TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1...

By AlwayzzAndForeverr

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Book 1 of my Bennett Supernatural story... rewritten/updated This is an updated rewrite of my TVD story, Benn... More

S1: Characters
1)From The Perfect Start-
2)Night Of The Comet
3)Sport Is A Dangerous Game
5)Sexy Studs Fire Wash
6)Halloween Horrors
7)Happy? Birthday, Stefan
8)Emily Bennett
9)Bennett Hole In One
10)Faulty Decade Dance
11)Inhumane Hypocrite
12)Spelling Bennett Trauma
13)Miss Mystic Falls
14)Right Or Wrong?
15)Founders Day
S2: Characters
16)Happiness Is Overrated
17)Vampoline Carnival
18)Rings And Silver
19)The Moonstone
20)Masquerade Ball
22)A Blonde Distraction
23)Progressing The Plan
24)A Show Of Humanity
25)Vampires, Witches and Werewolves
26)Historical Learning
27)Dinner With A Dagger
28)The Martin Witches
29)The Power Of A Hundred Witches
30)Dance Till Your Dead
31)Klaus's Curse
32)Natures Goddesses
33)Sacrifice Ritual
34)The Hybrid Deal
S3: Characters
35)Hybrid Journey
36)Rebekah And Kol
37)Help At Home
38)New Year, New Trauma
41)Stolen Coffins
42)Happy Birthday, Caroline
43)Klaus' Obessions
44)Abby Bennett
45)A Double Brother Dinner
47)Mikaelson Ball
48)Natures Balance
49)To Link Or Not To Link
50)Never Let Me Go
51)Dance Of Immortality
52)New Beginnings
S4: Characters
53)Dark Consequences
54)College Try Outs
55)Hunters And Tombstone
56)Another Year, Another Crown
57)The Start Of Expression
58)On The Second Day Of Sacrifice My Hybrids Said To Me
59)Fifty Shades Of Mikaelson
60)Out Of Control Bennett Twins
61)The Bad And The Even Worse
62)Girl Gone Wild
63)Silas Is Going To Be Trouble
64)Forced Humanity Switch
65)Expression Triangle
66)Graduation Day
S5: Characters
67)Does This Count As A New Start?
68)Qetsiyah, What Do You Know?
69)Goodbye, Bonnie Bennett
70)Will This Woman Ever Die?
71)Anchor Me To Life
72)Therapist Bennett
73)Sorry You Haven't Moved On
74)Chris' Double Scandel
75)One Girl Gone. One Girl Returned
76)Blonde Wonder Twins
77)Other Side Of The Problem
78)Everything That Could Go Bad, Has
79)The End?
S6: Characters
80)A Quick Check On The Outside World
81)Twilight Zone Of 1994
82)Depressively Endless Months
83)Somebody's Watching Me
84)Will We All Make It Out Alive
85)Fighting For Survival
86)Strangers, Friends or More?
87)Parker And Bennett, Past And Present
88)Behold, The Gemini coven
89)Investing In The Little Moments
91)A Way On Both Sides?
92)Escaping The Prison?
93)The World Turned And Left Me Here
94)Spending Chris-tmas Alone
95)The Gemini Effect
96)Happy Birthday To The Bennetts
97)This Feels Like Time Travel
98)Back To Life. But Is This Reality
99)Snow Date In 1903
101)Preparing For The Worst
102)A Wedding To Remember

90)Can We Find The Magical Solutions?

257 16 14
By AlwayzzAndForeverr

<Don't forget to comment and vote>

Prison World,
Salvatore Boarding House,
3rd Person:

The first thing he felt was comfort and slight peace. A sleep that made him nearly forget where he actually was. Or was it the sleep? Chris opened his eyes and immediately noticed how his pillow was slightly too hard to be a pillow. I mean this pillow even had a slow and calming heart beat, it was slighly alive

This was until his brain reminded him of the events of the previous night. The long and versatile night around the house which ended when they finally made their way to the bed

He turned his head and saw that he was laying his head on Kais chest, or more that Kai was the one who put his head here judging by how Kais arm was draped down across Chris

