I do believe in your galaxy...

By NivethaBaranikumar

3.9K 1.1K 223

Y/N and Taehyung find themselves bound by an arranged marriage orchestrated by their parents, but beneath the... More



27 15 0
By NivethaBaranikumar

Y/N pov

sterile white walls of the hospital corridor felt like a canvas, each step echoing the silent anxiety that reverberated within. Namjoon oppa comforting words resonated in my mind as we stood outside the surgery room, awaiting Taehyung's return. "He's gonna be okay," he assured me, his voice a steadying force amid the sea of uncertainty.

Time seemed to stretch, each passing moment intensifying the knot of worry in my chest. When they finally wheeled Taehyung back into the room, relief and apprehension warred within me. As the medical staff adjusted his position on the bed, I couldn't help but scrutinize every detail of his face, seeking reassurance in the familiar lines and contours.

Namjoon oppa's concerned gaze lingered on me, and he gently inquired, "What's wrong?" My instinct was to downplay the unease that gripped me, to offer a reassuring smile and dismiss any trace of doubt. But the words caught in my throat as I silently observed Taehyung, my eyes scanning for any signs of distress or discomfort.

After a pregnant pause, I responded, "Nothing," a simple word that belied the tumult of emotions beneath the surface. The room, filled with the soft hum of medical equipment, became a sanctuary for unspoken fears and hopes.

Just then, a doctor entered the room, breaking the silence with news that felt like a lifeline. "Taehyung's surgery was successful. He'll be recovering soon," the doctor conveyed, a sense of professional satisfaction coloring the announcement. The weight that had settled over the room lifted, replaced by a collective exhale of relief.

Namjoon oppa's eyes met mine, reflecting the shared sentiment of gratitude and hope. In that moment, the sterile hospital room transformed into a space where the fragility of life intersected with the resilience of the human spirit.

As we settled into the rhythm of Taehyung's recovery, the air became charged with a quiet determination to navigate the challenges ahead. The journey was far from over, but the successful surgery marked a pivotal step toward healing—an affirmation that, against the backdrop of uncertainty, hope could still bloom.
In the morning


As the morning light filtered through the hospital room, I found myself wide awake, the events of the previous night still lingering in my mind. The rhythmic beeping of machines provided a steady backdrop, a constant reminder of Taehyung's presence and the delicate balance between uncertainty and recovery.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a familiar figure stepped into the room. It was my appa , carrying breakfast for the three of us. His eyes held a mix of concern and reassurance as he approached Taehyung's bedside. I could sense the depth of his connection with Taehyung, despite their relatively short acquaintance.

With practiced care, appa monitored Taehyung's wounds, his expression reflecting the weight of responsibility he felt for the well-being of someone who had become a cherished part of our lives.

Turning towards me, he spoke with a gentle sincerity, "Y/N, don't worry about him. He will be back on his feet soon, especially with you by his side."

I couldn't bring myself to respond at that moment. The complexities of emotions, the unspoken fears, and the profound connection we shared with Taehyung seemed to weave an intricate tapestry of sentiments within me.

Just then, Namjoon oppa stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open. Confusion briefly clouded his gaze before he greeted my father. "Good morning." Namjoon oppa's voice held a softness, a vulnerability that hinted at the shared concern for Taehyung's recovery.

My father, undeterred by the early hour, encouraged Namjoon oppa to freshen up. "Wash your face and come. I brought food for you," he chimed, his caring nature extending to everyone present in the room.

Namjoon, still groggy, responded with a comment about not feeling like eating. Appa, however, approached him with a warmth that transcended familial boundaries. He enveloped Namjoon oppa in a hug, patting his hair reassuringly. "Taehyung would want you to eat properly, wouldn't he?" my father remarked, drawing a nod of agreement from Namjoon oppa.

Appa then turned his attention back to me, his eyes conveying a subtle message of strength and resilience. "Then come, let's have breakfast so that you can take care of him. You need to be strong and well-fed," he urged, looking directly at me.

I hesitated for a moment, my gaze shifting between appa's comforting presence and the silent figure of Namjoon oppa . Eventually, I joined them at the small desk in the room, where my father had laid out the breakfast he brought. We ate in silence, the act of nourishing our bodies becoming a quiet ritual that spoke volumes about the unspoken bonds tying us together in this unexpected journey of healing and discovery.

appa's considerate words hung in the air, a gentle suggestion that carried the weight of genuine concern. "Let me stay here for a while; you both can get home and take some rest," he offered, his eyes reflecting a sincerity that resonated with paternal care.

