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By sonotemmaa

75.5K 2.6K 1.3K

I never knew how much I needed you until you came in my life.. More

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1.5K 70 95
By sonotemmaa

excuse any grammar mistakes🙂

July 3rd

Atlanta, Georgia

"Hmm.. What about Rasta Pasta? It's been a minute since we had that." Cinese suggested. Omachi was on the phone with Cinese at the grocery store. They were planning on having dinner, since it's been almost 4 days since they last saw each other.

"Ion want that. Baby, when are we going to start cooking traditional food? Make me some Banku or something." He said, making Cinese laugh.

"I don't even know how to make that bubs. I only know how to make my traditional food. Plus, what if you don't like the way I make it?" She asked, making Omachi shake his head.

"So? Make your traditional food, let's try sumn new." He said, resulting in Cinese chuckling.

"Okay baby, we'll make that next time. I— Cinese got interrupted when Omachi's phone began to vibrate. Someone was calling him. He checked to see who it was, and saw it was his father.

"Oh shit, hold on C, my dad calling me." He said before answering. He answered the call and put the phone to his ear. "Hello?" He answered.

"Yes, Hello Machi. How you been my son?" His dad, asked.

"I've been good dad. How bout' you?" Omachi asked, whilst grabbing a bag of candy and putting it in his basket.

"Good, good. But I'm calling because I haven't seen you in a long time. When are you and your girlfriend going to visit?" His dad asked. Omachi laughed and shook his head. His dad was always so extra. It wasn't even that long since he visited his father.

"Dad, didn't I just see you last month?" He asked.

"Ohh, yes. But your mom won't leave alone about your girlfriend. So listen— we're throwing a small get together with close family and friends." His dad explained.

"Hm, so you want Cinese and I to come?" He asked.

"Yes, If you guys aren't busy." His dad said.

Omachi laughed because he honestly thought it would be a perfect way to introduce Cinese to his parents. "Yeah, we'll be there. Cinese doesn't work this Saturday either." Omachi said.

"Okay, perfect. Let me tell your mom you guys are coming." His dad said before hanging up. All Omachi could do was smile because you could low key hear the excitement in his voice. His family didn't even meet Cinese yet and they were already so excited.

Once his dad hung up, he immediately called Cinese back and explained to her that they're going to visit his parents tomorrow. "I- tomorrow? That's too soon!" She shrieked.

"I know. But they're just so eager to meet you." He tried to reason. Cinese thought about it for a second before finally agreeing.

"C, Imma call you when I reach the house, my phone boutta die." He said.

"Okay. Text me when you get home." She said, going on pause.

"Aight. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She said, before he hung up. Omachi put his phone in pocket before looking at the list Cinese gave him. Cinese had gave him a list of what to get for what they're going to cook. Usually Cinese did the grocery shopping stuff, but Cinese forced him to do it for future references.

"Nah, Don't worry, we gonna go all out for your birthday, trust!" Cinese promised. She was on the phone with Omar and they were talking about his birthday party, which was next month.

Omar just wouldn't shut up about his birthday. He couldn't go 2 seconds without talking about it. "So what yall planning on doing?" He asked for the almost 2393992 millionth time.

"Baby, we can't tell you!" Tianna laughed.

"Ruins the whole purpose of surprise." Cinese said, quoting what Omachi used to tell her. Omar kissed his teeth and mugged them. "Haha soo funny." He said with a straight face.

Cinese laughed at his facial expression and flipped him off. Omar hung up in their face making both Tianna and Cinese jaw drop. "He's so rude, oh my goodness." Cinese said.

"Girl, you telling me like I don't deal with him everyday." Tianna said, unlocking her phone.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to asked you.. have you spoken to Levani?" Cinese asked. Levani moved out last week and they haven't heard a word from her. Cinese was okay with her moving out, she just thought she would keep in touch. But then again, she could be busy.

"Uhh, no. I was going to ask you. She didn't call you or text?" Tianna asked. Cinese shook her head and opened her phone. She showed Tianna their text thread before shutting her phone.

"Wow. Do you think she cut us off?" Tianna asked.

Cinese just shrugged. She didn't really know. She noticed Levani has been off but they didn't think it was really serious. "I think it was because of that argument yall had." Tianna said, referring to when Levani called Cinese a snake.

"Yeah, but I dunno. Then again, it's Levani. She always tells us when stuff is wrong." Cinese mentioned. Tianna hummed in response but just shrugged. They already tried calling her, but she wouldn't answer.

"Oh my goodness, I forgot to tell you about my pregnancy scare!" Tianna exclaimed, making Cinese gasp.

"What?!" Cinese asked. Tianna had caught her off guard with that statement.

"Yes, Oh my gosh, I literally cried for days. I deadass thought I was pregnant. When I tell you never again, I mean never again." Tianna said, making Cinese chuckle.

"Do y'all not use condoms?" Cinese asked.

"Uhn, uhn. Omar likes fucking raw." Tianna said, making Cinese laugh. Pregnancy scares were no joke. It'll make you not want to do anything anymore. "I like doing it raw too, but y'all gotta be careful. Or just go on birth control." Cinese warned.

Tianna raised her eyebrow and gave Cinese a look. "You like doing it raw?" Tianna asked. Cinese loved doing it raw. But she couldn't tell Tianna that. It would ruin her innocent act. That was supposed to be between her and her man.

"Yes..? When I'm the pill, obviously." Cinese chuckled.

"Aw my baby Cinese is all grown up! I remember when you were so scared to loose your V- Card." Tianna mentioned, making Cinese groan. Tianna was the first to loose her card out of all 3 of them. Cinese used to be so terrified of loosing hers, so it was funny to Tianna how Cinese was the one lecturing her about safe sex.

"Okay, hush, you ain't gotta remind me. Cause me and my baby be getting downnn!" Cinese said, making Tianna burst out of laughter.

"Y'all nasty." Tianna laughed.

"Ugh, I'm so nervous. I'm going to meet Omachi's parents tomorrow. I was so nervous about meeting his aunt, and now I'm sweating my pants thinking about his parents." Cinese quickly explained.

"Awe, babe! You have nothing to worry about. I promise they'll love you. And don't  Machi's parent love you already?" Tianna asked.

"I mean yeah, but what if I'm not who they think I am? I mean I can't even cook Ghanaian food. Today, Omachi asked me to cook him Banku?.. Like?!" Cinese ranted.

"Oh my goodness, no stop your lying!!" Tianna said, bursting out of laughter. Cinese's nervousness is what was making the whole thing funny. "I'm so deadasss.." Cinese groaned.

"Babe, you're not Ghanaian. How are you going to know how to make Banku? As long as you know how to make your traditional food." Tianna said.

"Mm.. I guess you're right." She said. At least that made her feel a little better.

"Nigga dunk the ball!" Omachi yelled into his mic. He was playing on his PS4 with some of his online friends, while waiting for Cinese to come over so they could cook dinner together.

Cinese said she wasn't going to be there for another 20 minutes because she was doing something with Tiana. He suddently he felt his phone ring in pocket. He kissed his teeth before looking at the caller ID. When he saw it Omar calling, he rolled his eyes. Omar always called on the wrong time.

"What this nigga want now?" Omachi mumbled to himself.

"Yo." He answered.

"Yeah, nigga. I need you to do me a favor— and before you say shit, you owe from that one time I helped you packing yo shit." Omar said. Omachi kissed his teeth and groaned. All he wanted to do was play the game. Especially after a 9 hour shift.

"I'm in a middle of a match?" He tried to argue.

"It's real quick. I just need you to go to the pharmacy and pick up my medicine." He said. Omachi dramatically sighed and shook his head. He didn't understand why he couldn't just ask Javier. He turned off the game and grabbed his car keys. He wanted to hurry since Cinese was gonna be here soon.

When he got in the car, he didn't even realize he was still on the phone with Omar. "Nigga, I thought you hung up?" He said, pressing the start button, to start the car. He began to reverse out the parking spot, before changing the gear shifter to drive.

"Nah, cuz I Know your dumbass gonna get the wrong one." Omar said, making Omachi chuckle. He was grateful CVS was only 2 minutes away from his apartment complex. He didn't have to drive far, so he reached there in no time.

"You owe me big time." Omachi said, putting in his Airpods.

"Anyways, I just got off the phone with yo big headed ass girlfriend." Omar said,
making Omachi scrunch up his face when he realized what he just called Cinese.

"Nigga watch yo mouth. Don't make me get on Tianna's mega mind forehead." He said, making Omar kiss his teeth.

"Get the fuck on bruh." Omar said, making Omachi laugh. Don't pick a fight you can't finish. When he entered into CVS he immediately walked over to the medication isle. He didn't like going to the store at late hours. So he wanted to go in and go out.

"I was lowkey thinking about pranking C." Omachi mentioned. He still didn't forget about that one time when Cinese pranked him with 'Hickey prank'. He was trying to find a perfect time to get her back when her guard was down.

"Y'all are not youtubers, why yall like pranking each other so damn much?" Omar asked.

"Fuck you talking about? That's Levani and Javier. Cinese only pranked me once. Ian never prank her before. Plus I wanna get her back for that dumb hickey prank she pulled." He explained.

"Hickey prank? You fell for it?" Omar asked.

"Hell yeah I did. Which is why I need to get back even harder." Omachi said, making Omar laugh. He remembered the exact moment when his heart dropped when he saw the mark on Cinese's neck.

"Let me go on youtube and look at some pranks." Omar suggested. While Omar was on Youtube looking at some pranks, Omachi quickly grabbed the medication Omar asked for.

"Aight, I got one. It's where you put lipstick marks on yourself, and let her assume you got some chick kissing up on you." Omar said. Omachi thought it was the perfect one because it was similar to what she did on him.

"Yeah, but how do I put lipstick on myself?" He asked.

"The nigga in the video put lipstick on his lips and kissed a paper towel, then pressed it on his cheek and neck." Omar explained. Omachi hummed in response and nodded his head.

"So you gon' do it?" Omar asked.

"Yeah. Don't sound too bad. I think Cinese got sum lipstick at the crib." He said. If not, he was just gonna buy a bright red lipstick.

"Let me know how that's shit goes. Don't forget to record so yall can look back and laugh." Omar suggested.

"Aight. I bought yo shit so I'll talk to you later." Omachi said.

"Aight, drop it off when you have the chance."  Omar told him. When he hung up, Omachi began making his way towards the exit. Just as he was about to exit, he felt someone step on his shoe. When he looked to the side, he saw that it was no other than his ex, Anya.

At first he was shocked, but then shoved her out the way and started walking away. He was not in the mood to talk to her. "I- wait Machi wait!" She said chasing after him. Anya followed him all the way to his car and just wouldn't stop calling his name.

Omachi was about to get into his car until she tugged on his arm. "Don't fucking touch me." He said. Anya was taken aback because it sounded more like a threat than a warning.

"I- I just need to talk to you! It's important. I won't waste your time, all I need is 5 minutes. Please." She begged. Omachi froze in place before slowly turning back around to face her.

"Talk. 5 minutes only." He said.

"Look, I know the way things went down between us was so wrong but.. I was fucked up in the head. But I just want to tell you that I'm getting better now. I'm going to therapy." She smiled.

Omachi looked her up and down before giving her the most dirtiest looks he could ever achieve. All he heard coming from her mouth was absolute bullshit.

