Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fa...

By BuckysDoll24

94.6K 2.3K 691

A teen wolf fanfic where Stiles has a twin sister called Roma Stillinski who is quite shy and very smart. She... More

📖Intro to the book📖
⚛️The book S1 Aesthetics⚛️
🎶Part One-Season One🎶
🪭S1.Pilot Part One🪭
🐺S1. Pilot-Part Two🐺
⌚️S1.Pilot part three⌚️
🏵S1. Second chance at 1st Line🏵
⌚️S1. 2nd chance at 1st line P2⌚️
💥S1. Pack Mentality Part 1💥
🐺S1.Pack Mentality Part 2🐺
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 1🚥
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 2🚥
🎠S1. The Tell Part 1🎠
🎠S1. The Tell Part 2🎠
📝Author Note📝
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 1♦️
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 2♦️
💱S1. Night School Part 1💱
💱S1. Night School Part 2💱
🕵‍♀️S1. Lunatic Part 1🕵‍♀️
🕵‍♀️S1.Lunatic Part 2🕵‍♀️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 1✴️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 2✴️
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 1🧁
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 2🧁
♾️S1. Formality Part 1♾️
♾️S1. Formality Part 2♾️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part One➕️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part 2➕️
💠Season Two Aesthetics💠
💮Part Two-Season Two💮
🐨S2. Omega Part One🐨
🦁S2. Omega Part Two🦁
🌫S2. Shape Shifted Part 1🌫
🐲S2. Shape Shifted Part 2🐲
‼️New Ocs Alert‼️
🪸S2. Ice Pick Part 1🪸
🪐S2. Ice Pick Part 2🪐
🪢S2.Abomination Part 1🪢
👥️S2.Abomination Part 2👥️
🎖S2.Venomous Part 1🎖
🎖S2.Venomous Part 2🎖
📷S2. Frenemy Part 1📷
📸S2. Frenemy Part 2📸
🩰S2.Restraint Part 1🩰
🔗S2.Restraint Part 2🔗
🎙S2.Raving Part 1🎙
🎶S2.Raving Part 2🎶
🪔S2.Party Guessed Part 1🪔
🕯S2.Party Guessed Part 2🕯
⚜️S2.Fury Part 1⚜️
🔯S2.Fury Part 2🔯
♓️S2.Battlefield Part 1♓️
🦋S2.Battlefield Part 2🦋
🦊S2. Master Plan Part 1🦊
🐱S2. Master Plan Part 2🐱
🦋The Whole S3 Aesthetics🦋
🌺Two Months Of Summer🌺
📸Part Three-Season Three A📸
🪸Roma Supernatural Side🪸
🪡S3A.Tattoo P1🪡
🎑S3A.Chaos Rising P1🎑
🎎S3A.Chaos Rising P2🎎
⚖️S3A.Fireflies P1⚖️
🎆S3A.Fireflies P2🎆
🧸S3A.Unleashed P1🧸
♨️S3A.Unleashed P2♨️
☀️S3A.Frayed P1☀️
❄️S3A. Frayed P2❄️
❗️New Oc Introduction❗️
🏨S3A.Motel California P1🏨
☝️S3A.Motel California P2☝️
🦚S3A.Currents P1🦚

🪬S3A.Tattoo P2🪬

871 29 8
By BuckysDoll24

I'm still locked away in a closet and I feel like my body is changing. It's still dark out from what I can see and I leaned against the wall." Look after them all, I know I don't deserve anything but don't let them get hurt or harmed," I whispered.

Suddenly the door opens and I see the twins, "We've brought you some food," Aiden says showing me sandwiches and a bottle of water." Thank you," I whispered.

Aiden and Ethan enter the room and sit with me Aiden gives me a sandwich and Ethan opens the bottle of water so I can have a drink." Open up," Aiden says showing me the sandwich. I eat the sandwich as he holds it in front of me and Ethan tips the water into my mouth.

"Thank you," I said softly." You're welcome," Ethan says with a soft smile." We should go but we'll be back later," Aiden says and they leave, I lean against the wall once more and I smile softly under the moonlight.


(Derek POV)

Issac went looking for Roma, Erica, and Boyd once more and he hasn't returned." Where the hell are you Issac?" I asked worried for his safety." You better not be harmed otherwise I'll have an angry Roma to deal with if she ever returns home," I muttered.

I looked at the map of Beacon Hills and continued my search for my mate and betas." Derek go and rest up, you won't be any good if you haven't slept," Peter says entering the room." Roma is out there, she's human and I can't risk losing her," I said sadly.

"Can you feel her?" Peter asked." I felt like she'd been hurt five times," I softly admit. "I'm worried about her as I'm afraid she has been bitten and I don't want to find her dead," I said sadly.

