There's A Reason You're A Demon

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        Your birthday had come and gone, and that stupid swordsman who you were supposed to confess your "undying love for" (thinking of this man had become more of a chore than anything) was nowhere to be seen. When he finally decided to pay you a visit, you'd be beating his ass whether he liked it or not. Your time was being wasted worrying about him- which you were just done for by now.

Why would you be so concerned waiting for some succulent to come bother you, eat your food, probably insult you, before fucking off entirely? You didn't want to deal with that. Nobody wanted to deal with that. He'd probably fall asleep if you tried to talk to him.

You were glad that he hadn't shown- you had no stresses about the plot anymore. All of your planning was more or less complete (save for the very important events) and that meant you could devote your time to doing what you liked.

Zoro could show up whenever he wanted, as long as it was convenient, and then he could be sent on his merry way.

That only left you one thing to worry about.

The wedding

You weren't even that worried about it. Most of the preparations had been done in your absence, and the outfit you chose to wear only had to have its final modifications and such.

May Rose-- the bride. You had talked with her frequently, and she was a very nice woman. Humorous, happy, very smiley-- she was like a ball of sunshine. She stood shorter than you, but only by about an inch. You were glad that you were a bit taller, but unfortunately, you weren't as tall as that beanstalk named Roronoa Zoro.

You swore one day you'd grow taller than him out of spite

"You're a little over five and a half feet tall-- You're... Probably going to keep on growing."

I better. I better be taller than almost everyone on the crew. Your gaze hardened as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You didn't like that it was in your room. When you were done dressing yourself up, you put the sheet back over the mirror and sighed.

"You look nice, (Name)."

"Thanks Bae. I try to look my best."

He hummed. "You're welcome."

You patted down your outfit as you looked at Annan. He was leaned up against the side of your desk.

"Good thing dad said that I could bring you along. The only rule is that you can't talk. Something about "scaring other people"."

Kosai hummed. "Makes sense. There's going to be a lot of royals attending. Along with May's five kids."

Holy shit I forgot that I had to deal with five more people. At least I'm still the oldest. You rubbed your temples as you sat down on your desk table. "Annan, no matter what, you can't stab anyone unless they're Celestial Dragons, okay? They're those hippopotamus-built motherfuckers that dress like dollar store astronauts. We hate them, okay??"

Annan blinked. "I'm allowed to stab people. Really?"

"Only Celestial Dragons."

"Your father doesn't associate with them anyways. He wouldn't invite those degenerates to the wedding in the first place."

You breathed out a sight of relief. All you had to do was be on your best behavior. It wasn't that hard.

"Ow- shit!" A twinge of pain shot up your back and you hunched over. It was another one of those aches. You better not be dying now. You had been routinely feeling back pain every few days or so, but you didn't think you were injured at all.

Demons, Swords, And Other Things That Nearly Killed MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin