I refused the crown prince's...

By KunaTheTrash

52.7K 2.6K 359

My dearest Blanca, will you make me the happiest person alive and be my future queen. Francis James Solace, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 24

345 19 4
By KunaTheTrash

"I sure run into you a lot," Miko sighed, placing her bag down as she sat in the chair across from Anri's table. "It's almost creepy," she said, resting her chin on her palm, her eyes fixed on Anri. Black and stormy, with hints of silver, unblinking. Anri felt like an exhibit at an art museum, pulled and analyzed.

"I... this is the most popular cafe near the campus," Anri stammered, her face contorting beautifully with a mix of shame and anger. Her mind raced as she averted her gaze from the person who had seated themselves uninvited at her empty table.

"Hmm," Miko merely hummed and flagged down a waiter. She ordered without hesitation as if she had the entire menu memorized. With her introverted and indecisive self, Anri made no attempts to speak up. Everything Miko orders will be delicious anyway.

Anri fidgeted with her current favorite pen, an unassuming black-inked pen from the nearest general store. Her other hand scrambled hurriedly over the spread of papers, post-it notes, and other writing materials as she tried to subtly—but not really—shuffle them into one pile. Anri also didn't miss the male waiter's just as 'subtle' interest in Miko. The realization made Anri shift uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes dropping back down to her now lukewarm, half-empty coffee.

When the waiter finally left to fulfill Miko's order, Anri finally mustered the courage she shift her gaze back up to the college student in front of her. Her heart nearly jumped out of her throat when they made eye contact, internally screaming 'How long had she been staring at me. Since the beginning?'

"There is a very good writing course on the other campus, on the other side of the city," Miko mentioned, taking notes of the messy papers and textbooks. "I heard an old professor recently returned for a couple of lectures."

"I've already enrolled in his online courses," Anri murmured, biting her lower lip. "I'm here mainly for the art classes." She may be an aspiring writer, but she still hadn't given up on her dreams of becoming an animator.

"You have a project coming up soon, right? And a deadline for your anatomy class," Miko asked, her fingers swiftly gliding across her phone's screen.

Anri nodded dejectedly, her gaze dropping to her sketch layered in scribbles and crossed out notes. She doodled aimless circles in an attempt to distract herself. She couldn't help but feel disappointed; she had hoped their conversation wouldn't be so... awkward, so unfamiliar and uncomfortable. This is their first conversation in over half a year; that's like seven menstrual cycles.

What stung the most was the realization that Miko probably wouldn't have initiated any conversation with her, even though they shared the same general studies course and ran into each other every other day.

Her wild thoughts were interrupted by a ping in her pocket. She frowned, quickly digging the device out. Her heart stopped as her thumb hovered over the notification. An intricate snowflake insignia alongside "Koko has sent a message". An inactive chat she's visited time and time again. "These are-"

Miko offered a light smile. "Come to my photoshoot; perhaps you'll find the inspiration you were looking for."

Anri clutched her phone to her chest, her heart swelling with joy.

"And stop taking the classes I'm in."

And her heart shot right back down to her feet like stones as she absorbed Miko's sharp words.

"You're wearing yourself thin," Miko commented with a sigh.

Anri was about to retort when she stood up as the waiter returned to their table with an assortment of juice and finger sandwiches. With no shame, Miko took the plates off his serving tray and placed them all in front of her. Anri sat there, utterly speechless, as her watered-down coffee and unused textbooks were replaced by the food. Miko pushed the unfinished coffee and excess plates back onto the tray, utterly crushing any hope the nameless waiter might have had of getting her number.

"You're already unappealing as it is," Miko remarked, giving her a gentle pat atop her head. "Take care of yourself." Without another word, Miko headed up to the register to pay, dumping her change in the tip jar on her way out.

Anri, with her eyes wide in disbelief, watched her ex leave. Who the hell was she supposed to tip now? What just happened? That was an insult, right? Or was she worried?

