My Stepbrothers

By minluvr1

154K 5.6K 784

Y/N is a seventeen years old cute, loving, cheerful girl. She always has a wide smile that makes everyone mel... More

Twenty two
Twenty- Four
Twenty- Six
Twenty- Seven
Twenty -Eight


681 24 9
By minluvr1




Two days passed after the revelation, the seven decided to keep the information to themselves, they informed Y/N just that. She wasn't close with their dad or she doesn't have such a bond with him, he isn't eligible to know about it in the brothers' view.

Y/N answered all their questions honestly and openly without hiding anything. They were in this mess together after all. She shared every minute of information she was aware of.
She told them about Han-yeol and even why they broke up.

BTS  could picture her better, and see her in a new light. See the Y/N who was hiding behind all the facades and responsibilities was coming out with each secret. They can imagine how vulnerable she was, the duties were imposed on her abruptly and she wasn't ready for the heavy burden at such a young age. She wasn't interested nor was trained for this world yet she led the role beautifully and responsibly.

Even the traumas and phobias she developed after the attack didn't hinder her work, she didn't show any weakness and the brothers were immensely proud of her. They didn't hesitate to tell her that and kept reminding her of it for the past two days. She fought alone for almost 2 years and now she has seven brothers to support and fight by her side.

Y/N had been waiting for an opportunity to talk to him alone and the chance appeared when the rest went out for some personal needs. The only people left in the house were Y/N and Jimin.

Jimin wasn't himself from the day she revealed everything. His brothers and Y/N gave him the space needed and took care of him silently. Many nights she saw him emerging from one of his brother's rooms with red-rimmed eyes. She knows the others are looking after him, and even today they left them alone giving her the signal that he is ready to have the personal talk they both need for closure.

“I knew something was going on when they all had things to do and left at the same time coincidentally,” Jimin said, opening his room's door when she knocked.

“I agree they are bad at being subtle but don't you think it's a long-awaited talk? They wanted us to have it as soon as possible but had been patient for both of us.” She replied with a chuckle. When she looked at Jimin all she saw was a shell of himself which could break at any moment if it wasn't handled with care.

“I, I don't really know what I want to know? What to talk to you.” Jimin talked into the silence enveloped in the room.

“The person whom I loved the most, whom I couldn't move on from even after death isn't who I thought it was? He has a side I don't even aware of. How much is the Rowan I know is the true? There are a lot of answered questions surfacing through my mind. It's making me insane but the only person who could answer isn't even alive.” He continued, and he was right these weren't questions she knew or could answer for. But she know more than answers Jimin needed someone to rant on. Hurt can't be measured but they both share a similar type of loss that made him more comfortable with her than others.

They talked about Rowan or Jiji the whole night. Both fondly recollected memories of him and with him. That's how the rest found them, cuddling in Jimin's bed talking animatedly to each other. Seeing Jimin's face pleasant and alive they left them be, even Jungkook didn't try to interfere.

“Do you wanna see where he is resting?” Y/N asked when they were about to fall asleep. She felt him tense and his hold tightened before he spoke up.
“Not, not now. I am not ready for that yet. It would be the final step, the last confirmation of his death, I'm not ready for it.” He replied so emotionally, that it took some time to calm him down so that he didn't have to do anything he wasn't sure of. He can always come to her at any time if he changes his mind.

While the rest was distracted the ex maknae was on to something the rest wasn't aware of. Unlike his brothers, Jungkook never had any memory of them or knew about them. When they all had broken memories of their father, mother, or sibling all Jungkook had was a ring of his mother which his dad gave him on his 15th birthday when he asked about them. He was thankful to their dad for keeping his original last name instead of changing it to Kim.

What their dad wasn't aware of was the secret behind the ring, he is sure his dad wouldn't have given it to him if he had known about it. Or maybe he is testing him even though the possibility is slim to none, their father wasn't that smart, but his mother was.

Jungkook is a sentimental child, his six brothers were the ones who raised Jungkook and they all know it and babies him a lot. They know his strengths and weaknesses, they were the ones who built the now Jungkook. He is physically stronger than most of them and they all know that but it didn't phase them at all. He was always their little brother and he was safe and happy there.

It happened when Dad gave them all the files containing details of their biological family. It wasn't hard for him like the rest of them, you can't miss something you never knew of. Or so he thought but opening that file alone was the biggest mistake he made. It was very much overwhelming for him. It was a very detailed file, containing every minute information of about both of his parents from their childhood. He was touched by their dad's dedication.

He looked like his father, he had an elder brother, who was only 3 1⁄2 years old at that time. It took Jungkook days and weeks to completely go through all of that, he wasn't emotionally prepared for that. It was when he was looking through that for the 3rd time when he noticed the ring. It wasn't his mother's wedding ring or sentiment one like he thought it was, she never wore anything similar to it. He thought Dad lied to him because it took some time for Jungkook to notice it. It wasn't a ring, but a pair of earrings worn by his mother. It was now locked together into one and formed a ring. He separated the ring back into two by moving it in some specific manner, like solving a puzzle. It wasn't just earrings, but small keys, to what? He doesn't know.

It was when he was searching for the answer he caught on another thing from the photos, his blood ran cold and boiled at the same time. It was a pendant his father was wearing on his brother's neck on his second birthday by the look of the banner in the background. Taking a look back, it can be seen on his father's neck on occasion, it's old even on his father, it must be a piece of family jewelry if he had to guess.

It isn't that which made him furious but the familiarity of it, he had seen it before, numerous times on Hyun-Jun aka Uncle Kang. He suspected something fishy between his dad and Uncle Kang, his brothers felt it too that's why they didn't want to share anything about Y/N with him. His dad had been covering Hyun-Jun for a long time, trying to distract their focus to other things or his brother. They have been catching up and this was the last straw for Jungkook. He is wearing what belongs to his father proudly after killing his family? He can't sit doing nothing. That's why he took matters into his own hands but didn't expect to fall right into a trap because of his impulse.


Thank you for the wait. Please enjoy the chapter and leave your opinions on comments.

Happy New year everyone 🎉

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