Chris slowly and carefully tried to gently grab Kais finger to lift his hand off him and slowly place it down on the bed before beginning to try and quietly phase out and away from Kai before he woke up

But no matter how quiet he was, escape wasn't happening. The loss of heat and the sudden movement made Kai open his eyes and stare at Chris who had his back towards him as he tried to get from under the covers, unaware of the amused look that showed up on Kais face

Chris was about to slide out until he felt something begin to crawl up and over his back which made his shiver and begin to shake thinking it was a bug, until he then stopped jumping around and then realised it was no bug

Unless you counted the pest that was laying against the headboard with his arms behind his head watching Chris calm down chuckling a little "Well, that was a good morning"

"That was not funny, Kai"

"Maybe not from your point of view" Kai then slid back down into the bed and layed on his arm "But for me it was hilariously entertaining"

"Of course it was. Why wouldn't it be" Kai then reached out his hand towards Chris "What are you doing?" Kai then folded his hand over and as if to try and tell him to come closer to him "No"

"Oh come on, you can't be shy with me now. Not after everything we did last night" Kai smirked as he sat up a bit and moved over to Chris

"I'm not shy I'm just-" Chris then got caught off guard when Kai made them both fall on their backs back into the bed. Kai then wrapped his arms around Chris' waist and pulled him back into his arms

Chris felt his back shiver against Kais nude chest that pressed up against him. He was warm which slowly began to make Chris feel warmer "We should just stay here. It's not like you've got to be up" Kai then pressed his head into Chris' neck from behind

Chris knew this was probably a mistake. Kai seemed to have obsessive behaviour along with his sociopathic ways, and he was not helping it. Right now the closeness to Kai left little to the imagination, not that he needed to imagine anything after they had made their way around the house while getting busy with one another until they ended at the bed where they fell asleep over one another

'I wonder if he could tell' Chris thought to himself 'I wonder if he knows how much my heart is beating right now' There was a lot of Kai surrounding him for it being very early in the morning

"See isn't this better" Kai mumbled into Chris' neck "I prefer waking up like this" His gravelly, sleepy voice spoke which set off Chris' stomach a little "I'm guessing by the way I'm still in the bed and didn't get thrown across the room, you didn't have any bad dreams last night?"

"No, actually. I didn't" Chris rolled around so his face was now facing his. He knew Kai was close but didn't realise how close until his face was nearly pressing up against his own. He could feel Kais hot breath hitting off his face "No bad dreams"

"I guess you just needed someone here with you" Kai told him with a small pull against his own lip as he pulled his dark hair up and off his face

"Guess I did" Chris slightly smiled back to him

Kais fingers were creeping around, slowly sliding across Chris' hip up to his chest "Well, I'll always be here. Willing to chase the nightmares away"

Chris shivered a little as Kais hands caressed him, he saw Kais face pull up a little as he felt the way he was making Chris feel "I think we need to get up" Chris sighed

Kai hummed at him while looking up as if to show that he was thinking "Erm, no. I don't think we do"

"But we do, Kai. Food is a must"

"What is it with you and your food routine. You're in a prison world. There's no society. No reason to do anything. Besides be here, in bed, with me" Kai smirked as he traced his fingers up and down Chris' side

Chris was looking at Kai and thought he was cute. Usually his mind would go to a guy being hot, which he did when they were having sex for most the night. But right now laying in bed with Kai obviously trying to tease him, he looked kind of adorable with his messed up bed hair and pleads to stay laying down together "But Kai-" Chris whinned

"Don't 'but Kai' me" Kai mocked his whining voice which made Chris smack his bare chest with a slight chuckle which Kai was now mimicking instead "What are you so afraid of? Can't be me because, well, you can't be afraid of someone who gave you that much pleasure" Kai pumped his eyebrows to Chris

'Oh my god, he never stops' Chris thought to himself "If it was up to you then I'd be here till I starved to death"

Kai hummed "Quite true. Alright, I'll compromise. Either we stay like this for a few hours, or I can join you in the shower?"

Chris laughed at him a little "How is that a compromise?"

"It's a compromise where either way I get what I want" Kai shrugged without a care about his slight selfishness that Chris found slightly funny "Now it's up to what you want? To lay here in the bed, or up against a wall with me against you?"

