Total Drama World Tour: my du...

By justababbler

3.3K 73 7

This my first little story thingy on this thing while I was thinking of what to make I just thought "hey, wha... More

My character guy
Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1
Walk Like An Egytian Part 2
Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan
Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better
Broadway, Baby!
Slap Slap Revolution
The Am-AH-Zon Race
Can't Help Falling in Louvre
Newf Kids On The Rock
Jamaica Me Sweat
I See London...
Greece's Pieces
The EX-Files
Picnic at Hanging Dork
Sweden Sour
Niagra Brawls
Chinese Fake-Out
African Lying Safari
Awwwwww, Drumheller
TDWT Aftermath: Hawaiian Style
Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles
Hawaiian Punch

Rapa Phooey!

60 1 0
By justababbler

Chris: Last time on Total Drama World Tour... Africa! Come for the safari, stay for the near-death experience. Here, we played a few rounds of the world's favorite game. And then, we went on a wild Ezekiel hunt. 'Cept nobody told Duncan it was open season on him. [laughs] Ouch. And after all that, Heather and Alejandro voted the delinquent out. Harsh! Plus, Sierra, the lovesick monkey, rescued Cody from another lovesick monkey. Only Alejandro won and stole him away to first class. Can it get any wilder? Oh yeah, it can. It's final four time right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!

[Theme song]


Cody: [snoring] [gasps] My socks are still on? I'm still in the same position I fell asleep in? [sniffs] I don't smell like crazy? Oh, Sierra left me alone all night!

Alejandro: She did try to sneak in. Seven times. But I sleep with one eye open for a reason.

Cody: [Cody hugs Al]  Oh, mm! Thank you!

Alejandro: Please, my friend. It was nothing. Could we get up before someone sees us? [confessional] [yawns] Win African challenge, invite pathetically grateful nerdling to first class, win today's challenge, get nerdling to vote for Heather. Done, done, and oh so close I can taste it. [real time] While you were sleeping, Chris delivered my prize for winning. Sadly, I do not have much of a sugar tooth.

Cody: Yes?

Alejandro: And as my dear mama always says, I am sweet enough already.

Cody: Yes?

Alejandro: Plus, I would rather not pollute my system with chemicals and dyes.

Cody: Can I have it?!

Alejandro: Oh. Would you like it? Please, enjoy!

Cody: Oh! [chewing loudly] I owe you one, man! [chuckles]


Sierra: The marriage has been maybe... a teensy weensy bit rocky so far. But I will do whatever it takes! So what do you recommend?

Heather: Ugh, I am not a therapist.

Sierra: Just pretend!

Heather: How is this supposed to do anything?

Sierra: I need advice desperately! How do I make my marriage work?

[Bentley has his face inside of his hat]

Bentley: [confessional] [groans] listening to that all day was tricky. But I know how to keep my anger contained. But earlier I realized that Alejandro is seeping his teeth into Cody and now Cody is probably all on Al's side. I hope he remember what I've done for him. Or I have another plan just in case.

Heather: [confessional] "Marry somebody you don't have to trick into it, move out of Crazytown and join the rest of us in the real world, and leave Heather alone!" is what I would have said. [sighs] But with Alejandro in first undoing all my hard work on Cody, Mrs. Crazytown could be my only chance! So... do not judge me.

Sierra: Please! [crying] Please.

Heather: Fine. You wanna know what I really think?

Sierra: Yes. Maybe. No. Yes. Maybe?

Heather: It is time for you to start trusting the girls in your life.

Sierra: How will that save my relationship?

Heather: Boyfriends come and go, but girlfriends are forever. And girl to girl, it is my duty to warn you. Alejandro is trying to destroy your marriage. You need to get him out of your experience and the game.

Sierra: Ha! Heh. Oh, you're so funny.

Heather: Funny weird, or funny "I'm gonna vote for Alejandro at the next elimination"?

Sierra: As if you want Alejandro to leave. You're so into him, his kidneys are getting crowded. [confessional] Between me and Cody-Wody and the Heather-Alejandro love fest, this plane is starting to feel like one huge double date in a can. Well, 'cept for Bentley, Chris and Chef. Chef isn't really Chris' type, and first time I say this, I'm still not sure about Bentley.