Her face glowed red from embarrassment as she averted her gaze from every staff member in the shop. Desperate to distract herself, she swiped at her phone to the camera and inspected her face. Even after their breakup, Miko's words still affected her so much; she sighed and wiped at the dark circle and dry skin. She took a deep breath and hastily devoured all the food in front of her, leaving not a single crumb.

"Shit," she cursed with one glance at the time on her phone, swiftly sweeping up all her books and miscellaneous papers into her bag. She dug out a mask from her pocket and hastily left the cafe.

Then darkness overtook her. Serena groaned as she adjusted back to her current reality, blinking away the painful sleep from her eyes.

Why does her dream always feel so real? She lies flat against the bed and laughs bitterly. "It's like going back in time."

The scene in her dreams and her past life was the midst evolution between the Miko she had once dated and the Miko she married. The start to their second relationship. It was even referenced in my first published novel. And, of course, Anri attended her photoshoot, anything to pass the classes she paid for.

Serena pulled the bed sheets over her head, her face contorted in shame as she frustratedly kicked at the bedding. She just couldn't get Miko out of her mind after their breakup. Where is she? How is she doing? Who is she with? Is she seeing anyone? "I nearly went insane," Serena said, absolutely mortified. Anri stalked all her socials and every media coverage from her upcoming acting debut. She even followed her to university. "The school didn't even cover my major," she mutters shamefully. "I took up many online courses to fill the gaps."

Miko, of course, didn't take kindly to Anri's stalking and had said some really hurtful things, which Serena acknowledged as justified.

"Saintess!" Serena frowned, tearing the covers off herself, and glanced at the commotion beyond her door. The door burst wide open as a maid rushed in.

"Rose?" Serena propped herself up, puzzled by why Rose was on this side of the annex. "What's with all this commotion? It's too early for me to start my daily rounds."

"Saintess," Rose called out again, her tone pitched higher than usual followed by a series of ragged breaths, you would assume she had just run a marathon. Serena blinked, startled. Rose is usually so well put together. Today, however, she looked visibly disheveled, the pins in her hair were hanging on for dear life, her uniform crumpled in areas that shouldn't be, and she was missing a cuff on her wrist.

"The lady—Lady Blanca—" Rose's face lit up as she impatiently spoke the words between each breath that she couldn't quite form properly, her hands waving wildly.

"What? What happened to her?" Serena got up immediately, trying to ignore the dancing spots that appeared in her vision from the sudden motion. "Is she okay?" her mind conjuring up the worst scenarios in mere moments.

"Yes! She's awake," Rose manages between gasps in her voice. "Lady Blanca is awake."

Even before Rose finished her words confirming the lady's condition, the Saintess rushed out the door. Pearl tilted his head in confusion, then roared toward where his sister would be only to notice that Obsidian, usually sleeping next to him, was missing. He whined and roared in distress before making a snap decision.

Rose yelped as Pearl picked her up by the messy collar of her uniform and unceremoniously tossed her onto his back; then he ran after his mother. All that could be heard next were screams of terror as Rose clung to his fur for dear life. At any other given time, Pearl would be greatly displeased by the pulls on his well-maintained coat, but he lets it slide just this once. Pearl's got more urgent matters to think about.

Serena, several paces ahead of them, could barely register what was going on as adrenaline and her magic coursed through her veins. Her surroundings blurred as she raced down the halls. If not for the many visits she had made to Lady Blanca's chamber during the month, she would have undoubtedly bumped into a pillar, gotten lost, or crashed through a window from the third story. Seriously, having a giant floor-to-ceiling stained glass window should not be allowed.

With both hands in front of her, she pushed past the well-crafted doors. "My Lady," Serena threw all social etiquette out the window as she rushed in unannounced. Ignoring every human and non-human being in the room and rushed to the bedside. A literal halo effect and an angelic chorus—which was definitely methodically healing her; the lady should consider becoming a healer—framed Blanca's face.