"What makes you so sure it would be me up the wall?" Chris asked him

"You're not seriously asking that are you? How about you ask the house walls? Pretty sure they've memorised my name because of you" Kai said which made Chris go slightly red from the embarrassment, he then tried to roll over to look away but Kai grabbed Chris' chin and pulled him back "Come on, spare me the shame" Kai then kissed Chris "They're not the only thing that will memorise me" He winked to him

Chris immediately thought 'right' he then turned quickly and jumped off of the bed which sent Kai into a laughing fit. He was in a very hot and bothered state right now which Kai was very amused by. Chris knew he had to get up and out before any thoughts Kai was having also invaided his mind "I'm going to go and hop in the shower now. Could you make something for us for when I get out?"

Kai sat up back against the headboard, pulling a pillow behind his back to be more comfortable "Sure I can" The bedsheet fell down off his chest down to his hips where Chris noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothes at all, and if they went any lower then he would be exposed to something he had already felt for hours the night before "If you had manners that is" Kai grinned


"I do love when you say my name"

"Kai!" Chris shouted at him but when looking down at Kais smug smile he knew that his was stubborn nature wouldn't let him budge until he got what he wanted. Chris gave him a heavy sigh "Fine. Please"

"That's nice but I don't know what your saying please for with an attitude like that"

"Fine, I'll make my own stuff" Chris walked, slower than usual, over to the draws and picked out some clothes for himself before looking back towards Kai who was still staring at him with a neutral face as if he was waiting "Are you really not going to move?" Kai continued to stare at him "You're such a child"

"Then I should take you to prison. You did some very unchildish things with me. I feel a bit violated now" Kai said rubbing his chest trying to annoy Chris even more

"Oh my god" Chris sighed to himself in a whisper "Kai, could you please go downstairs and make us something to eat?"

"Now isn't that better. Don't you feel all is right in the world now"

"Sure. Now leave me for a while. I'll be down to meet you"

"Can't wait" Kai smiled

Chris then began to walk over to the ensuite with a slight groan in his step which he tried to hide that made Kai tilt his head and chuckle deeply to himself "What is so amusing now?" Chris turned to ask him

Kai tried his hardest to keep his egotistical laugh to himself "Nothing. It's nothing. Just go and shower" As Chris disappeared behind the door Kai shouted "Don't move to fast. You'll hurt your ass" Kai then jumped out of the bed, grabbing his clothes quickly before Chris came back to throw things at him

Real World,
Whittmore Bar:

Damon was sat alone, drinking his typical order of burbon in the bar where Olivia worked at. That was until Elena walked in to join him in the empty building, she immediately went and sat next to him "You should've brought me with you" She complained to him with a slightly raised voice "Well first you should've told me that Chris was alive, and then you should've bought me with you"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Chris before his own sister" He said in a sarcastic tone "Plus Ric had more frequent flier miles. And he also remembers who I am" Damon sipped his drink not looking at her after his little moment

"Okay. I deserve that" She accepted with a nod before thinking "So the three of you spent four months together?"

"Yep" Damon answered her question

"What did you all even do over whatever that was?" She asked curiously

"We mostly argued with one another. Cooked food, ate the food. Me and Chris went through this monopoly phase but he caught me cheating one of the times and he flipped the board at me then refused to play for a month" Damon chuckled at the memory

"Yeah, never cheat with Chris at anything. You'll only learn the hard way" Elena laughed along with him

"We all talked. A lot. Apparently there are a lot of words in the English language and Bonnie knows just about all of them"

"Yep" Elena nodded "This may sound pretty strange but, I'm glad you all had eachother"

"Chris sacrificed himself so we could get back. Hmm. Wow" He sipped his burbon again in disbelief "For as irritating as he was, Chris is a very good listener. He'd listen to me for ages. I think it was because while he had someone like his sister, someone connected to him while I didn't. I just had the two people who annoy me the most. But when the opportunity of escaping arose he made sure we were safe before thinking of the consequences for himself" Damon smiled to her

"What kind of things did you talk about?" Elena asked him

Damon pulled a daft face at her "What do you think?" He said meaning her, she nodded understanding that

They talked a little about the present events on everything going on. About home, about Chris, their relationship which Elena removed from her head and couldn't get back "So, what's it gonna be?" Damon asked what she wanted to do about her feelings of whether she wanted to stay on her normal path or follow that spark she began to feel about Damon... again

"I don't know?" She grabbed his hand and held onto it after she had shrugged "I've spoken to Caroline, I've spoken to Bonnie but I think I may need a third opinion on this? Any chance you could help us get my best friend back? So I could ask him about you?"