Chris: [over PA] Attention, passengers! Please prepare for landing! [to Chef] Come on, just let me fly it once! What can it hurt? It's technically my plane, you know.

Chris and Chef: [grunting]

Chris: Ow, my pinkie!

Chef: Hey!

Chris: Oh no! Wah!

Chef: Gosh darn it!


Alejandro: Another piece of world heritage destroyed.

Heather: That is not the only chiseled rock that is going to get destroyed today.

Alejandro: Chiseled, you say?

Heather: [laughs nervously] I-I said gristled. Arrogant much?

Cody: Al, you've gotta try this taffy!

Alejandro: Alejandro. And I am not hungry.

Cody: That's the beauty of candy. No hunger required! Gobsmackers, jelly roaches, sour ears! Mm.

Sierra: Cody! Honey, look at you! Oh, you've changed so much. Way taller!

Cody: [chuckles] Think so?

Sierra: I'm going to have to trim your hair and your nails.

Heather: Aw, anybody got a camera? You guys are too cute!

Sierra: [confessional] Heather always manages to stay in this game way longer than you'd expect. And I've studied Total Drama long enough to know alliances never last! So I'm open to all offers, but I'll never make the mistake of staying loyal to anyone long term. Except my sugar-frosted Cody-O. [chuckles]


[bird squawking]

Chris: Iorana.

All: Ah!

Sierra: Wow, Chris. You've been working out.

Chris: And welcome to Easter Island. AKA, Rapa Nui. Place is old. These dudes were carved so long ago, no one even remembers why anymore. Ten bucks says it started as a dare.

Heather: Twenty bucks says get on with it.

Chris: Yeah. Today, you, our final four, are going on a highly traditional Easter Island egg hunt.

Cody: For chocolate Easter eggs?

Chris: Uh, no. I'm talking the old school kind of eggs, that come from birds, you know? Those flying things with feathers and talons and vicious "kill you in a second" beaks.

Alejandro: [gasps]

Chris: Speaking of which... traditional feathered Rapa Nui headdresses. Wear 'em with pride, chickens.

Bentley: Very manly.

Heather: You're one to talk about being manly.

Bentley: Touche.


Chris: Hidden in these head things are a bunch of colored eggs that match the color of your... head things.

Heather: Wow. You really did your research.

Chris: Your challenge? To find three eggs in your color. Then make a break for the massive underground cavern system and book it all the way up to the highest point on the island. Reach the top with all three eggs to begin the second part of today's challenge.

Heather: What happens if we drop an egg?

Chris: You'll have to come all the way back here for a replacement, and no, you cannot take a backup egg. First to the top gets a big advantage in part two. Now, scramble!


Alejandro: These look disturbingly familiar.

Sierra: It's everyone who's been voted out.

Alejandro: [grunting as he climbs up Lindsay's statue]

Sierra: [She's looking through Ezekiels statue] Got one!

Alejandro: Blue's my color. Thank you, Sierra. You are so kind to m--

[she drops the egg on the floor]

Sierra: Oops. Heh. I guess that what happens when you're a home wrecking husband stealer and destroyer of dreams!

Alejandro: I will keep that in mind when I locate one of your eggs.

Heather: [She looks through Courtneys statue] Wow. Courtney  is useful for something. Who would've thought?

Alejandro: I wish I could say the same of Lindsay. Oh, wait. Is that...? Nope. Nothing but air.

Cody: [He looks at Duncans statue] Gwen-stealer. [grunts and kicks Duncan Statue and an egg falls out] Sweet.

Bentley: Alright, Noah, whatcha got. [he digs up the Noah statues nose and finds one of his eggs] Perfect.

Sierra: [She finds one in Harold statue ear] Yay! One for me! Now I just need something to carry it in. [She grins as she looks at some weaving material]


Sierra: [She looks through Tyler statues hair and finds her egg] Ee! Another one! Ah! And there's more! [squeals] Cody purple! My favorite web page background color! [kissing] Cody!

Cody: Hey. Really? Thanks.

Sierra: Of course! Anything for my hubby-wubby teddy-weddy bear.

