Nothing Changes


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In which Cassian and her father Judd find themselves forming a new family in the middle of the end. "I wouldn... More

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Cassian sighed as she zipped up her red backpack. She was thankful she hadn't made her cell nice yet, it would be a pain to clear out. She looked at the empty room sadly as she shrugged her backpack on her shoulders.

The girl made her way outside, passing her backpack off to Beth, her friend putting it in the trunk of the car. Not long after, Carl stormed over, flinging his bag in and walking away. Beth and Cassian shared a look.

It was gonna be a great day.

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Judd laughed to himself smugly as the Governor and his people ran. He had thrown a flashbang into the tombs, scaring the crowd before joining Glenn on the walkway, firing down at the intruders.

Glenn and Maggie were wearing the armour they found from the guards, but Judd was bare. Honestly, the stuff didn't fit him. Too small on the legs and too tight on the chest. He opted for just his usual attire.

He was a little worried about Cassian, but he felt better knowing she was with Hershel, Carl and Beth. The four of them had baby Judith with them in the woods. They didn't want them near the fight. It was too much of a risk.

As they fired at the people, they began to flea, retreating back to their vehicles, which they had popped the tires to, and practically ran from the prison with their tails between their legs.

"We did it?" Maggie asked with a yell as the final truck sped away, leaving a cloud of dust behind.

"We did it." Glenn grinned. The three made their way to the yard, meeting with Rick, Michonne and Daryl.

"We did it." Rick breathed out, catching his breath. "We drove them out."

"We should go after them." Michonne offered.

"We should finish it." Daryl nodded.

"It is finished." Maggie insisted, not too great on the idea. "Didn't you see them hightail it out of here?"

"They could regroup." Judd winced as he looked to Maggie. "He's not gonna stop."

"They're right." Carol inputted. Judd had no clue when she even got there. "We can't keep living like this."

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury?" Maggie asked. "We barely made it back last time."

"I don't care." Daryl grunted. Judd was a little worried for his friend. He was becoming reckless again. He could understand why...

Merle was gone.

Gone like dead.

"Yeah." Rick hummed as he looked between Daryl, Judd and Michonne. "Let's check on the others..."

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Cassian walked back into the cell block behind Beth, her face slightly pale. A boy stumbled across them in the woods. He was giving up his gun... Carl shot him.

Carl shot the boy dead.

Cassian didn't understand why he did that. The boy didn't want to hurt them, he wasn't shooting, he wasn't doing anything bad, he was scared.

A scared boy.

But Carl killed him. Carl killed him for nothing and Cassian didn't know how to feel. He didn't seem like he wanted to be comforted, he didn't seem sad. She was a little confused. She regretted killing the man she killed a little bit... okay, maybe not regret, but she felt bad still. But... but she didn't think the same could be said for Carl.

Judd made his way to Cassian, engulfing his child in a solid hug, kissing the top of her head when they separated. "Estás bien, mi niña?"

"Si, Papa. Soy buena." Cassian smiled at her father weakly, ignoring the bickering between Carl, Hershel and Rick. If Judd noticed something wrong, he didn't push.

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Cassian stood to the side of the car, chewing on her nails as she watched her father help Rick pack the car. They were going back to Woodbury.

Carl was in a bit of a mood with his father, Cassian was still confused. She understood Carl wanted to help, she got that. But... they're still kids. Their dads obviously didn't want their kids near the danger.

After saying goodbye to her father, Cassian strode inside slowly. Making her way to Beth's cell, Cassie flopped onto the older girls bed. "You doin' okay, Cassie?" Beth asked the girl quietly.

She just got a muffled groan in response. "Come on, up." Beth ordered lightly. Cassian turned her head against the mattress, staring at her friend. "The prison isn't gonna clean itself, Cassie. Come on, we all got jobs to do."

Cassian let Beth pull her up by her arms. As much as the girl wanted to hide away in a little hole with her father, safe, she followed after Beth.

Beth's lip quirked up a little as Cassian followed her. She knew she was a little anxious about her father leaving for Woodbury again. The blonde knew no amounts of words would give comfort, but she could take Cassians mind off it, at least for a little bit.

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"No mames." Judd breathed out as he got out of the car, Michonne and Rick too. He spared a glance at Daryl as the man hopped off his motorcycle.

They were on their way to Woodbury, but came to a stop at a stretch of the road. The trucks and cars that blasted through the Prison gates not that long ago, lay deserted in the road, walkers lurking. With a quirk of his head, Judd realised that these walkers were the people from Woodbury.

Judd swung his axe at the first walker, slicing open its skull. Daryl shot at the second, Michonne killed the third, Rick the fourth. Together, the small group killed the walkers surrounding the trucks.

The trucks from Woodbury. What had happened?

Daryl startled as there was a bang from the truck behind him, Judd looked up to see a woman as Rick trained his gun on her. Judd walked forwards and opened the door, helping the woman climb out.

