Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

By AllisonLange

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This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... More

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 2
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 4
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Part
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5

Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2

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By AllisonLange

October 19, 11:15 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 4

Judge: Court is back in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers.

He announced as he slammed down his gavel, signaling the start of the trial as Edgeworth spoke up.

Edgeworth: The prosecution has a concern. As our witness is a grade schooler of tender years and this is a murder case... We worry that the defense might cause unnecessary trauma with his cruel questioning!

Phoenix: 'Nice to see Edgeworth taking the moral high ground...'

Edgeworth: However, we have no choice. The prosecution calls Cody Hackins to the stand.

He announced as Cody stomped into the courtroom as he was too short for the witness stand as his face was barely seen as he was upset.

Edgeworth: Your Honor. Perhaps you could arrange a box for him to stand on?

Judge: Oh, r-right. Guard, please bring him a box. One of those donut crates should do.

He ordered the guard to get a box for Cody to stand on, as he was now seen as he held his camera, still upset.

Edgeworth: Will the witness state his name and grade in school.

Cody: ...

Edgeworth: Witness!

Cody: What!? Just 'cause you're all grown-up don't mean you can push me around!

Edgeworth: Mrph...

Mia: Cody? Answer his question, okay?

Cody: H-hey, it's you! The nice lady! I'm Cody Hackins. I'm in 2nd grade!

Phoenix: 'I get the feeling this is going to be a long, long day...'

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. Please remember that you're speaking to a child. Try to be gentle.

Edgeworth: M-mrrrph! Witness! Er, I mean, Cody.

Phoenix: 'He's having trouble with this "gentle" thing.'

Ryan: 'And he was the one who told Phoenix to be careful.'

Edgeworth: You were present, er, you were at Global Studios on the day of the, er, incident?

Cody: You got a problem with that!?

Edgeworth: Please tell us what you saw that day.

Cody: What, pops? You want me to tell you and gramps with the beard over there?

Edgeworth: Just... Mr. Edgeworth will be fine.

Judge: I prefer "bearded gentleman" myself.

Phoenix: 'A very long day...'

Judge: Incidentally, photographic equipment is strictly forbidden in this courtroom.

Edgeworth: M-mpht! M-my apologies, Your Honor. He said he wouldn't testify if he couldn't bring it... I'd like special permission, if that's possible.

Phoenix: Wait, so you're saying you had to bargain terms with a kid... and you LOST?

Cody: Hey! I just got this new camera! Don't really know how to use it all that good yet! But I bring it with me wherever I go!

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan.

She whispered as they leaned in closer as she continued whispering.

Mia: I wonder if he had that camera on the day of the murder... You'd better make a note of it in the Court Record.

She finished whispering as Phoenix wrote down about Cody's camera before the Judge spoke up again.

Judge: Very well, Cody. Please testify to the court about what you saw the day of the incident.

Witness Testimony
-Witness's Account-

Cody: I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal, just once. I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day. I went through the woods, off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me. I was going for the studio. I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes. When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai! It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy! Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow! If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you. Anyway, I couldn't get into the studio, so I went home.

Judge: Hmm... Very well. The defense may begin its cross-examination. And, be gentle. Remember you're talking to a child.

Cody: ...

Phoenix: 'This kid is tougher than most adults we see in here, honestly...'

He groaned in his head right before Cody retold his testimony where he said about wishing that he had his camera he would've taken a picture of the Steel Samurai decided to press him more about the camera.

Phoenix: Objection! Cody, what you just said seems, well, a little strange. Didn't you say before that you always bring your digital camera wherever you go? You were quite clear about that.

Cody: Huh!?

Phoenix: Cody, you shouldn't lie here. You understand that, right?

Judge: Mr. Wright! A word with you...

Phoenix: 'Uh oh... was I putting the pressure on too much?'

He gulped in fear thinking it was him putting too much pressure on Cody, but the stern look on the Judge's face changed to a confused one.

Judge: What is this "digital" camera contraption you're talking about?