Cody: [confessional] Sierra totally saved my bacon in the Serengeti. I owe it to her to at least be nice. And, if she insists on handing me a million dollars, heh, who am I to stop her?

Sierra: [confessional] It's not just me and Cody-Wody anymore. We're parents to six little chicks. Finally, we're a family.


Heather: [grunting as she climbs up Leshawnas statue] Her head is so massive. [the egg slips out of her hand] Ah, ah, ah!


Heather: Ugh! Leshawna!

Sierra: I know that you need.

Heather: I do not need to be insulted. Or to kiss Alejandro.

Sierra: Uh, no, duh! You need one of these. I'll make you one. Girlfriends stick together, right?

Heather: [confessional] Sierra? Trying desperately and transparently to work me? Awesome! I am so going to make it to the final three, and Alejandro is gone.


Bentley: [looks at Gwen's statue] Why do I feel bad? [he digs through Gwen's statues hair and finds an egg] Bingo! Maybe booting ya wasn't so bad [the egg slips out of his hand] Ah crap! [sigh] I guess that's karma calling my name.


[Alejandro is juggling his eggs]

Cody: Lemme guess. Your second cousin twice removed is a clown?

Alejandro: No. I was in Cirque du Monet's All Child Show Infantile. Ah, that is quite the handy basket.

Cody: You like it? There's still some more Spearminto's if you, eh-- Oh, wait.

Alejandro: Yes?

Cody: You did win the basket for me.

Alejandro: Yes?

Cody: And I do have some extra room. Did you wanna...?

Alejandro: You are a true gentleman.

Sierra: Cody! Here! I brought you your third-- [gasps] No! Cody, put that basket down right now!

Cody: What?

Sierra: I'm calling a family meeting!

Cody: Right now? Oh, wait, whose family?

Sierra: You can't help Alejandro! This is not what our chicks need. We have to make the right alliances for our family and--

Cody: Our family?

Alejandro: Come on, Cody. Oh, look, there's a hidden compartment filled with peanut butter cups!

Cody: [gasps]

Sierra: Cody! No! Think of the children! Ah!


Chef: [grunting]

Chris: [over walkie talkie] This is King of All Chrisdom seeking Beanie Baby, over.


Chris: [over walkie talkie] When you're done slacking, think you can give me a hand?


Bentley: [he digs through Bridgette statues ear and grabs an egg] Ni-ha-ice! [he notices another egg in her hair and grabs it] Double-whammy? Well thank you Bridgette! [He puts them in his hoodie pocket and begins to run towards the underground cavern part]


Alejandro and Cody: [grunting and panting]

[stomach rumbles]

Cody: I think those Mud Slides are giving me mud slides.


Alejandro: Tell me that was your stomach. [a big boulder comes rolling down]

Cody: Uh, look out!

Bentley: [scream]

Heather and Sierra: [scream]

Sierra: Holy Cody! Where'd that come from?


Chris: [laughing] Ah... we've got tons more fun. Literally. Right after this, on Total. Drama. World Tour!


Chris: Welcome back to Total Drama World Tour. We're here on beautiful Rapa Nui, where somebody is about to go Rapa-Splat. Wait for it...


Heather: Your boyfriend is a loser to let Alejandro cozy up to him like that.

Sierra: Husband! And if falling for Alejandro makes someone a loser...

Heather: I recommend you stop right there.

Sierra: Relax! We're the sisterhood of the travelling eggs. Look, if we both vote for Alejandro today, worst case, you and I take our chances with a tie. Best case, home wrecker goes home.

Heather: That... that is remarkably... sane of you.


Alejandro: Ah!

Cody: Look out!

[eggs cracking]

Alejandro: Ah!

Cody: Oh no! We have to go back. Hurry!


Bentley: These rocks are annoying me... [he ducks down] phew. I wonder how bad the others are doing. Speak of the devil. Did someone break their eggs? 

[Alejandro and Cody ignore Bentley but Bentley pulls Cody without Alejandro noticing]

Bentley: Get. it. together. Dude! you realize he's just using you for an easy vote right?

Cody: But the candy!

