Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

By OutsidersAf

211K 2.1K 777

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... More

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Fast In My Car
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Night Shift
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain

Bound 2

2.3K 31 11
By OutsidersAf

I don't know why but for some reason when I entered Hogwarts for the first time since I left I was okay. Not that it was a bad thing, it just not what I was expecting. Theo tugged at my arm, for I had not realized that I stopped in my tracks.

"Amalia come on."

"I'm coming."

Shaking my head and plastering on a fake smile.

It wasn't really fake it was more or so a smile of reassurance, for myself and for Theo. If I'm going to be honest I was nervous, not for the year but for who I was going to be rooming with since Pansy and I have not been on the best of terms.

Truly it was stupid for us to not be on speaking terms, however it was very odd to see her try to get close to Theo. You can't blame me, imagine you and your friend got into an argument and they chose, out of all the people to sit by, they choose the person you've had a history with. Exactly.

"Is it just me,"

Blaise whispered, not that well I might add, to Theo.

"Or do they just keep getting better and better as the years come."

He hungerly licked his lips as a few new students passed us on our way to the great hall making my face contort into a sour look.

"You are disgusting, I can't believe I'm related to you."

"Well technically, you aren't related so you can't really get-"

Crabbe chimed in, butting his head between Theo and I. Theo beat me to glaring at him, forcing him to back away from us, swallowing his pride. Theo squeezed my hand, pulling my attention back to the great hall.

Luckily Draco and Pansy were nowhere to be found when we met up with my brother and tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Yet, I found myself looking around the great hall in search for them, Mattheo plopping down on the other side of me diverted my eyes directly to him. His smile immediately brightened up my night.

"Hello you."

My warm smile mimicked his. We grabbed each other and held onto one another, seemingly this hug was different, he needed it, I could feel it. I could also feel a warm hand slither onto my waist, yanking me away. I would need to get used to being overly affectionate with people as Theo really didn't like it, I wouldn't like him doing it either so I understand.

Theo kept his arm around my waist the entire sorting ceremony, not that I minded it. Surprisingly the ceremony wasn't too long, there was hardly any first years that were sorted into Slytherin, one girl even cried which didn't settle too well with the table as most of them laughed at her and shunned her away.

Poor girl.

"Why do you feel bad for her, she hates us, she hates you."

Theo scoffed, taking a bite of his pudding.

Stop reading my thoughts you bloke.

I thought directly towards him, showing him a big smile compared to my thoughts. He huffed, rolling his eyes in unison and without warning, took his hand that once held his fork and moved it under the table between my thighs. My eyes widened, I had not thought that he would think to even do this, not so public either.

Rapidly blinking, I turned to my plate, shoveling a mouth full of pie into my mouth to distract myself from the warmth I felt in the bottom of my stomach. Theo's eyes were burrowing a hole through the side of my head, his entire body was almost entirely facing me and I could just feel him eyeing me from my waist up.

His hand caressed my inner thigh, in a slow motion, up and down, up and down. My face was burning hot at this point that no amount of pudding could save me from. Even if he was a mile away, I could see that devilish grin appear from each corner of his lips. Lifting my left heel I threw it to his toes, however this only made his hand slide up even further until it was at the hem of my skirt.


I whispered, meeting his eyes.


He hummed, continuing the motion of his hand. I glanced around everyone at the table to see if they too were noticing this encounter. To my luck they were to engulfed in comparing one another's schedules which is what Theo and I should be doing.


I mouthed, reverting back to my pudding.

"Why? You seem to be enjoying it."

His voice dripping in lust.

The warmth in my stomach grew bigger, I was getting warm, really warm.

I need to take to off my cloak.

"Getting all hot and bothered are we now?"

Theo's smile deepening at how flustered he was making me.

"No, I'm fine, I just want to compare our schedules."

Beads of sweat were beginning to form on the top of my forehead, threatening to sprint down my face. Theo chuckled and finally removed his hand from my inner thigh.

"Oi! What classes you got."

He chucked his class schedule towards the boys, like eager ducks fighting over crumbs of bread, the boys practically ripped apart his schedule to see what classes they had with one another.