"What do you think I've been doing all this time?" He chuckled in responce "Come on. Lets finally do it. Let's bring him home"

Prison World,
Salvatore Boarding House:

Chris was having a very nice and extremely needed shower in Stefans fancy bathroom. Hoping that it would clear his mind. Unfortunately it cleared his mind about everything other than Kai

As the water dripped down him he could only think about Kais wondering hands going over him

"Fine. I'll shut up... but you won't"

Kais voice going through his mind as he remembered the memory of him being thrown unexpectedly onto the couch. The rough kisses. His body that made him not want to push him away, to cling onto him as he slowly got taken over my Kais possessive nature that really shown when they got to the bed

Chris wondered what had gotten into Kai recently. Was this all an elaborate plan that his sociopathic mind thought best? Or maybe it was from the both of them being together for too long in this world. He understood that Kai needed attention but cursed himself for only lasting a few weeks before litteraly hopping into bed with him

If he ever got out Chris promised he'd never be able to step foot into Stefans room in the real world ever again

Chris then turned the shower temperature down more as his thoughts began to make him get into the bothered situation again. Thinking of how it would be if he had let Kai in the shower with him. He had seen every inch of Kai, but wondered how they'd look when being covered in water, the way he knew Kai would want to pin him against the wall and-

Chris wasn't religious, expecially after entering the supernatural life, but he knew that right now he really needed Jesus or something

When they first found Kai in the Prison World the first thing Chris did was trap Kai in a ring of fire, not long before he killed him with a pickaxe, ran him over and then stabbed him again

Now he was scared Kai had some power over him. Chris knew how it felt to be manipulated, after all its how he got his magic that he couldn't use right now. But it didn't feel like manipulation. It made him concerned if he would even know the manipulation was taking place

Chris sighed in frustration as he stepped out of the shower 'Screw you, Kai' He knew he needed to erase these inappropriate thoughts before going back downstairs

Chris entered the kitchen and immediately the smell of pancakes entered his nose. Chris amusingly chuckled to himself in his mind over a certain thought; ever since Chris told Kai about Damons amazing pancakes Kai has tried to make even better one's to prove that he could indeed create better pancakes

Kai was very determined to be the better cook as it was the main thing he had been doing for the last 18 years, going around the world to random restaurants and teaching himself to cook

Kai glanced over to Chris when he saw him walk into the kitchen and stand beside him leaning up against the kitchen side to watch Kai flipping the pancakes over with a spatula in hand

Chris saw Kais eyes skirt over him before returning back to the pancakes. Chris couldn't deny those blue eyes of his that he wanted to question why they stopped looking at him

"You finally decided to come down" Kai smiled as he set up two plates of pancakes on the counter beside Chris "I was beginning to think you slipped and died in there. Which would've been terrible. I'd rather not be in here alone again"

Kai picked up his plate and walked past Chris after putting his own topping on his pancakes with a small smirk. Chris then did the same and finished creating the pancakes with his own personalised toppings "So, I've been thinking-"

"That's dangerous" Kai interupted as Chris sat down on the opposite side of the dining table as him

"I've been thinking that I don't to stay here, alright. I want to get out"

"Oh my god, really" Kai said in a sarcastic tone "It's great you've got the magic to do- Oh wait"

"Not funny. But I think instead of moping around here all day every day until I grow old and drop dead while you stay young forever. I want to escape"

"18 years, Chris. If there was some secret getaway hatch on this planet I feel like I would've found it by now. And I thought you were biding your time until your sister or friends come get you? Have you given up hope?" Kai asked him

"No" Chris said knowing that everyday that was slowly becoming the truth. What if they couldn't get him out? He knew, and hoped, that at least his sister would never give up "But, if they're figuring out a way I can't just sit here and do nothing. I may aswell try and find another way just in case"