Bentley: Get your head in the game!  [he pushes cody back with Alejandro and Cody follows Alejandro with Bentley smirking as he watches them go back down]

Bentley: [confessional] With Heather and Sierra being close and Cody and Sierra being close and Al and Cody being close. I'm on the outs! Past me was soooo confident I could win without an alliance. [facepalms] 


Sierra: Close one.

Heather: Ah, ah, ah, ah!

Cody: Whoa, nice catch.

Sierra: Aww. Codykins came back 'cause he missed me.

Heather: Aww. Did baby bweak his wittle eggs? So long, suckers.

Sierra: Cody! I will wait for you, Coco!

Heather: [gasps] It's alive! Ew! Ew, ew, ew!

[egg cracking]

Sierra: Cody, the next generation begins.

Heather: Get it off me before it poops!

Sierra: It's Cody II. Aw, little one. Do you know how long mama and papa have been waiting for you?

Heather: And the crazy meter goes back up to full tilt loco. Come on! Let's go before the guys come back.

[bird chirps]

Heather: Ow! Did you throw your bird at me? Ow, ow! My hair, ow, ow!

Sierra: You come back here, Cody Juju! You come back to mama right now!


Alejandro: The place has been cleared of eggs!

Cody: I know. There's nothing in h-- ah! Ah!

Alejandro: [He looks through Owens statue]Toast? Sausage? A coconut? ! [grunts] He still tortures me with uselessness!

[statue burps]

Alejandro: Bueno. Where else? 's head! We are back in the game, my friend.

[condor screeches]

Cody: What is that?

Alejandro: A giant condor. That explains the size of these eggs!

Cody: So those belong to... that?!

[condor screeches]

Alejandro and Cody: [scream]


Bentley: [whistling] is that- another boulder? [Bentley goes to the walls and but one of the eggs gets squished] Ah! My hoodie, and my eggs! I have to go back... [he starts sliding down the cavern and after a timeskip arrives at the end]

Bentley: Gotta look, where, where. [he looks through Ezekiel, Owen, Tyler, and Courtneys statues and finds nothing] ugh! there's nothing here! Unless [he sees an egg popping out of Izzy's statue] Jackpot! [he runs up to Izzy's statue and grabs the egg and starts running back to that cavern as fast as he can and coincidentally, enters the same as Cody, and Alejandro] 

Heather: Ugh! Can you at least try to control your creepy bird child?

Sierra: I am! I've given him timeouts, I've taken away privileges...

Heather: Ugh!

Sierra: You're doing this on purpose.

Heather: How am I doing this on purpose? I don't wanna keep this little thing happy, but for you, I'll do it. Now let's go already!

Sierra: Fine. But don't think about doing the same to Cody Sr.

Bentley, Cody and Alejandro: [screaming]

Sierra: Why didn't Cody stop to say hello?

[condor screeches]

Sierra and Heather: [screaming]

Chris: Dude, we gotta get back to boulders.

[all screaming]

Chris: Man, you guys are really competing.

All: Close it! Close it!

[condor screeches]


Chris: Oh man, so close! Way to ruin the fun. We may as well move on to the next challenge. Since Alejandro was the first one out...

Alejandro: [he passes shim a helmet] I have to play baseball?

Chris: Thankfully, no. You must climb this rock pillar all the way up to...

Alejandro: A giant condor nest?

Chris: You already know they can get pretty crabby. But did you know female condors are even bigger than the dude birds?

[condor screeches]

Sierra: [gasps]

Cody: She's ginormous!

Bentley: Like your-

Chris: Yep. Twelve foot wingspan.

Alejandro: That's like, two Alejandros wide.

Heather: [confessional] One Alejandro is quite enough. Although, with two, maybe one would be nice and not try to defeat me all the time.

Chris: See, she's kinda peeved 'cause you guys stole her eggs.

Cody: No! It was him!

Chris: So now you have to try to shimmy up to the nest and give 'em back in the order in which you arrived here. Of course, mama's got a whole lot more eggs up there, so she's bound to be a tad protective.

[condor screeches]

Alejandro: Gracias. The giant condor has been known to peck the eyeballs of predators.

Heather: But I like my eyes.