"So that's your excuse? For cheating on me, gaslighting me, manipulating me, fucking— guilt tripping me, it was because you were fucked up in the head?! Anya are you serious? Do you know what the fuck you put me through these past 3 years?!" He exclaimed.

"I— I'm sorry.. I know you won't take my word for it, but I feel so bad. You don't know how much I wish I could go back. I fucked up, I know. Because all you did was love me and I kept repeatingly hurting you. I was taking my anger, and pain out on you A-and I'm so sorry!" Anya said, her voice cracking.

"Good for you, but I have an amazing girlfriend who actually loves me for who I am. She actually loves me for all my flaws and doesn't put me down every chance she gets. I love her so much and she's shows me the love I actually deserve just in the span of 3 months. 3 fucking months! And you couldn't even show me love for all the 3 years we've been together. I don't need your sap ass apology." He said, turning back around. Anya's jaw hardened when she heard that he had a girlfriend.

"WE HAVE A CHILD!" Anya yelled.

All Omachi could do was laugh. He kept his back facing her for a good minute before slowly turning around. He looked at her in complete disbelief. He honestly did not believe a single word coming out her mouth. "What..?" He asked.

"I- W-we have a child." She repeated. Omachi chuckled and shook his head. They didn't have a child. When they separated Omachi didn't even move that far away, so she could've told him if she was pregnant. Omachi knew Anya would do anything just to get what she wanted so he didn't believe her at all.

"It's true. We do. I can show you a photo of her." She said going into her pocket to get her phone. Anya showed Omachi a photo of a 3 year old looking girl, and she looked almost exactly like him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the photo some more.

"I- what? Nah. Nah, That can't be true. That's not true! We've always used protection! Not one day have I ever nutted in yo ass!" He yelled.

"Think about it Machi. Remember when I had a pregnancy scare? And this was just days before we broke up. And she's 3 years old. We broke up 3 years ago! Why would I ever lie about this? This is why I've been trying to contact you!" Anya yelled.

Omachi shook his head in disbelief. He refused to believe this. "Nah because when you had that pregnancy scare you showed me the test and you showed me it was negative! It was fucking negative!" He exclaimed.

"False negatives are a thing Machi. And she literally looks exactly like you. What do I have lie for?" She asked.

"Nah, nah don't do that. Don't try to gaslight me! You have every fucking reason to lie! I won't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth until I get proof." He exclaimed.

"Okay fine. I'll get you a DNA test." Anya calmly said, before walking away. Omachi watched as she walked back into the store before yelling out, "FUCK!"

What if that little girl really was his child? His whole point of view on life would change. 'What if' questions began to swarm his head. 'What about Cinese?' He thought. He quickly shook that thought off. He decided to put the topic to rest until he got actual proof.

He was going to call Cinese, but he decided to wait until he was calm enough. He thought telling her in person would be better anyways.


When Omachi got back to his apartment, he decided to get in the shower to calm down a bit. And it worked. He decided he wasn't going to tell anyone until he got proof. He knew if he told anyone, he would just stress even more. When he got out the shower he saw he had two miss calls from Cinese and a call from Omar.

He called Omar back because he remembered he wanted to pull that prank on Cinese. "You pull the prank yet?" Omar asked, when he answered.

"Nawl not yet. I need to see if Cinese got some red lipstick." He said. He went back into the bathroom and started rummaging through the makeup bag Cinese kept at his apartment.

"Cinese ain't got no red lipstick?" Omar chuckled.

"Nah, she not no red lipstick girl. But she do has this.. Nyx butter gloss?" He said, taking it out the bag. When he opened it, he saw it was pink-ish.

"Yeah, that'll work." Omar said, when Omachi showed him the lipgloss. All he needed to do was kiss a paper towel and press it on his body.

"Aight, lemme text her and ask how far she is." He said, putting Omar on pause.

"Nigga, you better pray you don't die. Tianna almost killed me when I pulled one of these pranks on ha." Omar said, making Omachi laugh.

"Nah, I won't keep it going for long. I know how Cinese gets." He said.

my babyyy💍

Today at 7:15 PM

hey mama
Read at 7:17 PM

hey bubs

nun js wanted to know how far you is

i'm like 3 minutes away i'll be there soon 😭
awn you miss me??🤣

yeah aight... not to much na..

my babyyy💍 laughed at 'yeah aight... not to much na..'

"Fuck man, she 3 minutes away I need to hurry up." He said, putting the lipgloss on his lips. He quickly kissing the napkin and pressed the lipstick mark on his neck. When the lipgloss actually stained on his neck he gasped. "Yooo this shit looks like some random chick done kissed my neck." He laughed. He pressed one more on his cheek, but very lightly.

It really looked believable too. He quickly washed his lips and  hid the napkin before running over to the living room. "Aight, Omar I'll call you later." He said hanging up before Omar could even get a word out.

He jumped on the couch and acted like he was on his phone. A few minutes went by before he heard a knock on the door. He got up and walked over to the door. When he opened the door, he was met with Cinese smiling at him.

Before he could even say anything, she jumped on him, making him laugh. He picked her up and started spinning her around. "Oh, look who missed me?" He smiled.

"Yess, I missed you so much." She said, repeatedly pecking his lips. Cinese wasn't even letting him speak because she kept kissing him every time he tried to speak.

"Alright baby, I missed you too but you gotta let me speak." He said, putting her down. He closed the door and made his way back into the kitchen.

"Oops, sorry. How was your day bubs?" She asked flopping onto the couch. He was surprised she didn't notice the lipstick mark with the way she was kissing on him. "It was good. Boring without you." He said, making Cinese chuckle.

"Did you get the groceries I told you to?" She asked.

"Oh shit... I forgot. I'm sorry baby." He lied. Cinese kissed her teeth and mugged him. The one thing she asked him to do he 'forgot'. "Are you fucking serious? I literally reminded you 3 times!" She frowned.