"And am I involved in this illustrious escape plan of yours?" Kai questioned as he inserted a cut up piece of pancake into his mouth

Now this was a question. The whole point of Chris sacrificing himself was to keep Kai trapped inside his prison. And he knew that as soon as he got out he would want to kill numerous amount of people, and as much as some of those certain people probably deserved it, he couldn't help but think he would have some blame if he was the one to break Kai out of the Prison World

"Chris?" Kai waved in his face when he wasn't answering him, making him a little suspicious to whatever Chris was thinking

"Sorry, I was just-"

"Thinking about how you shouldn't let me out of here?" Kai hummed as he began to slightly stab his pancakes

"Kai, I just-"

"No! No 'just' anything, Chris" Kai slammed his knife on the dining room table making Chris jump a little as he stared at Kais gripped hand on the knife "You really think if you found a way out of here you'd be able to go without me? Huh?"

"I wasn't, Kai. There's no need to get so pissed off, a plan hasn't even been made yet"

"Yeah, a plan for you to just abandon me here"

"How should I know, Kai? I could let you out with me but you can't fault me for at least thinking of my actions. My conscience can't take if I let you out and you just go around murdering whoever you want"

"I don't want some random people dead. I want my father dead. I want to win the merge. I want what is rightfully mine" Kai told his as a slight demand as if Chris could do anything about it right now

"I know. I know you do"

"Chris, just don't worry about me" Kai said letting go of the knife to then calmly look to Chris "You're locked inside a prison world. Think about yourself. Could you really deal with being here forever? Your the one that came to me and told me you want to get out. Clearly it's what you want, it's what you need. Tell me why? Why did you come to this conclusion after so many weeks, and months?"

Chris thought about what to say. What to tell him. What he even wanted to tell him "I've been through a lot in this supernatural life of mine. I've survived vampires, crazy bitches, some of the most powerful creatures on the planet, people who have killed me but I somehow survive anyway. I just think that after everything this can't be where my story ends"

"Then don't let it be the end" Kai shook his head "Write your own story. Do what I do, if you want something, take it"

Inspirational. Chris thought that he was right. Although Kais version of take what you want was him murdering the last of his family, the message was still there

"When you did that you ended up in prison" Chris reminded him of his consequences

"Touché" Kai chuckled a little "But for ever bad person there's someone like you. My consequence was prison for killing my siblings, and you said you got killed and your consequences was a prize. A second chance of life"

And that second chance came from Grams, Chris began to think sadly about her. She found peace and her last action was to save him and Bonnie. And here he was wasting it. Wasting his life on the same repeated day when right now he should be in his college dorm with his sister and friends, or out partying to escape from exams

"When you put it like that" Chris shrugged looking down at his plate poking it a little with his fork "That's why I want to get out. Press play on my life again"

"See, I'm a very good conversationalist. I knew this mouth was good at other things" Kai said making Chris roll his eyes humorously "So, where do you think we should start?"

"We've basically got everything on the list. The Ascendant-"

"Which your still hiding from me?"

"Correct" Chris nodded before continuing "The eclipse and where to do the spell. My blood. Now all we need is some magic"

"You say that way too confidently. You sent your magic away"

"I know. But my magic is special. It's not like normal natural or ancestral magic. I think with enough time I could get it back"

"You've spoke about that before but I never understood? What's unnatural about your magic?" Kai asked him

Now this was the difficult part. How to explain to Kai about his magic that he only got because he was being manipulated and 36 people were murdered in a magic triangle. 12 of which he actively killed himself. He knew Kai would instantly point out the hypocrisy in him and his weird life


"What? Just tell me" Kai asked impatiently "What's special about your normal magic? I mean my powers are special. I mean I'm the only person I've ever known to be able to do this"

"My powers are slightly in a more dark type of nature" Chris slowly said making Kai intrigued when talking about darkness "I went through a stage of losing my magic and this guy said he would help to get them back. But secretly he was making a plan to resurrect this evil guy and needed this powerful outdated, slightly very banned, type of magic"