Phoenix: It's umm... a digital camera, Your Honor. It's kind of a new sort of camera. 'How do I explain that!?'

Judge: I see.

Phoenix: Anyway, Cody... I can't believe you wouldn't bring your camera on a trip to the studios! You did bring it, didn't you?

Cody: Umm...

Edgeworth: Objection! Mr. Wright! How cruel you are, to terrorize a poor child so!

Phoenix: I don't care if he's a child or a prosecuting attorney! No one should lie in court!

Edgeworth: What do you mean "or a prosecuting attorney"!?

Phoenix: Well, Cody?

Cody: Wh-what! Yeah, so I had my camera. So what!? You got a problem with that!?

He shouted as that made the gallery to whisper in shock that the boy did bring his camera to the Studios that day as the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone.

Judge: So, you did have a camera? And did you use this camera?

Cody: W-why would I use it? I... I was too busy watching.

Judge: Hmm... Very well. Please testify to the court about what you were so busy watching.

Witness Testimony
-What I saw-

Cody: Y-yeah, I had my camera with me. But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it! The Steel Samurai, he goes for the bad guy... wham! Then... then the bad guy stopped moving! He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules!

Judge: Hmm... Ah? Is that all? Well, that was brief. Mr. Wright, your cross-examination.

Cross Examination

Cody grumply retold his testimony as Phoenix decided to press the boy when he mentions the bad guy stopped moving.

Phoenix: Hold it! Why?

Cody: Huh? Whaddya mean, "why"?

Phoenix: Why wasn't the bad guy moving?

Cody: W-well, 'cause the Steel Samurai brought him to justice!

Phoenix: And how exactly did he do that?

Cody: H-how did he do it? With a Samurai Kick! And a Samurai Punch! Samurai Chop! ...Samurai Slap! S-something like that.

Phoenix: 'He's still being vague about this...'

Cody: What! Don't gimme that look, pops!

Phoenix: 'How should I play this?'

He thought about how to continue with questioning as he decided to keep pressing him more about why the bad guy wasn't moving.

Phoenix: Cody.

Cody: Wh-what!?

Phoenix: Something's bothering me. Before you said that you "couldn't take your eyes off" the action.

Cody: Y-yeah? So what?

Phoenix: Yet you missed the most important part!

Edgeworth: Objection! What is the meaning of this? The witness has stated what he saw quite clearly...

Phoenix: Objection! You know as well as I do that he's being vague! Tell me, what kind of murderer uses a "Samurai Slap"!?

Edgeworth: M-mmph!

Phoenix: My point is this: Cody, you may have seen some of the Steel Samurai fight... But you missed the most important part: the killing blow!

He said as that caused the gallery to whisper in shock that Cody missed the killing blow as the Judge slammed his gavel down, silencing everyone.

Judge: Order! Order! Mr. Wright! How could this be? Can you explain how he might have missed something so vital?

Phoenix: Um, well... er, that's the thing...

Mia: Phoenix! I believe you're on the right track with this! Think: why didn't Cody see the climax of the fight? I know you! You can figure this out!

Judge: Mr. Wright, your answer! We have ascertained that this young boy is a great fan of the Steel Samurai... Why wouldn't he watch the climax of the fight?

He asked Phoenix, as he thought for a bit before looking over at Ryan, who nodded and started to look for the evidence as Phoenix spoke.

Phoenix: Your Honor, I have evidence.

Judge: "Evidence"...?

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor.

He said as Ryan gave him the right evidence, Cody's digital camera as he slammed his hands down on the table before presenting it.

Phoenix: Here's my proof!

Judge: What's that? The camera...?

Phoenix: The witness stated that he recently received this camera.

Judge: Yes, I'm aware of that.

Phoenix: He wasn't entirely familiar with its operation.

Judge: I'm aware of that, too. Ah!

Phoenix: Correct! Why would Cody be looking somewhere else at the critical moment? Because he was looking at his camera! He was trying to take a picture!

Cody: Hey!

Phoenix: Bullseye!