"Nah, I'm playing. Course' I did." He smirked.

Cinese playfully rolled her eyes, and threw a pillow at him. "Are you ready to cook now?" She asked. Omachi nodded his head yes, and began taking all the groceries out the fridge.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you if your dad ever said anything?" She asked. Omachi laughed because he could just tell she had been stressing the whole day.

"C, have you've been stressing? I can always postpone it if you're that nervous. Ion want you ta raise your blood pressure." He chuckled, making Cinese laugh.

"I— yeah. But don't cancel it! I wanna meet them. I'm ready." She smiled. Omachi hummed and raised his eyebrow. He didn't really believe that, but if she said she was ready, he was gonna take her word for it.

"Where's your cutting board again?" Cinese asked.

"In that cabinet." He said, pointing over to where it was. He was low key surprised how she forgot where it was because they cooked at his house almost all the time.

She grabbed the cutting board and a knife, while placing it on the counter. She took the peppers from the fridge and also placed them on the counter. Cinese was wearing some biker shorts paried along with a crop top.

He slapped her ass and watched as it recoiled. 'Damn' He thought to himself.

"Ow! Stop Omachi." She said, holding her butt. All Omachi did was laugh because he didn't even slap her that hard. He approached her from behind, and wrapped his hands around her waist and began kissing on her neck.

"What are you doinggg, we're supposed to be making dinner." She giggled.

"The dinners right in front me." He whispered in her ear while still placing soft, wet kisses on her neck. Cinese turned around and looked up at him. "Oh really?" She asked.

"Mhmm." He hummed, leaning down to kiss her lips. He picked her up, whilst Cinese wrapped her legs around his waist. He gently placed her on the counter, while still into the kiss. Cinese parted from the kiss and took off her crop top, revealing her bra.

Omachi grinned at the sight and leaned in to kiss her again. Cinese smiled and was about to help him take off his shirt until she saw a bruise on his neck. "Oh, baby what happened? You got a bruise on your neck." She said, trying to study it.

Omachi quickly shoved her hand away and tried to kiss her again but she stopped him. "Wait, are you hurt? Let me see your neck." She said grabbing his face to look closely. Omachi almost forgot it was fake because his heart dropped to his ass. He was low key nervous, but eager to see how she would react.

"Mmtch, what? Ain't nun on my neck." He nervously chuckled. Cinese squinted her eyes and saw it looked like lips. And it was pink. "Why do you have lipstick marks on your neck?" She asked him. She also spotted one on his cheek making her glare at him.

"That's a hickey, not no lipstick mark." He lied.
"You lying?" She asked, looking him dead in the eyes. It was clear as day that those were lipstick marks. She didn't want to jump to conclusions so she asked him to explain himself first.

"No? Baby, it's a hickey." Omachi said.

"Omachi, we ain't do no nasty stuff yet. And hickeys aren't fucking pink, Imma give you one more time to explain yourself, why is there lipstick marks on your fucking neck?" She asked,
loosing her patience.

"Ion know? Baby, I swear I don't know how that shit got there." He lied. All Cinese could do was laugh.

"So you cheating on me?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. Omachi stayed quiet and just blankly stared at her. "Don't do that shit, answer me when I'm talking to you!" She exclaimed.

"You doin' too much. I already told you it's a hickey." He said, trying to get her to calm down. Cinese looked at him in disbelief and scoffed. "Why else would there be fucking lipstick on your neck—and there's one of your cheek too! You're cheating on me!" She said, slapping his chest.

She pushed him and slid off the counter. Omachi grabbed her arm and held it with a tight grip, so she doesn't leave. It was honestly taking everything in him to not burst out of laughter.

"Where's the girl?" She asked, snatching her arm back. She started going around the apartment and searching the closets, cabinets, and furniture.

"C, calm down. I'm not cheating on you, there's no girl." He chuckled.

"That's probably why you asked me how far I was. You bitch! You're such a liar." She said, storming back into the kitchen. She bent down and picked up her crop top that was on the floor. She quickly put it on before going into the living room to grab her purse.

"Bab- C, It's no girl in here,  and I didn't cheat on you. It was probably your lipgloss?" He tried to justify. Cinese just shook her head and grabbed her purse.

"So you just take me for a fool huh? I was wearing clear lipgloss, not no pink! How could you even do this to me?" She asked. She hasn't even processed what was really happening because her brain couldn't actually process that Omachi would really cheat on her.

Omachi stood there looking at her speechless. "C, calm down let's talk about it. I promise ain't no girl been in here." He said. But none of Omachi's words were going through her head. It was like it was going through one ear and out the other because she seen all the proof she needed to see.

"I'm leaving." She said, wiping the tear she didn't even realize fell down. Omachi saw the tear on her face and immediately wanted to end the prank. He decided he'd go for a couple more minutes since  it hasn't even been 5 minutes yet.

He snatched her purse and threw it back on the couch.

"I'm trying to stay real calm with you, but you're pushing my limits. Go get my purse." She said in a more demanding tone.

"C, please. I'm not cheating on you, I swear Ion know how that shit got there. You gotta believe me!" He pleaded. He peeped that Cinese wasn't even looking at him, so he grabbed her hand, hoping she would listen.

Without a second thought, she slapped him resulting in him holding his cheek, in shock. "How could you cheat on me? I- I actually thought we had something real!" She yelled.

"I'm never speaking to you again." She said before shoving him out the way and storming out the apartment. Omachi was still in shock, he almost forgot to go chase her.

When he opened the front door, he saw that Cinese was already at the end of the hallway. He quickly ran over to her and told her it was a prank before she could go any further. "I promise, it's a prank! I can show you the napkin and everything." He explained.

"That's not no prank." She said.

