Demons, Swords, And Other Thi...

By Peachyyy1023

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Unsurprisingly, you died! Congrats! Now you've got an annoying demon that fails to babysit you, along with a... More

(Name) Almost Dies After Dying
Scaring The Village Children With Fire
Apparently, There Are Consequences To My Actions, And Nobody Told Me
The Favorite Child (Spoilers, It's Not You)
Dragging The Marines While Your Father Sells You Off
Secondhand Smoking (The Fun Way)
Fun Times With Four Eyes
My Issues Are Now Your Issues
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Not So Sweet Dreams (Nightmares, Actually)
King Sai The Backstabber
There's A Reason You're A Demon
Sai And Smoker Fight For Custody Over You
A Few Steps Back
Timeskip To The Timeskip Before The Timeskip
Don Krieg Would Like To Speak To The Manager
Man With Three Swords Too Angry To Die
Arlong The Walking Fish Stick
You're Not Allowed To Help Because Cannon Hates You
Roronoa Emergency Room Zoro
My Work Here Is Done (You Didn't Do Anything, Though?)
Criminal Or Not, Sometimes It's Nice To Be Wanted
The Hatred for Bounty Hunters and Mountain Bandits Runs in The Family
The Clown And The Casanova
Cursing God And Baking Cookies
Red Nosed And Red Faced; Buggy's Been Caught Red Handed
Theft Isn't a Hobby, It's a Lifestyle
Call Me Ishmael (My Captain Just Punched a Whale)
The Sixth Father Figure (But Really-- Who's Keeping Track?)
God Hates You, But The Feeling's Mutual
Cooking Up Testosterone
Don't Worry, It Gets Even Worse
Zoro Sends 100 Bounty Hunters To The Shadow Realm
Becoming Crocodile's Doormat (Speedrun)
May I Say, You Look Particularly Dashing and Absolutely Terrifying Today?
You Drink Tea. I Drink Anarchy
Not To Self-Diagnose, But Something Is Wrong
Crooner Is Plagued by Horrible Visions (Like Father, Like Daughter)
The Memoirs of a Clown's Apprentice
I Feel Funny (Fatal Character Flaw)
Dr. Disrespect Has Entered The Chat
The Prettiest Boy In The World
I Don't Need To Heal, I Need To Harm
The Real Housewives Of Alabasta
Um, Sir? Your Man Tiddies Are Showing
Gucci In The Desert
Yes, Sir Crocodile
The Most Cursed Game Of Tag Ever Played
At Least Your Kidnappers Are Hot
Bad Pirates Get Put In The Shame Cage
Mood At The Moment: Mischievous
I Don't Care That You Broke Your Elbow
Don't Care, Didn't Ask, Cry About It
Revenge Is Better Than Rest
Your Taste In Men Warrants Therapy
I'm Self-Diagnosing, Something Is Wrong
There Is Only One Correct Opinion And It Is Mine
Current Regret of the Day: Why Did I Ever Tell Them That?
Bella, Where the Hell Have you Been, Loca?
Taxes Are For Nerds. Commit Tax Fraud
The Horrors are Endless but I Stay Silly
I'm Too Young to Die a Whore
Welcome Back to Fact or Cap
No Question About it, I Am Ready to Get Hurt Again
All You Had to Do Was Try

I Am In Misery

313 25 16
By Peachyyy1023

        After you had seen how stupid Zoro looked stuffed inside of a barrel, you headed inside to sit out this meeting. You didn't have to be present for everything. Not all of the crew ended up experiencing the same things. You'd all have your moments– of either strength or weakness. It was no secret by now. Everyone was going to have different experiences.

Also– you just felt like not doing anything but baking and stuff. It was time to be a fun little goblin who made cake in an oven that wasn't yours– for a person whose birthday wasn't even close.

You also thought that it was a smart idea to stay hidden for now– your biological father was Crooner. What if the people you met had a profound hatred for him? That wouldn't be good for you. Good thing you had a cloak– and if that one didn't work, Kosai could hide you.

Plus, sitting through all of this was getting tiring. You wanted to have fun with everyone.

"You can't always do this."