Cody: What's your problem, pops! You got a thing for picking on little kids!?

Phoenix: 'Pressing, not picking...'

Mia: Good job, Phoenix! Cody was lying, clearly. Smart of you to realize there was no way he could just stand there, watching his hero... and not take a picture!

Phoenix: Right! Cody? There was only one reason why you would have looked away from the fight. And that was because you wanted to take a picture. But having just received your camera, you weren't used to using it yet! So, you missed the climax of the fight. Correct?

Cody: ... ... ... Yeah.

Mia: Well, Phoenix. I'll bet you anything he's hiding more than that. Have him testify again!

Phoenix: R-right. 'Mia means business!' Your Honor. The defense would like to request that Cody Hackins testify once more.

Judge: V-very well. Cody? Could you please tell us about your camera... And about why you didn't take a picture of the fight?

Cody: Umm...

Phoenix: 'Welcome to the real world, kid!'

Witness Testimony
-No Photo?--

Cody: Yeah, you're right, pops. The Steel Samurai had just escaped from the clutches of the villain. So I held up my camera to take a picture! But the lens wouldn't open in time, so I missed it. Th-that's all that happened. Yup.

Judge: Hmm... Anything strange in that testimony, Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: I'm not sure... But I'd like to proceed with the cross-examination anyway.

Cross Examination

Cody retold his testimony as he got to the end of it, Phoenix decided to press him more.

Phoenix: That's all?

Cody: Y-yeah! I told you, I didn't take a picture!

Phoenix: 'Hmm... I would have, once I got that lens open... Did he really not take a picture? Not even one?'

He thought that it seemed strange Cody that he never took a picture as he decided to keep pressing him for the real answer.

Phoenix: 'Nah, he definitely would have taken a picture. There's got to be something here I can use!' Cody! Listen up, Cody Hackins. I know exactly what happened that day. You took a picture!

Cody: ...Hey!

Ryan: 'Was that a bullseye... or not?'

Cody: H-how did you know!?

Phoenix: I see through all your lies Cody Hackins. It's one of my powers!

Cody: W-wow!

Phoenix: 'This feels great!'

Cody: Y-yeah... Yeah, I took a picture.

Judge: Perhaps you can change your testimony to reflect this, Cody?

He said as Cody changed his testimony as Phoenix pressed him on him, erasing the pictures of the fight.

Phoenix: Hold it! You "erased" them?

Cody: Y-yeah!

Phoenix: Why would you erase a picture of your beloved Steel Samurai, victorious?

Cody: Well... y'know. W-why would I want to keep a picture like that?

Phoenix: 'Hmm... he's becoming less and less cooperative. I better find a clear contradiction soon... or some solid evidence. How can I pick holes in such testimony?'

Mia: There has to be something. Dig up the dirt, Phoenix! Find out what this kid's all about!

She told him while Cody went back retelling his testimony as he mentioned that he took a few pictures but it was too late and he erased them. But when he mentioned that, Phoenix glanced over to Ryan, who took out the blue picture book Cody gave Mia the other day as he then presented it.

Phoenix: Cody!

Cody: Wh-wh-what!? Man, every time you say "Cody" you follow it with something bad.

Phoenix: I just wanted to thank you for giving us this the other day.

Cody: Huh? O-oh... right.

Phoenix: What was it you told us then? "I go to every live performance! I always take a picture when the Steel Samurai lands the final blow! Whizzam! I got 'em all! I never missed one! A perfect collection!" Cody. Did you really get a picture of the Steel Samurai standing victorious over his foe? If you did, I find it hard to believe that you would just erase it! Wouldn't you keep it for your album?

Cody: Ah!

Judge: Mr. Wright... What exactly is this album?

Phoenix: It's called "Path to Glory." It's a collection of pictures of the Steel Samurai, all taken by Cody Hackins. He claims it's a perfect collection of every battle the Steel Samurai has won!

Judge: I... I see.

Phoenix: Don't you find this very odd, Your Honor? Among all his pictures of the Steel Samurai, none were taken that day!

