The Female Musketeer

By DarcyArnott

3.2K 88 6

Daria La Vielle was just a farm girl. The Three musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis were just soldiers. But... More

Chapter 1 | La Maladie
Chapter 2 | L'au Revoir
Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père
Chapter 4 | Un Enterrement
Chapter 5 | Adieu mon enfance
Chapter 6 | Route Des Voleurs
Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie
Chapter 8 | Règles
Chapter 9 | Le Premier Mousquetaire
Chapter 10 | Le Deuxième Mousquetaire
Chapter 11 | Le Troisième Mousquetaire
Chapter 13 | Un Plan Bien Préparé
Chapter 14 | La Garnison
Chapter 15 | La Femme Combattante
Chapter 16 | Une Rencontre
Chapter 17 | la Garde Rouge Jalouse
Chapter 18 | Le Dîner Catastrophe
Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre
Chapter 20 | Séparer La Famille
Chapter 21 | Le Seigneur Sans Nom
Chapter 22 | Rubans Et Haches
Chapter 23 | L'avis Des Rois
Chapter 24 | La Piste Et Le Procès
Chapter 25 | Jour D'Entrainement
Chapter 26 | Au Revoir Mon Amoureux
Chapter 27 | Une Grande Préoccupation
Chapter 28 | Les Vicomtes S'Inquiètent
Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée
Chapter 30 | Ainsi Commence L'Histoire
Chapter 31 | La Tentative Meurtrière
Chapter 32 | Enfin Chez-Soi
Chapter 33 | La Lettre Des Seigneurs
Chapter 34 | Mon Amie La Reine
Chapter 35 | Tuer Ou Être Tué
Chapter 36 | les Imbéciles Dansent
Chapter 37 | Un Cadeau D'un "Ami"
Chapter 38 | Le Mousquetaire Dansant
Chapter 39 | En Route Pour Le Bal
Chapter 40 | Introduction Par Effraction
Chapter 41 | Nouveaux Indices
Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement
Chapter 43 | Chat Effrayant
Chapter 44 | Dans L'Obscurité De La Nuit
Chapter 45 | Bisou Bisou
Chapter 46 | Mener Une Bataille Perdue
Chapter 47 | J'aime Te Détester
Chapter 48 | Bonjour Mes Amis
Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum
Chapter 50 | Tuer Ou Ne Pas Tuer
Chapter 51 | Le Retour En Arrière
Chapter 52 | Nous Tombons Tous

Chapter 12 | Ma Garde Rouge

84 3 0
By DarcyArnott

I stood in front of the gate, unsure and nervous. It's been months since i saw Frederick, but it's felt like years.

I push back my nerves and pull the chain from my neck, so my ring is showing. A Guard finally shows up, and lets me in when I tell him Fredericks name.

He takes me to a small yard where a few men are sparring. The guard walks off to grab Frederick.

I watch the men in the yard. They are a bit brutal in technique, and not very skillful. From what little I know of the Red Guard, I can't see my little Freddie  fitting into such a brutish environment.

"Daria?" A familiar voice calls out to me.

I turn around, and try not to gasp. In front of me stands a man who looks very similar to Frederick, but still not quite. His hair was much shorter, it looked like it was cut with rusty scissors. His skin was paler and his eyes a bit more hollow.

His smile isn't the same perfect one, it's distant. He stands in front of me, but still a few inches away.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, a mix of confusion and surprise.

"You didn't get my letter?"

"I got it. I just didn't expect you so soon.

"Right, sorry. It's just my Aunt wants to meet you. She expects it." I roll my eyes.


"Friday, 5pm."

"Well then, I look forward to meeting her."

I ask him how his training is going. He says it's tough but he likes the discipline. As he talks, I absently fidget with the ring on my chain. When he's finished, I tell him about my trip here.

"You were robbed? Are you ok?" He checks me over for  signs of injury.

"Yes, of course."

"Then what happened to your clothes?" He points to my dress. I finally look down, first covers the skirt.

"That's another long story." I laugh.

That doesn't stop me from telling it. I fly into my explanation and as he listens I swear his eyes start popping from their lids.

He stares at me shocked.
"You chased a man, who you know is an armed robber  down the streets of Paris."

"That was part of it yes."

I put out my hand and show him my father's ring. The very one he always saw on my Fathers hand.

"I had to get this back Freddie. I had to."

He nods. Remembering the events that lead me to Paris. He finally step towards me and envelopes me in a warm hug. I return it with relief, the familiarity between us returning. So much has happened in such a short time, I forgot this is my childhood friend. This is my Freddie. The boy who chased me around in the fields and climbed trees with me.

But when he pulls away, and steps back. The cold air between us sent a shiver across me. Gone was my friend, and returned the Red Guardsman.

"But I could have helped you, you should have waited for me. That's not something a girl should be doing. Especially a girl like you."

"A girl like me?"

"You know what I mean. This isn't Lupiac. This is Paris, it's dangerous. I don't want you running around playing hero. With Musketeers nonetheless." He says almost disgusted with them.

"I'm aware this is a dangerous place, but I did what I had to. The Musketeers were just helping me."

"Those radicals are anything but helpful" a voices cuts in.

Frederick stands up straight. An elder man in a Red religious gown. Four soldiers stand behind him, their uniforms a similar shade of red.

Frederick doesn't look him in the eye, but does adress him.

"I didn't know you were coming today Your Eminence."

"Worry not young man. I was only stopped by to have a chat with the Captain."

He turns to meet my eyes, a certain glimmer in them as he looks me over.

"And who is this lovely young woman?" He is asking Frederick, but I answer him myself.

"Daria La Vielle. Pleasure to meet you."

"I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. I'm sure you know who I am."

"I'm afraid not."

He glowers at my response.

Frederick gives me a look can't discern and introduces the man.

"Daria, this is  Cardinal Richelieu. The Red Guard is the Cardinals personal Guard."

I nod in understanding. The Cardinal bids us farewell and motions for his guard to move on.

"Good Day your Eminence." I say as he leaves us.

Freddie's shoulders fall and he lets out a breath. We stare at eachother clearly for a few minutes, until I shake my head.

I look up to the dark sky.

"I should be getting back."

"I'll walk you home."

"No, no it's ok."

"Daria, I can't let you walk home by yourself at this time."

"Who said I was walking?" I give him a small peck on the lips and start backing away. He doesn't follow but he doesn't look happy.

"See you Friday." Is the last thing I say before I turn and start to run again.

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