"Well we have Defense Against The Dark Arts, Potions, and-"

Crabbe dramatically paused to gag.

"Muggle Studies BLEH."

He wretched, gripping his stomach, pretending to fall ill that he had to take that class. This was probably the only joke that Crabbe had ever said that made me laugh, everyone, even Mattheo laughed, most likely because it was a terrible joke.

"What about you amore, what do we have."

Theo questioned, scooching even closer to me, placing his head on my shoulder. I placed my hand on his cheek, acknowledging him.

"Defense Against The Dark Arts, Potions, Astronomy, Transfiguration, and Charms."

"How the hell do you two have the most classes together than all of us combined?!"

Goyle retaliated, tossing his arms up in the air in disbelief.

"I have all of those classes with them too, so."

Mattheo shrugged. I nudged his side and gave him a small smile. I'm glad I have him with me just in case things go south with Theo and I. Obviously it's way too early to say that, but you can never be too sure.

"Students, please follow the head of your house and make your way to your dormitory. I hope to see all of your faces bright and early for your first day of classes."

Dumbledore announced, sending students into a rampage towards the doors. We sat back, waiting for the crowd to disperse, I stayed back for a different reason. I didn't want to see Pansy in the room and have an encounter I wish to not see.

"Hey, you alright."

Theo nudged me back into reality.

"Erm, yeah, yeah, I just don't know what to do when I see Pansy."

He scratched the back of his neck, giving me an uncertain look.

"Great, you don't even know what to do."

I sighed.

"Sorry amore, that is something I can't help you with. But, you can always just stay in my room with me whenever you want."


Theo nodded, pinching my hip. He quickly pecked my lips and helped me up to go towards the dungeons.

"Theodore Nott,"

Snape called for Theo, having both of us turn towards him in the hall.

"Amalia Zabini."

We gave each other a weary look, but went to Snape anyway.

"Since you two are your houses Prefects you will need your schedules for paroling the halls. Tonight will be the only night you will have a day off, if anything conflicts with your schedule, notify your partner and me immediately."

Snape whipped out our schedules from beneath his cloak, handing them to us. I glanced over it and the only thing I noticed was Theo and I had to patrol opposite sides of the castle.

"Professor I-"

What a surprise, he was gone.

"We don't work together?"

Disappointment was evident in my voice. Theo noticed, placing a hand on my lower back.

"We do."

I looked up at him baffled.

"No we don't, see, you are on the West wing and I'm on the East-"

"West wing."

His dead eyes gazed down at me.

"You are on the west wing."

Theo winked, lightly tapping my ass, causing me to hop forward.

"Shove it."

I playfully shoved him.


My nails found their way into my mouth, standing outside the dorm room. It was a different room this year, however, we always get the same roommate as we did in prior years, unless being told otherwise.

Just go, it's okay, just ignore her.

Sharply inhaling I opened the door, this night is just filled with surprises. There was a short, long haired blonde, sitting in a mess of clothes, muttering to herself of her distaste on how long the skirts for the school are.

I must have given away my presence as the blonde jumped at the sound of the door shutting behind me.

"Merlin Amalia, why're you so damn quiet."

She spoke bringing her hand to her heart. It was Astoria Greengrass, the spitting image of her grandmother, Rosalie Greengrass. Astoria and her entire family were perfection, whether it be their looks, the way they carry themselves, even the way they sneezed was perfect.

Even still, it was quiet the difference as I had only had one interaction with her which was in second year after I had gotten her in trouble for carving her name into the desk beside me, she never spoke to me after that, until now.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

She said, going back to tending to her clothes.

"Sorry, I just was expecting-"

"Expecting pugs?"

Astoria giggled to herself at the horrendous nickname given to Pansy by the boys.

"Pansy, yes."

I corrected her, slumping on my bed that my clean uniform had already been placed on.

"Aren't you going to ask why you're with me now."

A smile that said "I know something you don't know" plastered onto Astoria's face.

"You're going to tell me aren't you."

A small chuckle came from me, I couldn't help it, Astoria may come off as a bitch, and she is one, but she really is a people person.