You huffed softly. You hadn't gone to your room. You had instead gone to the kitchen to start making Robin's welcome/birthday cake. Eating something sweet sounded nice right now. The crew deserved it, anyways, with all of the shit that was about to go down. Once you reached Mock Town– that was the point of no return.

Because after Mock Town was Skypiea. After Skypiea was Long Ring Long Land– where you would encounter Aokiji trying to kill Robin. Then, after that, you would arrive at Water 7, become felons charged with attempted murder, burn the Going Merry down in the ocean, pick up a new crew mate, and... just... everything!

Skypiea was exciting– but good god, were Water 7 and Enies Lobby some of the most action packed arcs ever! Robin would regain the will to live, you would hopefully be beating Kaku up and sending him to the shadow realm– and after that– you were going to look for a fight with the Marines that Garp has in his Naval faction.

Not to mention– Thriller Bark was definitely one of the arcs which was fast paced and equally as horrifying. At least you'd be able to see Perona.

Kosai hummed. "Is that a heart I see?"

You stomped on it without needing to look, and instead turned your attention to the kitchen's window. That lingering tiredness had faded away. You'd watch on, like you had done before. "No, don't worry about it."

"Why're you just watching this like it's a movie?"

"It's funny. When does the sky turn dark? I want to see that."

The statement made Kosai sigh. "It's going to be like the beginning of the apocalypse."

Another hum left you. Through the window, you watched as the three boys were sent down into the water in their barrel scuba suits. A little while after that, right when you went to check the oven, you heard commotion– the arrival of the scavengers. Scavengers of which the rest of the crew did not know about.

I'm totally getting an ass-beating later from Nami. Your nose crinkled before you switched your gaze back to the oven. I could start a fire if I wanted to. I could burn this fucking kitchen down.

"What is wrong with you?"

You think I know? You could take this entire fucking ship down right now–

"God– at least let Merry die with dignity."

You started to get some ingredients for frosting out, continuing to talk to Kosai. It wasn't about arson or destroying everyone's dreams, since apparently, it was a 'horrible thing to do', but instead about what was to come. You were excited and terrified about Skypiea.

Enel? Horrifyingly strong but also... hot? You think?

"No, you don't."

You weren't too sure what you thought about Enel either. Plus– you didn't know how he'd look in real life. If he actually looked like Eminem, then you would be evacuating Skypiea as fast as you could– by any means necessary.

Kosai was concerned by your wording. "What do you mean by that?"

You don't need to worry about it. You were thinking of the ways that you could jump off of the sky island and survive. That fall won't kill me, right?

"It most certainly will– and you certainly WON'T be doing that!"

You're no fun.

Kosai sputtered, "I'm supposed to protect you!"

I'll be fine. A drop from the atmosphere wasn't going to kill you or anything. You had water to break your fall.

"It's not the fall that kills you! It's the stop at the end!" He fumed, angered by your stupidity.

You aggressively mixed up some frosting with your brow twitching. Logic wasn't real. The chaos unfolding outside was long forgotten as you entered your millionth argument with Kosai– who just had to complain about everything you thought about.

What's wrong with all of my plans, huh? Mixing faster, the corners of your lips also twitched. What's wrong with a little bit of danger? Nothing I do is right.

Kosai felt like he should eat all of the frosting once you were done with it– so he could annoy you and teach you a lesson. "You are the most dramatic person that I've ever met."

He's already said that– and if he didn't stop saying that then you were going to throw him off the ship.

"You wouldn't dare." Kosai could swim back anyways.

Weight in your options, your eyes trailed over to the corner. How does a time-out sound, you little bastard? Bad demons get a timeout, and if they try to protest, that only adds more time.

"I haven't been sentenced to that," He refutes.

You lowly hum. You could toy with whoever you wanted, and fucking with your friends, messing around with them, anc causing all sorts of mayhem was one of your favorite activities. It was some team bonding. You liked to build up your repertoire with them. Yet, you correct. You haven't been sentenced yet.

Kosai laughed at your audacity to even try acting all high and mighty. "Look, everyone! The girl who wants to be manhandled by Crocodile has an opinion and thinks she can order people around–!"