Alejandro: As do I. Especially when they're shooting daggers. Yes, like that.

Chris: Deposit all three eggs and you win. And if nobody makes it, we'll try it again. It's gonna be that much fun.

Cody: [chewing]

Chris: Sure you wanna give up the basket completely? No returnsies.

Cody: I-I-I still have some licorice in here.

Chris: Oh, and one more thing.

Alejandro: Increíble, what else could you--

[musical ding]

Chris: It's for your own protection. Keeps the birds calm. I'm lying. Or I'm not. You choose.

[condor screeches]


I'm tall, I'm tan

I'm young, I'm handsome

I'm coming to bring back your wee ones

So hush my sweet

Condor, let me win this one please

So try, attack me

But I won protection

I don't feel that pecking, so

Save your objections

Hush now condor

Let me in the final four.

Alejandro: [grunts] Aw, no. Agh...

[egg cracks]

Chris: Next?


I, oh, I-I-I

I've got problems with condors

Problems with condors

Why, oh, why

Am I not at home? I ponder...

Trust me, oh trust me

I'm your best friend and I'll never eat eggs again

Cody: My licorice! Oof!

Chris: Good news. You can have another chance later. But first...


I, oh, I

Am still confused on how to-

Not die while trying not to lose this

I really dont want my eyes plucked out

So please oh please madam condor

Let me win and enter the final 4

Bentley: AH! Ooh!

Chris: Sierra...


I'm a mom now so don't be giving me flak

'Cause my first chick just hatched

Out of his yolk sack

So hush, my sweet

Let me into the final three

Sierra: Cody Jr., no! Not Auntie Heather!

Chris: Heather?

Sierra: Wah! Oof!


I, how I

How I really hate these birdies

And I wanna live to see my thirties

These, these feathered jerks

They're bringing me strife

And Cody Two, I'm not your wife

For the last time, get a life

Heather: Yes!


Thanks my sweet condor

Now I'm in the final three!

Chris: Heather takes the win!

[condor screeches]

Heather: Uh, girlfriends? Oof! Ahh!

Sierra: I will always love you, Cody Two. Ew. Maybe I'm not ready for kids, heh.

Chef: [grunts]

Heather: [screaming] Oof! Ow. Oh, my back.

[multiple thuds]


Chris: And it's time to vote! The first person to be nominated for the Drop of Shame is... Alejandro. Next vote, Sierra. Next vote, Sierra.

Sierra and Cody: [gasps]

Chris: And the fourth vote says Sierra, and the fifth vote doesn't matter because Sierra is this week's loser!

Cody: [gasps] Yes! [chuckles nervously]

Heather: [confessional] Sure, Sierra and I are both girls. But all that we have in common is that we both wear bras and mascara. Some of us better than others. Ultimately, Cody's a much better ally. Reason number one, he's sane!

Cody: [confessional] It was nice of Sierra to help me. I owe her my life. But I just caught her basket weaving a bird's nest out of my spare undies. It has to end! [real time] [grunts] I'm sorry.

Sierra: I'll wait for you. Win it for us.

Chris: Adorable. But you can shut off the waterworks, because you're all still in the final five! It was just a reward challenge!

Heather: What? Seriously?!

Chris: Heather... because you won, your prize awaits you in first class, and as usual, you can bring the loser of your choice.

Heather: Uh, okay. Well, I was going to invite someone else, but since my girlfriend is still here, which is awesome, I'm gonna let Sierra and Cody spend the flight together, oh and Bentley. He stays there too.

Sierra: [gasps] Really?! Oh, Codykins!

Cody: Why, Heather? Why?! [crying]

Alejandro: Interesting choice. I'll pray for you, amigo.

Heather: Just to be clear, you will be together in economy, I am flying first class.

Alejandro: As I gather, so am I.

Heather: Do not get any ideas. This is strictly strategic.

Alejandro: So you always insist.

Sierra: [confessional] Holy double date in a can! minus Bentley!


[Chris tries to toucht he steering wheel but Chef smacks his hand]

Chris: Ow! Come back next time for more spills, chills, and planet-endangering thrills right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!


Chris: Ow!

[end credits]

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