...

Foldy blinked, her mind slightly blank as she turned her vision towards the scene before her, which was as real as can be...

She stayed silent, letting go of the blood-soaked blade as she stepped back to get a clearer look at what she had inflicted.

But before the origami could even register anything, before she could even utter a single word... She let out a blood-curdling scream, her eyes welling up with tears as she watched Lollipop topple back and forth before landing into a growing pool of her own blood.

"No... no, no, no, fuck no..." She continued to utter quietly, her eyes closed as she began to murmur unintelligible words.

"They all keep dying don't they?" The somber Pen added quietly, watching the scene unfold from the distance with an unsurprised look on his face. It was as if witnessing his own best friend burn in a hellish pit of flames... burned away the last of his motivation too, for as she disappeared from this horrible world, so did his will to live.

"Each day is the same thing. Someone dies, we all will in here eventually and no one will ever remember to recover us."

Pen looked Foldy in her traumatised eyes, watching as she slowly began to lose herself amidst the splatter of nauseating red blood the room was now filled with.

He then turned to Lollipop, who was eerily silent as she seemed to quietly be slumbering in a blanket of her vital fluid. To put it simply... the girl was dead.

Whether Foldy liked it, or not...

"Why did I even come here...?" Foldy uttered quietly, her voice aching with guilt as she turned to Pen.

Those tearful eyes...



"Y'know... now that I think about it, I haven't spoken to Teardrop, in ages!" Pin blinked in realisation, smiling curiously as she scratched her chin.

That smile isn't even genuine. I just don't want to be sad. Coiny would want me to be happy, right?

"I dunno... I don't really feel like dying today." Needle replied sarcastically in a glum voice, leaning back against the large pillow on her bed as she let out a yawn.

"Come on Needle!" Pin persuaded, getting up onto her feet as she walked over to the unenthusiastic sewing needle.

"She was a Woah-Buncher too! Don't you... remember?" Her eyes watered at the thought of forgetting about the carefree times of 2015, even if she didn't enjoy the second season as much as the others might've did.
She just hated to see her once carefree and athletic friend now chained to her bed with a dull look on her usually smiley face. 

Pin just wanted... the old times back again.

"I just... I'm worried about her okay Needle! Gosh, w-why do you have to be so arrogant! Why instead of getting up and helping me fix this mess do you just want to lay down and stare at the wall until you die!!" Pin burst out angrily, her heart pumping with rage as Needle looked back at her, a sort of... guilt in her eyes as she sighed.

"Fine... but if you get injured I won't help you!" Needle fibbed with a bit of a laugh, getting up on her feet before stretching her arms into the air.

Pin smiled, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded her head slightly.

"Let's go!!" She beamed, reaching for the door before unlocking it open, shivering as she felt the cold air of the corridor brush against her face.

She sniffed the air, scrunching her nose before suddenly letting out a loud and disgusted cough.

"Why does it smell so smoky in here, did something burn?!" Pin coughed out, holding her nose as she suddenly heard something power on.

"Well, now that you mention it... a very fatal... hm... accident, I'll call it, happened here! Someone died, how sad... I'll let you find out who it is though since I love mysteries!" The speaker giggled, their careless voice sending shivers down both Needle and Pin's spines as they continued to shakily trot through the ominous corridor.

Pin grumbled a little, her eyes glued to the red carpet as she began to wonder how many deaths have been swept under it.

How many problems have been swept under it...

How much blood has spilled and seeped into the red colouring that had seemed to be filled to the brim with secrets.

The sheer thought of it made her feet sting and throb every time they pressed against the carpet, her heart thumping loudly in her ears as she tried her best to swallow down the growing lump in her throat.

"We're here... I think this is her room..." Needle gulped, a drop of sweat trickling down her metal face as she shakily reached for the door handle.

The two girls entered silently, blissfully unaware of the gruesome situation that had just unfolded in this very room just over fifteen minutes earlier...

Pin put a hand to her face, gagging as she closed her eyes shut.

"E-Eugh, why does it smell like someone burned their breakfast in here!" Pin coughed out a little obnoxiously, wiping her closed eyes before opening then just to see the friend they were looking for.