She squealed, jumping from her mountain of clothes.

"So, I guess Dumbledore thought that you would be a better fit with me, since last year your grades weren't nearly as good as they were prior year. They think it was due to Pugs, don't get me wrong the girl is a great time, but that's it, the boys say it and you are living proof."

Astoria shrugged at the last part, keeping her eyes on me to see how I would react. I didn't know how to react.

Yes it was true that my grades did fall quiet a bit but I never saw Pansy as a bad influence. What really did shock me was that Astoria was being sweet to me, that is what threw me off the most.

"I know you're wondering why I'm being so nice to you."

What the fuck.

"You're a loud thinker Amalia."

She cackled, even her laugh is perfect.

"I didn't like Pansy, so in turn, I didn't like you."

I cocked my head back in disbelief and confusion.

"That doesn't make sense, you were always-"

"With her, yeah, because she was the only one that truly liked to party, notice how I was only around whenever we went to party?"

She gave me a look as if I should have known.

"In all honesty I really didn't pay attention to you, especially after you were snogging Theo."

I tried to suppress the jealousy that shot through my voice, it didn't work. Astoria's smile dropped into one that held guilt and shame.

"I know, I'm sorry Amalia. To be fair, I really didn't know what was going on between you two, will you accept my apology."

Outstretching her arm, offering her hand to me. I was reluctant to accept it, so I held off for a moment.

"Either you shake my hand or I'm going to have to do something you won't like."

There was that devious smile again. Crossing my arms, I looked past her towards the door.

"Okay, you asked for it."

Now I was on the my back, she fucking tackled me into a hug.

"Okay! Okay! I forgive you, get off now."

My laughter couldn't be contained as I tried to pry off the little blonde from me.

"Oh, this is just the start!"

The bitch started tickling me. Her nails were digging into my sides, it wasn't even tickling!

"Merlin! Stop! Okay I forgive you! Astoria!"

Tears fell from my eyes due to the laughter from her tiny fingers. Our laughter combined, with a mix of my yelping. Our tickle fight came to an end when our door swung open to a worried some Pansy, standing with her wand drawn.

"S-sorry I just thought that."

Astoria and I just looked at her. Her face withdrew from color, swiftly she left, leaving us confused. We turned towards each other, in sync we blurted into a fit of laughter. Was it mean? Maybe, that wasn't my problem.

"Okay, now, help me cut my skirts, they are atrociously long."

We spent the rest of the night cutting her skirts, to which she roped me into cutting mine as well, as if I didn't already have one that was the blue print for our new skirts. Astoria mentioned how mine was way too short, so we made sure to keep ours two inches longer.


"So, I will see you at lunch?"

Astoria and I walked arm and arm to DADA, her class was next to mine, sadly we only had Astronomy together which was at the end of the day so we only really get to see each other between classes and lunch, other than when we get back to our dorms.

"Yes, Mattheo will be mad that you're stealing his spot at the table."

I half heartedly joked.

She rolled her eyes.

"If he throws a fit, I don't mind plopping between Crabbe and Goyle."

Her eyes fixated on Crabbe, sizing him up as he walked by us into class.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Not even hiding the judgement.

"What? I like my boys funny."

"Yeah, stupid too."

A small laugh came from her and with a small kiss on the cheek she was off to class.

"Don't ever let that thing plant a kiss on you again."

Theo commented, grabbing my hand in the process.

"That thing happens to be my roommate and she's actually really nice."

I rebutted.

"Yeah so much for nice, nice skirt by the way."

His jaw clenched at my exposed thighs that shown when I walked.

"Thanks, Astoria-"

"Cut them for you? Yeah I can tell."

He scoffed in disgust. I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want to argue over something as stupid as my skirt length. We took a seat in the front of the class, Theo glanced to the back of his room where his friends called for him. His eyes shot back and forth between me and the boys, the only one that joined us was Mattheo who was seated a row behind.

I always sat at the front of the class, no matter what, this year I needed to stay on top of my grades, everything that happened last year is staying there. So if Theo wanted to join his friends, I wasn't going to stop him.

Hesitantly he took the seat beside me, slumping in it.