"No mames." Judd repeated himself quietly.

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"Tyreese!" The woman shouted as they made it to Woodbury. "Tyreese, it's me, don't shoot." Rick tugged the woman back down behind a car.

"Karen! Karen, are you okay?" Tyreese shouted. Judd shared a look with Daryl. Was this the same Tyreese that was at the prison?

"I'm fine." Karen yelled, yanking out of Ricks grasp, standing up again.

"Where's the Governor?"

"He fired on everyone." Karen breathed out. "He killed them all." Judd couldn't say he was surprised when the lady had told them what the Governor did. He all but expected it from the man.

"Why are you with them?" Tyreese asked after a moment of silence.

"They saved me." Karen told him.

"We're coming out!" Rick yelled, Judd walking out after the man, the other two following. Rick gestured for them to hold up their hands, Judd just left them at his side as he stalked forwards to the gates, wincing at the noise they made as they opened. He blinked. It was Tyreese and Sasha, the ones Carl saved from the tombs.

"What are you doing here?" Tyreese asked Rick quietly.

"We were coming to finish this." Rick admitted. "Until we saw what the Governor did."

"He... he killed them?" Tyreese stuttered. Rick nodded.

"Your girl here, she told us Andrea hopped the wall, going for the prison." Judd spoke up. "She never made it."

"She might be here." Rick stressed, jaw clenched. Tyreese let them in, Rick leading the way. Judd took a breath as they walked into a familiar building, he fell into step behind Rick.

"This is where he had Glenn, Cassie and Maggie."

"The Governor held people here?" Tyreese asked in shock.

"Did more than that." Judd scoffed. "Remember when you saw us, at the prison? You see Glenn's face? My kids?" Tyreese nodded, eyes slightly wide. "That was all him."

They went quiet as they saw a pool of blood under a door. "Will you open it?" Michonne asked. Rick counted down before flinging open the metal door.

The first thing Judd saw was Milton. Only he wasn't... Milton... not anymore. The second thing was Andrea. The woman was slumped against the wall. Michonne rushed to her friend, abandoning her sword on the ground.

"I tried to stop them." Andrea mumbled as the rest of them entered the room. Judd stood back a little.

"You're burning up." Michonne observed, holding a hand to Andrea's forehead. Judd took a sharp breath as Andrea peeled back her jacket.

She was bit.

Now, he wasn't particularly fond of Andrea. She did shoot him and Daryl, and she was a bit of a bitch, but she had good intentions... he thinks... ether way, it wasn't nice seeing her like that. It wasn't nice seeing anyone like that.

"Judith, Carl, Cass... the rest of them?" Andrea trailed off.

"Us." Rick stressed to the woman. "The rest of us."

"Are they alive?"

"Yeah, they're alive." Rick reassured her.

"It's good you found them." Andrea smiled at Michonne. Judd looked away, Michonne was beginning to cry. "No one can make it alone now."

"We never could." Daryl spoke up.

"You did good." Judd told the woman. Andrea smiled as she looked at him. "You did good." She knew Judd wasn't a very... emotional person, so she appreciated the words.

"I just didn't want anyone to die." The blonde rambled a little. "I can do it myself."

"No." Michonne denied immediately.

"I have to." Andrea said softly. "While I still can... please? I know how the safety works..." Judd watched as Rick handed her his gun.

"I'm not going anywhere." Michonne promised.

"I tried." Andrea whispered.

"Yeah." Rick sighed. "You did... you did."

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Cassian stood up from her position on the floor. Beth had just braided her hair again for her, she really wanted the older girl to teach her how to do it. Off to the side, Judith begun to cry in her brothers arms. Beth took the baby from Carl.

"Magic." Cassian commented as Judith went quiet rather quickly, the baby was fussing with the collar of Beth's shirt. The older girl ignored the look Carl was sending her. He stood by Cassian.

"They should be back." Carl grumbled to Cass. "It's been hours."

"They'll be fine." Cassian nodded. "If... if something went wrong, the Prison wouldn't be still standing, right?" Carl just scoffed at the younger girl. They both looked to the gates as Maggie yelled something, the sound of engines approaching.

Cassian frowned as she watched a school bus pull into the prison behind Daryls motorcycle. People begun to pile out of the bus. People from Woodbury. Cassian looked to her father as he approached.

"Que?" She was confused.

"They're joining us." Judd told his daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. "They... they need us."

"But..." Cassians face scrunched. "They wanted to kill us. They tried to... they wanted us gone."

"It wasn't their choice, niña." Judd informed his kid as they watched the people walk into the prison. "They need us."

"As long as they stay away from our cells." Cassian sassed as she glared at a few kids that walked past them. She really wasn't fond of the situation, but her Papa was right. These people... they wouldn't survive on their own.

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Currently on break on my first overnight shift.. wahoo...


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