"Yes, it is! Just come baby, I'll show you the napkin. I even recorded, I'll show you everything, just come back inside C." He begged. Cinese had to take a few deep breaths before following him back into the apartment.

Omachi showed her the napkin, the video, and even called Omar. He just knew he would never be pranking Cinese again. His life flashed before his eyes. "Mmtch, don't fucking play like that. My feelings were really hurt." She sniffed.

"I'm sorry mama. I won't ever prank you again." He promised. Cinese side eyed him and hummed in response. Omachi hugged her and started kissing her, hoping the kisses would make up for it. "You not getting away with this." She mumbled.

"Now you know how that shit feels. Sorry baby, I just  had to get you back." He chuckled. Cinese didn't respond, and just kept still in his arms. "You better not ever cheat on me." She mumbled.

"Is that even a question? I would neverrr! You know how much I love you, girl." He said leaning down to peck her lips. Cinese slightly smiled and buried her face back in his chest.

"We still making dinner?" He asked, making her groan. She didn't even feel like making dinner anymore. Her whole mood was spoilt. "No, you ruined my whole excitement for even making dinner." She said.

"Cmon, it'll make you feel better." He said, grabbing her butt and squeezing it. She  smiled and nodded her head. She was honestly so glad it was all just a prank.

___ THE NEXT DAY ___

Cinese woke up to Omachi's loud snoring. She kissed her teeth and checked the time. Her eyes widened when she saw it was 2:00 in the afternoon. She didn't even realize they slept in for that long.

After they finished cooking, they fell asleep watching a movie, and they were just now waking up. Cinese bolted up because she realized they had to be at the cookout by 4PM, and they still have to take a shower and get ready.

"Fuck.." She muttered.

"Bubs.." She said, turning over to shake Omachi. "Bubs!" She exclaimed, when he wouldn't wake up. She didn't want to make a bad impression with his parents, and showing up late wasn't a good impression.

"Omachi!" She exclaimed, this time waking him  up. He rubbed his eyes, and kissed his teeth. "What?" He rasped. Cinese knew he hated getting woken up out of his deep sleep, but she had no choice.

"Baby, we gotta go to your parents cookout. It's 2:00 and we slept in." She explained. Omachi furrowed his eyebrows and sat up. He checked his phone and saw it was really 2:00.

"Oh shit.." He cursed. When he checked his phone, he saw he had 5-7 messages from Naomi and 3 missed calls from his mom.

"We gotta get up C." He told her, as if that's not what she was already doing. They both got up and went into the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Cinese finished brushing her teeth first and was preparing to get in the shower. "C, you take forever in the shower let me go first." He said, making Cinese side eyed him.

"No, I don't.. my fault for being clean." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well, let's shower together then." He suggested, making Cinese burst out of laughter. She's never showered with anyone before so she didn't really know how that was like. She was open to trying, but just not now. Not when they were running late.

"No, cus you probably gon try to do sum freaky shit, and I'm really trying to not be late." She said, grabbing her towel.

"Mane, why you always think i'm freaky? If anything, you the freaky one." He said, making Cinese go silent. She wasn't going to argue with him.

"Shush, stop exposing me. Let's just hurry up and shower so we can leave." She said, running the water. Omachi slightly grinned and shut the door.


"Here use my phone and text her." Omachi said, handing Cinese his phone. She took it and opened it, texting Naomi they were 3 minutes away. They left at 3:46 and ended up reaching there at 4:24. They were only a couple minutes late, but that didn't stop Cinese from worrying.

Once Omachi pulls into the driveway, Cinese takes a deep breath. "Oh, so this is the house you grew up in?" Cinese smiled, taking in the appearance of the house. It was a nice 2-story house. The outside was very nicely decorated and even had a porch swing.

"Yeah." He said, putting the car in park.

"I can actually see your little self running around in the front yard." Cinese said, making Omachi chuckle. He had so many memories in that front porch, he couldn't even keep count.

"Aight. You ready to go inside?" He asked her.

"No. I-I mean yes? I dunno.. But I'm ready." She stuttered. Omachi laughed at her nervousness and looked at her dead in her eyes. "I promise they're gonna love you." He said, making intense eye contact with her.

His words somehow made her feel better. "Okay.." She smiled. He quickly pecked her lips before getting out the car. He rounded the car and opened the door for her.

She thanked him and held his hand as they were walking up to the door. When they arrived, Omachi made her take 3 deep breaths because he could feel her palms sweating.

When they knocked on the door, his mom was the first one to open the door. When her eyes landed on Cinese, she immediately hugged her. "So you're the girlfriend my son had been talking about all day and night?" His mom asked, making Cinese laugh.

Omachi's mom kinda reminded Cinese of his aunt, Ohema. They had similar energy. "Mom don't do too much.." Omachi mumbled making Cinese smile.

"Wo ho yɛ fɛ yiye." (You are so beautiful) His mom complimented. Cinese awkwardly looked at Omachi because she had no idea what that meant.

"She said you're very beautiful." Omachi translated. Her eyes softened and smiled. Her nervousness had already faded away and she wasn't even inside yet. His mother's energy was just so positive.

His mother welcomed them inside while his mother started asking them hella questions. Omachi's dad eventually came over, and introduced himself as well. Both of them started asking Cinese and Omachi so many questions. It felt like they've answered about 43 questions.

"You said how many months?" His dad asked them.

"3 months." They both synced. She honestly couldn't believe it's been three months already. Time was flying by so fast with Omachi, it felt like they were one year in. "Asram 3 na ɛwɔ hɔ?" (For 3 months?) His mom asked in shock.

Machi knew exactly why his parents were so shocked. They weren't used to seeing him bring girls around the house. Now that he had brought Cinese to meet his parents, his parents thought they were probably going to get married.

As more guests began to roll in, the more the questions his parents were asking them started getting shorter. Omachi could tell his mom wanted to ask more questions, but the guests needed attention.

