Impossible love

By Tokiohotelfanzz

923 33 1

A girl called Alex is from the Japanese mafia, she is enimes with the leader of the Italian mafia named Lucas... More

character's part 2
†chapter 1†
†Chapter 3†
★Chapter 4★
†Chapter 5†
★Chapter 6★
†Chapter 7†
★Chapter 8 Part 1★
†Chapter 8 Part 2†
★Chapter 9★
†Chapter 10†
★Chapter 11★
†Chapter 12†
☆Chapter 13☆
~Chapter 14~
☆Chapter 15☆
~Chapter 16~
☆Chapter 17☆
~Chapter 18~
☆Chapter 19☆
~Chapter 20~
☆ Chapter 21 ☆

★Chapter 2★

49 2 0
By Tokiohotelfanzz

Lucas Lawrence

(Only one picture)


"Come in," I said to whoever was knocking at my bedroom door." Lucas, I need to get dressed. We are going to have a meeting with the Japanese family," said Father while he was coming inside." WHAT why the fuck are we having a meeting and especially with that witch of a person?" I said mad because I do not want to have a meeting with that family and I do NOT want to be near that witch."You will find out now get ready and when we get there I want you to behave, you understand that Lucas" I wanted to talk back to him but I don't like it when he gets mad, it's not like I'm scared of him I just don't

like cleaning his mess.

I just agreed and waited for Nick aka my father, it might be weird to call your father by their name but Nick doesn't really care as long as he knows that I know that he's in charge but not for long cause I'm turning 20 in 10 days so I'm going to be the new boss in the Italian mafia.

I didn't want to go fancy because it's not important but also because the witch is going to be there. I just wore a black button-up shirt and black pants with a necklace and some rings. I left my chest open just because it was hot. Today and of course, I had my gun on my waistband.

I got ready and knocked on the door of Nick's office," come in Lucas", I went inside and took a seat right in front of him.

"So when do we leave?"

"We leave after I'm done sending this email to Mr.Chong but for now stay here"


I didn't have to wait that long since he was almost finished when I sat down.

"Alright I'm done let's go"

We got up and went to the car "Do you really trust them that we're not going to take any of our men"

Like I know we're going to do a meeting and all but still what if they do something, It's not like I can kill them all but I still

"I know what you think but it's fine" I just sighed and stayed quiet until we made it to their house. Their house was big but not as big as ours. When we got inside I noticed that the whole house was black and gray.

"Welcome to the Japanese house, make yourselves at home, Alex will come down in a minute" Well that minute turned into hours because this bitch does not want to come downstairs.

When she finally came down she was in a black dress with a leg cut on it, black shoes, and messed up hair. I noticed that her shoulder was bandaged which means that she was hurt and was on a mission, I think.

When she saw me she started to get mad because I was here at her house. When she and Rick stopped talking she finally sat down and started giving dirty looks to me mostly.

When she sat down I saw her taking out her knife. I was starting to take out my gun before I saw Rick stopping her and taking it away from her, I also put my gun away. Right after Rick told something to her before looking at us. "We gathered you guys here today because we have a new enemy", Rick started talking then Nick after.

"But this is no ordinary enemy, this enemy is stronger than one of our mafia's alone so after today we are going to combine our mafia's and become one"


Alex started talking and she sounded mad and confused at the same time just like I was like why do we have to work together if we are enemies ourselves? I wanted to ask questions but I now remembered that Nick told me to behave so I just stayed quiet. But instead, Alex started to shout and scream so loud that I think I broke my eardrums.


"Alex calm down it's just until we kill them"



" Fine but if one of us wakes up dead you know who did it," she said turning to look at me.

" It's fine because YOU guys are going to go live at the other house"

" Wait a minute, what do you mean by us?"

" you and Lucas"

" Oh no I am not going to live with him"

" yes you are and before you get mad there's one more thing I need to tell you guys".

"What now?"

"You guys have to date or whatever you kids call it"

When I heard that I couldn't give a shit what Nick said, I will not be living with that witch and especially I will NOT date a witch. "OH NO WE DON'T," I said as I got out of my seat. I looked at Nick then at Rick " Who do you think you are to tell me what to do ?" as I said that Nick stood up as well

"Lucas I told you to behave yourself.",

"I do not give one fuck's about what you said, I will not be with that witch"

"Who are you calling a witch?"

"Me and do you got a problem with it"

"Uh yes the fuck, are you trying to begin a fight?"

"You really think you can bet me?"

" oh I don't know, YES"

"Oh really, " I said, starting to take out my gun" Oh right now"," you're scared you're going to get defeated by me", I said smirking right after. After she heard the words come out of my mouth she took out her knife and started to come charging right at me like a bull.

Right when she was in front of me I took the knife right out of her hand "Is that all you-" Before I could finish he took out another knife from her left leg and stabbed it right on my shoulder just like her. " You bitch that hurt '', I said looking down at her since in one foot taller than her. " Your welcome," she said, smiling up at me.

" Well since the show is over I should take Lucas home so we can back up his stuff," Nick said at the door frame. Alex let go of the knife and started to walk up, I took the knife out of my shoulder and groaned, and threw it to the floor before leaving.

Author note: I'm sorry I didn't update a new chapter because I have had a lot of work to do since the 2nd semester but anyway like I said I made this chapter a lot longer than the other one.

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