Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

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Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



1.1K 35 47
By WestCoast14

Present Day

Ginny woke to a startling headache. She winced in pain, sitting up in the big bed. She pressed her sweaty hand against her forehead, trying to rid the immense pressure. She shouldn't have had so much to drink- she knew better than to drink with Daniel, the Aussie who was immune to the effects of alcohol.

A groan escaped her lips as she swung her legs out of the tight white sheets. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand, checking the time. 9a.m. At least she didn't sleep the day way. She had promised to go to the Monaco Palace with Chloe and Henry.

Tani and her footballer boyfriend were going to attend too, but the two had been summoned to one of the local Nike stores for a pop-up signing. Ginny wondered if they really just didn't want to hear Chloe explain mid-century architecture.

Ginny unlocked her phone and stood up at the sight of how many missed messages she had. She had a ton from her brother, asking how the night had went, asking if I'd want to get breakfast today, and luckily he had been drinking with Austin, so the two of them were probably still knocked out.

She had a couple messages from Sara asking how everything was going. A few from Pauline- if only she knew what had happened last night. But she had the most messages from Chloe and Charles. She decided to click Chloe's name first, feeling her heart tug at the memories of her brother dancing with that girl. And Chloe's contact picture always made Ginny laugh, chuckling at the Leclerc's big forehead.

Hey girl! How's the club going? Are you and my brother getting on? 👀

P.S. your own brother and Austin made their way back to the hotel. I think they wanted to drink at the bar there. Not sure where Pierre is but you know how he disappears.

Earth to Ginny? You must be dancing the night away with Sir Perceval 🙄


Pierre and Charles are fighting... what the fuck!

Charles left you at the club to dance with a skinny bitch!? Oh hell no bitch PICK UP YOUR PHONE

Pierre took you back to the hotel? Ummm Charles didn't like that... near physically punched Pierre in the nose.

Are you okay?

You must be slumped. Call me in the morning. I'm having trouble sleeping lately because of the baby.

Call me.

I let out a sigh and decide to call her after checking Charles messages.

Ma cherie where'd you go? Are you in the bathroom?

I'm sorry if I upset you. Alexandra and I met awhile back and she's younger, I think she looked up to me. I just wanted to be a gentleman.

Are you okay?

Ginny, did you leave?

I just spoke with Daniel and the guys. They said Pierre came and got you? Are you okay? Where did you guys go? Are you back at the hotel?

Ginny please answer.

I'm going to go home and see if your brother is still there.

Chloe told me Timothée and Austin went back to the hotel. Are you with them?

Pierre just got here... said he took you back. Ginny, please, are you okay?

I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have left you. Please let me make it up to you.

Ginny rubbed her temple. She kept her thumbs hovering over the keyboard. She let out a sigh and decided to reply.

It's fine, Charles.


It's no big deal.

Pierre took me back to the hotel because I'd been drinking with Danny. You know how he can drink.

I wasn't mad at you. Did Pierre tell you I was? If he did... he's just starting shit.

You don't have to make anything up to me.

I hope you got some good sleep.

Ginny figured he'd still be asleep, so she took the time to call her best friend. Chloe answered on the second ring. She really must have trouble sleeping.

"Ginny? Oh my God, bitch. Are you okay?" Her voice was full of worry, like a mom calling her daughter.

Ginny stood, pressing the phone against her ear as she walked over to the bathroom. The tiled floor was cool against her skin and she knew it would help her headache. "I have a pretty banger headache, but other than that I'm fine."

"Girl, Pierre and Charles got into it a bit last night. You should've been there. Tell me everything."

The American leaned against the granite countertop, holding her phone again. "Charles took me to some club called Jimmy'z? Have you been?"

Chloe snorted into the speaker. "Before I was preggo, yeah. It's known for the younger crowd."

"Clearly." Ginny raised a brow. "Because Charles's friend sure seemed baby-faced to me."

"Alexandra? Yeah, she's twenty one, even younger than you. Guess my brother has a type."

Ginny clenched her teeth, turning around to face the mirror. "She said he owed her a dance and your very chivalrous brother had to give her one."

"I'm sensing some anger." Chloe dragged out her words.

Ginny sucked in a harsh breath. "I don't know... I just thought we were going to spend time... together. That's all."

"And how did Pierre end up taking you back to the hotel?"

"He just showed up and saw I was tipsy. I'd been drinking with Daniel."

"That was your first bad choice." Chloe grimaced, "He can driiiink."

"I know that... now." Ginny plopped herself on top of the toilet seat. "Pierre took me back to my room, walked me up and everything. He came inside and we..."

There was a long pause. Ginny wasn't sure what to say. The image of herself on top of the devil incarnate flashed in her mind. His hands roaming over her ass... she couldn't help but blush and bite her lip.

"Shall I use my own imagination?" Chloe reminded her to speak.