"And I'm guessing that's the magic you have now then?" Kai asked with his eyes slightly gleaming, he was very interested

"Yeah" Chris nodded

"How did you get it?" Kai asked

"What? I'm not telling you that"

"Oh come on, why not" Kai whined "Tell me. I mean what am I going to do with the information. I won't judge you. Look at who your talking to"

Chris took a long breath "To get this magic 36 people need to be sacrificed in a ritual" Kais mouth then fell open and hung in the air for a few moments until Chris reached over and slotted his mouth back together "You, erm, lost this"

"I-" Kai stuttered in disbelief "I was not expecting that. I mean I already knew that when it comes down to it you go overboard like when you killed me, but damn. You killed thirty six people?"

"What? No" Chris shouted "He organised those killings. I didn't kill any-" Chris then shut his mouth as he realised he was about to blatantly lie

"Oh my lord" Kai smiled which made Chris feel slightly gross at how he looked to be weirdly proud "How many did you kill?"

"This isn't something for you to enjoy, Kai. This was one of the worst times of my life" Chris complained while staring at Kai "So stop smiling"

"I'm sorry you know I can't. I can't help it" Kai gleamed a little more before falling back on his chair "You're such a hypocrite"

"Excuse me!"

"You kill how many people in a litteral ritual. In here before escaping you killed me. And all I did was kill four people and I've been in prison for 18 years" Chris stared at Kai unamused at what he was saying "Tell me I'm wrong"

Chris stood up off his chair angrily and walked to leave the room. Kai jumped up and ran after him "Chris, come on. Don't be like that"

"Leave me alone, Kai"

"So its okay for you to call me a murderer but when I do it suddenly its too far?" Kai questioned

"I am not a murderer! I know murderers, and I'm far from it"

"Clearly not that far, you hung out with Damon everyday. You just want to justify yourself but it obviously doesn't work. You hate that about yourself, don't you?" Kai asked sincerely

"Why does it even matter? It doesn't. So just leave me be"

"No" Kai said grabbing Chris' arms and sliding his hands down until he was grabbing Chris' hands "I will not leave you be. If you listen to me I can help you"

"How the bloody hell can you help me?" Chris said trying to look away

"For one you could learn a few things from me. Maybe you think I'm evil or a terrible person, but it doesn't get to me, or hurt me. Because I like who I am, and I feel that you need to adopt some of that self confidence or even selfishness into your life"

Chris was in deep thought. Very deep thought as he looked into Kais blue eyes that seemed like they held all the answers. He'd never met anyone like Kai. He was confusing and mentally challenged Chris on a daily basis. Sometimes Kai wouldn't leave him alone, following him like a lost puppy while some other days he would just disappear or only want to stay in the next room on his own

Kai seemed like the kind of troubled person he could like. Much like the troubled guys he had had an interest in before. But he just couldn't handle it when Kai pulled a 360 on him and went cold, acting like a complete stranger. He always had to remind his own brain 'He is a sociopath. It's how he describes himself'

Its like he was two people in one. The guy who just moments ago was squeezing the life out of a butter knife with his anger and the guy who was now squeezing his hands in a gentle manner

This truely was a mental prison. Kais mental prison for 18 years began to now feel like his own mental prison. Like some kind of god was putting him to the test against this charming but dangerously unpredictable guy

In any second he could be gutted by him without remorse and two seconds later he'd try and manipulate by pretending to be a healer

In the full face of it, Kai was giving Chris some serious whiplash

But maybe being selfish was what he needed. The murders that took place way back when happened due to the selfish act of killing 12 witches to save his sisters life. A sister who was planning to bring down the walls of a supernatural purgatory

"That is true" Chris said making Kai a little stunned "Most of my problems stem from my needs to help and not be selfish. And even when I am selfish, I get conflicted and it ruins everything"

"See, what good is being good when you never get anything good out of it" Kai grinned at him

This made Chris chuckle a little "Thanks, Kai. For trying to make me feel better"

"Anytime" Kai then let go of Chris' hands and clapped his own "Right, searching for magic time?"

"Magic time" Chris nodded and so they both settled down for the rest of the day, and night, with all the Grimoires they could find in the town radius to try and find a way to discover how to recover one's magic

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