The Horrors are Endless but I Stay Silly

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        Sanji's shout would've been a cause for alarm if you weren't there.

Your eyes are on Conis a moment later, and they travel from her wings to the harp she held. She's a lot prettier in person. The wings are pretty cool, too. You kinda wish you had some like hers. "Oh, that's just Conis. Don't freak out."

"How do you just know everybody's name?"

"Magic." you wiggle your fingers. You whistle and wave her down. "Hiya! Er– Heso!! Heso!" You call, and it catches Conis' attention. She had been strumming her harp but stopped after hearing your greeting.

She returns it with a smile. "Heso!"


"Heso?" Sanji mutters.

"Skypiean greeting," You mutter back, continuing to wave with a smile of your own as Conis comes down from her spot on the clouds. "Heso! We're from the Blue Sea!"

"I'm surprised you remembered."

Skypiea is one of my favorite arcs.

"Su, come here!" Conis ushers, and the fox that was glaring at you like you were Satan incarnate quickly bounded back to its owner. "The Blue sea, you say?"

"We flew up here from the bottom. Do you live here?"

The young woman nods. "Yes, I do. This is Angel Beach of Skypiea. Welcome!" Conis approaches and holds her hand out to Luffy. She's gesturing for him to hand her the pumpkin that he had been gnawing on. "Do you want to drink that? I can help you."

He hands her the pumpkin. "Really?"

Conis nods and takes out a small knife, carving a hole into the top before handing it back to Luffy. "The exterior is like steel so biting it is no use. Enjoy."


"WHAAAT!!? IS IT THAT GOOD?!" Usopp now wants some of the pumpkin juice. You want some too.

"I'm Conis," The girl introduces. "If you have any problems, come to me and I'll help."

The doctor of the ship holds up a pumpkin of his own. "Please open this one too!"

"I also have a problem," Sanji speaks up. "Your gaze burns holes in my— OUCH!"

Nami tugged on his ear, unamused, before tossing him to the side. "Go away." Her attitude does a 180 as she turns to Conis. "There's a lot of things we want to know. For starters, this is just unbelievable."

"Please don't hold back on any questions!"

Before Nami can get another word in, Zoro cuts in with a comment of his own. His gaze has been switched to the sea. "There's something coming from over there."

"Ah! It's just my dad, don't worry!"

"Step out of the way."

"Conis! My daughter!" He shouts, "Heso!"

"Heso, father!"

Luffy sweatdropped. "What are you guys saying?"

You all get a closer look as Conis' father nears the shore. You recognize that he's on a Waver, and the others don't see it– not until he sails right onto land and slams into a tree. You feel bad for wanting to laugh because it looked like it hurt.

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