He shouted as that made the gallery to whisper again over that Cody had no pictures from the day of the murder as the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone.

Judge: Order! Mr. Wright. Have you an explanation? If the Steel Samurai had just defeated his adversary... I certainly would expect to see a picture of it in this album...

Phoenix: Exactly my point, Your Honor! ... ... ....! 'No... wait... no way!'

Ryan: Are you okay?

Mia: Phoenix? I think we've finally discovered the truth. And what a truth it is!

Phoenix: M-Mia... are we sure about this? Did he actually...?

Mia: *nodded' Yes. I'm pretty sure what you're thinking is right. Tell them, Phoenix. Tell them what the truth is.

Judge: Mr. Wright! Please explain to the court what is going on here! Why was there no picture in the album from the day of the murder? Why would the boy have erased the photos he took?

The judge asked as Phoenix thought for a second before he got his answer as he looked at Ryan, who nodded, signaling him to tell the judge.

Phoenix: I can think of only one reason, your honor. The Steel Samurai didn't win! That's why Cody deleted those photos.

Judge: You mean the Steel Samurai... lost?

Phoenix: Well, Cody? I'm right, aren't I! Tell the truth. The bad guy defeated the Steel Samurai!

Cody: N-n-n-no way! No! I-it's impossible! Th-the Steel Samurai never loses! He never loses to anyone! Ever!

Phoenix: Your Honor... The witness has revealed everything with his words. There was a reason why he lied and told us he didn't take a picture. The same reason he erased his precious photos! For Cody, it was inconceivable that the Steel Samurai could be defeated. However, Cody witnessed the impossible! He saw the Steel Samurai lose! Yet to admit what he saw would destroy everything he believed in! That's why he lied and said the Steel Samurai won. He couldn't handle the truth!

He announced as that caused the gallery to whisper and talk in surprise that Cody would lie about the Steel Samurai winning, as he never did. The judge quickly slammed down his gavel, silkening everyone.

Judge: O-Order! I will have order! W-witness! I mean, Cody! Is this true!? W-what did you see? Tell the court what you saw!

Cody: I...... Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Phoenix: Cody... That day, you saw the Steel Samurai lose a fight. Right?

Cody: Waaaaaaah! Okay okay! Y-you're right! Th-the Steel Samurai f-fell down... Th-then he didn't m-move... Waaaah!

He cried loudly as the gallery whispered again as the judge slammed down his gavel, trying to get everyone to quiet down.

Judge: Oder! Order! Order!

Edgeworth: What kind of stunt are you trying to pull, Wright!? The Steel Samurai was the murderer, not the victim!

Phoenix: Yet according to your witness's testimony, the Steel Samurai was the one who fell!

He shouted back as that made the gallery whisper once more and the judge slammed down his gavel some more, getting everyone to settle down.

Judge: Mr. Wright! What's going on?

Phoenix: Apparently, we have all made a serious error.

Edgeworth: An... error? What's this about!?

He shouted demanding why they all made an error as Phoenix thought for a second before getting the answer to it.

Phoenix: If you understand what really happened, it's actually quite simple. At the end of the fight, the Steel Samurai fell to the ground, and lay still. In other words, the Steel Samurai was not the killer, he was the victim! Don't you see? Jack Hammer was the Steel Samurai!

He announced as that caused the gallery to freak out that the victim was in the Steel Samurai costume, as the Judge frantically slammed down his gavel three times, trying to get everyone to calm down.

Judge: Order! Order! Order! So, the Steel Samurai in this photograph... You're saying the man in this costume was the victim, Mr. Jack Hammer?

Phoenix: That's what I'm saying, Your Honor. Jack Hammer was present at the action scene run-through that morning. Thus, he obviously knew about Will Power's foot injury.

Judge: B-but wait! Hadn't Mr. Hammer gone to Studio One already?