Wasting no time, you use a free hand to rip off your tattoo and chuck it at the corner. Kosai lands on the ground with a wet splat, and you reach down to your side and prop up Annan on the kitchen counter wall. "Wakey wakey, it's time to talk about death."

Annan, ever the enthusiast, sighs like you had just brought up a long-lost love of his. "One of my favorite things. What would you like to discuss about it?"

"You're not allowed to kill anyone at Mock Town. No matter how bad they are– and if they try to pickpocket me."

Annan's eyes narrowed from inside of the scabbard he was usually in. "I'll shout if they get near you, then."

With a shake of your head, one you're sure he can hear, Annan rolls his eyes. "No shouting. Since I have things to do, and people to avoid, we can't draw any attention. So, I'll have to hide my arms."

In a mocking tone, which Annan preferred to use when talking about enemies that he found feeble and pathetic, he spoke. "Scared of a few extra arms? At least they're not severed."

That made you wonder what Annan dealt with before he was sealed away in a sword. Not like you were going to ask. "Yeah, but if they find out I'm Crooner's kid, which they will if they see my face, it's not going to be pretty."

"Your face is gorgeous, what are you talking about?"

"Not what I meant, but thank you. My dad's probably pissed off a ton of people," You went on, swiping some frosting off the spoon and tasting it. Not sweet enough. "So there's bound to be a couple of salty bitches in Mock Town ready to jump my ass at any given moment."

"Why not stay on the ship?" Annan's suggestion was for your safety, obviously, and he clearly didn't want to see you getting hurt. You needed to work on that with him– if you stayed back on the ship all of the time, it would be too boring.

You denied this option. "I need to get a few things."

"Have Nami or Sanji get it."

"Nami. Make Nami get it," Kosai chimed in from the corner. "Anything that Sanji touches," Aside from food, "Needs to be burned immediately."

"It does," Annan agreed.

"Calm down! I'm getting it myself because I only trust myself with handling the letters! If I give Nami some money to buy albums for them, she's going to steal an album that's the wrong size and pocket the rest." You turned to the corner. "And demons in time-out don't get to talk!"

Kosai wanted to throw one of the chairs at you

"Keep on glaring and see where it gets you."

He turned away, grumbling.

"Better! Anyways– I'm going into Mock Town! That's final. I'll wear a cloak, like I said, and everything should go well. Kosai can just shield me if things go wrong."

Annan hummed along and listened to you rant about what was to come next. He was busy thinking about all of the loopholes that he could use– no killing didn't mean no harming. You never told him that he had to behave like a normal sword. What did normal swords even do? Not talk or have thoughts like little bitches. Annan wasn't a little bitch.

"--And then I have to avoid Bellamy– when I don't even know what he looks like! I know that he's blonde, and like... that's it. I know nothing else about him. Nada. Unless we're talking about that dumbass Devil Fruit. I'm gonna cut off his legs."

The sword's eyes dilated. "Do it," he said, breathless.

"I was kidding. That's illegal."

"Is it illegal to cut off someone's legs?"

"I'm sure it is."

"Show me the law that says that."

You wanted to facepalm– but all of your hands were covered in frosting. "I am not dealing with this behavior. You guys are being so bad today. I'll put you in the shame corner with your boyfriend and talk to myself like an insane person. I'll do it now– hot take: men should stop grunting when working out. It's disturbing."

That got a snort out of Kosai, causing you to give him the most atrocious side eye of your life, and Annan only hummed.

"Are you talking about the sounds that Zoro makes when he's working out?"

"Yes. I'm going to punch him in the chest if he doesn't start working out with duct tape on his mouth."

"You already punch him all of the time."

"And? That's because he needs to shower."

Annan asked, "When are you going to finally fight him? I've been itching to stab him ever since we've reunited."

Reunited? Were you and Zoro married or some shit?

"Ah, I don't know. He keeps on injuring himself whenever he gets into fights. Whatever– I'll find the time for it."

You probably wouldn't

"Are you excited to be going back home, Annan?"

The demon paused, thinking about it. His home was with you. That's what he accepted the day you both met. The thought of Skypiea hadn't really crossed his mind in a while. "I'm... I don't know, really."

"Well, that's okay. I guess it's going to be weird after being gone for so long."