"I'm going to go greet your aunty, I'll talk to you guys later." His mom said getting up. Cinese watched as Omachi's mom rushed over to attend the food before they could mess it up. His dad got up and followed his mom, leaving them there.

"You still nervous?" He asked her. Cinese shook her head no because for some odd reason, the questions made all her nervousness wear off. She wasn't complaining though. "Come, let me show you my old bedroom. If they ain't redecorate it." He said, getting up.

Cinese smiled and got up as well. Omachi led her upstairs while chatting about some of his childhood memories. "You ready to see the big reveal?" He asked.

Cinese nodded her head eagerly, excited to see the room he grew up in. When Omachi opened the door he was just as shocked as Cinese was. He saw that the room remained the exact same way he left it, but except the bed was made and his TV was removed.

Cinese took in the room and saw that it looked exactly how he described it. He still had his blue spider-man sheets, and it was a twin bed. His old gaming system was set up exactly where he described it was, and his old high school clothes were still on the hangers.

"Awww, I can't believe you really grew up here!" She cooed, sitting on the bed. Omachi watched her in awe as she continued to look at his old possessions. He walked over to the door and locked the door.

Cinese raised her eyebrow confused as to why he just locked the door. "Why did you lock the door?" She asked. Omachi ignored her and grabbed her arm pulling her in for a kiss. Cinese parted from the kiss and shoved him back a little. "What?" She smiled.

"What? Youn want my kisses?" He asked. She gave him a look because she knew exactly what he was tryna do. They had all the time at his apartment to be nasty, but of course he had to choose the wrong time."Bubs stop. Right here, are you serious?" She whispered as if someone could hear them.

"The music's loud as fuck, ain nobody gon hear us." He smirked. Cinese looked into his eyes and all she could see was dare and lust. She bit her lip so she could hide her smile. She was up for it, but the risk of getting caught was high.

"Cmon C, you know you want to. I see it all in yo eyes." He smiled, rubbing her ass.

"Right here? Right now? What if we get caughtt? Your parents are gonna hate me." She said, mumbling the last part.

Omachi laughed and began kissing her neck making her giggle. "Well that's the fun of it, no?" He whispered. Cinese thought about it for a quick second then finally agreed. The risk of getting caught is what made it more.. daring.

They both quickly took off their shirts, only keeping their pants on. Cinese decided to keep her bra and pants on. Omachi, on the other hand, didn't. He took off both his shirt and his pants leaving him with only his boxers on. It was like he didn't mind getting caught. When they finished taking off their clothes he lightly pushed Cinese on the bed.

He got on top of her and began to place wet, soft kisses on her face. He began to kiss her neck, slowly make his way to her stomach. He tugged on her jeans trying to get them to come off. He pulled her panties to the side, not even fully taking off her jeans.

Cinese's wet coochie was now exposed making him lick his lips and smirk. He slowly began to rub her clit in slow circles making her hum in satisfaction. When it got wet enough, he took his figure out his boxers.

He rubbed his tip up agaisnt her clit making Cinese whimper. "You aight?" He whispered. When she nodded her head yes, Omachi slowly pushed his figure inside of her, watching as it disappeared the more he went.

"Ohhh, f-fuckk.." Cinese softly moaned. She quickly shut her eyes and took her lip in her mouth so she couldn't moan. After a couple of minutes, he was fully adjusted and started to give her slow strokes.

He decided to start off slow, trying to adjust to her warmth. He began to stroke her hard and fast making her eyes immediately snap shut. Her mouth making an 'O' shape. Omachi slowly grinned because he knew it was taking everything in her to not moan.

"Look at me baby." He whispered, still stroking her in a slow and steady position. Omachi was glad his bed was not one of those beds that were really squeaky. "I-I can't— shit!" She moaned when he began to increase his pace.

"Yes you can baby. Look at me." He said, this time in a more gravely tone. His words always sounded more like demands or commands during sex and it turned her on more than anything.

She finally opened her eyes and was immediately met with his daring dark brown eyes staring at her with a sinister smirk on his face. "Mm.." She hummed, maintaining strong eye contact with him.

"Fuck— I love you so much mama." He said, taking his lip in his mouth. Cinese's eyes rolled to the back of her head when he continuously hit her G-spot. "Fuck babyyy!" She moaned.

"You love me?" He asked, while continuing to pound into her. She eagerly nodded her head yes, and put her hand on his stomach, indicating she was about to tap out. "Awn—Fuck, I'm gonna cummm!" She squealed as he continued to pound into her with no mercy.

"Nah, hold that shit. You love me?" He asked again. She nodded her again and softly whimpered.

"What you said?" He asked, starting to now give her slow strokes, making her frown. "Yess, I love you so muchh." She whined, sounding like she was about to cry.

"Fuck! Im about to cumm!" She whimpered as he continued to give her fast and steady strokes, continuously hitting her G spot. Omachi felt her walls clench around him making him groan.

"I'm finna nut.." He softly moaned. The more Omachi continued to pound into her, the higher the feeling of her orgasm raised.

"Yes! Right thereee! FU—" Cinese almost yelled, but Omachi quickly used his left hand to cover her mouth, muffling her moan. "F-Faye.. baby. I'm finna nut, fuckk." He groaned, trying to hold it.

"Baby, I can't take no moree!" She whined pushing his stomach back, but Omachi slapped her hand away and held it with tight firm grip. He continued to pound into her with absolute no mercy, making her almost scream out loud again.

The sound of Cinese's pussy making sounds filled the room along with their skin clapping together. She couldn't even moan anymore, her moans were all stuck in her throat.

"Right— there!" She exclaimed, letting her orgasm spin through. Just as Cinese let hers go, Omachi pulled out and let his go as well. "Awn- fuck Faye." He said, falling on the bed right next to her.

They both layed on the bed breathlessly, trying to catch their breath after reaching their peaks. He held her sweaty body next to him and gave her a quick sloppy kiss.


"Where's my other sock?" Cinese asked Omachi,
trying to find her right sock. After they finished, she was trying to tidy the room again, and Cinese's sock just randomly went missing.

Omachi watched Cinese from the bed go crazy about her sock. Cinese mugged him and kissed her teeth, "Stop looking at me like that, get up and help me find my sock before people start suspecting we're gone! It's been like 7 minutes." She said.

"I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously, with my nut all on yo chest." He said, bursting out of laughter. Cinese mugged him and threw a pillow at him.

"See, this why I don't ever do this kinda shit witchu. You don't take anything serious." She said, using a tissue and wiping it off her chest. She threw the tissue in the trash and quickly put on her shirt. She walked over to the door and   unlocked the door. She tiptoed over to the bathroom so she could go pee and clean herself up a bit.

While Cinese was in the bathroom, Omachi decided to take this time to clean up a little bit. They only messed up the sheets, so he didn't have to clean much.

Once he tidied the room, he opened the door and walked towards the bathroom to go check on Cinese, until he started to hear voices coming from his parent's room. He quickly froze in place trying to listen, but he couldn't really hear anything because the voices were muffled. He decided to go closer to hear better.

He lightly pushed his parent's room door open and was met with his dad. With another girl. The random lady was laying on the bed while his dad was on top of her.

Omachi furrowed his eyebrows taking in the scene and what was happening. "Dad?! The hell are you doing?!" He exclaimed. His dad quickly jumped off the woman and walked over to him.

Omachi looked over to the woman and saw she looked to be in her 20's. His dad was half her age. At first he couldn't even comprehend what was going on but then started putting everything together.

"Machi! What are you doing? You don't know how to knock?" His dad, asked.

"Nah, nah, forget that, what are you doing? And who is she? Are you cheating on mom?" He asked his dad, looking at him in disbelief.

"No! This is my colleague! Momma yɛnkɔ fam!" (Let us go downstairs) His dad exclaimed. Omachi shook his head and walked into the room. He looked at the dresser and saw there was a condom. But it was unused.

"Enti eyi ne nea woyɛ? Cheat on mom? After 30 and something years this is what you do!? Does she even know?" He asked. (So this is what you do?) Omachi couldn't honestly believe his dad would do something like this.

He always thought him and his mom had a perfect relationship and a perfect love story. They never argued, and even when they did, he would buy her flowers and they would make up again.

What really shocked Omachi is how he could cheat on his mom on her own bed. Where she lays her head to sleep every night. Cinese eventually heard all the noise and came to all the noise.

She came out to Omachi yelling at his dad in Twi and he looked upset. Omachi's dad wasn't even saying anything, he was just looking at Omachi like he just got in trouble.

"Bubs? What's wrong?" She asked.

"He's cheating on my fuck— on my freaking mom!" Omachi said, correcting himself. Although he was upset, he knew better than to cuss around his father. With all the loud commotion going on upstairs, Omachi's mom came upstairs looking confused as ever.

"Dɛn na ɛrekɔ so?" (What is going on?) His mom questioned.

"Dad's cheating on you. He was inches apart for kissing some chick and then there was a condom on the dresser." Omachi quickly explained making Cinese lightly gasp.

"I- what?" His mom asked.

"Yeah. Look at his face. He's not even denying it. Onni aniwu biara.." (He has no shame) Omachi said, looking at his dad up and down with disgust. His mom really loved his dad. She supported his dad in everything he wanted to do even when she had nothing. She was willing to give up everything and anything for him, so hearing this shocked him a lot.

"It's okay Machi. I'll take care of this, go downstairs and entertain the guests." His mom told him. Omachi shook his head refused. He didn't want to leave him mom alone.

His mom gave him a look with her eyes that said 'Please' but he still refused. "Omachi.. it's okay, let's go." Cinese said, touching his arm.

"Nah, don't touch me Cinese." He said snatching his arm away from her touch. He stormed downstairs, leaving Cinese alone with his parents.

"Please, talk to him for me." His dad pleaded to Cinese.

Cinese simply nodded her head and quickly ran downstairs. She tried looking around the house to find him, but couldn't find him anywhere. She decided to call him instead. She called him 2-3 times and he didn't answer his phone.

She unlocked her phone and clicked on their message thread.

my heart❣️

where are you? i know your upset but i wanna talk to you
you can talk to me, im here for you
Read at 6:32PM

nah i'm good i js need a lil
space ta think😂

Cinese left him on read before shutting her phone. She knew she wouldn't be able to do anything without knowing he was okay. She could hear the hurt in his voice and she only wanted to make sure he was okay.

She started to ask some of his family memebers to see if they knew where he went. It felt like she looked everywhere. She check the front yard, the car, the backyard, and even the garage and he was nowhere to be found.

His location said she was still in the house so he was still there. She walked into the kitchen and saw there was a random door she's never seen. She opened the door and saw there were stairs going down. She assumed it was leading to the basement.

She went down the stairs and immediately saw Omachi on the couch staring into space. The basement was turned into a bar, so he had poured himself a drink and was drinking.

She immediately went over to him and gave him a tight hug. "Mmtch, get offa me. Ion wanna be touched right now." He said, taking her arms off of him. Cinese knew he was upset so she was trying to be patient with him. When she was upset, she tended to push people away as well.

"I- Can you talk to me at least? I wanna know what you're thinking.." She whispered.

Omachi took another shot before going silent. A few moments of silence went by before he said anything. "I-Ion know. My head is just so scrambled. How could he do that to her?" He asked, locking eyes with Cinese.