Except in the state that they had dreaded to witness her in.

Teardrop was utterly motionless, her face plunged into a dark pool of her own blood as the fluid began to slowly mix in with the water she was made of, creating a deathly maroon colour.

"TEARDROP?!" Needle shrieked loudly, her jaw dropping down to her feet as she quickly ran over to attend to the unconscious droplet.

Pin simply stood still, a dark grimace painted over her bright red face as she walked slightly back towards the door.

Do you want me to be honest with you?

Her eyebrows furrowed, letting out a shaky breath as she tapped her feet against the scratchy red rug on the floor.

I don't actually care about Teardrop at all. Needle's shaky cries and loud shrieks are simply just music to my ears.

I just needed a desperate excuse to get out of that damned room. So I don't think about... him...

Coiny... why was he so... dazed? What did he find in this place that made him act the way he did...?

I remember what Puffball did to me a bit ago. And now that I'm really thinking about it, she had the exact same symptoms as him as far as I've witnessed.

Dazed... sick... out of character... not understanding your surroundings...

I wonder if she consumed the exact same thing. Or maybe something a little different.

What if... someone planted it to specifically target Coiny, but didn't expect Puffball to be caught in the crossfire too.

Or if they planned to target as many people as they could.

That's the only thing I care about. And honestly?

Teardrop can die for all I care. Not like I ever liked her in the first place.

"PIN, HELP!! I THINK SHE'S... DEAD!!" Needle cried out, cradling her unconscious friend in her arms as she let out painful sobs.

Pin looked around the room, crossing her arms and frowning somewhat pathetically as she walked forward to inspect the situation.

"I'm so stupid... why didn't I just go to check on her earlier?!" Needle uttered quietly, her voice dripping with guilt as she felt cold tears run down her face and then onto the hard ground.

She then turned to Pin, who she then realised was somewhat... smirking?!

"Pin? WHAT THE HELL!!" Needle immediately placed TD back on the ground, getting up on her two feet before giving Pin a hard slap on her face.

Pin scoffed, rubbing the area of where she got slapped before turning back to Needle.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" She rolled her eyes, a bit of a laugh slipping out in her speech.

"WHAT'S FUNNY PIN?!" Needle clenched her fists angrily, utterly offended that Pin wouldn't even stop for a second.

"I didn't even call you Needy, Needy!" Pin continued to laugh, her voice as loud and as obnoxious as can be.

But really and truly, those laughs were just there to cover up how broken and damaged she had really become ever since... Coiny...

"Either you read the fucking room Pin, OR YOU GET OUT!"

Pin giggled, putting a hand over her mouth as her other hand reached for the door handle, pushing it down before opening the door up.

"Well then, Toodles!" Pin waved obnoxiously before pulling the door back as hard as she possibly could, causing the door to slam back into the frame so loudly that some of the wall above began to crumble and tatter.

Y'know what... where did Pencil even find that gun? I think I know what t-

Pin abruptly paused in her thoughts, wincing a little as she felt her foot bump into something...

She blinked, looking down to her feet before finding... a handgun?

Who could've planted this?

Eh, whatever.

Pin shrugged to herself, picking up the ominous gun before holding it up to her face.

Can't expect fourteen people to escape can you? Gotta decrease the number. Then, it'll be easier for me to narrow down who the mastermind behind all of this is.

Hm... which room should I go into first?


"Just say sorry will you? Why do you have to be so difficult... LIKE ALL THE DAMN TIME!!" Firey yelled into the green leaf's face in an attempt to get her to understand.

Fanny groaned loudly. Yet another one of their stupid arguments that she had to put up with being in the same room as them.

It seemed that their pointless arguments had also manage to suck up all the happy excitement that Bottle had too, for she hadn't even smiled once since they had entered this cursed place.

"Why should I say sorry for something I didn't do?" Leafy blinked, playing dumb simply to piss Firey off.

"Ugh!" Firey groaned loudly, holding his hands to his face as he began to utter unintelligible words under his breath.

Leafy smirked, rolling her eyes playfully before turning to the door, which for some reason began to rattle and shake loudly more than it usually did.