"I suppose... Hm, I wonder how everyone else is doing– they've been quiet for a bit," You suddenly said, tearing your gaze away from the frosting bowl and turning to the window. "Oh, fun. The sky is black."


"Are those the sky people?"

You could not have worded that any scarier

~ . . . ~

"Those monsters were huge," Usopp said, chin resting on his arms as he gazed out into the sea. Chopper rested beside him.'

"Yeah. I hope we never see them again."

"You know what, Chopper?" The reindeer hums at the mention of his name.

"If I get serious, even those guys are no match for me," The curly haired sniper says confidently. Chopper guffaws.


"In the past, I've defeated ten of them at once!"

"Ten?! That's a lot!"

Nami stormed out onto the front deck, hands on her hips as she looked at the heaps of garbage that the monster trio had gathered from the depths of the ocean. "Hey! Did you guys forget what we were here for?! All you brought back onto the ship was trash and we still have no idea on how to get to the sky island!"

Zoro, who has never been happy a day in his life, frowned. "Hey! It was all we could find," He argued, "There was nothing else in it!"

"Though I don't want to agree with that moron, he's right," Sanji puffed out smoke. "This is everything we found."

Nami wasn't giving up. It was like the only smart people on the ship were her and Robin. (Name) didn't count. She was a traitor who decided to sleep instead of helping. "If that's really how it is– then information is even more crucial. Don't you get it? If we went into the sky right now, whatever happened to that sunken ship could happen to us too!"

"Well..." She did have a point.

"The info we have could mean life or death!" She went on, and kicked the pile of treasure, causing Zoro and Sanji to panic. "Look at this stuff! Rusted swords! Cutlery! Octopus! What I need are things like a diary– or sea charters! Not this junk!"


Nami glanced at Luffy, who was covered head to toe in ancient armor. "And what's that, Luffy?"

"Armor! To protect me from harm!"

Luffy tripped a second later. His face hit the deck and the armor crumbled to pieces around him. He lay there like a wet noodle, unmoving.

"AHH!! The armor shattered!"

Sanji attempted to get the navigator's attention. He held out a bright shell, beaming at her with love in his eyes. "Nami-swan!! I brought back a beautiful shell for you!"

"I don't want it, idiot!"

All blushy and lovesick, Sanji rubbed the back of his head bashfully and sent a look at Usopp, silently asking if he should pursue her. Usopp, knowing that Nami would beat his ass, waved him off. There was no need for someone to die today.

Nami stormed up the stairs, huffing. "The worst has yet to come..."

Robin smiled. "Seems as though there's trouble."

"Bunch of idiots," She side eyed the others. Luffy is shouting something about making takoyaki with the poor octopus that had been snatched from the sea in tow with the treasure. Sanji seemed on board– guess she's having takoyaki later. "Now I really don't know where to go next!"

To try and ease her nerves, Robin, the most wonderful woman in the world, handed Nami an eternal log pose. It was the least she could do for the girl. "For you."

"What? This is an eternal log pose! How did you...?"

"I stole it from that monkey's ship."

"Oooh..." Robin noted that Nami trembled. Odd, was she really that moved? Comical tears run down Nami's face as she hugged the pose to herself like it was a baby. Or something precious to her, like a solid brick of gold. "The only one who understands me is you!"

The ravenette sweatdropped at Nami's actions. "Seems like you've been putting in a lot of effort."

Nami traced her fingers over the letters carved in the wood. "Jaya... Must be their headquarters."

"Jaya?" Luffy mimics, leaning over the railings and staring at Nami. He's already got a tray of takoyaki– Nami had a feeling that the scent wafting through the air wasn't for nothing. It was insane how fast Sanji could cook something up. "Are we going there?"

"Shouldn't that be for you to decide?!"

"Alright!! Full speed towards Jaya!!" Luffy cheers, rounding up his two best friends, Usopp and Chopper. "To Jaya! Full! Speed! Let's go!!"

"Nami, which direction is it?"

"Left," Nami answers, hearing the kitchen door swing open behind her.

"Chopper, give me a hand here."


"Full speed ahead!" Luffy says again, stuffing his face with takoyaki.