"Please don't. We ended up arguing and he left."

"Well that was anti-climactic in all types of ways."

Ginny groaned. "Why are you suddenly all for Pie Face?"

Chloe scoffed and was probably rolling her eyes. "I'm not! I just think he's grown a lot and deserves a second chance-"

"Grown?" Ginny stood up, feeling a surge of anger rip down her body. She wanted to keep talking, go off about Pierre and his antics, but she heard his voice in her head.

'What are you going to do, Genevieve? Be the annoying little sister you are?'

She hesitated, twisting her lips as she thought about how to continue. "We're just not seeing eye to eye."

"Hm, I wonder why? Maybe because he has a thing for you and you still see him as the big bad wolf? Loosen up, Gin. I know you're trying to be nice, but really give him a chance."

"I have been." Ginny was growing agitated. Why was Chloe such a big advocate for Pierre? She knew he was helping her and Henry... preparing for the baby and all... but he still could be a complete jerk. Why couldn't she see that?

"Instead of the palace trip, let's meet for coffee. I want to talk in person to my best friend. Please? I can hear you're mad. It's my pregnancy ears."

Ginny couldn't help but laugh. She felt her body relax at the interjection. She nodded slowly and spoke again into the speaker. "Okay. That sounds good. I just have to shower."

"I forget not all of us can wake up with such beauty." Chloe said dreamily. "I'll pick you up. Well... Mister LeBlanc will pick you up, but I'll be in the car too."

"What a rich person thing to say."

"See you in thirty?"

"Perfect." Ginny smiled and hung up. She texted her brother told him about her one on one time with Chloe. He understood and said he'd eat with Austin and the two of them would catch up with her later for the Saturday practice.

She showered and wanted to blow-dry her hair, but ended up waving around the device for only a minute before losing patience. Her headache wasn't getting any better and she was in desperate need of carbs. She'd let her hair air-dry and called it a day. Ginny shuffled back into the room, shivering as she passed the AC unit on full blast.

She glanced over at the white box, with the glittery ribbon still tangled beside it. She thought about wearing it... but she shook her head. She decided on some boho white pants and a dark pink floral crop top. She'd have to change before the practice later. A couple dings erupted on her phone and she checked the screen quickly.

Charles 🏎️🥰 Leclerc
I want to make it up to you. I was rude. The night was supposed to be for us. Redo tonight? Let me take you to dinner!

Ginny's eyes caught onto someone else's name. She raised a brow and clicked on the icon.

Don't give into the prince of Monaco so easily. You deserve better than him.

Ginny ignored both of the boys and focused on the last text from Chloe, saying she had just arrived. The American grabbed her belongings and darted out of the room. She skipped the elevator and ran down the stairs. Mister LeBlanc was holding the backseat door open.

"Thank you!" She practically jumped into the car. Mister LeBlanc chuckled and shut the door before rounding the front of the James Bond car and settling in the driver's seat.

Chloe was wearing another sundress that looked like silk. She was all-done up like usual- perfect makeup and flawless wavy hair. Ginny was excited to get coffee with her just the two of them. It was refreshing. The two of them didn't get into gossip during the car ride.

They just chatted about predictions of the Saturday practice. Mister LeBlanc pulled up on the curb outside of a cozy cafe. The shop was on the corner overlooking the ocean. He parked and got out to help Chloe. Ginny got out herself and took in a big breath of salty sea air.

"Merci Monsieur." Chloe kissed Mister LeBlanc's cheek, causing him to blush. "Ginny and I might be awhile, apologies!"

"No need to apologize nor call me sir." He smiled sweetly. "Just call me when you girls are ready."

Chloe and Ginny thanked him again before entering the cafe. It was pretty empty, which Ginny figured was something Chloe knew ahead of time. There was one old man sipping coffee and reading the newspaper in a booth in the back. A couple employees were talking amongst each other behind the counter, but perked at the new customers.

"Good morning, soon-to-be misses Cavill." The teenage girl with bright blonde hair moved towards the register.

Ginny furrowed her brows at the language used. Soon-to-be? Maybe the employee was just teasing Chloe. Maybe the couple came in all the time. Ginny settled on that.

"A regular. I figured." She rolled her eyes.

Chloe shoved her friend before greeting the employee. "Hey girl, can I get a decaf cappuccino? Ginny, are you still into the fraps or have you aged?"

Ginny groaned. "There's nothing wrong with Frappuccino's! But I'm thinking now I should get a tea..."

Chloe raised her brows at the girl. "Definitely needs tea. She'll have the honey citrus mint tea."

"You got it!" She had a pretty accent when she spoke in English.

Ginny and Chloe took a seat at a table by the window, overlooking the water. They waited for their drinks and then got into the gossip right where they left off.


"You're upset I'm nicer with Pierre now."