"I missed you too, my dear Saintess." Blanca smiles warmly and lifts her bony—she must be fed immediately—hands to cup the ebony's face.

Serena does not ugly cry; a saintess does not wail, overcome by emotions, no she is just deathly allergic to... something. Those same bony fingers inched forward and wove their fingers together, resting on Blanca's thigh.

Pearl stumbled in happily crashing through the door, breaking the intricate framework. Rose whimpers sliding off his back. Victor gasped inaudibly, rushing forward and caught her before she landed on her feet. Pearl gave Rose a playful lick to her cheek, probably an apology, and pranced off.


Serena sighed at the invading voice. Snuggling deeper into the palm that is feeding her every form of nicotine and sarcasm she'll ever need for the rest of her life and then some. Far too lazy to lift her head to address the other people in the room who are respectfully giving them their emotional reunion.

"I suppose that means you don't miss us." Judging from the voice, Serena concludes it was indeed Scylla just moments ago.

"Hm" Blanca hums, the rumble vibrations into Serena's soul like hugging a purring cat.

Obsidian growled lowly next to the bedside, snorting smoke into Blanca's face. Blanca smacked one of her horns lightheartedly in retaliation. "Drop dead, as well." Obsidian snorts in response. The giant scaly lizard then pranced over to Pearl; they did a little greeting ritual of roars, chirps, and circling each other.

"Hey hey take it outside; you're ruining the decorum." Blanca chides the overgrown child, after their little greeting turned into roughhousing, knocking over a vase and breaking an arm off a chair.

Obsidian roars in protest, stomping her feet in frustration. Serena giggled at her bratty behavior and gently gestured for her to... and used some dragon magic to shrink her size a bit more. Pearl didn't seem to mind the scolding and also shrunk his size then continues roughhousing with his twin.

"My god, they've gotten fat." Blanca scrunched her face as she lightly stroke the Saintess's hair mindlessly. "What exactly have you been feeding it when I was unconscious.

"A warehouse was raided in the capital," Scylla says monotony, giving the worst reply she could've. She may as well have read the outrageous newspaper headline instead.

"You had the dragons roam the capital?" Blanca narrowed her eyes, a little defensively. When none of them decided to reply, Blanca sighs dismissively. "Where is the bill for the property damage?"

"They were bored." and so was I. Serena pressed her lips together and averted her glaring gaze.

"The nobles were stockpiling an illegal amount of food from the general public," Victor explains, what the sibling duo was up to whilst she was in her coma. "If we were to make a report and initiate a legal investigation, it would have been too late.

"Those greedy nobles are surprisingly fast on their feet." Scylla curled her lips in disgust. "Like our failed attempt to uproot a gambling branch for money laundering. They really know how to cover their tracks well." Anything to keep their mind off, they drowned themselves in work, effectively making themselves vigilantes.

"It would've been a waste if they all spoil. We gave out most of the food at a charity event." Serena blinks innocently smiling at the bedridden lady. "And if those greedy nobles want to sue, well." Anri pouts and looks at the platinum blonde. "You'll protect me, won't you?"

Blanca laughed. "Sure," she responds in a halfhearted manner. She turns her attention to the siblings. "Our mother and father are..."

"They are at the capital with the Emperor and Empress," Scylla said with a sigh; she lifts the crown of her head as if she had a mild headache. "The idiot made a bold claim that can't be ignored."

Blanca rolled her eyes, her hands still resting upon the Saintess's head, pouting and feeling wronged. Victor sighed, pushing his glasses into his face. His name doesn't even need to be mentioned; everyone knows who the idiot in question is being referred to, and no one bothered to scold her for her poor way of addressing the person of higher status than her with respect.

"The idiot-" Serena spat the word, laced in disgust. "needs a reality check." Her voice dies down to a mutter, digging her fingers into the bedsheets.

"The idiot needs a good smack, right across the face," Blanca huffs.