You tapped on Nami's shoulder, expecting her to turn around with, oh, you didn't know, not a murderous look? Well, that didn't work, and even though you had a platter of takoyaki offered out to her, she was fully ready to hit you for just being in her presence.

"Hiya. How are we doing? How's it going?" You're already bracing yourself– there isn't much you can do with your skull. She'd definitely be putting a dent in it if she could.


You knew you were already testing fate by facing Nami after the catastrophe that had unfolded while you were making a cake. You had hoped that once Luffy decided to head straight for Jaya, she would forget that you skipped out on some forced team bonding.

"Uh, takoyaki? You want some?" You popped one into your mouth, chewing quickly and sweating intensely under her gaze.

Nami did not forget about your betrayal


She looked absolutely ready to throttle you


"Could you," Nami smiled, "By chance," she stepped closer, "Tell me what happened while you were gone?"

You, with your lips nearly sealed, try to shake your head and deny this request. But after seeing Nami's eye twitch, you relent. You were never that good at keeping secrets in the first place.

"So... you guys met that guy who looked like a monkey, er... Masira, right? Found an underwater ship," You glanced at the decrepit treasure on the floor. You tried to walk away, masking it as wanting to get close to the treasure, but Nami followed you. Godammit. "Nearly got swallowed by a giant turtle, and then the sky turned black before you saw the sky people."

"Sky people?" Nami's teeth grit together as the smile remained on her face. "So you know who they are."

You shrug. "With this world? Anything can happen."

She aimed a punch at you, which you ducked out of the way of, and she shouted again. "That doesn't answer my question! Are they real or not?!"


He launched himself onto you and almost took you down to the floor. That wouldn't be good– considering that you'd most likely get tetanus if you fell onto the treasure. His limbs tightened around your stomach and neck like a boa constrictor.

"(Name) can't tell us anything about the future!" Luffy protested, propping his chin on top of your head. You were trying to wrench his arms off of your neck, or at least try to loosen his hold on you so you could breathe again. "And I've already decided that we're going to the sky island!"

Nami huffed. "Well, can you tell us if we're on the right path? Is Jaya the place we're headed to?"

"You're the navigator," You said, smiling when Luffy's arms loosened around your neck. "But yeah, Jaya is the next stop. I do have some knowledge of some of the islands, even without my foresight. We can go."

"Full speed ahead!"

"Wait! Wait!" Usopp ran over and stopped Luffy in his tracks. "Doesn't that mean the log pose will set and record Jaya? We won't be able to get to the sky island!"

Luffy screamed. "STOP!! STOP HEADING TOWARDS JAYA!! Nami!! What's going on here?!"

Please stop yelling in my ear. You wanted to cry.

"Going to Jaya was your decision, right?" Nami put her hands on her hips, raising a brow.

"Yeah, that's right, but I didn't think it would turn out like this!"

Like what?? Can we please go to Mock Town? You expected Kosai to reply– but then remembered that you put him in time-out. Whatever. You'd talk to him later.

"You don't think in the first place," Nami points out. "So it's your fault. The log pose has always been like that."

The manipulation??

"Yeah, you're right," Luffy reaches forward and grabs one of the takoyaki out of your tray with his bare hands. "But I'm the captain! So I'll decide where we go! I wanna go to sky island!"

Nami humors him. "Sure. And how will we get there?"

"The fastest way is to ask around for info," Usopp chimes in, also shoving more takoyaki into his mouth.

"Right," Luffy agreed. "We can just ask around in Jaya."

You facepalm. This idiot.

"Well then, head for Jaya."

Once again, Luffy cheers, throwing his fists into the air in celebration. "Woo-hoo!! Full speed ahead! We're going to Jaya!"

Usopp clearly wants to knock Luffy upside the head. "Hey! We just went back full circle!"

Robin stepped in to save the day. You brightened when you saw her– you couldn't wait to give her the birthday cake you made. (Worried that Kosai would eat it while you were gone, you had asked Sanji to make sure he watches over that little rat bastard).

Anyways, Robin was comforting the crew with what she knew. "When we're there, the record won't be set that fast. We can head for the Skypiea before it sets, if that works."