"Can you tell me how their relationship was like?" Cinese asked, making Omachi scoff. He couldn't even put his parent's relationship in words because it was just perfect. It's what made him want to fall in love. Then his dad just went and fucked up everything.

"Perfect. Just perfect." He said, before taking another shot. Cinese could smell the heavy alcohol on his breath. She cleared her throat before laying her head on his shoulder. She knew he didn't want to talk, so she assumed her presence at least would make up for it.


'Gonna Love Me by Teyanna Taylor' was lowly playing in the car. They were in the car on the back to omachi's apartment. Omachi couldn't drive because he was way too drunk, so Cinese had too. Omachi claimed he couldn't stand being in that house any longer, so he told Cinese he wanted to leave.

Right now, they were currently a minute away from his apartment. Once Cinese parked, Omachi immediately got out the car, leaving Cinese there alone. She locked the car, and began making their way into the apartment complex.

When she got inside she dropped the keys on the counter and dramatically sighed. She didn't need to shower since they both showered before they came.

She went into his room and pulled out a t shirt and some basketball shirts. She went in the bathroom and changed into his clothes. When she came out, she was met with Omachi shirtless on the bed.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Mhm. Cmere." He said, grabbing her hand. She crawled over to where he was and sat on top of him. "You sure?" She asked. He nodded his head and poked his lips out, indicating he wants a kiss. She chuckled and leaned in to pecked his lips.

When she parted from the kiss, he pulled her back and smashed his lips back onto hers. As the kiss got more intense, he flipped her over, so now that she was lying on the bed.

Cinese could still smell the alcohol on his breath and she couldn't tell if he was sober or not. "Wait. Are you okay?" She asked,

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied, taking off the shirt Cinese was wearing. Cinese could tell he was lying because he was avoiding eye contact with her. Omachi always made eye contact with her when he was telling the truth.

He took off the shorts cinese was wearing and removed her panties as well. He flipped her over, so now that she was on all fours. She could definitely tell he was still drunk because something about him was off. He pulled out his figure and slowly slid it inside of her.

She whimpered and buried her face in the sheets. He didn't even give her any time to adjust to his length, he just started pounding into her. "Fuck! Wait..." She moaned, trying to run away.

Omachi grabbed her waist and held it firm so she wouldn't run. "Oh— shit , baby slow down." She begged. Omachi ignored her and continued to give her fast and hard strokes.

She understood that he was upset, but this is not how they usually have sex. He was usually gentle and caring when it came to doing it. He was aware of what she liked and didn't, and being rough is one of the things she didn't like.

"Bubs, please. Y-you're going to rough." She said putting her hand on his stomach, pushing him back. Omachi ignored her again and continued to give her fast strokes. It was like he wasn't listening. It was going in one ear and out the other.

"Mm, Any— I mean Cinese, Fuck." He groaned.

Cinese froze in place when she realized what almost said. He almost called her Anya. His ex's name. She got up and just blankly stared at him before saying anything.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some kind of joke?" She scoffed. Cinese understood that he was going through some family issues, but him calling her his ex's name while they were having sex was just not doing it for her.

"I— my fault baby. Ian mean to call you that." He said.

"So what? You've been seeing her?" She asked. Omachi immediately shook his head no. Cinese was waiting for him to explain himself, but he didn't.

"You're not gonna say anything? After calling me 'Anya' while fucking me? Listen, I understand you're going through some shit, but I'm trying to be here for you and just crossed the line calling me that bitch's name!" Cinese exclaimed, storming into the bathroom.

Omachi just stood there and stared at the wall. He knew he fucked up. Too many things were swarming his head at once. Starting from Anya telling him they had a child, to him walking in on his dad cheating on his mom. It was just too much to process.

He knew how he could get when he drinks, and he wasn't even thinking about Cinese's feelings. She is only trying to be there for him, and he ended up hurting her. Omachi just wasn't used to having someone by his side. He's always learned
to suck it up and move on, so the support Cinese was trying to give him was all new. In that moment, he knew he needed to apologize.

He walked over to the bathroom and opened it and saw Cinese on the floor crying. "Oh, baby don't cry." He said. It broke his heart when he saw Cinese crying. He hated seeing her cry. Let alone seeing her cry over him.

"I don't wanna be the reason you cry. I wanna be the reason why you smile. I'm so sorry C." He apologized. Cinese turned to look at him and just stared at him.

"Please, just leave me alone. I don't need your wap ass apology right now." She sniffed.

"I know you only tryna be here for me.. I-It's just.. I got a lot of shit going on, and Ion know how to deal with all this bullshit." He explained.

"So you can't tell me? You're not explaining anything to me, so I'm just left trying to figure out why you're acting like this." She ranted. It honestly really hurt her feelings because she was only trying to be there for her boyfriend, and he couldn't even tell her what's going on.

"She told me that we have a child. A-and I can't but help but think the child's mine. She looks exactly like me.." He finally explained. Cinese furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him in shock.

"What?" She asked. She knew it was bad, but she didn't think it was that bad.

"I'm sorry I ain't tell you. I just didn't know what or who to believe because you know how crazy she is." He said.

"I get that Omachi, I do, but when stuff like this happens you have to tell me because then I won't know what's going on with you. I'm here for you, but I can't help you if you don't talk to me." She said.

Omachi nodded his head in agreement. He was going to have to work on his communication skills because if not, it could ruin his relationship, and that was the last thing he wanted. But he was gonna try for Cinese.


ou chile, what a chapter😅 had to cut it short bc it was getting way too long

sorry yall i've been slacking, but the chapters here!!

9,488 words omg🥲

cinese & omachi?? she met his parentsss omgg


thoughts? lmk!!

until next timeee💋💋

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The best things come unexpected and sweep you off your feet
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๐Œ๐š๐ฒ๐›๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ'๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฆ๐ข๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ฅ๐ž