Theft Isn't a Hobby, It's a Lifestyle

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       "Buggy, take (Name) and get out of here!" Crooner barked out. He was getting serious.

Crooner didn't want her to get stranded on Loguetown– he needed to get her back to wherever her crew was. Smoker made a move to grab the two. His arms turned to smoke, and it quickly billowed towards them, but he was intercepted by clouds of pure white.

"I'll never let any of you escape!"

"I'll be the judge of that, Hot Stuff!"

Buggy screamed in anger, gesturing wildly at the bottom –clearly missing– half of his body.

"How the hell am I supposed to run?! HE'S GOT MY LEGS!"

Don't laugh, (Name), don't fucking laugh, this isn't the time...

"Can't you fly?"

Oh, fuck. I think I'm going to start crying.

"Can't YOU do it?!"

Please, god, let me make it through this....!

"Do you want to fight Smoker?"

Entertained by Buggy's brat-like tendencies but honestly fed up that you had become a pathetic hostage, you shouted louder than all of them.

"Y'all think I'm immobile or something? You think I can't hear you all? I'm getting so damn bored, and I have somewhere to be! FUCK THIS! KOSAI, GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Kosai snorted. "Sure."

You were flung out of one of Crooner's clouds, which the man himself didn't even expect. They (Smoker and Buggy– Crooner only saw your aura) watched as you were dragged rapidly down the street by a gelatinous mass of black slime and eyes. Yep. You just flashily fucked off.

It was actually kinda funny to watch

Crooner sighed and shook his head. Once he turned back to Smoker, he lifted his blindfold up slightly. His eyes shone with interest (clear attraction) and a playful glint. (Name) had two out of three traits in that stare, and Smoker didn't like it. She was too similar and it was getting scary.

"I used to think you were a cold hearted bastard who wanted to capture me. What's with these newfound emotions and why aren't you directing them at me? Would've appreciated it when I ran away from you all those years ago."

Smoker looked unamused. He was ready to fight, but it was clear that his main concern was getting to (Name). That's all he wanted to do. And it was strange. Crooner didn't understand. He only huffed silently as he pulled the fabric back over his eyes. He resolved to fight without his vision, and he was prepared to do so at any given moment.

"I don't see where you're coming from," Smoker glowered.

"The emotional unavailability of yours was hot, Sweetheart." Seriously. I loved it when he treated me like a piece of shit. It was so exhilarating.

It was a true blessing that nobody could read Crooner's mind, lest they be scarred for life. He had quite the imagination and let everyone know.

Smoker tightened the grip on his seastone jitte as he also returned to a mostly solid state.

Six years.




Crooner had disappeared for six years, yet he hadn't changed at all. He was still the filthy and annoying pirate that Smoker remembered. The one he failed to catch. The one that always got away, no matter what.

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu