Um, Sir? Your Man Tiddies Are Showing

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That was a Sea Cat– It's habitat is the sandy island coast of islands like Alabasta




Zoro and Luffy jumped at the opportunity like a pack of rabid dogs– as if they had been starving for days. Oh, right. They had been. Because (Name) was too traumatized to continue fishing– and nobody else had her fishing skills. Zoro had his weapons out with a demonic look on his face and Luffy was right behind him in the violence department.



Nami, who stood blissfully unaware at the other end of the ship, checked the log pose. The smartest person on the ship was usually the most tortured. Case in point? Her entire crew was doing all of the torturing. Her orange hair was starting to get a bit longer– longer from her original cut. "Direction check... I hope we get there soon. (Name), what do you think? Are we near Ala...basta."

She sweatdropped when she saw that you were hyperventilating into a paper bag

"You okay?"

Your voice came out muffled. "Yep. Uhuh. We're almost there, Nami." You rocked back and forth, the bag crinkling as you inhaled and exhaled– the paper pressed over your entire mouth. "Almost there, almost there, almost there..."

"...I'm going to go get you a cup of water."

She turned around to go to the kitchen, leaving you to your own devices for the moment

You looked like you needed it– anyways


"It's retreating!"


"Put the ship in reverse!"

"You can't do that!!"

Sanji yelled, "Don't let it get away! Make sure you kill it!"


Vivi grabbed Nami's bo staff and used it to whack Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji in the back of the head. To add insult to injury, all of them ended up slamming into separate railing rungs– hurting them even more.

"Vivi-chan! What's wrong!?"


She huffed. "You guys can't do that. In Alabasta, Sea Cats are sacred creatures."

Chopper stared in awe as the Sea Cat disappeared underneath the waves. His eyes were close to sparkling, and they were full of wonder. "There are so many things in the ocean."

Usopp's legs were trembling as he sat down next to Chopper. "Hahahaha... You're still a k-kid if th-th-that stuff s-scares you...!" He recovered in seconds, putting his hand on the hips, getting ready to spout some nonsense to impress Chopper. "Okay! Time for me to tell you about the time I bravely fought with sea monsters, or sea kings, on the calm belt."

"With sea kings??"

"Yeah! The giant kind!"

Luffy gnawed on the wooden railings, tears running down his face. "M-My food got away..."

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