I Am In Misery

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        After you had seen how stupid Zoro looked stuffed inside of a barrel, you headed inside to sit out this meeting. You didn't have to be present for everything. Not all of the crew ended up experiencing the same things. You'd all have your moments– of either strength or weakness. It was no secret by now. Everyone was going to have different experiences.

Also– you just felt like not doing anything but baking and stuff. It was time to be a fun little goblin who made cake in an oven that wasn't yours– for a person whose birthday wasn't even close.

You also thought that it was a smart idea to stay hidden for now– your biological father was Crooner. What if the people you met had a profound hatred for him? That wouldn't be good for you. Good thing you had a cloak– and if that one didn't work, Kosai could hide you.

Plus, sitting through all of this was getting tiring. You wanted to have fun with everyone.

"You can't always do this."

You huffed softly. You hadn't gone to your room. You had instead gone to the kitchen to start making Robin's welcome/birthday cake. Eating something sweet sounded nice right now. The crew deserved it, anyways, with all of the shit that was about to go down. Once you reached Mock Town– that was the point of no return.

Because after Mock Town was Skypiea. After Skypiea was Long Ring Long Land– where you would encounter Aokiji trying to kill Robin. Then, after that, you would arrive at Water 7, become felons charged with attempted murder, burn the Going Merry down in the ocean, pick up a new crew mate, and... just... everything!

Skypiea was exciting– but good god, were Water 7 and Enies Lobby some of the most action packed arcs ever! Robin would regain the will to live, you would hopefully be beating Kaku up and sending him to the shadow realm– and after that– you were going to look for a fight with the Marines that Garp has in his Naval faction.

Not to mention– Thriller Bark was definitely one of the arcs which was fast paced and equally as horrifying. At least you'd be able to see Perona.

Kosai hummed. "Is that a heart I see?"

You stomped on it without needing to look, and instead turned your attention to the kitchen's window. That lingering tiredness had faded away. You'd watch on, like you had done before. "No, don't worry about it."

"Why're you just watching this like it's a movie?"

"It's funny. When does the sky turn dark? I want to see that."

The statement made Kosai sigh. "It's going to be like the beginning of the apocalypse."

Another hum left you. Through the window, you watched as the three boys were sent down into the water in their barrel scuba suits. A little while after that, right when you went to check the oven, you heard commotion– the arrival of the scavengers. Scavengers of which the rest of the crew did not know about.

I'm totally getting an ass-beating later from Nami. Your nose crinkled before you switched your gaze back to the oven. I could start a fire if I wanted to. I could burn this fucking kitchen down.

"What is wrong with you?"

You think I know? You could take this entire fucking ship down right now–

"God– at least let Merry die with dignity."

You started to get some ingredients for frosting out, continuing to talk to Kosai. It wasn't about arson or destroying everyone's dreams, since apparently, it was a 'horrible thing to do', but instead about what was to come. You were excited and terrified about Skypiea.

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