The Most Cursed Game Of Tag Ever Played

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       "Shh! Shhh!! Shut the fuck up and sleep!" You hissed out, arm wrapped around the throat with your hand covering the mouth of one of the guards.

You had already used the door to take the first one out– the poor guy got knocked out after trying to stop you from kicking it down. It somehow gave him a black eye– but he might have gotten it from something else. From what? You didn't have a clue. You were too busy strangling someone so you could flee. You had already waited long enough for Miss All-Sunday to get to the meeting.

You weren't going to be sticking around long enough for Crocodile to come around and talk to you, even if you were curious. They would find your empty room instead of you. You had to get back to your crew. It had already been too long. They must be at Yuba by now. If not Yuba, then on their way to the next location. Was it... Here?

Goddamn, I'm horrible at remembering the finer details. Ah, if only Kosai was here. He'd be able to tell me. Luffy's next destination might be here– Oh, that means Tashigi and Smoker might show up too.

You vividly remembered Luffy spitting out water on the two. That was funny– you needed to start picking up your game if you wanted to also witness stuff like that. Hopefully, one day, you will also have a great moment.

I feel like I'm forgetting something... Hm... What was it? It's gotta be important...

A lightbulb went off above your head before you directed your attention to the thrashing body securely in your hold. Right– escaping. You had to escape. You were lucky that there were only two guards at your door. Anymore, and you would've accidentally caused a commotion. (And that door slam wasn't exactly discreet)

"Shit– I forgot you were there!" You nearly laughed. "Go to bed like a good boy!"


"Sleep! Go to bed!"


"...You're kinda weak, aren't you?"


"Damn– How long is this gonna take?! I don't wanna snap your neck so hurry the hell up!"

He went limp and you dropped him like a hot coal. You loved Crocodile with all of your heart, along with his various crimes against humanity (you were joking, somewhat), but you needed to go. Immediately. Thank you for the meal, Sir Crocodile, even though you prefer him to be the snack, but it was time to leave. Crocodile was in a meeting right now, meaning that Robin must've been attending too.

That gave you your next cue– The meeting had some of the highest ranked Baroque Workers. That meeting was held in Rainbase. This was probably going to be the most stupid thing you would ever do– but no harm no foul. (You were going to fucking die out there, weren't you?)

You didn't want to wait for long, so you sprinted down the opposite direction that you felt Robin go in. You saw multiple windows as you ran by. Oh– There was a city! Your room was facing the desert. Thank goodness you were near civilization. Your footfalls were silent– god, it felt so nice to be able to run freely like this again. Since you had gotten sick, you couldn't terrorize your friends with your impressive speed. You were getting off-topic, but still.

The building you were in– It was the casino, wasn't it? You were most likely on one of the upper floors then. Casinos had some nice rooms– but you didn't want to know what went down in them. You were definitely given one of the nicest ones.

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