"We'll find them, go rest up Derek," Peter says gently. I softly nodded and headed to bed where I had Roma's jacket and laid with it across my chest inhaling her scent and providing me with comfort.

The next day, I woke up to missed calls and I saw Melissa McCall's message saying Issac had turned up but he needed to leave due to his injuries healing up. I left for the hospital and I made sure that I was ready for a fight if need be.

I got to the hospital into the elevator and headed up to Issac's floor to see Issac's room empty. I went searching for him and heard fighting in the elevator.

I managed to get the door open and saw one of the alphas holding Scott by the throat."Don't you know what you are dealing with? I'm an Alpha!" Enis growls.

I stab him in the back with his claws." So am I," I said throwing him down the hallway, and I stepped into the elevator." Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked snarkily as Scott glared at me.


I and Scott take Issac to the Hale house as I need something to help heal Issac.," So who was back there? That Alpha?" Scott asked hesitantly.

"A rival pack. It's my problem." I say. Scott looks at me confused. "I know you want to help but this is my problem so go home. Go back to being a teenager." I tell him."Hey, Derek? Any chance you could do something for me?" Scott asked with a smile.

Stiles has turned up to help me do the tattoo."Yeah, I see it. It's two bands, right? What does it mean?" I ask whilst looking at the tattoo through my red eyes.

"I don't know, It's just something I trace with my fingers," Scott said running his fingers over the space where the tattoo is.

"Why is this so important to you?" I asked."Do you know what the word "tattoo" means?" Scott asked."To mark something," Stiles says"Well, that's in Tahitian. In Samoan, it means "open wound.

"I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned eighteen. I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now, it makes it kind of a reward." Scott tells us

"For what?" I wondered."For not calling or texting Allison all summer. Even when I wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes... I was trying to give her the space she wanted. Going on four months later... It still hurts. It still feels like a, uh..." Scott says

"Like an open wound," Stiles comments."Yeah." Scott nodded."The pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt," I tell him."Ah, that's great." Stiles groans.

"Do it." Scott nods. I get a blowtorch out and light it up."Oh, wow. That's a-That's a lot for me. So, I'm gonna take that as my cue, I'm just gonna wait outside--" Stiles says leaving.

I put his arms out and stop him from leaving."Nope. You can help hold him down." I said pushing Stiles back."Oh, my God," Stiles says." Hold him!" I sternly say as Scott screams as I burn his skin. He passed out and woke up to his tattoo now visible and permanent.

"It worked!" Scott exclaimed."Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now." Stiles says looking at the visible tattoo.

"Yeah, I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happening to us... Everything just changes so fast. Everything's so, uh... ephemeral." Scott says with a smile.

"Studying for the PSATs?" Stiles asked."Yep," Scott says."Nice!" Stiles nods. They went to leave and they saw the front door was red on one side

"You painted the door. Why'd you paint the door?" Scott asked me."Go home, Scott." I tell Scott." Why only one side?" Scott asked."Scott," I warn him.

He scratched the red paint revealing a symbol."The birds at the school, and the deer last night just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha." Scott muttered.

"How many are there?" Scott asked."A pack of 'em. An Alpha Pack." I said leaning against the door."All of them? How does that even work?" Stiles questions."I hear there's some kind of a leader, He's called Deucalion." I shrug.

"We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and myself have been looking for them for the last four months." I inform them.

"Let's say you find them - how do you deal with an Alpha Pack?" Scott asked."With all the help I can get," I said. "Where is she? Where's the girl?" Isaac says groggily."What girl?" I asked.

"There's another thing," I said softly." What other thing?" Scott asked." Roma went missing two months ago and the Alpha pack has her," I gently admit." What?!" Stiles exclaims." You lost my sister?!" Stiles shouts  and lunges for me and Isaac grabs him." Back off!" Issac growls.

Stiles back up," She was doing her job as Luna and looking for her friends her family our pack," I tell them." So if they got her what does that mean?" Scott asked." They are going to use her to hurt me," I admit.

"Because she's your Luna?" Scott asks." No, because I love her and she's my mate," I said sadly."We'll get her back, they won't hurt her," Issac says softly." No, because if they do that's the last thing they'll do," I said with my red eyes flaring.

I stood in my old house with Isaac and we headed back to the loft as Scott and Stiles leave for home." We need to figure out how to find them, so if gonna ask Peter for help," I tell Isaac." Go rest now, I will wake you up," I said with a look." Okay, do you think we'll find her?" Isaac stammers." We will, we'll find them all," I tell him.


This chapter is done ✔️ Next up is Chaos Rising and the chapters are mixed Pov.

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Ready for the four Ocs to join the book?

Roma returns in Unleashed so get ready for her supernatural side!!

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