"Hmm, then it's settled!"

"It'll depend on luck, then," Nami said.

"You shouldn't be too worried about it– Jaya's got a town port like I said."

The attention was directed back to you, the residential simp and fortune teller.

That got a sigh of relief out of her. "Good. Can we get supplies there?"

"I'd be careful once we dock. The only 'good' town there," Nami hated that you did air quotes, "Is full of pirates. I'll be going in to get a few things. I can even do most of the shopping if you want."

Zoro, who instead of taking a shower after being stuck in the sea water, was drying his hair with a towel as he spoke. "Won't they recognize you? You've got the most recognizable face out of all of us."

"True. I'll be wearing a cloak and my old oni mask... I should probably invest in a different mask, though. I've always wanted those comedy-tragedy ones. Anyways– I'll do most of the shopping if you guys want to explore."

Nami paled. "How dangerous is this town?"

"Pretty dangerous," You vaguely remembered Luffy eating an apple that could've been a bomb. You weren't going to warn him about it– he'd be fine. Hopefully. "They fight all the time– it's a lawless town. Just watch yourselves and you'll be fine. I guess... Don't stare for too long at anybody, mind your business, you get the deal."

"When will we get there?" Usopp asked.

"Dunno. Watch out for some dying birds, though," you warn, eating another takoyaki. Sanji was the best cook you knew. You loved that man to death.

Usopp paused. "The dying what?"


"Robin! Happy birthday!"

The woman turned to you, confused. "It's not my birthday."

You motioned for her to take the plate with a slice of cake on it. "I know– but it could've passed, or not– and I don't want to wait. New celebratory rule!"

You hear Sanji slam open the kitchen door. "Hey! Morons! (Name)-swan made everybody cake!"

At the mention of sweets, the more rambunctious boys sprint into the kitchen, and you hear the door slam back shut while Sanji continues to yell at them. Rip Luffy and Usopp. At least Chopper was in good hands.

You had already delivered Nami a decently sized portion, and Zoro could starve for all you cared. Right now, you wanted to talk to Robin. "So... happy birthday, whether it's late or early! We'll still be celebrating your birthday this year if it hasn't happened yet."

"Two birthdays in one year? That doesn't make much sense," Robin muses, taking the plate from you.

"It makes sense if you're a child of divorced parents."

Her brow raises.

"Oh, don't worry, I have, like, six dads." I am going to leave out the part of my mother being dead.

"Why do you sound like you want to laugh?"

How else am I supposed to deal with it?

"Talk it out??"

Ew. No. You give Robin a side hug, grinning. She was your therapy. "Welcome to the team!"

Zoro passes the two of you. "Where was this treatment when you first joined?"

You threw up a peace sign. "Sucks to be you, I guess. Go eat some cake."

He grumbles (it's more of a grunt, coming from him) and walks off.


Two of your arms are around Robin's side, and you see an arm sprout at her waist, right around where yours are, and she mimics you. She looks at you, curious. "If I ask, will you tell me my future?"

"I'm cool with it. Depends on what you want to know, too. And I only know so much."

"Where do you see me in one year?"

"Too far," You say. With that question, you don't know the answer, but you do know that Robin's dealing with an internal battle. One that's about to become external when you reach Water 7. Robin tries again, cutting off a piece of cake with her fork.

"How about a month?"

It's only been two months since I met the gang... so we're pretty close to Enies Lobby. You grin and plop down on the railings next to Robin, still side hugging her. "Not much happens– and Luffy says I can't say much in the first place. You're in for the long haul."

"Is the future always accurate?"

You want to shrug. "Dunno. What I've seen usually comes true, so I try to make sure it happens if it's something good."

"I see... Thank you, for the cake, and the info."

You feel so flattered that Robin is thanking you. "Of course!"

Seeing her chance, Robin sticks the fork, loaded with a good chunk of cake, into your mouth. You bite down on instinct, not wanting to waste the cake, and your eyes widen in a silent surprise. The woman giggles. Ah, did she know you didn't eat until everyone did? Damn.

"Is it good?"

You swallow and grin. "Very!"

. . .

. . .

. . .

"Are we there yet?"