Namjoon oppa , ever resilient, responded, "I slept for an hour or two, Uncle. I'm fine." His determination to be there for Taehyung echoed in his words, a testament to the bonds that had woven us into an intricate tapestry of shared responsibility.

Despite Namjoon oppa's reassurance,  appa insisted, "Okay, then let me be here. Get back home, freshen up, and come back. You will have some change of surroundings if you are off from here for a while. Come by evening. I will take care of him in the meantime."

As the words settled in the room, I felt a tug of gratitude for appa's presence. His willingness to shoulder the watchful responsibility allowed a glimmer of respite for Namjoon oppa and me. The hospital room, though a haven for healing, held an air of sterility that begged for a brief escape.

The idea of leaving Taehyung's side, even momentarily, stirred conflicting emotions within me. The sense of duty warred with the longing for a familiar space where the walls didn't echo with the beeping of machines and the antiseptic scent didn't permeate the air.

Namjoon oppa , sensing the internal struggle, placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He's in good hands, Y/N. We can freshen up and come back. It'll do us some good," he assured, his gaze reflecting both weariness and an understanding of the need for a brief respite.

As we reluctantly made our way out of the hospital room,  appa's presence became a reassuring anchor. The prospect of a temporary departure held the promise of renewal, a chance to return with replenished strength to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

As we made our way out of the hospital, the morning sunlight spilled across the quiet corridor. The gentle warmth accompanied our tired steps towards the entrance, where a familiar figure awaited. Hoseok oppa , with his signature smile, greeted us. "Hey, you two. What are you doing outside?" he asked, his eyes reflecting concern.

I mustered a tired smile and replied, "appa  came to visit. He's taking care of Taehyung for a while. We're heading home to get some rest."

Hoseok oppa's expression softened, understanding the weight of the day's events. "Ah, I see. Well, go ahead and take a break. I'll take over here. Taehyung will be OK," he assured, a sense of reassurance in his voice.

Namjoon oppa nodded gratefully, and as Hoseok oppa entered the hospital, we exchanged a brief farewell. The morning held a promise of rest, a temporary escape from the hospital's clinical embrace. With each step away from the entrance, the cool morning breeze enveloped us, offering a momentary respite from the intensity of the night. The journey home became a shared passage, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges and hope that lay ahead in the bright morning hours.

The journey back home became a contemplative drift through the labyrinth of unanswered questions. The enigma of why I could see their sister when others couldn't lingered in my mind, a puzzle demanding a solution that eluded me. Why had this ethereal connection chosen me, a recent addition to their family?

The weight of recent events bore down on me as I pondered the sinister motive behind the murders of Taehyung's mom and their sister. It was a macabre sequence, a haunting symphony of tragedy that resonated with inexplicable cruelty.

As the car glided through the streets, I delved into the possibilities of who could be chasing after Taehyung. The police officer seemed an unlikely candidate; his motives were unclear, and if he sought vengeance, Seokjin oppa would be a more logical target. The shadows of suspicion cast themselves wider, leaving a tapestry of uncertainty.

Whoever it was, their presence threatened the fragile stability of our lives. I felt a growing responsibility to protect the family, yet the veiled nature of the threat left me grasping at intangible strands of danger.

Namjoon oppa's gentle shake snapped me from my contemplation, bringing me back to the present moment. His concern mirrored the questions that lingered in my mind, and I realized that we faced a journey shrouded in mysteries, where each step carried the weight of the unknown.

As we stepped inside the house and entered our room—well, I guess I could call it mine now—I couldn't help but notice the disarray. It seemed like he had been having a hard time. Soju bottles scattered around, and I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling. Taehyung had mentioned he wasn't good with alcohol, so why the sudden influx of soju? Was he drunk when he drove the car that night? What if he was? The questions swirled in my mind, adding another layer of complexity to the already tangled web of mysteries surrounding us.

Hey readers!!! I hope you enjoyed the story until now. It's Time for a virtual huddle. I'm spinning this captivating story , and I want to know your theories! Who do you think the mysterious killer is, and what's cooking in their devious mind? What were their motives back then, and what twisted game are they playing now?

Drop your wild guesses, crackpot theories, or Sherlock-level deductions in the comments. Let's turn this story into a collective rollercoaster of suspense!

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