"Indeed," Scylla nods, as if not saying the actual name exempts them from any treason they are verbally committing.

"Ahem." Claire lightly coughs, grabbing their attention. "My lady needs rest." She spoke calmly, and with the help of Rose, she ushered everyone out. Victor begrudgingly abided by their words, while Scylla put up more of a fight, scowling a bit at the maid before reluctantly leaving. For a maid, Claire sure has a commanding presence.

"Saintess," Blanca called out quietly just as Serena was halfway through the door.

Serena turns her head, an immediate reaction, poking her head back into the room. "Yes?"

"Keep me company," Blanca smiles faintly, gesturing for her to return to her side.

Serena hesitantly glances at Claire, who only shrugged and left the room, leaving the two to chat freely. Serena watched the door shut with a light click and made an effort to lift her heavy head to meet the sheets of the bed. Self-consolation kicks in strong, with no confidence to look at the platinum blonde. The two dragons paid her anxiety no mind as they continued to prance around the room loudly.

"Come here," Serena obeyed, moving her feet slowly, approaching the lady.

"Why are you here and not at the capital?" Blanca began tilting her head slightly, her voice chillingly sweet.

Serena swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, consciously avoiding all eye contact as she fiddled with the buttons on her sleeves. "I took some time off to look after your condition." The volume of her voice diminishes pathetically with every syllable.

"Have you been eating?" The tone of the question was less harsh this time; Serena blinked at the sudden change.

The Saintess nodded; her fingers had moved on from the buttons to the edge of her sleeves, eyes glued to her dry, unmoisturized nails. Her chest starts to hurt from the thumping of her heart.

Her anxious heartbeat cuts off as a delicate hand appears and gently guides her chin up. Forcing Serena to finally look up, tilting her head back.

Stormy. Serena pressed her lips into a line. Why are the lady's crystal-clear eyes blurred in snow clouds? "I finally get to see your face."

Serena is suddenly overwhelmed by emotions. Yes, she was glad to see the lady again, speechlessly nodding with the words stuck in her throat.

The fingers on her chin grazed up the side of her face, cradling it. "You've wasted so much magic." Her crystal eyes dropped down to one of Serena's many magical gems. Her eyes lingered on a particular hairpin with an enormous crack in the black opal. Another gift from the lady. Blanca's eyes softened, to what seemed like guilt. "I apolo-"

Serena immediately shook her head. "Please don't apologize; it wasn't your fault. If anything, it is mine." Serena fished another hairpin out of her pocket, a clear gem with a blue undertone, stained red with blood. "This is imbued with my holy magic. It's supposed to heal, not bring harm." Her hands dropped to the scarring in her palms, tracing her fingers weakly along it. "And it was a gift from **you**." She spoke weakly, frustrated with herself.

"You haven't changed." Serena looked up, confused. Blanca only smiled knowingly, "I heard your voice."

Oh. Oh. Serena's eyes widened as the realization sank in. She knows, **I know**.

"I missed you," Blanca spoke with the gentleness Serena had yearned for since the beginning of her transmigration.

Serena nearly melted where she stood. "I-" her voice stuck in her throat.

Tears welled in her eyes, as she responded back with a small nod. Serena understood. In this reality referenced from the books and games she had familiarized herself with, she had found comfort in the goddess that gave her occasional company. But they were brief and **shallow**. But in the last month, she was even voided of those short interactions, and it saddened her.

"Shh" Blanca's hand gingerly clasped around hers, nodding knowingly at Serena.

This confirmation to her brewing theory she had weren't just her imagination; the person in front of her and the person she yearned for in her heart were one and the same.

"It's okay." Blanca rubbed soothing circles around her knuckles, then reached up to cradle her face, wiping the tears off her cheek with her thumb. Serena, with her mind bombarded with thoughts and chaos, barely registered the next couple of moments, where the lady pulled her down, connecting their lips briefly in a peck. "It's okay, so don't cry."

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