Phoenix: That's what everyone thought! But remember what Ms. Oldbag said in her testimony? "On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. Did I see poor old Hammer? Nope. he'd already gone to the studio before I got back to the guard station." Mr. Jack Hammer left the Employee Area after lunch. However, no one saw him going to Studio One. Nor was there a picture of him. He waited for Mr. Powers to take a nap in his dressing room. Then he snuck into the dressing room and stole the Steel Samurai costume.

Judge: ...

Edgeworth: ...

Judge: But why would the victim do such a thing?

Phoenix: I... don't know.

Cody: ... I get it!

Phoenix: ?

Cody: I thought that the Steel Samurai was moving strange. So it was a different person inside the suit! Pops!

Phoenix: Huh, me? What?

Cody: Actually, there was one piece of data I saved.

Phoenix: Data?

Cody: Yeah, a photo on my digital camera!

Phoenix: ! W-what!?

Edgeworth: Show us, quick!

Cody: No way man, not if you're gonna look at me like that!

Judge: Now!

Cody: *sniff* Here... This is it.

He said sadly while fighting the urge to cry again as he showed the photo the entire court. The photo in question, was showing the backside of the Steel Samurai as it was walking towards Studio Two.

Judge: ... Well, looking at this it's still a little hard to say. I'm afraid that it could be anyone in that costume. Your opinion, Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: I agree, Your Honor. This isn't decisive evidence.

Judge: I'm sorry, this doesn't look like it's the proof we need. I'll give it back.

Mia: Wait, Phoenix, Ryan!

Ryan: Huh?

Phoenix: Mia? What? Look at that photo once more! That's it Phoenix! That photo is all the evidence you need to win this trial!

Ryan: H-huh!? No way!

Phoenix: Wh-what!? Y-Your Honor! May I see that photo once more please?

Judge: C-certainly. I don't see why not.

He was confused by Phoenix's sudden shout as the guard gave him the photo as Mia smiled more.

Mia: Phoenix! Show him! There's a glaring, decisive inconsistency with the facts as we know them in that photo!

She said as Phoenix and Ryan took a closer look at the photo, and their eyes widened as they noticed a sign showing '2' for Studio Two.

Phoenix: Take that! Your Honor! Look at this!

Judge: I see... a gate?

Phoenix: Might I draw your attention to the number on that gate?

Judge: The number? Ah yes. Well, it's hard to see, but it looks like a "2."

Phoenix: Clearly not a "1," Your Honor, correct?

Edgeworth: Aaaaah!

Phoenix: I believe Mr. Edgeworth sees what I'm getting at.

Edgeworth: B-but... Th-that's impossible!

Judge: Hmm? Eh? What's this all about? Please explain so that I might be shocked along with the rest of the court.

Phoenix: I'll use the studio guidemap. The body was found here, in Studio One. However, what do we see in this photo taken at the time of the murder? It does NOT say "1" on that gate in the photo. Your Honor! Here is the true scene of the crime!

He shouted as he pointed to Studio Two on the guidemap before continuing speaking.

Phoenix: Take that! Here, at Studio Two.

Judge: I see! That would explain the "2" on the gate in the photo.

Phoenix: Your Honor, I find it very significant that the murder took place in Studio Two!

He said as he thought for a bit before getting the answer as he slammed his hands on the table before speaking more.

Phoenix: As you may recall, there is a trailer in Studio Two. Now, on that day, a meeting was held in that very trailer. There was a break in the meeting corresponding to the time of death. During that break, Sal Manella and Ms. Dee Vasquez were outside, eating steak. They were at the scene of the crime! The path to the trailer was blocked!

Judge: So we have heard.

Phoenix: The path was blocked at 2:15... In other words, the victim went to Studio Two before that time!

Judge: Yes... yes, I suppose that would be the case.

Phoenix: Remember Mr. Sal Manella's testimony? Allow me to remind the court: He said no one in the trailer was guilty because they could not have gone to Studio One. Yet, in actuality, the reverse was true! Only someone in the trailer could have committed this murder! They were the only ones with access to the scene of the crime: Studio Two!