"That's odd, i-"

"I'll get it." Firey said coldly, walking over to the door before opening it up just to be met with a familiar face.

"Hi Firey!" Pin smiled, her right arm behind her back as she waved with her other hand.

"What do you want?" Firey rolled his eyes before angrily tapping his feet on the ground.

Pin grimaced, clenching her left fist before looking Firey deep in the eye with a glare so wicked he began to shudder and step back.

"You know that's not nice to say to an old friend, right Firey?" Pin pouted, watching as the room went dead silent with suspicion and fear.

But before Firey could utter another word, Pin cocked out a gun, holding it against his face while grinning brightly.


"Pow!" Pin smiled, pulling the trigger and watching with a soulless stare as Firey began to bleed his guts out.

"Guys, I just blew his brains out!" She giggled, laughing maniacally before pointing the weapon towards Fanny and Bottle, who weren't even given a second to spare.

Leafy watched in pure horror, staring at the bloodied pieces of glass that scattered across the floor before looking back up at Pin, blood dripping down her face as she smiled and waved.

"Don't worry Leafy, I remember our alliance." Pin stated, her eyes dark and filling with sheer bloodlust.

Bloodlust. Hm...

"Just kidding! Pow!" Pin laughed, pretending to shoot at Leafy and watching gleefully as she cowered down to the ground.

Before Leafy could utter a single word, Pin slammed the door shut, leaving her to reminisce quietly with the bodies of the contestants that were once alive and breathing about a minute ago.

Tears filled her eyes, guilt washing over her as she walked towards Firey.

Her best friend...

Leafy watched with a tearful frown as Firey began to dim and turn... metal?

"I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry, please... I'm so fucking selfish and I just liked to piss you off for my own self gain. I don't even deserve you or anything..."

She held in her tears, her body utterly trembling as she began to smile once more.

"Smiling? I-It's my coping mechanism, y'know... people stop questioning how you really feel when you smile."

Leafy paused, the tears finally flying out of her eyes as she quickly began to scream and break down, clawing tightly onto her face as she began to loudly sob.

"You were the only reason I was holding on. But now that you're gone? Well..."


Insane, insane. They're all going insane...


Now you all can begin to understand my inner feelings. Not that your little brains could ever comprehend how I feel anyways.

Let's just call what's happening...

The Awakening.



"Oh gosh... that was so embarrassing!" Puffball muttered to herself, teary-eyed as she nervously floated back and forth around the empty corridor in an attempt to wash away her putrid vomiting sensation.

Her stomach weakly churned, twisting back and forth as PB let out an uncomfortable groan as if to ease the tremendous amounts of pain that she had felt ever since she had a taste of that wretched purple drink.


That's all she could feel now.

Her revenge?

She forgot about that a long time ago...

At this point? She just wanted to survive.

The blazing flame of vengefulness in her soul was long put to rest. But something, just something in the back of her mind sensed that somehow... it would reignite once more.

"Just a matter of before I-"

Before Puffball could utter the final words of her sentence, she felt a suffocating hand to her mouth, a white cloth being held and tightly pressing onto her as if to shut her up once and for all.

She let out a loud and vocoded scream, the high-pitched sound muffling under the thick cloth as she fought just to stay conscious.

Blinking profusely, she attempted to bite onto the hand of her sudden and anonymous attacker, though that would soon only prove to be in vain as after two seemingly long minutes of struggle, PB's vision began to blur, her breaths going quiet as she lost all control of herself, falling onto the ground in a shaky thud as her attacker simply tossed the cloth onto the floor before coming closer.

Liy looked up at the fallen girl, not saying a  word. Yet the wretched smile that was quickly forming on her face could tell you a thousand stories.




"Humble beginnings... huh?"

The grin on Liy's face still remained, a few giggles slipping out of her mouth as she rested her arm on the rusted metal cage.

Puffball blinked her eyes a little woozily, looking around just to find herself trapped behind rusty bars. She trembled, silently looking up just to see Liy staring right back at her, her face beaming and her eyes glowing as she mockingly waved at her.

