Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

By OutsidersAf

207K 2.1K 731

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... More

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Bound 2
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Night Shift
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain

Fast In My Car

2.5K 34 10
By OutsidersAf

The past three days have been filled with letters, letters, and more letters. Theo wasn't lying when he said that he was expecting a letter every hour, I was a few hours late in replying to his letter and got a howler sent to me and let's just say it wasn't something my mother should have heard.

"Amalia Domna Zabini, I know for a fact that you are doing absolutely nothing worth not responding to me. If this has anything to do with Mattheo who just so happens to me sitting right beside me I will personally deliver him to your house with no left hand. You know, so he won't ever be able to write to you and jerk of to the thought of you which he definitely has-

I have not you nasty wanker! And if you think you'll be able to lay a hand on me you have another thing coming-

Shove off cunt, anyways, it's pathetic I have to mention another boy to get you to write to me. Make sure this never happens again.

Ciao mi amore."

Just know that, that howler was present at dinner between my mother and I. Her expression didn't budge which made my face turn an even darker shade of green.

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with the Notts."

I was relieved at her response even though she shouldn't have heard it in the first place. That same night I wanted to ask my mother about who my grandfather was but it was no use, she wasn't in a talkative mood and hardly ate. It probably was due to another lover of hers, at this point Blaise and I lost count, though we love our mother, she doesn't care to mention anything about the men in her life since they never last.

Today was my last and final day at home before leaving for Hogwarts in the morning. Between writing back to Theo and Mattheo at the same time, I had some time to think of a way to respond to Amos Diggory. I wanted to help as much as I could, however, I was just as clueless as he was.

So I took the liberty as making it something I can deal with once away at school. My mother typically speaks her mind a lot more in writing rather than in person, it probably gives her more time to think and I can't really blame her, I myself find it hard to speak most of the time when confronted with tough situations. Besides, maybe one of the professor's might know a little bit of who my grandfather is since Amos said that the ministry would need my help and Dumbledore always has his nose in the ministries business.

There was a peck on my window, my poor Didi, she has never worked this hard in her entire life. I'm not sure about Blaise and my mother but I know that with me Didi would only send letters for me that were meant for my mother, which was only a few times a year.

Theo's letters were almost always short and simple, it is annoying how he expects me to write back to him so much when all we are talking about is little things that have little to no meaning. I get he wants to talk to me and I want to just as much as he does, however, it seems as if there's no point in tiring Didi out like this.


I just had probably the best pudding in a while, it had chocolate frogs atop of it. Do you remember having that as kids? I'm guessing the house elves were feeling sentimental with this dish. I hate to say it, but I'm going to miss them this year, only because they are the ones that clean up after me and now I'll have to clean my room. Also can you give Didi an elixir of some sort? She is flying immensely slower, unless it's you taking your sweet time to write back to me. Either way, fix it. I'll be heading to bed within the next two hours and would like a letter to put me to sleep.

Buona notte amore

What was the point of this letter? Like could he not wait until tomorrow to let me know how his trifle was? I rolled my eyes, slumping back in my chair. I didn't even know how to respond to him, if I don't write enough he will get irritated with me and if I take too long it will be the exact same reaction as before.

I straightened up, pulling a fresh piece of parchment from my desk. Bringing my quill to the fresh sheet, my mind drew a blank. It was nearly impossible to answer him in a nice length without dragging on my sentences. A throbbing pain grew behind my eyes, I winced, bringing my fingers to my temples and rubbed them slowly.

Even though I had a pounding migraine from the stupidity behind these short useless letters, I wasn't in the mood to deal with his pestering and needed to write something so he would at least be pleased with the time frame in which I was sending him letters.


Lucky you, I didn't have a chance to eat pudding since I needed to write you. Mother didn't mind, she actually saved me a slice of the strawberry tart, I hope Blaise didn't get his grimy hands on it though. Also I do not appreciate the Didi slander, she's not used to sending this many letters in such a short span of time. I hope you decide to keep your room cleaner than it was last year, I know you shove all of your dirty clothes under your bed and just let them be until Mattheo starts to find your clothes under his bed because you have no more room under yours.

I can't wait to see you tomorrow, make sure you get to the station before me so we can at least have a compartment this year and not one of those tables with the rest of Slytherin. Don't complain because you know that if there are compartments taken everyone takes your threats more serious than they take me. The last thing I want to hear on the long ride to school is all the lies about how much everyone "enjoyed" their summer. I hope this year Potter doesn't buy the whole sweet trolley and I can finally have some jelly slugs.