He announced as that caused the gallery to whisper in shock that the murder never took place in Studio One, as it took place in Studio Two as the judge slammed his gavel down silencing everyone.

Judge: O-order! Order!

Phoenix: The defense makes the following claims: The scene of the crime was Studio Two! The person that the security guard, Ms. Oldbag saw was the victim, Mr. Jack Hammer! Mr. Hammer, for some reason, stole a Steel Samurai costume. Then he went to Studio Two!

Edgeworth: Objection! This is madness! Jack Hammer is the victim! The victim! Why would he steal a Steel Samurai costume!? Are you suggesting he did so to cover up the details of his own murder!?

Phoenix: W-well, no, of course not...

Judge: Hmm...

Edgeworth: Or do you have proof!? Give me proof that the victim, Jack Hammer, stole the costume!

Phoenix: I have proof!

Edgeworth: Y-you do!?

Judge: You do, Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: 'Now that they're so surprised suddenly I'm much less confident... I think I'm right, though!'

He freaked out in his head before Ryan handed him the empty bottle they found when searching the tables in the Employee Area, as the label read 'Sleeping Pills' as he presented it.

Phoenix: Take that! This is it.

Judge: An empty... medicine bottle? I found this on the table in the Employee Area. The same table where Mr. Hammer and Mr. Powers ate. The label reads "sleeping pills."

Judge: "Sleeping pills"...?

Phoenix: The defendant, Mr. Powers, spent that entire afternoon sleeping. He was drugged... by Mr. Hammer!

He announced as that caused the gallery to whisper again in shock that Hammer actually drugged Powers with the pills, as the Judge quickly slammed down his gavel, getting everyone to quiet down.

Judge: Wait a moment... That bottle does raise some suspicions, yes. But there is no proof that Mr. Hammer used it.

Phoenix: Your Honor, I have an idea.

Judge: An... idea? Very well, let's hear it.

Phoenix: I want to check this bottle for fingerprints! If my claim is true, Mr. Hammer's fingerprints should show up on this bottle!

Edgeworth: Hmm...

Judge: I suppose you're right. Very well. The court will take possession of the bottle.

He said as the guard took the empty bottle to the judge, as he went silent for a bit before speaking.

Judge: This court will suspend proceedings on the current trial for today. Cody Hackin's testimony has revealed new possibilities in this case. In fact, things may have happened very differently than we previously thought. The Steel Samurai seen by Ms. Oldbag may have been the victim, Jack Hammer. The scene of the crime was not Studio One, but Studio Two. And those in the trailer did have time to commit murder. Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor?

Judge: Your homework is to find the answer to the following question: Why would Mr. Hammer steal the Steel Samurai costume? Also, who killed him, and why? Find the answers for me by tomorrow.

Phoenix: 'That's a lot of homework!'

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth.

Edgeworth: Mm?

Judge: You will need to reconsider your stance in this case. Above all, you will need to reconsider your suspicion of Mr. Will Powers.

Edgeworth: As you say, Your Honor. 

Judge: This trial will be extended until tomorrow. This is the last extension! Very well… Court is adjourned! 

October 19, 2:47 PM 
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 1 

Phoenix: Whew! That was a close one! 

Ryan: You can say that again. I was afraid of it getting worse. 

Mia: We were saved by a hair, but that’s all that counts. I thought seriously about going home about three times during the trial. 

Phoenix: M-me too! 

Ryan: Y-yeah I thought that too! 

Will: Really? You three seemed so… so confident! 

Phoenix: Hah! Maybe I should take up a career in acting? I was ready to pronounce you dead about three times back there. 

Mia: Me too! 

Ryan: I did think that also! 

Will: D-dead!? 

Mia: Hoh hoh. Of course, we’re kidding. 

Will: Are you sure? 

Phoenix: ‘I wasn’t kidding…’ Now, Mr. Powers. We have to go make our final investigation. But I promise you, we’ll find the true killer by tomorrow’s trial! 

Will: R-right! Thanks! *sniff*

To be continued. 

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