"If you're going to be miserable every day of class, I'd rather you go sit with them."

I blandly spoke, pulling out my books and parchment.

"I just don't see why you have to sit right in the front, either way you're learning, it doesn't matter where you sit."

His tone was extremely standoffish.

"Well go sit back there then."

He threw his head back in annoyance, groaning, but not saying anything more.

"Good morning class."

Suddenly a flutter popped into my stomach at the sight of the new professor.

A murmur of whispers came from the classroom, mainly the girls. This professor, whoever he was, was-

"I am professor R.J. Lupin, your new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, I apologize for being absent at dinner last night, which I'm sure was delicious,"

Professor Lupin's eyes landed on mine, thank Merlin I wore my hair down today, my ears were on fire. His gaze quickly shifted to the rest of the class.

"no fret, I am here now. Today we will be focusing on..."

Theo placed a hand on my thigh, I slightly jumped from the unexpected touch.

You're seriously attracted to our professor?

I bit down on the smile that wanted to come to light. He's seriously jealous of our professor?

Not jealous, he just can't keep his eyes off of you, it's repulsive.

Turning my head, Theo had a hard face, he was angry, no, pissed. I placed my hand on his, rubbing small circles with my thumb on the back of his hand. Theo is incredibly sexy as is, when he gets mad, that's a different story. If we weren't in class right now I'd-

Dirty girl.

His frown turned up into his iconic smolder, one that replaced those little butterflies into a firey pit.

"Is my teaching boring you already ms..."

My head snapped in the direction of professor Lupin. The whole class was silently staring at Theo and I.

"Zabini, Amalia Zabini sir, and no I-"

"Well if you and your little boyfriend cannot seem to concentrate in my class, I will be forced to separate the two of you."

Sheepishly I turned myself back to the front of the classroom. Lupin eyed Theo, insinuating he remove his hand from my thigh. Theo chuckled lowly, letting his hand drop to his side.

"Very well then,"

Class continued on without any further interruptions, Lupin gave us an assignment to pick a defensive spell and write a paper on how affective it would be in a battle. I like how he gave us some freedom with our work, compared to previous years where it was the professor's way or no one's way.

"Amalia, a word please."

Lupin motioned me with two fingers. Theo and I walked hand and hand towards the professor when his hand went up.

"I appreciate young love more than anything else, however Mr. Nott I asked for Amalia."

His smug smile made Theo tighten his grip on my hand, then loosening it.

"See you in potions amore."

Theo pulled me into a deep kiss, a kiss I would never do in front of a professor. I didn't fight back, like I said, him mad made me feel some type of way. Slipping his tongue into my mouth was the moment Lupin cleared his throat, breaking us apart. Theo walked away with an accomplished smile, shooting Lupin a look before departing.

"Well, I can tell that you and him are truly and utterly infatuated with one another."

Lupin awkwardly smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh, I apologize professor he can get quite-"

"Please, call me Lupin, professor makes me seem old."


We stood in silence for a bit, awkward for me seemed normal for him.

"So, I was looking at the old notes from your professors in years past and you are an exceptional student."

He spoke, flipping through some pages that are, I'm assuming, student records.

"Thank you professor."

"I'd like to invite you to work on some spells that exceed this classes material."


"I don't understand prof-Lupin, what do you mean by that?"

Lupin's smile had nothing to hide, it was a nice smile.

"After class, when you don't have prefect duty, I'd like you to come in and we can work on more advanced spells, it would benefit you more than you know."

I wasn't able to control my reaction.

"Really?! Y-yes that would be great, oh Merlin Theo will be so excited."

Running towards the door I couldn't wait to tell Theo the news.

"Woah, slow down there,"

Lupin spoke, grabbing my arm to stop me.

"You mustn't tell any of your peers this, especially Theodore Nott."

He was serious now, he wasn't smiling anymore. He brought a finger up to scold me.

"I trust that you will not tell anyone about these lessons Ms. Zabini, is that clear?"

There was something off about this, all of this, it didn't feel wrong in the moment, but when he told me to not tell Theo, it felt wrong.

"Yes Lupin, I won't."

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