"I'm not upset-"

Chloe waved a dismissive hand. "I'm not done talking."

Ginny raised her brows and let the actress continue.

"I'm not dumb you know. I checked Pierre's phone right when I found out you were coming. I saw he had called you. And I figured you two still weren't on good terms. And you aren't. I knew better than to believe you guys put everything under the bridge in the car ride before the Japanese Gardens. I know that as much as you hate him you like him deep down and you like my brother. And they both like you, Ginny."

Ginny was speechless. She stared at her friend in awe. Her mouth opened and closed a couple times before actually speaking legit words. "Is that from your pregnancy brain? Nothing gets past you..."

Her friend took a sip of her drink. "So, tell me what you're actually feeling."

Ginny sat back in her chair and sighed. "I'm feeling everything all over again."

Chloe's brows furrowed together in sympathy. "So you and Pierre haven't-"

"No." Ginny was quick to answer, not yet ready to talk about those memories and emotions. "We haven't talked about... that."

"And you and Charles?"

Ginny shook her head. "I'm a mess."

"No, you're not. You're back in a place that holds memories you stored away." Chloe gripped her mug tight. "That's why I never reached out... I knew I was apart of those memories."

"I love every memory with you, Chlo." Ginny reached over the table to squeeze her arm.

"I know. I'm pretty awesome." Chloe grinned for a second before her gaze hardened. "Can I tell you something? Another reason why I've grown closer to Pierre?"

Ginny paused, chewing the inside of her cheek. "Sure."

Chloe frowned, pushing a strand of her hair behind her earring. "My mom isn't Henry's biggest fan."

"Why?" Ginny gasped, unintentionally placing a hand over her heart. "He's the textbook definition of husband material."

"I know." Chloe giggled, smiling a bit before her lips pursed. "But she doesn't like that he's older than me. Most people forget because he always looks so young, but he's forty years old. Fourteen years older than me."

Ginny nearly spit her tea all over the pregnant girl. She slapped a hand over her mouth. "Forty? He's actually forty?"

"Mhm." Chloe breathed. "And mama Leclerc didn't like that we met when I was nineteen, even though we didn't go on a date until I was twenty one. She never has given him a proper chance. She's still clinging onto Max."

Ginny closed her eyes for a moment, taking in her friend's words. She understood what Chloe was implying. "So your mom wants you to get back with Max?"

"Very much so." Chloe nodded. "Max and his family live here in Monaco now. His dad was friends with my dad, and his mom is my mom's bestie. She'd give anything for me to be with Max, but she's failing to see how happy I am with Henry. I mean- I think the kid is pretty obvious but what do I know?"

"I'm so sorry." Ginny crossed her arms. "Henry is a great guy and from the looks of it you two seem like the perfect match."

"Well," Chloe smirked. "Pierre thinks so too."

Ginny's shoulders slumped. "He does?"

"I was just as surprised, considering Max is his friend too. But Pierre thinks me and Henry are destined to be together. He's never been more supportive of this baby and.... our future marriage."

"So everyone knows you two will get married one day." Ginny jutted her chin towards the employee from earlier. "You guys really show your love."

Chloe gulped, hard. "We do... with rings."

Ginny pulled a confused expression. "Rings?"

Chloe pulled out a beautiful wedding ring from her purse. She slipped it on and flexed her fingers. The diamonds glittered under the sun rays. "We're engaged."

"What!?" Ginny gasped. "When!?"

"About a year ago." Chloe looked like she was thinking back on the moment it happened. "We were planning to tell my mom, but we kept putting it off. And then I kept getting sick. When I went to the doctor, that's when I found out I was pregnant. We knew we'd have to tell my mom and that was the priority. If we told her both, I feared she would have collapsed of a heart attack. We wear our rings when we can, when it's not too noticeable, like at coffee shops we attend regularly... making sure to tip kindly."

Ginny threw her head back. "No wonder."

"We plan on getting married after the baby. But the only person who knows about the marriage... is Pierre."

Ginny felt her jaw open wide. "Not even your brothers?"

"No." Chloe nodded. "Not even my brothers. If I told them I know mamá would find out not too long after, not because they'd snitch, but because none of them are good at keeping secrets. They'd blab without even realizing it."

"I won't tell anyone." Ginny promised, holding out her pinky. Chloe grinned and wrapped her pinky around Ginny's. "Pinky swear."

"What I'm getting at, is that Pierre is trying his best." Chloe swallowed. "After everything that happened between you two... I think he wants to be a better man."

Ginny let her words sink into her skin like a tattoo. But she wasn't sure what to say, so she just sat there for awhile, thinking. Chloe got the hint and changed the subject, allowing the girls to talk about anything and everything. But Ginny was preoccupied the whole time, lingering in another dimension as she thought about Pierre and what he was becoming.

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