Secret of An Alpha: Repercuss...


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(Sequel to Secret of An Alpha: Retribution.) Alpha Luke knows the truth. He is struggling to forgive his mate... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Part two - Recollection
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four

Chapter thirty-eight

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The drive back to their Packs was filled with laughter and drunken conversations. Rolus laughed at stories Luke told of when he was young.

The road was deserted, and outside it was a nail moon. Not much light, but Rolus was content with just the moon, no matter how small it was.

Rolus drove off the tar road, and entered a gravel road. They had about forty minutes 'til they reached their Packs. It was trees all around, and Rolus could hear night animals going about. The breeze was just right, the air splashing his face, and hair flying a bit.

He looked back at Luke, who had somehow fallen asleep in the backseat. He smiled, then focused back on the road. He let the happiness consume him because he knew that when he got to his Pack, it was going to be hell. And he was sure that Robert was out for blood. The call they had with Council Magdeline was reassuring. She was going to eradicate the punishment. That was a relief.

Now, all he was left with was to convince Luke to merge the Packs. He knew it was going to be a long process, and they would be met with uproar from the Elders and both their Councils.

Luke wanted to retain both their titles, and visit each other. He didn't want the Packs merged. Luke just didn't understand how it was already hard for Rolus to think of going their separate ways when they reached their Packs.

He smiled when the only sounds that filled the car was Luke's soft breaths. That filled Rolus with a sense of calmness.

When he turned a curve, Rolus felt the car puncture. He frowned, looking out into the wilderness. He checked the time, and saw that they only had about twenty minutes before they reached their Packs. He kept the headlights on when he exited the car to check the damage.

The front tire was flat. He crouched down and saw spikes on the dirt road. He was flabbergasted.

He abruptly stood up when he heard car tires. He bumped his head on the car, cursing. The bright lights blinded him. He placed a hand over his eyes, shielding them.

Rolus was taken by surprise when he felt hands grab his shoulders, and he thought he felt something prick his neck. He couldn't tell because the next moment he was drowsy, then he slumped against the person holding him.


The next time he awoke, he was in a dark room that stank. He could feel the chains on his hands and feet, that somehow he could feel were laced with something because he didn't have the strength to tear the chains apart.

He was lying down on a wet floor. He couldn't see clearly in the dark because whatever was laced on the chains was suppressing his powers.

He moved around, head pounding. He tried to get a feel of his surroundings with his back.

The memories slowly came back. He groaned, his head feeling like it was splitting into two.

He was with his mate. Luke. Where was Luke?

He panicked, searching desperately with his body for a second body. He couldn't detect him with the bond.

He didn't notice it at first, but he felt the drip of something wet. He looked up, willing his eyes to adjust.

When they adjusted, he gasped, and then coughed. "Luke!" he cried out. He thrashed, trying to break free.

Not his mate.

He froze when he heard the metal door creak open. The light from the hallway spilled into the room, making Rolus look at the condition of his mate. Luke was hanging. His hands were bound above his head, and legs were tied together. His head was bloody, like he was hit with something strong. He was unconscious, blood stained his shirt.

Rolus looked at the person who entered. He growled when he saw Council Robert. He was with a guard, who was beside him.

"Robert! Untie him now!" Rolus ordered.

Robert had the nerve to laugh. The more Luke lost blood, the more closer to death he was.

"Robert, please let him go. Torture me, not him. Please let him go," he pleaded, sobbing.

Robert stepped further into the room. He had a paper with him. "Didn't I tell you that defying me will lead to this? You were so close, Alpha Rolus. So close to fulfilling the agreement. Imagine my surprise when you left your mate to run to this disgrace!"

Rolus tried to move to the wall so that he could sit up. The more he moved, the more hazy everything got.

"You thought having Magdeline on your side will let me dissolve the punishment? Where's that bitch now?" Robert bellowed.

"I'll reject him. I swear! Just let him go," he pleaded, keeping an eye on his mate from the corner of his eye. Luke was bleeding bad.

Robert scoffed. His strides were angry when he rushed to Rolus. He ripped the ruined shirt from Rolus, leaving him topless. He slapped his hand on Rolus' shoulder where his mark was. "You think I'm stupid?"

Rolus begged for his mate to be let go. Luke did not deserve this. "It was all me. I forced him to mark, I swear!"

Robert sank his claws into Rolus' shoulder, eliciting a groan out of Rolus. "I will torture you, Rolus Ashlane. I will kill your mate slowly, with you watching. You will wish you had followed my instructions." He clawed Rolus shoulder, and trailed them down to his arm. Rolus immediately bled.

Robert didn't waste time in the room. He left, and after, that guard of his came back with a bucket of water. He splashed Luke with it. Luke did not wake up.

The guard threw the remaining water at Rolus. Some got into his mouth, so he spat it out.

When the guard left, and Rolus heard the key lock, he slumped down on the floor, coughing. He stared up at Luke, willing him to wake up.

Rolus dozed off, still staring at his mate.

He slipped in and out of sleep. Sometimes he would hear the door open, other times he would feel himself being injected. When he was injected, he became so weak that he couldn't even open his eyes.

The next time he awoke, he couldn't feel his body. When he opened his eyes, Luke was not there. He panicked, and could only groan.

He would take whatever punishment Robert would bestow on Luke. He didn't care if his leg or arm would be cut off, as long as it was not his mate. Luke did not deserve any pain.

He said a prayer to the Moon Goddess. He prayed for his mate's wellbeing, that if she were to take one of them, it should be him. He prayed that the Moon Goddess take him instead of his mate.

The door opened during his prayer. He kept going. He didn't open his eyes until he finished. When he opened them, he saw that he was on a wheelchair, and he was being taken somewhere.

He tried to speak, but words failed to form on his tongue. His head was lolled to the side.

He saw the many turns they took, but failed to memorize them. His bond was suppressed, and he could not feel Luke at all.

They pushed him up the stairs, the many bumps shaking his wheelchair made him appreciate whatever they gave him that made him numb.

With his pride, he wished that no one was present, except Robert. He didn't want anyone significant to him seeing him this way- defeated, a shell, and invalid because of whatever he was administered.

When they reached the top, there was a closed door. One of the guards opened it. It appeared to be the rooftop. It was windy, and for a moment, Rolus was afraid that they were going to drop him off from the rooftop. But then he felt the coldest chill run through his numb body when he saw Robert, and beside him sat on the chair, head lolled to the side, was his mate.

Even though he was no longer bloody, the bruises on his face and exposed chest made Rolus mad.

When Robert noticed his presence, he stood up with his wine. He sloshed the liquid around, then downed it in one go.

"Good to see you're still alive, Alpha Rolus Ashlane. Well, can't say the same for your mate there. Anyway, we have a party. Come, come join us."

They pushed Rolus to Robert, then transferred him to the vacant chair next to his mate. Their hands nearly touched. Rolus tried to force his body to cooperate and touch his mate, but nothing happened, even a twitch. His heart was breaking. He just wanted to hold his mate's hand.

They still had a future together. They just fully mated for the Goddess sake! They had a future together, and to see it all crumble like this, it was maddening.

At least his mate was still breathing.

Robert came to sit in front of him. He crossed his legs, then leaned back. "You know, I thought of killing your mate cruelly in front of you. Make you beg, then watch you die inside. Then watch your Pack fall apart due to your grief. I'll watch you sink it, and this time, I'll make sure you don't find a replacement mate to hang on to life."

Even though he couldn't feel them, he was sure his tears stained his face. Robert didn't stop there.

"But then, I had the perfect idea that would deliver the heaviest blow. You would be relieved that this one does not involve killing. Be relieved, my Alpha."

Rolus was relieved. He didn't think there was any worse punishment than death. He feared the death of his mate so much that he didn't think of other ways to kill him ten times over.

Robert must have seen Rolus' relief because he smiled. He smiled and leaned to Rolus' face. "I wouldn't get that relieved, Ashlane because what I have planned will be a hundred times worse. Imagine seeing your mate, who you have fully bonded with, not recognise you as his mate. Imagine the recollection of you two being mates wiped off from him. How would that make you feel, Rolus Ashlane? I'm giving you two months tops that you wouldn't handle the separation."

Rolus felt his heart numb too. All the progress they have made, all the bonding they did- all wiped off because Robert was just a greedy old man.

Robert stood up, then snapped his fingers. The door opened to reveal a man who had a metal tray in hand with two cups placed on it.

Robert gestured for the man to come closer, with the others that wheeled Rolus in.

Robert cleared his throat, a scroll handed to him. He unrolled the scroll, then started to read. "Alpha Rolus Ashlane of Creek Pack. The Ashlane ancestors have agreed to a lifetime punishment that would be transferred from generation to generation if their mates were Alphas. The punishment was to reject their Alpha mates, and as such, would take a replacement mate. An alternative punishment would be bestowed may the Ashlane refuse to adhere to the punishment. In any case, death would be the alternative punishment. However, a better alternative has been found.

"Alpha Rolus Ashlane, you have been deemed unworthy of having your true mate by your side. The repercussions of your actions have need dire to the need of providing the Netlac method. You surely know what that is, right?"

Rolus didn't.

Robert chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course you don't know. Sometimes I forget that you're still a pup. Let me enlighten you. What I have here," he grabbed one of the cups and gestured for his men to hold Luke's head. "Is a portion called Netlac. When consumed, it wipes off the events of a wolf's years from their memory. I had a favor from someone who knows how to concoct it. Called in the favor, and voila! here it is. When he wakes up, he won't have a recollection of the last two years. What's even better is that he can't feel the mate bond. You're the only one going to suffer, Rolus. You'll watch him go back to detesting you, starting petty wars and wanting to kill you, but you wouldn't even know how to retaliate. You would just be a spectator in his life, watching him move on.

"What I'm saying, Alpha Rolus, is that you wouldn't be able to do anything but watch your mate not recognise you after you have fully bonded. That, is the greatest punishment. Oh, and worry not. I'll amend the punishment to include the Netlac method as an alternative to death."

Rolus did not know how to react. He watched as the men pushed Luke's chair to be in Rolus' view. He felt like he was going to puke his heart out when the man gave Luke harsh slaps.

Luke didn't stir. They continued to attack his face. Rolus didn't know why, but Luke bruised easily. When they saw that their beating didn't wake him up, Robert signaled for them to stop.

He mumbled something about weak Alphas and went to open Luke's mouth. One of the guards picked up one of the cups and emptied it in Luke's mouth. It oozed at the sides of his mouth, but Rolus was sure that some he swallowed.

He felt that his mate was dehumanized, and humiliated. His heart felt for him.

They grabbed the second cup, and forced the liquid down Luke's throat. This time, not much spilled out.

Robert then slapped Luke's cheek. Rolus thought for good measure.

"Now that that's settled, in a few hours, your mate will no longer be able to recognise you. How do you feel Alpha Rolus?" Robert asked, rubbing his hands together.

He gestured for the men to take Luke away, then sat in the seat Luke previously occupied.

Rolus wanted to kill the man for all that he'd caused him. He wanted to watch him beg for his life, whilst he ripped his throat apart.

He wanted to watch him burn for all he's done to his mate. He wanted to believe so much that the Netlac wouldn't work, but he knew Robert wouldn't bluff.

"I'm not cruel, Alpha Rolus. I'm just delivering the punishment as stipulated in the agreement between the Council and the Ashlanes. It wouldn't have come to this if you hadn't breached the agreement. You were so close, Rolus. So close! Now look what you made me do. You made me use the Netlac method." Robert sighed, clutching his forehead.

He stood up, then went to the door to call someone in. The man who came with the tray entered, with an injection in hand.

Robert turned back around to address Rolus. "I'm not cruel, Alpha Rolus. I have delivered the punishment. My job here is done. I'll come back around to hound the next Ashlane generation and I hope the next time, I won't have to go to this length. 'Til we meet again, Alpha Rolus.

Don't worry, my Alpha. I'll make sure my people return you to your Packs in one peace. Enjoy the rest of your lives."

Robert looked drained. Rolus guessed it was not so easy to separate mates.

Robert left, banging the door closed behind him. The man came to Rolus, then injected him.

The last thought in Rolus' mind was his mate and how it might happen that when they reunite, Luke would have no idea how they were mates.

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