"J-Jokes on you... I can just shrink and fly out of here!" Puffball blurted out as Liy immediately burst out laughing.

"Go on then, try!" Liy replied, silently watching as Puffball squirmed around, trying her best to change sizes or at the very least fly, but it was all in vain.


"Let's see... hm... how cute!" Liy smirked, reading through a sheet of lined paper that was filled to the absolute brim with words.

"You and Fries met in high school about a month before BFDIA, and then you became friends, which explains why you two immediately spoke in BFDIA. After the events of BFDIA 5, he was the first one to actually forgive you and become your actual best friend, consistently standing up for you whenever someone brought up that very episode. During the gap between BFDIA and BFB, he'd always come to visit you in the LOL, and you two would always sit there for hours talking to each other through the singular window in the back of the LOL up until everyone was freed by Tennis Ball and fled to the grasslands. In BFB, the only person he wanted to invite to come along and join Free Food was you! He loved you very much, always joining the same team as you in every season you two have been in! Though your 4 year old friendship was somewhat short lived, you two grew a very tight knit bond up until the point he was mercilessly killed by that absolute MONSTER!"

Puffball stayed silent, shaking her head as Liy began to exaggeratedly shudder and force out a tear.

"Who would kill Fries like that..." She put her hands over her face, sulks mixed with slight laughter as she suddenly paused, looking Puffball right in the eye with a solemn stare, her fists clenching hard as she began to grumble and tear up.


"What makes you think that I'm gonna believe anything you say when you trapped me in a FUCKING CAGE?!" Puffball snapped with a look of disbelief as Liy cleared her throat.

"She killed Fries, right? She's the reason for your pain..."


"Look Puffball, I know you've been conspiring for revenge against her ever since the moment you saw her escape back to her room with the blood of your best friend on her hands!"

Liy rolled her eyes, crouching down for a second before standing back up to face Puffball, a sharp and blood covered dagger in her hand as she pulled closer.

"You're lucky I'm helping you, you spoiled rotten bitch. Now, kill Book like you've desperately been plotting to, or else I'll end you instead."

"I was... revenge...?" Puffball's mind went numb, blinking slowly as she tried to remember everything that had happened prior to now.

Perhaps the drink had more adverse side effects than she previously thought.

Or maybe, just maybe. She was blocking out her flaming desire of revenge... on purpose...?

It all started to slip back into her mind.


How hurt he looked, how devastated, how terrified. But when he finally smiled again, it was all for nothing.

It was HER...


"Y-Y'know what..." Puffball uttered quietly, tears beginning to pour down her face as she took a deep breath. She could feel it. That burning flame of revenge reigniting.

Once more...

"I'll kill her if it's the last thing I do..."

"Good, good..." Liy nodded, placing down the dagger as a smirk grew on her face.


Liy nodded, a deranged smile growing on her face the more she looked into Puffball's now vengeful eyes.

"...You know what happens if you mess up though, right?"

Puffball's eyebrows slanted slightly, huffing at the sheer thought. Groaning, she gave in and nodded, as to which Liy returned her with a large and enthusiastic grin.

"Great, awesome sauce!!" She giggled, clapping her hands childishly before abruptly pausing, her eyes dark and filling with a sensation so contaminating that Puffball felt herself shudder even looking at them for a split second.

"Such a bag of shit, now I know why I'm a year older than her..." Puffball uttered coldly under her breath, rolling her eyes before turning back to Liy with a fake smile.

Liy silently grabbed a rusty key, placing it into the padlock that was hanging onto the large cage before opening the doors open for Puffball to fly out.

PB gasped, smiling a little as she quickly realised she was able to levitate in the air once more.

"Finally, I-"

Liy quickly shut her up, showing the handle of a kitchen knife right into her mouth before pointing towards the door.

"Quickly do your job then come back!"

Puffball blink-





"GB, GB... BFDI's mad scientist. Mad is definitely an understatement though..." Pin shook her head with a smile, tapping on her gun before looking back at Golf Ball, her eyes wide and traumatised as the blood of her former teammates dripped down her cold face like tears.

The bright red thumbtack walked closer to the mangled and lifeless bodies of 8-Ball and Grassy as she continued to shake her head.