If Luffy asked you that again, you were going to beat his ass. You were starting to think that Nami's violent tendencies were rubbing off on you a little too much. Yeah, your captain was cute and all, and somehow befriended everyone he met (aside from Crocodile and... well, everyone he's ever gone after), but annoying his own crew was something he had become too good at. Way too good.

"You deserve it," Kosai grumbles. "That corner was cold."

You're not impressed. And you're a demon who can heat himself up.

First, he whines about not getting the largest slice of cake, and now he won't get off of you. You were the victim here. You were taking one for the team. "I don't know. I'm not a compass."

"You see anything, Usopp?!"

"Not yet!"

Nami strolled around the deck. Things were suspiciously calm. "Hmm... The weather has been steady for a while. We must be in Jaya's weather climate already."

"Shouldn't it be close?" Zoro knew that they hadn't been sailing for very long since they left the area of the sunken ship and the scavengers. "That monkey guy said that the area back there was his territory."

You walk past him in favor of dumping Luffy onto his first favorite seat– Merry's figurehead. It was harder than you wanted to admit. You had to wrench his arms off of you– and then his legs, but the more you struggled, the more he refused to let go.

"Off. Get off." You're prying off a rubbery limb– and Luffy starts grabbing your face and cheeks the more you separate yourself from him. "Get on the figurehead."

"No way!"

"Luffy! Off! Now!"


Maybe screaming would help?



Maybe not. He's copying you.

Kosai, please. I'll give you candy and apologize about the time-out.

Luffy is thrown off of you without another word, and you can see that Kosai is firmly showing him onto the figurehead. You rolled your shoulders, finding that your back pain was coming back– slowly but surely, and sat down on the railings next to Chopper.

"I want konpeito."

You shoved your hand into your pocket, one of many, and pulled out a handful of sugar candies that were star shaped. They were luckily in a separate pouch so they wouldn't melt or get sticky. Luffy reached over to grab some, knowing exactly what he was doing (or not– you couldn't tell), and Kosai smacked his hand away.

Luffy whined, rubbing his hand. "Jaya... must be a spring island. It's warm!" He brightens, "It feels good!"

I wish I could be as cheerful as you. Now that my back hurts, I'm going to be in a bad mood.

"Spring is such a nice season," Chopper says from beside you. He smiled, looking up at the sky. "Even the birds are enjoying the weather."

"The birds?" You also look up. Not for long– because seconds later, all of them fall to the ground, bullet holes in their bodies. Chopper screams.


"Oh! Barbeque material!"


"A shot?!" Usopp –in the crow's nest– whipped his head around. "I didn't hear any gunshots! Nothing!"

Chopper summoned a pair of tweezers out of god knows where and pulled out one of the bullets. "Based on the angle of descent– it was fired from in front of the ship!"

You feel incredibly bad for the birds. Especially since Luffy wants to eat them. "How did you figure that out?"

Nami seemed to be on your side with this. "Someone shooting from an island we can't even see yet? That's impossible!"

"Sanji! Seagulls!" Luffy was already holding them up. "Let's eat!"


Usopp laughed, as if he was trying to comfort himself. "If that was true, with what kind of eyesight, using what kind of gun, and what kind of technique does the sniper have? The birds probably got hit and coincidentally fell down now."

It wasn't long before Jaya was in your sights. The port town– Mock Town, was soon visible. You were pinning a cloak to your shoulders as you stood with everyone else at the front of the ship.

"Wow! Not bad at all– it's a pretty good-looking town!"

"Looks like a vacation resort!"

Luffy eagerly bounced in his spot. "A resort?? Speed up! Let's go!"

"Yup," Nami grinned. "I feel like staying around for a few days here. Is it really that bad, (Name)."

You tugged the hood over your head, your wooden oni mask in your other hand. "You'll see." They don't believe me until it happens. It's kinda funny.

"Uhhh, those ships that are docked... They look like pirate ships." Or was Usopp just worrying too much? He did feel suspicious...

Nami lightly slapped Usopp upside the head for the remark. "How can you think a pirate ship can be openly docked in a public place?"

"Haha! That's right!"


A harsh screams splits through the air


Usopp, Nami, and Chopper burst into tears


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