There, that should do it. Turns out there was some things I could talk about, well, complain about. I learned from my mother at a young age that if there is nothing to talk about, just start complaining about things in your life.

"Didi, take your time okay? This is the last letter you will be sending for a while and when you get back a nice juicy mouse will be awaiting your arrival."

I pet her soft black feathers before placing my letter in her beak. She kept stretching her wings the entire time I was writing back to Theo, so the least I could do was give her a nice treat that normally Blaise would deal with since anything small that crawls freaks me out.

Didi flew into the night sky, faster than I have seen her these past few days. She was really eager to get that mouse, it made me smile to know that she was excited. I let out a long stretch, finally, I could have the rest of the night to rest and not have to walk around for a while with a cramped hand. That was until I saw the pile of clothes that were scattered across my floor.

UGH, can I please get a break.


Turns out it was easier than I thought to pack away everything I needed for school. I always forget about the perks that come with being a witch. Satisfied, I quickly got ready for bed, my eyes were too heavy to keep open any longer and within a moments time of my head hitting my pillow it suddenly was morning.

I can't remember the last time I slept that well and now it was the day I can see everyone, well, I can see Theo and Mattheo. It didn't take long for me to get ready as I already had placed out everything I would need to get ready for the day the night before.

The train was always a bit more chilly than it was outside so I made sure to wear a black knit jumper. I knew that once I got to school I would not want to change into my uniform, to make it easier on myself I dressed my entire bottom half in my uniform, only this time I hiked up my skirt. No one likes a long skirt with a big chunky sweater, at least I don't.

"Amalia let's go!-Oh, you're ready, that's a first."

Blaise spoke, caught off guard with my eagerness to head to school. Ever since I was younger I would dread the send off to Hogwarts since I didn't have a good experience to begin with. One year I even puked on my mother's shoes to prove I was sick and could go at dinner time when no one was around, sadly that did not work.

"You must really like Theo to be this excited to go to school."

He said in an amused voice, earning a death glare from me. Blaise put his arms up in defense once catching a glimpse at my face.

"Woah, woah, never said it was a bad thing, calm down there."

Blaise snickered, bringing his hand to my chin and swiping it, to which I swatted his hand.

"I hate when you do that! I don't have a double chin anymore!"

I stomped my left foot onto the ground.

"Blaise stop it, you know your sister is sensitive."

My mother spoke sympathetically from behind me. Taken aback, I scoff at my mother.

"I am not sensitive, he's just an annoying piece of shi-"

"Okay, grab some floo and let's head to King's Cross, alright?"

Blaise smirked at me while our mother stepped into our fire place in result, I stuck my tongue out at him like a toddler.

"Catch you there pudding bowl! King's Cross station."

He's lucky he got out before I could jump into the fire place and make him wish he never had a tongue in the first place.


"I don't care where you sit, I'm going to find Draco, see you there."

That was the last thing Blaise said then disappeared into the sea of parents and their lost children.


Just my luck, I had to wonder the train carts by myself. To many it was normal but this wasn't normal for me. Typically I had Blaise or one of the boys to be their shadow throughout the train and now I was on my own.

"Enjoy your time darling, I love you."

My mother planted a soft kiss on my head, I gave her a soft smile then walked into the train cart. Hopefully Theo actually made it here early and got a compartment for us because there was no way I was going to sit where we sat for the past years.

This is the worst part, staring into every compartment until I find him. What if he didn't even get a compartment and I find an empty one and don't take it, yeah no. From the looks of it, all of the compartments I have glanced in were all taken.

The looks I was receiving from interrupting private conversations were some of the nastiest anyone has ever gotten. Don't quote me on that, I was always almost invisible, for the most part when I wasn't the target for the boys to push around.

Merlin he is nowhere! It was now more clear than ever that I will have to be sat with our old group since the compartments were nearing an end. Fred waved me into his compartment, which I kindly declined, not only because Theo would probably kill both of us, but his girlfriend did not like the idea either, considering the look of distaste on her face.

Please Merlin, tell me he is in this compartment.

I crossed my fingers and surprise! He wasn't there, I knew it. He never cared enough to have a compartment, he just wanted to be surrounded and praised by any and everyone. I shook my head, laughing to myself that I thought he actually would listen to me when I was the one taking orders from him left and right-

"Hey, out, this my compartment."

Well, that wasn't expected. Theo moved me aside, yelling at the three second year Ravenclaws who scurried like rats at his presence. His mean mug changed into delight when his eyes fell on mine.

"Che carina."

He whispered, snaking his hands beneath my butt, promptly lifting me up. I hadn't anticipated it and let out a small squeal.

"Hello handsome."

I cheekily grinned, planting a long awaited kiss on his beautifully plump lips. He set me down, taking my hand and guiding me into the compartment.

We sat beside each other, I couldn't even get one word out before his lips crashed into mine. It took me by surprise, yet again, still I kissed him back with even more lust than he had in him. Theo got straight to the point sticking his tongue in between my teeth, I didn't appose this move and let mine fight against his.

My hands found their way into his soft locks while he took the liberty to bring my legs from in front of me onto his. He pulled away, flashing me a small smile. It was a short make out but man was it worth it. Theo placed his hand atop of my thigh, caressing it softly, letting his eyes trace me head to toe.

"You know this skirt breaks dress code."

"So? We aren't at school, besides, I'm going to be a Prefect, whatever I say goes."

A playful smirk emerged from his lips.

"Is that so?"

I nodded, lifting my chin high in the air to show that I was more superior to him.

"Well, don't get too excited about your position as I am a Prefect myself."

Of course you are.

My arms dropped.

"Hey don't be mad at me sweetheart, if anything I should be thanking you for letting me copy your transfiguration assignments."

He gripped my thigh, letting me know that I should be happy for what I did, this actually made me annoyed. I snapped my head towards the window.

"More like forcing me to give you my answers."

"Amore that was the old me."

Theo softly spoke, placing his hand on my chin to force me to look him in the eyes. I however did not believe him for a second, which he could tell from the grimace I had on. He let out a sigh before speaking once more.

"I'm sorry, for everything, I swear."

A small pit formed in my stomach. His face looked sincere and his hands stayed put, nevertheless there was something telling me that he didn't really mean it. I pushed that feeling away and gave in, letting the blood rush to my cheeks and not withholding the smile that fought it's way on my face.

"That's what I thought, come here."

Letting go of my chin, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Take a nap, we're a bit ways from school."

"I'm not tired."

I protested.

"Well I am and I know you will be pestering me if I fall asleep and I don't want to deal with it so either you take a nap with me or sit in silence until we get to school."


He gave me a glare, then closed his eyes instantly. Note to self, whenever I am thinking around him I have to not let my walls down, this fucker is always looking in my thoughts. I didn't want to take a nap since I had such an amazing sleep last night, still I know he would be annoyed if I were to leave or to bother him.

"If you are wondering whether you should leave the compartment or not, I'd rather you wouldn't, considering your only friends are Mattheo and the Weasel and you don't want to make me upset."

I did it again! I didn't react just incase he had eyes on the side of his head since he knew everything I was thinking. He was right though, it wouldn't be fair to him if I left him for another guy, even though they were only just friends. I could see how Fred might play a factor in this, even though it was to make him jealous, however I can't see why he would care for Mattheo.

Sure, Mattheo admitted to me that he had feelings last semester but that was last semester and he knows that Theo and I are together so I don't really see the big deal.

"Your nail biting is keeping me from a peaceful rest, now stop contemplating whether you should see them and close your damn eyes."

My eyes went wide, I myself never knew I bit my own nails when I was deep in thought. I guess it was just a bad habit that I didn't know I partook in.


I whispered and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I knew that if I did close my eyes and tried to sleep that the only thing that would happen is I would just be sitting here for hours with my eyes closed, nothing more.

I could journal?


If Theo knew I had a journal he would find a way to read it if I were to not allow him to. I hate that I have to keep my mind so concentrated to hold my mental blockage so he wouldn't have access to my mind! I need my time of drifting off into thought without having to worry that someone, let alone my boyfriend, would use my own thoughts against me. What can keep my mind off of things!

The only thing that will keep my focus on one thing for certain would be reading, reading for school. When I was a top student that's all I ever did, it was the only way to not be thinking of myself so negatively. I grabbed my Defense Against The Dark Arts V. 6 book from Theo's bag that he so graciously placed on the floor below us and began reading.

I haven't done this in so long, except now it wasn't to block out any negativity, it was to block out Theo. The first few pages of the book were boring me to death, I kept getting distracted! I thought I'd love it. Just before I was about to give up and close my eyes for the rest of the journey, I decided to give it one final shot, putting all of my focus into the book.

"Bella, we're here can I have my book?"

"What it's only been five minutes-"

We were really at Hogwarts and I was in the middle of the book. I was amazed at the fact that I forgot how much I loved getting lost in books, it was way more better than getting lost in thought.

"Come on, the boys are waiting for us."

Theo grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the exit. Well here goes a year that will be one to remember.

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