"It's sad, really! But how do you think we would possibly be able to shove that many people out of here without being caught?" Pin sighed, her eyebrows slightly slanting before happily raising again.

"Why did you do this Pin, y-you were normal a few days ago!" Golf Ball stammered in disbelief as she felt the words she was once able to speak out boldly now dripping down her tongue like melted drops of butter, "Why don't you kill me too then if you're so murderous?!"

"Because I want to find the damn bitch behind this thing so I can kill them and then get out once and for all! And I'll kill as many people as it takes to escape from them!" Pin exclaimed, crossing her arms as her tone quickly began to go stern and serious. "The only reason you're staying alive is because you have wits and I need you to help me forge an escape plan!"

"And what'll happen once you escape, you'll blow my face off with that little gun of yours?!" Golf Ball scoffed, her voice laced with distrust and anger as Pin blinked.

"Well you'd be out by then, so what would be the point, huh?"

Golf Ball blinked, utterly confused by her unique way of thinking, but she sighed, shrugging her imaginary arms before being tightly grabbed onto by Pin.

"Come on, best friend! Let's swing together once we escape too!"

"Only one person and one person only can refer to me as that." Golf Ball coldly stated, frowning as Pin continued to drag her against the rough floor like wheels of a suitcase on the ground.

"You definitely want to be more than his best friend, don't you!"

"ZIP IT AND GET ON WITH THE DARN PLAN!" Golf Ball screeched, her cheeks pink with embarrassment as she began to blush profusely, grumbling as Pin began to laugh to herself.



I don't think there's a point in adding more doors anymore, really.

The sheer amount of turmoil in here is enough for me to sit back and watch as the remaining contestants self-destruct without the need of my interference! It's foolproof!

It's... what I wanted this whole time...


Now, im one step closer to saving the world from this terror!

Thank Liy~!


Book yawned quietly, rubbing her eyes as she shuffled around the sheets of her bed tiredly before sitting up straight.

"Another day..." She sighed, her voice filled with sorrow as she got up on her feet.

The two-toned book shuddered, wobbling back and forth before standing up straight, rubbing her aching head in an attempt to numb the extreme amount of pain that was flowing through her veins.

"Maybe I need some fresh air." Book uttered quietly, agreeing with herself as she reached for the door.

Without a second thought, she opened it. Though what she wouldn't expect to see this early into the day...

The wretched look on her face...

"Oh. So you think you can get away with shit, HUH?!"


9/42 left.


Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy the chapter, and sorry for the long wait!! lol

as per usual, tell me what you think and make sure to leave a vote and stay tuned for bloodlust 16!!

word count: 10,026

Cya next time people!

Dean, out!!

(wait wait wait don't leave yet!!!!! one more scene to read >:D )


EXITor Interviews - 60th Placer.

"Tell me about yourself!" Two focused the camera onto the bright red stapler, a large smile on his green face as his interviewee began to speak.

"Well, if I have to tell you about myself," Stapy smiled, the enthusiasm glowing in his eyes as he continued, "I also have to tell you about my cool best friend Foldy, she's so awesome, we've been friends since we were kids, and-"

"No, I literally meant tell me about yourself." Two cut him off in his speech with a bit of a laugh.

"Hm..." Stapy sank into his thoughts for a second, thinking of how he could possibly describe himself as a person without including his lifelong best friend.

"I guess... I could say I'm a strategic player! The voters were so amazed by my awesome totally-not-cheating idea in BFB 8, up until Match, that annoying OG, snaked on us! We deserved the win! But anyways, I guess I can also say that I can be cheeky at times, Foldy pointed that out a lot to me herself, hah, but it's all good fun!!"

"Good! Now, first question, and I don't intend to make this too spicy yet... but what are your thoughts on your Free Food teammates, what do you think of each of them? Starting with the ones most relevant to you! Tell me about three!"

"Well, obviously we'd have to start with Foldy! Now... how do I describe her without rambling about how pretty and kind she is?" Stapy smirked, blushing a little as he continued.

"She's my bestest, bestest friend of all time! We've been through thick and thin together and we match personalities pretty perfectly, not to mention we're polar opposites at the same time! She's blue, armless, made out of paper, and I'm red, legless and made to staple paper! But y'know what they say, opposites attract! I actually love her a lot and I'm sure she knows that well enough! A relationship didn't really work out for us though... let's just say that a lot happened at that point and we weren't exactly stable, but now I'm working on it!" He winked cheekily, clicking his fingers as Two nodded affirmatively.

"Very descriptive... have you ever thought of becoming an author?"

"Oh, HELL NO!" Stapy snapped, making a large cross with his arms as he shook his head multiple times.

"I like the art of spoken word more!"

"Interesting, interesting, now moving on, which teammate would you like to talk about next?" Two asked him with a curious look on their face.

"Marker! He's my bro! We always game in the secret room of the EXIT! He's super funny and cool and I'm so glad to be one of his best friends! For some reason, he doesn't understand RPS but that's alright just because he's Marker. Don't tell him I said this, but I'm way better at FPS games than him! Even though he beat me once... we don't talk about that, but yeah!! Overall he's awesome!"

Two nodded, holding the camera still as Stapy continued.

"Now who do we have next... hm..." He scratched his chin, thinking carefully before a familiar face popped into his head.

"Fries! Erm... he's cool and stuff, but I'm totally cooler! He just likes to analyse people and that's so whack! For some odd reason he doesn't even like to game either! What does he even do in his freetime then? Read boring old newspapers about Goiky politics like a boomer? Lame! Anyways, if you ever see us arguing over stupid things - which is basically all the time - it's mostly just sarcastic. We made this little inside joke that not even Foldy or PB understand. It's funny to see them annoyed when we argue! LOL! In conclusion, he's a good friend of mine! Just a little, old-fashioned I guess..."

"Understandable!" Two added with a thumbs up.

"Moving on, a more interesting question... What is it with you and Liy?"

Stapy's eyes widened, letting out a quiet gasp before nervously scratching his head.

"Well, it's been... very complicated, but it's getting a bit better! We... well, I used to hate Liy quite a lot back in our school days... and she hated me too. We used to get into physical fights so bad that teachers had to pull us away from eachother. I stapled her arm pretty badly one time, and she pierced my finger with glass... yeah... but after the death of my classmate... well, I guess we found solace in each-other! She was still uncomfortable around me and Foldy, you've seen in on screen for yourselves, but during our shared months in the EXIT, we became mates! She's very, very smiley, I think to a dangerous extent sometimes but she's quite cool to talk to! We're friends, I guess...!"

"Very well! Now... what do you think of the competition overall? How do you think we can improve?"

"Well, for starters, please, PLEASE tell Four to pipe down, their challenges are so weird and they always screech people for no good reason! Also, please just make the hosts normal, I don't need any flying or zapping or mutilating! Other than than, it's good!" Stapy held a thumbs up, despite being slightly angry at the Four part.

Two grinned, nodding multiple times at the Four criticism, after all, they were trapped in a cage in the Fourest for several months, as well as being fined millions of dollars for 'disrupting the show'.

"Now, final question since we're nearing the end of our time today..."

They flicked through several small sheets, the skeptical expression on their face only growing larger, until...

"Aha! Hm... how do you think Foldy and the rest of the cast would react if you died without the chance of recovery...?"

"T-That's oddly specific!" Stapy laughed it off nervously, despite the sudden randomness of the question chilling him to his very core.

"I know Foldy would be sad... extremely... sad..." He uttered quietly, tears filling his eyes at the sheer thought of the devestation that would be on her face, his body trembling as he began to imagine it in more depth.

"I... um... I don't really feel comfortable answering this question if I'm really honest, can we conclude t-this?"

"Of course! Though it's a shame, would've been an interesting one, but it's okay, that's it for the interview Stapy, you are free to go!" Two warmly smiled, switching off the camera and giving their interviewee a farewell wave as they watched him get up and hop towards the door, waving back before shutting it softly.

"Good grief, that wasn't as enticing or enjoyable as Liy's..."

"Hm... what's a more scarier question I can ask them?"


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