I Don't Need To Heal, I Need To Harm

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        You and Nami held hands as you snuck through the massive castle that Kureha had moved into, regardless of the previous owner's consent. Hand holding was mandatory when you were walking through the massive castle. What if one of you got lost? That's why you were holding hands.


No other reason

After Sanji pushed you back into your room in a flustered frenzy, you and Nami took it upon yourselves to explore after a while. You already knew that the Wapol fight was happening once Luffy rushed in looking for a jacket– and Nami graciously sacrificed her own, since you would rather die than part with yours.

You couldn't not do anything while waiting around. Nami thought the same thing. Why would you two sit around when you had a perfectly good chance to escape? You weren't about to waste three days sitting on top of a mountain when you could be sailing instead. You needed to see Crocodile as soon as you possibly could.

(Note: you never told Nami about the fight outside. You might get beat later, but it was okay since you didn't want to worry her.)

"Maybe because you'd be into it?"

Shut the hell up Kosai, I'm not a masochist.

"You are, and you admitted it."

Did not. You know you did. This is some wholesome hand holding anyways.

You peeked through a door before pulling Nami with you. You must've been in the main hall by now– considering the column in the very center of the room. Nami had her blanket pulled over her shoulders and she was comfortably wrapped up. You still had your Marine jacket which kept you toasty and nicely warm.

You were calm until you heard laughter from down below

Ew, Wapol. Why does he look like that?

"Don't ask me."

I'm going to ask him.

"He's going to try and kill you."

"Who are you?" Nami asked, stepping closer to the railings and looking down at him. You and Nami hadn't been seen by Wapol, so it makes sense that Nami didn't know who Wapol was in the first place. You were both sleeping when the encounter happened.

Wapol grinned evilly. "You must be friends with that Straw Hat boy."

"No, no. Not at all." Nami waved her free hand around to brush off his accusation. "We don't even know him."

"Oh. Really?"

"Really." He doesn't believe us. I can see it in his eyes.

"We're just some navigators passing by."

"We just needed some medicine, you see," You added casually.

"Goodbye, then," Nami said, pulling you along. She stopped for a moment when she saw Wapol start climbing up one of the pillars. You tensed up and your grip on her hand tightened. You didn't remember this happening at all. "Eh?"


You and Nami bolted, Wapol hot on your tails



"I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE–" His eyes went from Nami, until they were locked on you. You shrieked and started pushing Nami ahead of you when you ran down a flight of stairs. "--GET BACK HERE– YOU'RE CROONER'S BRAT, AREN'T YOU?!"

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